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The balanced scorecard applied to the management of a football club

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The WCC an application to the management of football clubs

The authors of the article “The strategic map of Real Madrid: the art of building a brand” explain that according to the analysis they made of the speeches of the president of Real Madrid CF, Mr. Florentino Pérez, and in light of the events that occurred, during His first management (later he would hold this position again) followed the methodology of the Balanced Scorecard or Balanced Scorecard and thanks to it a period of success ensued, which is not to say, it is still prolonged at least in the part Financial: It is the most valuable football club in the world.

The reason for this article is somewhat different because it is not intended to analyze the management of any club to verify compliance with the guidelines of the Balanced Scorecard, CMI, although some examples of specific elements that are observed in certain clubs will be mentioned, Rather, try to provide guidelines for the application of this management model to the management of a soccer club in Colombia, without ignoring that these could be applicable to any club in any country in Latin America. In these years when soccer teams in Colombia are becoming Public Limited Companies, in other words, private for-profit companies, it is intended to show how a good application of the mentioned tool can be very useful for the proper management of them so that their viability is guaranteed.

Before I must say that, in my opinion, many companies and their managers who try to use the CMI for management, still today do not fully understand the methodology and its objective, and what is done is a list of static indicators that are reviewed at the end of a certain period to verify compliance or not, which, since they have not been systematically and comprehensively proposed, generally do not allow the objectives set to be achieved.

And is that as the authors of the BSC methodology themselves mention, the CMI is not a control system. It is a management system where control is one more element of that system; It is a dynamic way of executing a plan in pursuit of short, medium, but especially long-term goals: “WCC measures should be used to articulate and communicate business strategy and to coordinate and align individual, organizational, and multi-departmental, in order to achieve a common goal. Used in this way, the Scorecard makes no effort to make individuals and units of the organization follow a pre-established plan, (which is) the traditional objective of the control system. The CMI should be used as a communication, information and training system and NOT as a control system. "

Is it possible then to apply this technique and other theories, somewhat conceived for manufacturing and commercial companies, to the management of a soccer team in Colombia?

Before theorizing about it, it is necessary to highlight some great differences that exist between the European and Latin American environment, which may make part of what you want to execute not be carried out in a good way.

Firstly, the economic differences, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean there is part of the "First World", around here, from Mexico to Patagonia in the extreme south of the American continent, we are from the second or third world. This influences, among others, the purchasing power, which is fundamental, as it will be seen, it is not only that the fans buy the ticket to enter the matches, but also acquire the shirt, the cap, and all the items that the area of marketing develop; It also influences the intellectual and cultural level of the fans, which I believe are decisive in phenomena such as aggressions between team bars, a topic that in Colombia has ended up scaring away the fans who were attending (I include myself) the stadium to accompany the team in the good and the bad.This complex situation will have to be handled by the teams if families are to attend the stadiums again.

On the other hand, the issue of the level of soccer observed, which is also a consequence of the level of economic development of the two continents. In some European cities it is possible, in certain matches, to see 6, 7 or more of the main figures in the world that could only be seen in a world championship. This of course raises the level of the game, which is why large sponsors prefer to allocate large numbers to these teams, because thanks to the mass media and the fascinating development of information systems, they manage to reach hundreds of millions of customers due to their attractiveness. of the game.

For this and other reasons, it may happen that the application schemes of the WCC model are different in terms of certain objectives, compared to that shown for the Real Madrid club in the virtual article, but the methodology is the same and is applicable to any model. of business.

Tool application

The first thing to do is a DOFA-type analysis (Weaknesses, Opportunities, Strengths, Threats) to define where you are. Once this is done, we would proceed to propose a Mission and a Vision, to define what we are and do and what we want to become.

In the case at hand, you must define what you want to be: simply a sports club that trains players, or a soccer team that “represents” any city, or an organization –Company– dedicated to the entertainment business through soccer.

