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The leader in public administration

Table of contents:



The leader of the future, that of the next millennium, will be the one who creates a culture or value system centered on principles. Stephen R. Covey

The flexibility of an organization to adapt to changes such as globalization, competitiveness, labor relations, ways of producing, social requirements, the predominance that labor stability is taking, emerging economies, geopolitical movements and other similar issues relevance, are some indicators that a new culture is being born, so it will largely depend on the ability of its leaders to adequately manage the service that the public administration provides to society, that is, attending to the interests and rights of the citizens of the different groups that compose it, applying principles of legality, effectiveness and efficiency creating a climate of cooperation and trust.

In this same order of ideas, offer services to the different sectors, such as, education, health, infrastructure, security, which have members who are considered as public servants, which in turn have as provisions attend, serve and channel responses to the requests and needs of the community.

This function generates conditioning in public servers, which goes beyond mere technical knowledge. These conditioning is nothing but the influence of the emotional on the rational activities of those who are professionally dedicated to the management of people and teams, and to the achievement of results through others.

These activities of service to the communities, recognized in the public administration, lead to generating human emotions, the product of various factors such as dissatisfaction in the community, lack of budgets to meet needs, negligence on the part of those responsible for public policies, lack of values, among others. These emotions affect the achievement of the final objective, and an emotionally prepared leader is required, who can maintain equanimity in order to attend to and resolve the situations presented.

The public administration fulfills a series of functions, which are defined by the Constitution, the laws, which are executed through public policies, which are endowed with legality and legitimacy as an instrument of service.

Act one:

The leader in public administration

It is necessary to mention that:

Along with his qualities in the field of science, administrative technology and decision-making, the leader in public administration must have solid capabilities in the field of leading human groups. Your efficiency in this role will highly define the final results of your activity.

Even with adequate capacities in the creation and transfer of administrative knowledge and with good potential for decision-making, if these faculties are not accompanied by the necessary conditions for the management of human resources, it will have serious difficulties in achieving the goals that must be met.

In this way we could think of leaders in the form of "ideal" managers who would be those capable of bringing together three capacities at the highest level: formulation and design of public policies, internal management to put the administrative machinery into operation and achieving an environment that authorizes, supports, tolerates or favors the implementation of the defined strategy.

The following graph shows us the way in which leaders usually adopt a leadership style according to their personalities, but the challenge is for the leader to be an inclusive person.

The leader in public administration

Distinction between server and public official

Dr. Luis A. Scheker Ortiz, professor of Public Administration at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo mentions that “civil servant and public employee are not two opposite categories, but they are different. Strictly speaking, not every official is a public employee while, in another sense, every employee is an official because he performs a public function or job.

Leaders, at all levels, capable of leading us towards an intelligent public Administration in the risk and knowledge society that marks this beginning of the 21st century.

  1. The public official holds and has a higher bureaucratic hierarchy than that of the employee, which is given to him by the degree of responsibility and authority with which his function is invested by mandate of the Law. The obligation or responsibility that the official has is substantially (not exclusively) of decision, with it it can compromise the State itself, while that of the employee is basically of execution. The importance or investiture of the officials requires that their possession be preceded by a certain formality, which is useful when it warns the own official and third parties of the seriousness of the function entrusted to him and of the commitment he assumes, vis-à-vis society, by accepting it. The aforementioned does not prevent both the employee and the public official, as servants of the State who are,they are submitted and regulated by a common regulation, of public law, which is what differentiates them, precisely, from the personnel that works in the private sector. There are other servers that working in the public administration sector, have been expressly excluded from the domain of public law, so that their employment relationships are, to some extent, regulated by private law ”.

The public servant "is that individual who renders his or her professional or empirical services to any dependency or organism of the governmental apparatus, whose mission is to generate satisfaction for society."

Official, is the individual "who comes to a high-level executive position in public administration, generally have sufficient academic preparation in fields such as law, social or natural science, medicine, engineering, business administration and others. Some have administrative or executive experience in the private commercial sector. ”

Graph 1 SPAP model of official-leader leadership

SPAP model of official-leader leadership

Source: Bautista S.

Leadership: the new language of the organization

On the other hand, organizations in general, and public ones in particular, are currently subject to various concurrent effects. On the one hand, the increasing value of people and the proliferation of networks will tend to relocate knowledge and power. On the other, new demands are made in the skills chapter: listening, convincing, conversing, interacting, uniting, exemplifying, transparency, restlessness and permanent curiosity.

