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The efficiency of social responsibility in people. test


This essay is based on a series of personal reflections that caught my attention when combining the concept of efficiency as a trigger effect to try to get people as independent human beings of any dependency, entity or public or private company, to assume part of a personal commitment, the search and improvement of the quality of life, as well as the conservation, preservation and care of the environment in which it lives.

* Biochemical Engineering student at the National Technological Institute "Tuxtla Gutiérrez campus".


Efficentism, Social Responsibility, People.


Social responsibility can be covered in different ways, it is an issue that generates little interest in people, however, it is vitally important to know what its benefits are and why it is important to put it into practice. Social responsibility has been approached from a business point of view and it is in the way in which we relate it and find it mostly, but what role does social responsibility play in a person? And what role does efficiency play in social responsibility in people?

Most of the writings on social responsibility are more related to companies, and of these there are countless authors who address this topic, however, when focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility, they seemed to leave the social responsibility in people, that is why in this essay I will try to address and develop the topic related to efficiency in the social responsibility of people.

To understand more about this, we must incorporate the meaning of social responsibility (SR), which consists of the commitment that every citizen has and the organizations and institutions (public, private, social and business) to contribute to increasing the quality of life and caring for the environment of society both locally and globally (Salinas, Osorio & Albarrán, 2011). There are different descriptions about social responsibility, but this time we gave an idea in a general way, since, in the continuity of this work, we will give it a specific approach which will help us understand the topic we will address.

The importance of this work lies in the deepening of the study on the efficiency of social responsibility in people, therefore we will analyze what is efficiency, which is made up of the word efficiency and suffixism, which the term efficiency according to the dictionary of the royal academy comes from the Latin efficientia which means:

"Ability to have someone or something to achieve a certain effect."


Dr. Mauricio Jorge Yathha in his book "Theory of Necessity" projects efficiency as a sort of capitalism of work and production humanized by limits and conceptual conditions of use of human activity and the resources of the earth. A human activity that produces wealth based on the reproduction of renewable elements and the human integrity of all their needs and not only on the simple exploitation, waste and / or hoarding of planetary non-renewable elements. Efficiencyism seeks to articulate the complete, complete human being.

It also means that it is the ability to minimize the amount of resources used to achieve the objectives of the organization, that is, to do things correctly. (Sierra. J, 2012)

In my opinion, efficiency refers to using resources, time, attitudes and skills in a correct way, in which the production of these is greater than what was previously had and also achieve the objective or effect that was determined. Efficiency must not only be appearance, but must be completely combined with the human being and in this way we will demonstrate, through the tasks we carry out, that we are efficient people.

So I can also say that efficiency relates the very essence of being with everything that is within its reach and provides beauty, pleasure, security, harmony when relating to its own environment.


The "responsibility" is a Social Responsibility of the Actor; Because derived from its acts, it must assume a moral and legal responsibility. The first precision to be made is to assume that both moral and legal responsibility are common objects, and the common constitutes a characteristic of the social, it becomes the central foundation for understanding the participation of the actor in the configuration of the social, the bet to responsibility as a collective task. “The being proper to the decisions of each one here has the character of a participation in a common will and in a common doing: each one does for himself what he does, but adapts in his conduct to that of the other; help the other and receive the corresponding help from the other; they help each other. (Ingarden 2001)

Social responsibility is understood, according to Berman (1997), as "personal investment in the well-being of others and the planet" (p. 12), and is manifested in "the way we live with others and treat others" (p. 202). Berman adds that:

Social responsibility helps young people understand that their lives are intimately connected with the well-being of others, with the social and political world around them. So they make a difference in their daily lives supported by their choices and values, enriching our lives across diverse cultures and races. In this way they can participate creating a more just, peaceful and ecological sense of the world. (1997, p. 202)

In my opinion, social responsibility consists of the way in which we assume responsibility for the consequences, whether good or bad, when we carry out an action or make a decision, without harming society. Social responsibility is not mandatory, it is a commitment that as individuals we must make to have a healthy coexistence, a quiet environment, this is where the importance of (SR) lies, although we do not see the benefits, if we put in practice (RS), before society we will be an example to follow, in the same way we will make people aware, and so they will also practice it.


"The concept of person refers to the human being, as qualitatively different from other beings, a person is a rational and intelligent being, aware of himself and his actions, with his own and totally independent identity."


Consequently, there are different concepts and definitions to address the concept of person, for example, the legal refers to having rights and obligations and divides them into two: physical person and moral person.

But in the case at hand, I rescue the essence or characteristic of the person who consciously assumes responsibility for his own actions, as part of a personal commitment and which in turn allows him to clarify the importance of life itself and the environment It surrounds, assuming it from a global perspective, that the consequences of its acts can impact in the long term the rest of humanity, as well as living beings and organisms.


The interrelation that exists between efficiency and social responsibility of people allows us to start giving answers to the questions asked from the beginning. What role does social responsibility play in a person? And what role does efficiency play in social responsibility in people?

This allows us to identify what are our expectations that we set ourselves not only as people but as part of a universal community and what is the role that we will assume in the future that is why we must be aware of the role that we are assuming as young university students at this time. and what is our responsibility to the world-society

Where not all responsibility is ours, but if we act already and in a decisive and responsible way, we will begin with actions that allow us to be more aware of the amount of resources (water, light, paper, time) that we use when carrying out our daily activities.

As well as to magnify that our activities and the things we do on a daily basis, are not foreign or independent from other people's, but that these are correlated and function as a supply chain that while generating well-being also generate degradation and deterioration of the environment in which we develop.


A person is unique and indivisible where his social responsibility is not a previously established recipe that serves the same for all young people, that is why the efficiency applied to the social responsibility of people, will allow each of us to assume a personalized commitment to life and with our universal environment.

Carrying out this research will allow young people to identify their commitment and responsibility from the very essence of the person, which can improve for the benefit of humanity from the area of ​​influence.

I believe that efficiency regardless of the application approach will give us the opportunity to focus on the previously established results through the responsible use of people, resources and means to carry out any task, both in the present and in the future.

Finally, we must focus on the analysis of acting correctly and dedicating enough time to improve the process of the result or objective that we want to obtain, it is important to emphasize that every action there is a reaction. Time, money, skills and attitudes well used, good production and greater delight, we must not harm others for our benefit, if we long to have a pleasant environment we must practice well, as described by Fernando Gómez Bezares "an individual can benefit doing wrong, but to improve the well-being of society it is necessary for the majority to work well ”.

VII. Bibliographic references

Berman, S. (1997). Children's social consciousness and the development of social responsibility. New York: New York State University Press.

Berman, S. (1998). The bridge to civility: Empathy, ethics and service. Journal of the School Administrator, 5, 27-32.

Dr. Mauricio Jorge Yattha (1990-2008). Theory of necessity, Social efcientism, an economy of everything and for everyone (first volume).

"Efficiency", Dictionary of the Spanish language (twenty-second edition), Royal Spanish Academy, 2014.

Fernando Gómez Bezares (2013), Ethics, Efficiency and Social Responsibility.

Ingarden, Roman (2001), On Responsibility, Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Javier Sierra (2012) Guaranteeism vs. Efficiency.

Recovered from https://prezi.com/00n40hfd83yk/garantismo–vrs–eficientismo/

OSORIO, L., SALINAS, F. & CAJIGAS, M. (2018): “Social responsibility and well-being of the elderly”, CIRIEC-Spain, Journal of Public, Social and Cooperative Economy, 92, 223-252. Correspondence: Lourdes Osorio Bayter, Prof

The efficiency of social responsibility in people. test