If it is the first, it may be that the sale of implements and articles with the advertising of the club is not a priority and what is important is the formation of prospects that allow the sale of players ensuring the solvency of the business, something like what perhaps the Envigado team in Colombia that is a "supplier" of players and that generally does not have glittering figures. Its fans are low, so the income from the sale of tickets is not much and it must also be that obtained from the sale of souvenirs. The biggest revenue other than player sales may come from the sale of advertising on your jersey. According to this, what to do and how to do it (with what capabilities) would be defined.

If it is a soccer team, the buying and selling of players must be important and in this case you can have people who are touring the country observing young semi-trained players who would be brought to the team where they are “polished” and then sell their sports rights at a higher price than they were purchased. Its fans will be higher, so the income from the sale of box office begins to be representative, as well as that obtained from the sale of souvenirs. This may be the case for teams like Cúcuta or Pasto. In this case, the marketing and advertising area, among others, will be critical.

But, if it is a company dedicated to the entertainment business through football with the idea of ​​providing a broader portfolio of services, then you should think about implementing a training program for youth squads, acquiring figures and having a team with Messis, Suárez and Iniestas –To make a similarity with one of the best current clubs, football Club Barcelona– that is to say, made up of a few stars, others not so stars and some good youth players, who provide a show, win titles and motivate their fans and therefore From the financial point of view, return enough to cover operating expenses and generate value for members.

In this case, it should be clear that the income will come from 4 main sources:

  1. Marketing of products related to the club: dress (t-shirts, jackets, etc.), implements (briefcases, notebooks, key chains, caps, etc.). Sale of youth players and those reviewed in other regions. The payment of tickets by fans to enter the show in the local stadium Awards and other income obtained from participation and obtaining titles in internal and international tournaments, which includes television rights in addition to the sums given by the South American confederation or other similar ones.

To exemplify the tool in a more complete way, it will be defined that the idea of ​​the company is to provide a show through football.

Mission, Vision, values

We proceed to write principles, values, a Mission and a Vision. A Mission for this company could be something like: Provide entertainment to citizens X (cucuteños, pereiranos, bogotanos, etc.) and in general from Colombia and the world, who attend and like the show that the Y team (Cúcuta Deportivo, Deportivo Pereira, Millionaires…) poses in each presentation performed in the stadiums where it is presented.

A vision could be: To be by 2020 the best soccer team in Colombia and therefore, the best option for people who see soccer as a form of entertainment.

Here it would be worth asking if a Colombian team could become the best in the world?

Having a vision of these dimensions is possible, it is popularly said that "dreaming does not cost anything", but in my humble opinion I think that it is currently difficult: the América de Cali team in the 80s of the last century, had some of the best South American players of his time, the Paraguayan Roberto Cabañas, the Peruvian Julio Cesar Uribe, the Uruguayan Jorge “el polilla” Da Silva, in this case the Zidanes to paraphrase the article by Urrutia and others about Real Madrid, along with others Good players like the Argentines Roque Alfaro, Ricardo Gareca, Julio Cesar Falcioni, the Paraguayan Juan Manuel Bataglia, the Peruvian Cesar Cueto –the Pavones– and the best Colombians like Willington Ortiz, Alex Escobar, Fredy Rincon, Anthony de Avila, –the youth squads although for what the term means, they really were not–,to name just a few. Being very good he could not be champion of the Copa Libertadores which is the main club tournament in America, however he won several titles in that decade five of them consecutively when they were one year long.

But instead, you can try to be the best in Colombia or even in South America. But what does it mean to be the best?