It is obvious that bringing together in one or a few people all of the above is an ideal that is far from existing. We could, however, speak of an optimum in the form of shared and distributed leadership among the different people who make up the political and professional teams: master leaders, capable of instilling and promoting a predisposition so that everyone knows what to contribute to a given project; leaders who listen and generate adequate channels for knowledge management as a way to stimulate organizational learning; leaders who can produce micro-innovations in small day-to-day activities at the service of citizens.

The high complexity of today's society together with a context marked by the economic crisis presents a scenario with high demand for leadership in the different public, business or social spheres. Although addressing the concept of leadership in the public sphere is not easy, the Administration, as a key element in the provision of public value and social well-being, also demands leaders and teams capable of undertaking reform processes. Looking at the top of public organizations, we find that the incentives that politicians find to prioritize reform in the administrative sphere are very weak, especially since their success is remote in time and possibilities and the citizen's evaluation will be very low when not void.

Leadership as a process and the leader as a person are two situations that lead us to search for the person who can exercise leadership at a certain time, and who will achieve important changes under this role and in the circumstances that arise at a certain time., for which there must be a result, important for those who are involved. Under this vision, leadership is a process of managing organizational change, whether in business, political or social terms. So leadership encompasses a series of feelings, interests, aspirations, values, attitudes and types of human relationships, which are necessary to inspire in daily work, anticipate the reactions of the people who make up the group, that is, the power of the leader. arises from her ability to influence and not from her ability to command,.for this is what gives him a sense of direction and purpose.

As the word management implies control and even more backed by power and authority, it is necessary to remember that its origin has in the administration of the house, some remember it in the mule convoys of the army, perhaps this displeases many professionals In their autonomy and esteem, today they speak of alliances, of teams, of delegation of powers, the key words are commitments, the possible, and lastly, the title of manager is being abandoned for team leader, project coordinator, facilitator, and the recognize that organizations are communities of individuals and not a set of human resources.

The leader's task is to make sure that individuals or groups are competent to exercise the responsibility assigned to them, to understand the objectives of the organization and to commit to them.

That is, leaders must demonstrate competence, this means that leaders must be given time and space to demonstrate their worth.

When organizations are redesigned to become what they are, there are opportunities for leaders to emerge, this builds trust and authority, which is to be deserved, and if necessary tested, as Charles Handy puts it.

Managing a community of individuals where authority must be deserved is an arduous task, Handy says, and requires an unusual combination of attributes:

