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The current leader


If we asked the western society of the 1950s, what their collective concern was, they would have answered without hesitation: the external threat, the communist invasion, comprehensiveness as a nation, the defense of spaces, the scarcity of oil, and the increasing increase in youth of long hair and miniskirt.

In view those years of which there is not much distance seem of the stone age. Today nobody thinks about the territories since the global idea has given us another housing perspective.

The external threat only exists by virtue of terrorist attacks, and the oil crisis is behind us since the issue of water today is much more crucial… And the defense of nationality was subordinated not only by the global idea but by a strong appearance of regional identities.

It no longer matters much to be Argentine or Peruvian or Bolivian or Spanish and give them the nationality they want… The important thing today in a regional conflict is not nationality, but decentralized administration and freedom of the land where I live.

On the other hand, disease symptoms have been globalized.

AIDS OR AVIAN INFLUENZA is not as important in the morbidity rate -world mortality, as the social incidence in issues such as ANOMY, AUSTIM AND MARASM. SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS OF THE GLOBAL VILLAGE.

Anomie is an absence and collapse of values, good and evil are on the same plane.

Autism subjects you to permanent introspection. To solitude within.

Marasmus is death due to lack of love and affection.

The three causes as apocalyptic horsemen attack the relational world of the individual.

The human being has been cataloged as homo erectus, homo habilis, homo sapiens. There is no doubt today, that he is a "relational homo"

A small relationship life will make you small, a healthy, mature, stable relationship life will give you emotional fruits that will increase the internal synergy of your life.

Now emotions also get sick and must be healed.

Hence, the indicators of marginality and evil are worthless if we do not detect that crime, poverty, abuse, the drug, self-destruction in short, are only symptoms of abandonment, lack of affection and hurt emotions.

Let us recognize that our societies, and in particular that of our continent, have been abused by abusive leaders and systems, from their origins.

Organizing abusive, lying, loveless systems. Based on ideas and paradigms of scarcity, poverty and fear.

Modern psychology has grown weary of preaching that the abuser, the abusive, is only a being who was abused and mistreated at some point in his life. A fearful person who does not know how to do anything else has received it.

The current leadership will not need economic, legal or political improvements (they would not be bad) to advance in the treatment of current problems, but rather of people who want to take charge of the people. People who know how to take care of the feelings of others and their anxieties about their shortcomings and then resolve them in an environment of peace and healing.

A healthy society will have a praise, of progress. A society where the ideology of scarcity passes to a stage of prosperity, work and progress.

The current leader will have to fight individualism, teach teamwork. Teach that the set achieves better results than the isolated part, but that the recognition and defense of the part is fundamental and essential for the survival of the system.

The current leadership is called to break paradigms, that is to say, stagnant mental schemes that have tied millions of people for centuries. And so create new ones, that serve the times of recognition and restitution that we are needing.

The current leader