This would involve:

  • The one who plays the best and, therefore, provides a show: it is gratifying to attend their games, the fans entertain themselves, they have fun, The one with the best financial status: its partners obtain a greater value for the funds invested, The one who pays more or very well and in a timely manner: its players and technical team feel at ease and do not want to leave the team except abroad. The one with the best facilities: they are comfortable, complete for both players and fans, journalists and partners. the best players in the country and some in South America who could later be some of the best in the world; the one who supports social causes: his players and managers participate in activities in favor of the community; the one with the most fans: his stadium generally remains almost full when he plays at home,He is loved in other cities where groups of fans attend to see him. He who has but the best, one of those considered the best technicians: he is a winner, he stands out for his good character and his group command; He applies innovative techniques, it is usually intended by other teams, in which every young player –promise- wants to play and every coach wants to lead: the prestige of the team makes it the one that everyone wants to be in. and won titles at national and international level: he usually fights championships, he is the protagonist and he has won titles in recent years and so far he continues to fight to win. to accompany him.one of the best technicians considered: he is a winner, he stands out for his good character and his group command; He applies innovative techniques, it is usually intended by other teams, in which every young player –promise- wants to play and every coach wants to lead: the prestige of the team makes it the one that everyone wants to be in. and won titles at national and international level: he usually fights championships, he is the protagonist and he has won titles in recent years and so far he continues to fight to win. to accompany him.one of the best technicians considered: he is a winner, he stands out for his good character and his group command; He applies innovative techniques, it is usually intended by other teams, in which every young player –promise- wants to play and every coach wants to lead: the prestige of the team makes it the one that everyone wants to be in. and won titles at national and international level: he usually fights championships, he is the protagonist and he has won titles in recent years and so far he continues to fight to win. to accompany him.In which every young player –promise- wants to play and every coach wants to lead: the prestige of the team makes it the one everyone wants to be in. The one who in recent years has fought and won titles at national and international level: generally fights the championships, he is the protagonist and has won titles in recent years and throughout this time he continues to fight to win. The one that arouses the most passion: even in cycles of poor results, the fans attend the stadium to accompany him.In which every young player –promise- wants to play and every coach wants to lead: the prestige of the team makes it the one everyone wants to be in. The one who in recent years has fought and won titles at national and international level: generally fights the championships, he is the protagonist and has won titles in recent years and throughout this time he continues to fight to win. The one that arouses the most passion: even in cycles of poor results, the fans attend the stadium to accompany him.even in cycles of poor results, the fans attend the stadium to accompany it.even in cycles of poor results, the fans attend the stadium to accompany it.

From here the short and medium term objectives would be considered, which could be, for example:

  • Be a protagonist in 2016 (play well, provide a show, finish in a good position) Be a finalist in 2017 (play well, provide a show, fight for a title, promote players) Be a champion in 2018 (play well, provide a show, fight and win the title, obtain revenues by buying and selling players) Be champion in 2019 and star in the Libertadores Cup of the same year (play well, provide a show, appear in the Libertadores, promote players abroad) Be champion in the Copa Libertadores of the year 2020 (play well, provide a show, figure in the Libertadores and if possible win it, promote players abroad, make replacements, figure in the world ranking in a good position)

Once the annual objectives have been established, the set of cause-effect chains would be developed from the four perspectives to achieve those annual objectives (short and medium term) that are reflected in the strategic map.

Everything should start from the partners' perspective, like so:

  1. Financial Perspective (capital providers seek to obtain benefits) Client Perspective (trying to satisfy the needs of clients). Perspective of Internal Processes (defining and executing in the best way the processes that generate value) Perspective of Growth and innovation (providing knowledge personnel and the required technological tools).

Financial Perspective

In my opinion, it is still the most important, because ultimately a company that is not viable will be doomed to disappear. You can be very good at training players, but if the process is long and you also fail to put the right value on the market, the cost can absorb so many resources that the company will fail.

Based on the current accounting and financial information, we will proceed to define the financial indicators that we hope to achieve and the inducers of action that will allow us to achieve those objectives embodied in these indicators.

If things have not been going very well economically, a goal from the partners' perspective could simply be to make a profit. If you want to be more precise and that the objective is a real challenge and taking into account the invested capital, you would consider something like: obtain a profit of 5% on the invested capital. Then proceed to formulate the inductors that will generate income and consequently profits in such magnitude.