  • Believe in yourself, persuade others to go where no one has gone before, passion for work, energy and focus that propel others, the leader must love people, few will thank the leader when things are going well, But many will blame him if things go wrong. In an increasingly complex and changing environment, it is important to focus our efforts on what really adds value and allows us to differentiate ourselves from our competitors. For this, it is important to establish the appropriate mechanisms to ensure the alignment of our resources with the objectives of the company and to have a more effective management tool that offers us timely and relevant information on the results of our management. John Kao,He states that this is the era of creativity because companies are increasingly forced to reinvent themselves, in part and in their entirety, to achieve growth. These are the concrete actions to be carried out to achieve the objectives and therefore, ensure success in complying with the strategic framework. The strategic approach process is one of the management systems that a company must create, if it wants to work effectively, it is not only an important instrument to manage, it is one of the resources through which management can create a shared vision of what the company can become. Ensuring the future of the organization is to guarantee employment, it requires that people become the key to the business,therefore a solid formation of the group conscience at all levels will guarantee the development of the organization, non-competitive organizations have no future and those that are prepared will survive. If the objective is to survive, managers, workers must unify efforts as a way to be competitive, that is, people must be willing to cooperate, collaborate, do things better, implement new improvements, under the new concept of organization based on the integration and interaction of people. In order to sell more, The implementation of a quality system is convenient because the company would work in synchrony, subject to the specifications and quality standards that have been previously established,that is to say that the human resource uses the tools that allow them to eliminate errors and in this way ensure the quality of the services, it should not be forgotten that the objective of this is to provide satisfaction to clients, since the client is the highest judge of quality, this constitutes the best opportunity to be able to sell more and, incidentally, improve the company to face globalization. The success of organizations depends on the way the company is managed and the treatment of human resources, people are the key to the business; For this reason, they must be integrated into a motivating project, which they hope and feel like their own. The manager's mission lies in the adequate treatment of human resources as a way of ensuring the future, which implies specific training for all people,at all levels, starting from the treatment of resistance to change and providing a solid formation of group consciousness. Technical training is not enough: it is necessary to have plans for personal growth and interpersonal relationships as a way of guaranteeing development of organizations and their subsistence. Non-competitive organizations do not have a future and cannot wait to continue in the market. Changes are constant and they happen more and more rapidly, the decisions made today cannot serve tomorrow, so people's resistance to change It is the great enemy of the company, which is forced to make the changes that are necessary to be competitive and survive.that starts from the treatment of resistance to change and that provides a solid formation of group consciousness. Technical training is not enough: it is necessary to have plans for personal growth and interpersonal relationships as a way of guaranteeing the development of organizations and their subsistence. Non-competitive organizations do not have a future and cannot wait to continue in the market. Changes are constant and they happen more and more rapidly, the decisions made today cannot serve tomorrow, so people's resistance to change It is the great enemy of the company, which is forced to make the changes that are necessary to be competitive and survive.that starts from the treatment of resistance to change and that provides a solid formation of group consciousness. Technical training is not enough: it is necessary to have plans for personal growth and interpersonal relationships as a way of guaranteeing the development of organizations and their subsistence. Non-competitive organizations do not have a future and cannot wait to continue in the market. Changes are constant and they happen more and more rapidly, the decisions made today cannot serve tomorrow, so people's resistance to change It is the great enemy of the company, which is forced to make the changes that are necessary to be competitive and survive.It is necessary to have plans for personal growth and interpersonal relationships as a way of guaranteeing the development of organizations and their subsistence. Non-competitive organizations do not have a future and cannot wait to continue in the market. Changes are constant and they happen more and more rapidly, the decisions made today cannot serve tomorrow, so people's resistance to change It is the great enemy of the company, which is forced to make the changes that are necessary to be competitive and survive.It is necessary to have plans for personal growth and interpersonal relationships as a way of guaranteeing the development of organizations and their subsistence. Non-competitive organizations do not have a future and cannot wait to continue in the market. Changes are constant and they happen more and more rapidly, the decisions made today cannot serve tomorrow, so people's resistance to change It is the great enemy of the company, which is forced to make the changes that are necessary to be competitive and survive.The decisions that are made today cannot work tomorrow, so the people's resistance to change is the great enemy of the company, which is forced to make the changes that are necessary to be competitive and survive.The decisions that are made today cannot work tomorrow, so the people's resistance to change is the great enemy of the company, which is forced to make the changes that are necessary to be competitive and survive.

To face the new scenarios:

There are changes that influence the administrative and organizational development of companies, which is why trends must be kept in mind, some of them ongoing, (Kenichi Ohmae in his book The next global scenario says: The global economy, interconnected and interactive, it is a reality) which have implications as well as human resource development, let us cite some examples:

