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The concept of quality in the managerial function

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In a globalized and competitive world, as we live in today, it is essential that managers are in tune with the changes and innovations that arise every minute, with the firm purpose of implementing continuous improvements in the organization for the which work and validate the importance of the managerial function within it. To generate competitive advantages over other organizations, the management team must strengthen its capacity and dedication, in order to achieve them.

In the present analysis, we will reflect on the concept of Quality. The concept of Quality, in our opinion, directly and indirectly groups the other concepts of the managerial function in modern management.

We will analyze the meaning of the concept of quality in depth, as a component of the competences that current managers must have, when making decisions and its impact on Modern Management, in addition, we will propose the purpose, the significance, its implications and the possible actions of the concept extrapolating it to the National Technological University (Unnatec), for which I work as a director, and thus fulfill the main objective of MIGU.

Reflection task

Analyzing the concept of the Management Function, from the perspective of the guru of modern administration and knowledge management, Peter Drucker, to achieve that the goals are aligned with the purpose of the company, each manager (executive) must also participate responsibly in the development of the objectives of the superior unit. Giving firmness to this concept, we compile the phrase of John D. Rockefeller "The good direction consists in showing normal people how to do the work of the superior people.", In order to consolidate Drucker's definition endorsed and concentrated in the following fundamental elements: A coordination of efforts, Establish a good communication system among staff, excellent motivation, objective supervision, delegation and reasonable empowerment,and the elements that make up the administration: Organization, Planning, Direction, Coordination and Control.

These functions make the modern manager assume the concept of quality based on knowledge of the external and internal environment of the organization. The manager must possess the culture of the quality management system, which intrinsically groups the concepts of: social responsibility, sustainability over time, the development of people, reputation of the organization, full transparency in its processes and excellent results. with a direct impact on society. With reference to quality, the Managers are the people responsible for carrying out all the Management activities within a company (Adreu, Rafael. Rosanas, Josep M. October 2010). THE MANAGER must be an expert in managing managerial skills and competences,especially in the ability to efficiently manage people, and this can only be achieved through adequate training.

In this training, we must coin the concept of quality, which every manager must handle in Modern Management, which is defined according to ISO 9001 standards "Quality degree in which a set of inherent characteristics (3.5.1) meets the requirements (3.1.2) ”. This concept is very subjective and depends on what people understand by quality, the definition given in the MIGU material is similar to what a manager must have, quality refers to the ability of an object to satisfy implicit needs or explicit, as well as compliance with requirements. Managing and guaranteeing it is an imperative for all organizations that want to be SUSTAINABLE and enjoy a GOOD REPUTATION.

That good Reputation with a vision of quality and clearly established values, commit the organization and the manager to fulfill their SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, as well as unequivocal leadership are key components for a successful quality culture that can help organizations obtain better results and greater SOCIAL IMPACT, according to new research from the ASQ and Forbes Outlook. To successfully lead and operate an organization requires that it be directed and controlled in a systematic and TRANSPARENT way. Success can be achieved by implementing and maintaining a management system that is designed to continually improve your performance and PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT by considering the needs of all stakeholders.

The Quality for the managerial in the management of the XXI century and the agile methodologies, guarantee a higher productivity in the organization, a correct execution of the planning and the organization, better remuneration and excellent development for his collaborators, greater contribution (economic, sports, cultural and financial) to society, competitive advantage in the global market, fostering collaboration and continuous interaction between workers and clients or users, as well as between employees and companies. THE PURPOSE of the concept of quality that a manager must manage, is a sine qua non element that through his leadership and his actions, can create an environment in which the personnel is fully involved and in which a management system of quality can operate effectively.THE IMPORTANCE of establishing and maintaining the quality policy and objectives of the organization; They will allow us to promote them through it to increase awareness, motivation, participation and ensure focus on customer requirements throughout the organization.

The direct IMPLICATIONS of assuming a Quality system in the organization, ensures that the appropriate processes will be implemented to meet the requirements of customers and other interested parties, to achieve the quality objectives, in addition to ensuring the availability of the necessary resources to meet our organizational goals.

Taking into account how essential quality is in modern management, I will bring to the Board of Directors of the National Technological University (UNNATEC), the proposal to implement a quality management system, in order to validate all processes and choose to the international certification of ISO 9001, so we will be in accordance with the guidelines of the modern management of HEIs and the regulations of the Five-Year Evaluation of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT), of the Dominican Republic. At UNNATEC there is an adequate organizational structure for the implementation of Quality in all its processes, which will make it easier for us to enroll in the certification path and transmit to the main Managers who must internally and externally manage the concept of quality in their management.


Throughout this reflection, we have been able to appreciate how the concept of quality in the managerial function is essential to achieve the transformation of organizations (Higher Education Institutions), according to the needs and context of the time.

The modern manager assumes the concept of quality based on knowledge of the external and internal environment of the organization. The manager must possess the culture of the quality management system, which intrinsically groups the concepts of: social responsibility, sustainability over time, the development of people, reputation of the organization, full transparency in its processes and excellent results. with a direct impact on society.

In short, extrapolating the concept of quality that a manager must handle to the National Technological University (Unnatec), will lead us to obtain the certification of all our processes and their direct and indirect implications, to be an Institution of Higher Education of international quality, compiling the phrase of the father of quality, the American William Edwards Deming "There will always be an opportunity for Improvement", is part of the organizational culture of Unnatec.


  • Adreu, Rafael. Rosanas, Josep M. (2010). Manifesto for better management. A Rational And Humanistic Vision. IESE Business School University of Navarra. Madrid Spain. P. 8.ASQ. A Vision of Quality and Clear Values ​​Are Key to a Quality Culture that Boosts Results: ASQ and Forbes Research. Business Wire (Spanish). 8: Available from: Regional Business News, Ipswich, MA. Accessed February 19, 2015.MIGU Community (2015, February 19). The profile and training of managers.Drucker, P., & Maciariello, J. (2008). Management (Rev. ed.). New York, NY: Collins.
The concept of quality in the managerial function