Other Financial Indicators

Income growth induced by:

  • Increase in sales of players during a period Increase in the number of average fans / game in the semester Increase in sales of souvenirs Increase in the number of sponsors

When the team has reached a level of play and attractiveness that allows it, an adjustment can be made to the price of tickets according to the type of match as well (as Barcelona or Real Madrid do):

  • Type A classics and clashes with Nacional, Millonarios, ticket cost A = xType B matches against other traditional teams in Colombia, ticket cost B <xType C matches against new teams of the tournament, ticket cost C <ticket cost B

By managing this appropriately, it may be possible to control (assure) the average number of fans per game that allows planning the income from this source in the medium term.

Cost reduction induced by:

  • Reduction of player purchases, preferring to promote youth squads Indirect cost reduction: is it possible to manage the ticket sales ?; Is it possible to develop a local supplier for clothing and marketing elements?

Use of assets induced by:

  • Rotation of players on the court that maximizes its value (number of players who acted in at least 80% of the matches) Decrease of the Recovery Period: after how long a "promise" player must have matured or be "thrown out", establish a precise measure for this in time. Maximization of the number of fans per game: mixing prices so as to minimize the cost per seat in the stadium for the club. Here it should be clear with how many fans the cost of renting the stadium is balanced so that its use is maximized through promotions.

Customer perspective

The management team should then ask, who are our clients?

Are they only the inhabitants of the city where the team is ?, that is, the population of the city of Pereira, Manizales, Cúcuta, or is it possible that the team has a hobby in different cities in Colombia? If so, how do you reach them with a value proposition?

Or so are the other teams in the country and the world.

Or, in addition to the above, the main companies in the city or in the country or even some in the world.

Or additionally, they are the social and state companies.

Being a company dedicated to entertainment, which needs to provide a good show, its clients will be all the groups mentioned above: being natural clients, the people of the city are required to fill the stands of the stadium on each date, which, at least in Colombia, it usually belongs to the municipality so with the state entities it will be desired to maintain good relations (currently the only soccer team with its own stadium in Colombia is Deportivo Cali); other teams are required to “negotiate” players; companies from the city and the country are required to sponsor the team's jersey and guide the stadium's fences, and lastly companies and social organizations are required to help consolidate processes for the good of the communities,because this results in the good name of the club (image and prestige)

Regarding fans of the city, you must take into account what type or segment you want to target. Without wishing to discriminate, the now sadly "famous" barra bravas in most Colombian cities are made up of people with low purchasing power. In addition, due to their behavior, they have taken it to keep other customers away and make this old Sunday entertainment no longer for many families, and families consume more than people.The management group should then analyze which group is more interested in them and, in such case, sign up these bars to have a certain control of their members and their actions in the stadium and to avoid events such as the recent one in the La Bombonera stadium in the match than by the Copa Libertadores disputed River Plate and Boca Juniors where a “fan” of the local team sprayed a substance, apparently pepper spray, on the River players when they left the dressing room to play the second half, which of course caused discomfort to some of they. This type of event leads us to ask what values ​​we want to transmit, that are reflected in our followers.This type of event leads us to ask what values ​​we want to transmit, that are reflected in our followers.This type of event leads us to ask what values ​​we want to transmit, that are reflected in our followers.

So if you want to grow income and obtain a certain profit from the sale of entrance tickets and souvenirs, you must necessarily aim to attract families, in which children are the main drivers of purchase, and who will also be the fans of tomorrow, something to which you should pay attention because with the current connectivity and media, today's children can turn out to be followers of Real Madrid, Barcelona or Chelsea.

Customer indicators

  • Increase in the number of subscribers Increase in the number of attendees at the stadium per game

Induced by:

(Number of) visits to companies and their effectiveness in placing new fertilizers

  • Increased satisfaction

An indirect way to measure satisfaction is to sustain and gradually increase the number of fans at local meetings.

A measurable way may be that the degree of satisfaction is verified on the team's website with simple surveys where the fan rates the performance in each match

Internal Processes Perspective

Now you must ask the directives in which processes should be good or better, be excellent to deliver a value proposition that is attractive to customers so that financial results can be achieved. It may happen that some are not running, so the perspective of training and growth must be integrated here. One of the advantages of a good CMI is that it allows you to define very well the positions of the organization: who does this or that and why they do it, since they have specific objectives.