  • The use of computers, microcomputers that both teachers and students require. Adult education, continuous learning. Organizations today require human resources with more knowledge and skills. Reeducation in organizations to fill new jobs. Internationalization within a global perspective, where the human resource must be more prepared. Trends constantly change and are relatively dynamic, which suggests that the world is constantly changing, Kenichi Ohmae points out that there are countries in the world that are still developing about old scenarios, that currently do not work, and that there is a need to rethink and start acting with different visions and new paradigms,that allow us to be the actors in this new world that he calls globalization (the global economy of tomorrow), in addition, the world has become unified with the advent of telecommunications technology, with a completely dynamic scenario, which is It is intertwined with the global economy.The changing environment in which we live makes us understand that we live in a world in constant movement, and all this thanks to technological advances, where knowledge is the most precious asset, since in the emerging economies the way to achieve economic growth will be through education, by acquiring technical knowledge that will serve to act in this global scenario. Ohmae says: success in the new global economy will depend on good leadership, the global leader must be brave, examples like:Bo Xilai, Lee Kwan-Yeu, with their faith in success, prospered to the cities where they served with the sole purpose of maximizing the prosperity of their fellow citizens. A good leader has to think big, possess knowledge, deep knowledge, experience and the information that leaders must know before leading others. The leader must feel love, passion for innovation which translates into better processes in a given business, capable of leading, influencing others, stimulating them with their vision and their prognoses for the future, being able to interact positively with others, not thinking about the monopoly of leadership.The role of the leader is changing, that is, not having preconceived and too rigid ideas about his role, therefore the leader it is flexible and intuitive capable of adapting to change.Leadership is a crucial issue today where borders have been opened to global trade; where organizations and companies are constantly in a constant struggle to be increasingly competitive, which has generated that the people that make them up are efficient and capable of giving a lot of themselves for the well-being of the organization or company. organizations that can be public or private, and people it is essential to mention the drivers, the leaders of today, those who achieve the success of their organizations and who guide their subordinates to achieve it. The leader as any person has many defects and virtues that must know; this implies first looking within oneself, knowing oneself and then understanding others and reflecting what one wants to achieve,what you seek to achieve with others to achieve success. Any system experiences changing environments, and it has to adapt, that adaptation in fact means change, but the key to the matter lies in the speed of response, to face and respond to these changes. Companies have always lived in changing environments, what happens is that on many occasions the transformations have been much slower and sometimes these were greater than life itself, therefore they were imperceptible. Even in some countries, such as cities, nothing seems to have changed yet. The current business environment, characterized by the conjunction of expert clients, aggressive competition, changing factors and globalization of business activity,It only emphasizes the importance of knowing the market situation very well before designing any action. The true leader or entrepreneur must ensure that in his organization the participation of all those who are immersed or involved in the organization, whether within of the productive chain, or from the point of view of the provision of services, requires to acquire serious commitments that promote the execution of processes that will give meaning to the company, be it public or private…it requires acquiring serious commitments that promote the execution of processes that will give meaning to the company, be it public or private…it requires acquiring serious commitments that promote the execution of processes that will give meaning to the company, be it public or private…

Organizational transformation:

As companies become more dependent on knowledge, human resources are increasingly seen as a strategic asset.

Today's organizations aim at organizational transformation, where people intervene as one of the fundamental pillars of such transformation, so that for some organizations models can be applied to develop their organizations, and it is here that the human resource appears as a dynamic manager exchange.

Jason Jennings, in his book Think big, act small presents us with the case of Koch Industries, and how human resources adapt to principles that the organization requires:

  1. Integrity.- All transactions must be done with integrity and in accordance with the law.Compliance.- We must all strive to achieve 10,000% compliance: 100% of us must comply 100% of the time.Value creation.- All We must create lasting value through financial means and understand, develop and apply the principles of so-called "market-based management" to achieve superior results. There should be no waste. Entrepreneurship.- We all must demonstrate a sense of urgency; discipline; responsibility; judgment and initiative; be skilled in economic and technical matters; and have the mentality to take the necessary risks to contribute in the best way to the company. Focus on the client.- We must all understand clients and build relationships with them that allow us to anticipate and satisfy their needs profitably. Knowledge. - We must all seek and use the best knowledge in decision-making and proactively share that knowledge in challenging processes. We must embrace change, imagine what might be possible, challenge the status quo, and drive creative destruction. Humility - We all must practice humility and intellectual honesty, and always strive to understand reality and handle it constructively to create real value and improve. individually.Respect.- We should all treat others with dignity, respect, honesty and sensitivity, and encourage and practice teamwork.- We all must create value and produce results in order to realize our full potential and to truly enjoy our work.

If the definition of organizational is framed under new paradigms, human resources are part of the scheme and contribute to the achievement of working under this new scheme.

Second act:

Yes, we refuse to be the protagonists of this story, we can be sure that no one will do it for us, because no one can do it. The old saying of popular wisdom "no one is irreplaceable" becomes once more false, in the case of civic morality: people of flesh and blood -citizens- are irreplaceable in the construction of our moral world, because agents of moralization, those in charge of formulating moral judgments, of incorporating and transmitting them through education, are not the politicians, nor the personages of the world of the image, nor the singers, nor the clergy, nor the intellectuals, but all and each of the people who are part of a society. That is why it can be said without fear of error that the morality of a civil society - civic morality -, or we make it "people on the street."

Ecuadorian case:

In the Ecuadorian case, the state can comment that it is in a full process of change, which is oriented to a new role and that has to do with the incursion into business life.

This new role has its support in the Constitution article Nº. 315 in which it is established that the State will constitute public companies for the management of strategic sectors, the provision of public services, the sustainable use of natural resources or public goods and the development of other economic activities.

It should be noted that not only the Constitution is the one that supports it, but also the Organic Law of Public Companies, which allows the public sector to participate in business development, among which the following can be highlighted: Public Cement Company, National Company Mining, Television and Radio Public Company, Public Drug Company, Banana Exporting Company.

On the other hand, Juan Ignacio Martin Castilla already mentions it, in his article, the ethical dimension of leadership in public administration: public leaders or executives (both political and administrative) are so because of their technical capacity, as well as their special awareness and involvement in public service and the pursuit of social well-being, as well as for its values ​​and ethical conception of public office, responsibility, honesty, integrity, ethical commitment and must integrate aspects such as quality of service, ethics in their behavior and in their relationships with all agents (people, citizens / clients, policy makers, political groups, suppliers, allies, other organizations, etc.), respect for legality and human rights,continuous search for social welfare and the defense of the most needy, awareness for the defense of the environment, the prevention of occupational risks, etc.

The existence of standards is a basic element to improve ethics in public administration, their strict application is another basic element. Hence, there is a need to strengthen the role of the State, based on the fact that "without an efficient and effective State, development is impossible.

Max Weber wrote his book "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" at the beginning of the 20th century; The influence of the moral level of a society and its economic development was well defined.

Public administration is characterized by state attributes. Such administration, in principle, is a quality of the State and can only be explained from the State.

Public administration is characterized by being an activity of the State and its purpose is to serve society, for which it must generate development, with the premise that in all its acts it has legitimacy.

Building a civil society with ethical vigor requires, as an indispensable element, that those values ​​in which that society believes, that is, those that it believes should be realized, are transmitted to the younger generations through the school, the family, the group old or the media.

This does not mean that -adults no longer need moral education, because we have everything very clear, and a good example of this is the boom that today is having ethics applied to the economy, business, ecology, nursing, medicine etc.

The corruption:

Corruption according to Klitgaard, is spread as the abuse of the public office to obtain private profit, although corruption is a phenomenon that can generally exist everywhere, its incidence is particularly dominant, where there are inefficient bureaucrats, regulations lacking transparency, rights poorly defined property, inefficient judicial systems, lack of social control and oversight; and, specifically, the incidence of corruption is related to individual or collective behavior, which seeks personal benefits at the cost of excluding the rights of others.

Public management, in its broadest definition, is the activity of managing resources to achieve a certain end. In this sense, there is no difference with private management, except for the nature of the ends. The public and private managers manage similar human resources, which in general could work interchangeably in one sector or another, and in fact many people rotate between these sectors throughout their professional lives. The public and private managers also manage similar financial and material resources, which in one case belong to the government and in the other to the shareholders of the private company.

The Public Administration is the one that provides a service to society, and this is its reason for being, by providing citizens with quality services, which in turn satisfy the needs and expectations with the service provided, to which the citizen contributes for financing the public services it receives.

Administrators must be responsible for public funds, which must be invested efficiently and effectively, under the principles of legality, for which they must apply the instruments to carry out the management, and in this way give transparency to the administration of resources, This constitutes an ethical dimension in the exercise of public activities, which are linked to leadership.

If the organizations are made up of people, their study constitutes the basic element of the organizations, and particularly of the Administration of Human Resources. (Recruitment and selection of capable personnel lead us to obtain a spirit of cooperation from all personnel, in order to fulfill the mission of the organization and the correct use of personnel services in an effective way, that is, the rational use of human resource efforts).

The «organization of learning» is cataloged as a key to competitiveness. Furthermore, flexibility for the development of human resources through development programs must be taken into account, as well as considering the elevation of the living standards of the resource. human that makes up the organization, this considered within the Human Resources Policy.

A quality system has as its main objective that the company works in synchrony, in the same way that the orchestra works. In this way it will be possible to ensure that the services provided are subject to specifications, and therefore comply with quality standards that have been previously established.

The manager's mission lies in the adequate treatment of human resources as a way of assuring the future, this implies specific training for all people, at all levels, based on the treatment of resistance to change, providing solid training for the group consciousness.