A fundamental one, in my opinion, will be the training of youth squads (in Mexico, the base forces). Although this seems evident, many teams in Colombia still do not seem to have valued it enough and in some, the sale of players is the business of a few. For price reasons and unless the stadium remains full in each home game, the income from tickets is not as representative for the teams in Colombia as they are for many clubs in Europe, whereas here the cost of a ticket in average is thirty thousand pesos ($ 30,000) in Europe it can reach one hundred twenty thousand pesos ($ 120,000) -between 40 and 50 euros- with large differences between countries, since in Spain there are entries of up to 140 euros which translates into income significant for clubs like Real Madrid or Barcelona, ​​while in Colombia,Only some teams with large and faithful fans receive significant income from tickets.

How would a good youth training program be developed? For this, it will be necessary to have a very good group in the training part, therefore it will be evaluated whether it is necessary to bring or train the instructors or technicians of said divisions, so that there are good trainers of archers, defenders, midfielders and defining attackers. In other words, you should have experienced people who teach, for example, the art of defining - scoring - in the case of forwards. Other (s) that teach how to defend, how to be on a playing field and in general all the techniques necessary to be a good player. But the training process must be efficient - fast and effective - a defined period must be established so that players are constantly being promoted for the club and for sale.In this follow-up you must be very exhaustive: the player reached or did not reach the expected level in x period of time. It will be important to look for promises in other areas that already have some training (which at an industrial level would be semi-transformed raw material) and add them to the youth squads for whom a shorter “maturing” time would be expected.

This of course may require certain investments: it may be necessary to have a place for the accommodation of some of the youth squads, so ideally they should be from the city and only a few from outside so that the operating costs in this regard are as few as possible. In Pereira and Manizales different tournaments are held during the year, and I suppose the same thing happens in the different cities of the country, so it will surely be possible to find good prospects in all positions.

Additionally, you must be very good at building customer loyalty. Since I am not an expert on the subject, what I can say from my own experience is that loyalty is achieved with a good product (the product or service itself plus pre and post-sales service) at an appropriate price. Here the concept of Value Proposition must be developed: "the value proposal of a company is the set of benefits or values ​​that it promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their needs." In any case, you should try to answer the question that the hobbyist or consumer of fun would ask himself: why should he attend the stadium instead of doing another recreation and leisure activity?

Although it is a special product because in a certain way the client has no other options: who who was born in Manizales and grew up watching Cristal Caldas, Varta Caldas, Once Philips and now Once Caldas play, would rather go to Pereira to see to play the team of that city? Here is a fidelity of birth that must be exploited. But as a show, as entertainment, the consumer / hobbyist does have other options: walking, going to the movies, attending other scheduled attractions in the city, or just staying home. So in this sense it is one more entertainment product

However, in cities where there are two teams the situation will be different and even more different for those where a second team has recently emerged. In other words, Millionaires and Santa Fé, Nacional and Medellín, Cali and America, each one has its own fans, but Uniautónoma in Barranquilla has to try to get their own. So in the matter of achieving loyalty it will be necessary to work hard in teams like Jaguares, Patriotas, Uniautónoma and even others a little less new like Boyacá Chicó and Equidad.

But, fundamentally, it is necessary to be very good "the best" playing games and if possible winning them. The team, its players must provide a show, each actor must interpret their role very well and must act in such a way that the public is impressed. How is it achieved? With very well-founded players, who can play in various positions if possible; with an appropriate product mix: good stars, half-stars and youth players who develop an attractive game and achieve the expected results: win by providing a good show (although in football you win, you draw but you also lose).

Who defines which actors are staged? This is the responsibility of the technical director. The technician, being the one who will know the group best, will know how to best exploit its qualities. In addition, he will be responsible for developing the tactic of each match that allows reaching the objective, winning.