Technical training is not enough, it is necessary to have plans for personal growth and interpersonal relationships as a way of guaranteeing the development of organizations and their subsistence in a globalized environment.

Factors that influence acts of corruption in the Ecuadorian context:

"Corruption in the public office is the abuse of power to obtain private profit"

  • Irresponsible and inefficient action also constitutes corrupt action. The private sector bribes the State. Low wages affect the human dignity of the public official, because in a corrupt environment they discourage talented and highly trained officials from opting for seeking activities of improper income.Corruption is a bad practice of individuals, which constitute an abuse of power. There was no clear and precise regulation. Lack of proper planning. There were coercive and control measures, and they were not sufficient to prevent corruption.The lack of computer tools.

Corruption in the public administration is seen as the result of not having duly monitored by the Government and its control systems, which do not work properly, and present with anomalies in the agencies, another case, in which the private sector bribes the State, and is assumed as an implicit tax, affects human quality, because the environments are not conducive to capacity development, in their human resources which must be devoid of values, therefore they are easy prey In order to be contaminated by elements that are not suitable for companies, public or private, this corrupt behavior of a public servant responds to a chain of events, which favors him for committing the crime.

Corruption is seen as a malpractice of the person who holds public office, that is, that politicians are immersed in this comment, since they are the guardians of the state's resources and must take care that these resources are not squandered fraudulent and under the protection of other corrupt who are involved in this crime.

Corruption can be prevented by implementing and strengthening administrative control policies, which must also be coercive.

Here are some elements that would help us a lot to improve control:

  • Clear laws. That the control systems are reliable. Exemplary sanctions, in proven acts. We must all take care of the state resources. Spaces to report irregularities. Protection program. Anti-corruption commissions. Responsibility of public servants. contracting.Simplify tax returns.Tax reforms.Public expenditure criteria.

Policies in some countries have been effective, to name a few examples: Canada, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries have low rates of corruption, have well-developed legal and administrative systems, are transparent governments and subjects of public trust, politically stable and economically sound.

Justice and truthfulness

It is a topic that almost no one wants to face, but that currently requires a very exhaustive analysis and that has an enormous significance in the management of public affairs, therefore we will start from a concept about what is justice, the Writer John Rawls, tells us "we must start from three main ideas: freedom, equality and reward", this contains in itself the principles of justice, fairness, integrity and fair play, therefore they are applicable to those who have the responsibility to act in the sector public, and obviously in private activities.

Justice and truthfulness are two ethical attitudes, which are always very close, so we must seek to be truthful, in a society where lies, deceit and injustice are so deeply rooted.

The honest Official tends to search hard for justice, since being fair means being radically truthful.

If we do not change our attitude towards others, even if we have all the current regulations, we will never be able to change the institutions of the public sector.

We must never forget that public servants receive remuneration for our work, therefore it is essential that we always take into account what is fair, honest, and legal in each of our administrative and customer service procedures for our external and internal clients, Under these parameters we must always bear in mind that Public Officials are a fundamental pillar in civil ethics, injustice violates human dignity and it is an inescapable duty to combat it decisively, and thus guarantee effective and efficient service to the community, proving to be a honest and fair person, showing coherence between what is said and thought, with what is done, this is undoubtedly reflected in the integral formation of the person, the family, the school, the community,and more spaces designed for social coexistence, without a doubt the foundation of all good education is honesty, if you do not proceed with rectitude and honesty, civil ethics becomes impossible.

Ethical fragility

Complex ethics is fragile. It remains uncertain and unfinished: it is an ethic that unceasingly finds uncertainty: from the contradiction within it, the uncertainty of the alea in the environment (ecology of action). It is an ethic of gambling.

It is vulnerable to fear, anger, contempt, misunderstanding and must be resisted without ceasing.

As we have indicated, complex ethics needs a reform of the mind and a reform of life to consolidate and develop, the reform of the mind and the reform of life need complex ethics to consolidate and develop.

Discursive ethics is truly cognitivistic. But this does not mean that it ignores the role of the decision of the will or that of education acquired through exercise, and that it defends something like the teachability of virtue. Said in a more radical way: as a cognitive ethic, discursive ethics undoubtedly insists on the rational knowledge of the validity (obligation) of a principle of good as a principle of what should be; in this measure, she is opposed to all the variants of decisionism, which believes itself obliged to substitute the foundation of validity by knowing a principle for an irrational ultimate decision in favor of a principle or of reason itself.