For this reason, you must have a good Technical Director. Although I do not know his work in depth, I think that for a project like the one proposed, a good candidate could be Mr. Juan Carlos Osorio. I do not intend to claim that he is the best in the Colombian environment, but in my opinion he is a modern technician who does not know whether due to knowledge, causality or chance, some techniques that are accepted in modern business management: Mr. Osorio usually use a different payroll in each game. This may not appeal to several or many, including some sports journalists. But it turns out that doing it that way, you are reinventing the team every day, it is a way that the opponents do not know how it will play (in the book "If it works, change it" by Ponti and Ferrer, it is referred to that if a idea, a concept,An item or service is successful, it must be reinvented every day to avoid being easily copied by the competition. It is somewhat similar to the idea of ​​developing Blue Oceans where you are the only competitor and in the red ocean the others fight and settle). In this case, copying is not being avoided, since each team has its own players. What I am looking for, I suppose, is to surprise the opponent by placing different players in each match so that the opponent, at least at the start of the match, does not know how he is doing. to face. Consequently, Mr. Osorio does not usually give the payroll before the game… It may not work sometimes, but that would be the idea, to develop a new strategy in each game. While some teams are successful with a base payroll,his positive results usually come from the imbalance given by one or two brilliant players such as Lionel Messi at FCB: due to his achievements and his importance, rivals generally already know how he plays, with what tactics and how they move its main players, the difference is made by Messi. Additionally, Mr. Osorio does not usually play with the same scheme always. That shows study on his part because each game is a new story and the scheme should not always be the traditional 4-4-2, it can be a 3-4-1-2 or 3-5-1-1 or 4-3 -3 or whatever the Technician creates will give you the results but in any case it should not always be the same.With what tactic and how their main players move, the difference is made by Messi. Additionally, Mr. Osorio does not usually play with the same scheme always. That shows study on his part because each game is a new story and the scheme should not always be the traditional 4-4-2, it can be a 3-4-1-2 or 3-5-1-1 or 4-3 -3 or whatever the Technician creates will give you the results but in any case it should not always be the same.With what tactic and how their main players move, the difference is made by Messi. Additionally, Mr. Osorio does not usually play with the same scheme always. That shows study on his part because each game is a new story and the scheme should not always be the traditional 4-4-2, it can be a 3-4-1-2 or 3-5-1-1 or 4-3 -3 or whatever the Technician creates will give you the results but in any case it should not always be the same.

What is not visualized from the perspective of the commentator and the unsuspecting fan is that when the payroll is rotated or even a player is put in various positions, its value is being maximized: if a payroll of 20 or 25 players is constantly rotated so that anyone does well when assigned a role in the show, each and every one of them will be more attractive to the other teams, thereby maximizing the value of the players who are ultimately the main asset of the Company, which does not happen when you have a base team and a group of substitutes.

Perspective of learning and growth

This is where each of the positions in the key processes –marketing, player training- should be analyzed and then define if it is necessary to train, outsource or resort to the hiring of some experienced people who help to reinforce certain processes

Starting from the head of the group, the coach must be a professional in every way. He must be a good leader, he must have an affinity for people (what is called here the gift of people), good capacity for dialogue (speak, advise, listen, be advised), good management of pressure. You must know how to motivate and you must be constantly training yourself and applying modern techniques (you must try to innovate). Must be charismatic, cordial, friendly and maintain good relations with managers and the media

This is a is a critical position in the company because he is the one who drives the vehicle and must monitor, in fact he will do it every day, many of the main commands of the board, such as the progress of the youth squads, the state of the players (physical and soul), in addition to studying the game system of the rivals and planning the strategy for each match.

It will be necessary, then, to look for a Technical Director with characteristics such as those described, to whom the objectives are set, and to undertake with this group the achievement of the goals set.

Process map

Now the cause-effect relationships will be developed for what was proposed in the first year combined with a financial goal. This is reflected in a map or diagram that shows how, from the perspectives of innovation and growth, one sets out to cascade the objectives and goals.