The reason is very simple, the intuition that today a responsible and solidary ethic is urgent as ever, constitutes the most indisputable and lasting point of this peculiar moral philosophy.

Epilogue: (Ecuadorian case)

THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC CONTRACTING (INCOP), is a public body, has administrative legal autonomy, with national jurisdiction and executes policies of the National System of Public Procurement (SNCP), among its main functions and powers determined in Art. 10 of the LOSNCP, we can identify the following:

  • Establish the general guidelines, which serve as the basis for the formulation of the contracting plans of the Public Institutions subject to the Organic Law of the National System of Public Procurement. Manage the Unique Registry of Suppliers. Dictate administrative, manual and instructive regulations related to Organic Law of the National Public Procurement System. Train and advise on the implementation of instruments and tools as well as on procedures related to public procurement. Issue mandatory pre-contractual and contractual models, applicable to public procurement procedures. Develop and administer the official system. Ecuador public procurement, public procurement,as well as establishing the policies and conditions for the use of electronic system tools and information.

Ministry of Finance

  • Prepare the General budget of the State. It will assign the economic resources to the entities of the public sector, prior to the presentation of institutional requirements, through the SPI, and the Sigef.

National planning secretary

  • Coordinates all programs and projects at the national level of public sector institutions.

General Contralory of the State

  • Make the control through the AUDITS

State Attorney General

  • Answering the legal doubts of public sector entities

Contracting entities

  • All public sector institutions


  • All natural and legal persons who are legally registered as suppliers in the RUP

Through the creation of this Organic Law, the Ecuadorian state has saved millions of dollars in acquisitions that the public sector carries out in all the acts it is responsible for, giving transparency to all purchases that are made.


That the leaders who take charge of public companies are knowledgeable in the sector, where their capacity and competence guarantee the success of public companies, which must have the common welfare as their objective, with indicators of efficiency, productivity, management, norms techniques, certifications….

Let the public interest prevail.

The ethical dimension is fundamental in public leadership, serving is the reason for being and that of achieving well-being for society. The success of organizations depends on the way the company is managed and the treatment of human resources, people are the key to the business; for this reason, they must be integrated into a motivating project, one that delights and that they feel like their own.

Leaders, at all levels, capable of leading us towards an intelligent public Administration in the risk and knowledge society that marks this beginning of the 21st century.


So leadership encompasses a series of feelings, interests, aspirations, values, attitudes and types of human relationships, which are necessary to inspire in daily work, anticipate the reactions of the people who make up the group, that is, the power of the leader It arises from his ability to influence and not from his ability to command, because this is what gives him a sense of direction and purpose.

Administrators must be responsible for public funds, which must be invested efficiently and effectively, under the principles of legality, for which they must apply the instruments to carry out the management, and in this way give transparency to the administration of resources, This constitutes an ethical dimension in the exercise of public activities, which are linked to leadership.


According to the Political Constitution of the Ecuadorian State

Second section

Public administration

Art. 227.- Public administration constitutes a service to the community that is governed by the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, quality, hierarchy, deconcentration, decentralization, coordination, participation, planning, transparency and evaluation.

Art. 228.- Entry into the public service, promotion and promotion in the administrative career will be carried out through merit and opposition contests, in the manner determined by law, with the exception of public servants and public servants of popular choice or free appointment and removal. Failure to comply will result in the dismissal of the nominating authority.

Third section

Servants and public servants

Art. 229.- All persons who in any way or under any title work, render services or exercise a position, function or dignity within the public sector will be public servants.

The rights of public servants are inalienable. The law will define the governing body in terms of human resources and remuneration for the entire public sector and will regulate the entry, promotion, promotion, incentives, disciplinary regime, stability, remuneration system and cessation of functions of its servers.

The workers of the public sector will be subject to the Labor Code.

The remuneration of public servants will be fair and equitable, in relation to their functions, and will value professionalization, training, responsibility and experience.

Art. 230.- In the exercise of public service, in addition to what the law determines:

  1. Hold more than one public office simultaneously, except for university teaching whenever their hours allow it. Nepotism. Discrimination actions of any kind.