Regarding sports:

As for the economic:

ROE is one of the classic financial indicators and refers to the return on investment or Return On Equity. It would be calculated as:

Profit (Gross-Net) / Net Equity = 10%

So if, once the Equity is calculated, it turns out to be twenty-five billion ($ 25,000,000,000), and a return of 10% is expected, the profit (gross or net according to what the board of partners decides) must be from:

Profit / 25,000,000,000 = 10%

Clearing Utility:

Profit = 10% * 25,000,000,000 = 2,500,000,000

Based on this amount, 2,500 million, work must be done from all perspectives to try to achieve it, measuring costs and operating expenses so that they are at adequate levels, promoting inducers such as the training of prospects, the entry of new sponsors, new subscribers, implementing an incentive plan for the staff plant so that a motivating environment is generated that drives their reach.

Figure 1. Process map for “Team X” for 2016

Process map for “Team X” for 2016

How this map is interpreted:

The reading would be done from the bottom up. If you look at the two lower boxes on the left, it will be said that:

Hiring an appropriate technician and forming, according to the budget, a competitive team, it will be possible to be the protagonist in 2016 (play well, win games, provide a show and reach the final homer), which will attract more public and new subscribers. which in turn will contribute to increasing income by increasing the average number of attendees at matches. This increase in income as a result of more fans should result in generating greater profit if it is accompanied by the other events planned there.

Once the map has been made, the dashboard of indicators and inductors is developed to allow the company to be properly managed and the objectives are achieved.

Table 1. CMI for “Team X” for the first half of 2016

PERSPECTIVE Strategic objective Effect indicator Indicator cause or inductive action
FINANCIAL Obtain a ROE of 10% Increase Income

Decrease costs

Increase # of traded players

Increase # sponsors

Increase souvenir sales

Decrease # days of training

Decrease # of foreign youth squads

CUSTOMERS Increase # of average attendees

Increase # of subscribers

# of party x attendees + 1> # party x attendees

# current subscribers> # previous subscribers

Win more matches (compare to previous tournament)

Increase # of effective customer visits

INTERNAL Increase # of club-related reports (increase vs. previous period)

Effective training of youth squads

Increase media presence

# of stonemasons trained by semester (S1 and S2)

# of youth squads incorporated into the team in S2> S1

Improve marketing process

In 2016 develop the training process for youth squads (define optimal # of days)

INCREASE Optimize the number of employees and their skills (technical, tactical and operational personnel)

Create the right work environment, encourage innovation

# of key trainings received

100% Satisfaction surveys with optimal rating (> 4)

# of goals achieved with respect to the proposals

# of innovative suggestions submitted in 6 months

Define responsibilities by position

In 2016 develop the strategic skills of staff Appropriate wages

Good deal

Good working environment

In 2016 create compliance incentive program

If everything proposed for 2016 is effectively implemented and achieved, a new tree and CMI for 2017 similar to those shown before and for each year will be proposed, until reaching the final goal of being the best team of Colombia or America at which time a standard CMI could already be proposed for the following years with the goals that the status that is held at that time allows to presume that they will be achieved.


  • Kaplan, Robert S, Norton, David P. Balanced Scorecard Management 2000 Barcelona 1997 Kotler, Philip, Armstrong, Gary. Marketing Latin American Version Eleventh edition. Pearson Educación México 2007Urrutia de Hoyos, Ignacio, Kase, Kimio, Marti Sanchís, Carlos and Opazo Bretón, Magdalena "The REAL MADRID strategic map: the art of building a brand". Published in Financial Strategy Magazine for the Financial and Administrative Direction N ° 231 September 2006 in:



Kaplan, Robert, Norton, David. Balanced Scorecard. Management 2000 Barcelona. pg 39 Bold is highlighted on purpose

This term, very Spanish, will be used to refer to players born generally in the city where the team is and formed in it, having been linked from an early age.

Kotler, Philip, and Armstrong, Gary. Marketing Latin American Version Eleventh Edition Pearson Education Mexico 2007 p 9

The balanced scorecard applied to the management of a football club