Art. 231.- Public servants without exception will present, at the beginning and at the end of their management and with the periodicity determined by law, a sworn statement of assets that will include assets and liabilities, as well as authorization so that, if necessary, the secrecy of your bank accounts is lifted; Those who breach this duty may not take possession of their positions. The members of the Armed Forces and National Police will make an additional patrimonial declaration, prior to obtaining promotions and retiring.

The Office of the Comptroller General of the State will examine and confront the statements and investigate cases in which illicit enrichment is presumed. The lack of presentation of the statement at the end of the functions or the unjustified inconsistency between the statements will presume illicit enrichment.

When there are serious indications of figurehead, the Comptroller may request similar statements from third parties related to whoever exercises or has exercised a public function.

Art. 232.- Those who have interests in the areas that are going to be controlled or regulated or represent third parties that have them may not be civil servants or officials or members of executive bodies of entities that exercise the state power of control and regulation.

Public servants will refrain from acting in cases where their interests conflict with those of the body or entity in which they provide their services.

Art. 233.- No public servant or servant will be exempt from responsibilities for the acts carried out in the exercise of their functions, or for their omissions, and will be administratively, civilly and criminally responsible for the management and administration of public funds, assets or resources..

The public servants or the delegates or representatives to the collegiate bodies of the institutions of the State, will be subject to the sanctions established for crimes of embezzlement, bribery, concussion and illicit enrichment. The action to persecute them and the corresponding penalties will be imprescriptible, and in these cases, the trials will begin and continue even in the absence of the accused persons. These rules will also be applied to those who participate in these crimes, even when they do not have the qualities indicated above.

Article 234.- The State will guarantee the continuous education and training of public servants through schools, institutes, academies, and education or training programs in the public sector; and coordination with national and international institutions that operate under agreements with the State.

Fourth section

State Attorney General

Art. 235.- The State Attorney General is a public, technical, legal, with administrative, budgetary and financial autonomy, directed and represented by the State Attorney General, appointed for a period of four years.

Art. 236.- The Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control will appoint the Attorney General of the State, from a short list sent by the Presidency of the Republic. The shortlist will conform to criteria of specialty and merits and will be subject to public scrutiny and the right of citizen challenge; Those who form it must meet the same requirements required to be members of the Constitutional Court.

Art. 237.- It will correspond to the Attorney General's Office, in addition to the other functions that the law determines:

  1. The judicial representation of the State. The sponsorship of the State and its institutions. Legal advice and the acquittal of legal consultations to the agencies and entities of the public sector with binding character, on the intelligence or application of the law, in those subjects in that the Constitution or the law do not grant competences to other authorities or organisms. Control with subjection to the law the acts and contracts subscribed by the organisms and entities of the public sector.

Differences between boss and leader:


  • Exists by authority. Considers authority a privilege of command. Inspires fear. Knows how things are done. Says to one: Wow! Handle people like tokens. Arrive on time. Assign tasks.


  • It exists out of goodwill. Authority is considered a privilege of service. It inspires confidence. It teaches how to do things. It says to one: Let's go! It doesn't treat people like things. Come earlier. Give the example.

Difference between group managers and team leaders

Group directors

  • The overriding interest in meeting current goals keeps you from thinking about what could be achieved, through reorganization, to encourage collaboration among your members. Reagent with senior management, your peers, and employees. It is easier for you but within certain limits. You are willing to involve people in planning and solving problems to a certain extent, but within certain limits. Resistant or distrustful of employees who know your job better than the Manager.Considers solving problems as a waste of time or as an abdication of management's responsibility. Control information and communicate only what group members need or should know. Ignore conflicts between staff members or with others groups.Sometimes it modifies the agreements of the group by convenient personnel.

Team leaders

  • Current goals are taken smoothly. You can be a visionary about what people could achieve as a team. He shares his visions and acts accordingly. He is proactive in most of his relationships. Show personal style. It can stimulate arousal and action. It inspires teamwork and mutual support. It can get people involved and engaged. It makes it easier for others to see opportunities for teamwork. Let people take action - seek out those who want to excel and work constructively with others. He feels that it is his duty to encourage and facilitate this behavior. He considers that the solution of problems is the responsibility of the team members. He communicates fully and openly. Accept the questions. Allow the team to do its own scrutiny.It intervenes in conflicts before they are destructive. It strives to see that individual and team achievements are recognized in a timely manner.

Maintain commitments and expect others to do the same.


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The leader in public administration