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The leader influences, convinces and directs


The word art is defined as the virtue, disposition and ability to do something, hence it could be said that leadership is an art that not everyone masters and, like all art, leadership has its techniques and leaders execute it accordingly to their ability, but above all, to their preparation. Why its preparation if the world has seen born artists who, without needing to be taught, have surprised and delighted us with their ability? Isn't it also said that there are individuals who are born with the gift of leadership? Well, it is true that there are leaders who are born with that ease of persuading and calling to action a certain group of people, however we see that the entire world is in constant social evolution, cause and effect of changes in politics, the business, technology, etc.and leaders (organizations or individuals) detect the need to adapt their ability to such changes. An artist will always have talent, but by exercising it he also cultivates it, perfects it.

To the question of whether the leader is born or made, it could be answered with “it is done or, it is born and it is remade”, because thanks to the speed with which the world changes and the generations are becoming more different in very long periods of time. short, the leader must constantly reinvent himself.

Universal history is full of leaders; Each progress, each revolutionary event, each fashion, has had a precursor, the one that had an idea and believed in it, inspired others. We know of countless cases of political, social, and religious leadership. Many of these people emerged in entirely different times, places, and circumstances; their characteristics were different from each other. His causes, his personality, his way of achieving his goals were also. While some were authoritarian and commanded groups of people more moved by fear, there were others who followed because of their charisma. It has been difficult to detect a related behavior or personality pattern among all of them, but there is. Whatever your objective may have been, there are qualities that are repeated in everyone.

It is said that a leader is one for his followers, if there are no followers there is no leader and that is not true. There will be people with that gift of leadership that by not exercising it is not followed, but that does not mean that having a cause and proposing a strategy nobody will be with it. This could be called potential leadership. Leadership in action is when that person seeks to achieve a goal by organizing a certain group of people to reach their goal.

The leader is one who influences, convinces and directs people to a course. Not always a politician, a manager, a boss or anyone who has a mandate position will be leaders. It is possible that, in their position, they influence and lead a group but perhaps they do not convince, there are those who influence and convince but fail to motivate them to action. The true leader influences, convinces and directs. But what are the qualities that lead by these three characteristics?

  • Mainly, he must have faith in what he seeks, know that his purpose is achievable. A leader cannot undertake something with the thought that it will not be achieved, much less convince anyone if his mission does not convince him. You also need to know your people, this point is something else important. The true leader knows that he works with people, he takes into account that when working with people he works with different emotions, interests, deficiencies and aptitudes. Try not to generalize first because he is someone who understands the value of good relationships and second because he wants the achievement of his goals, that is why certain activities will be assigned to whoever best meets the requirements to achieve them. A leader is organized, understands the importance of planning, the fulfillment of goals in a timely manner, and understand it because it takes,think and live in order. When he draws up his strategies, he visualizes the future, the resources he has and the ones he will need, he sets to work to obtain what he requires to achieve his goals. He knows that being organized saves him time, reduces unforeseen events, helps him to put people in the areas where he knows they are suitable. Nobody convinces with words more than with example. The example is logic and consistency in their actions; The life of the leader must go according to his values, principles, education. Good leaders with malevolent causes have also had this quality, they have been an example to follow for the achievement of their mission and their values ​​and principles have been consistent with their objectives and their followers have taken it as a parameter. Therefore, the leader understands that his daily actions are observed and imitated.Firmness is something that a leader cannot lack, it does not speak of a bad character but does not admit weakness. Firmness includes assertiveness, maturity in decision making, security in their actions. That leader who has faltered has lost the trust of his followers, however, nobody is perfect and understanding it makes a good leader an even better one. So firmness must go hand in hand with humility. The leader must be firm, without hesitation, but must not be stubborn when he knows he is wrong. Humility shows his followers that he is a person with human quality capable of recognizing his own mistakes and the successes of third parties. He knows that his mission is achieved thanks to the collective effort and he never boasts in first person demeriting the work of others.This does not speak of a bad character but does not admit weakness. Firmness includes assertiveness, maturity in decision making, security in their actions. That leader who has faltered has lost the trust of his followers, however, nobody is perfect and understanding it makes a good leader an even better one. So firmness must go hand in hand with humility. The leader must be firm, without hesitation, but must not be stubborn when he knows he is wrong. Humility shows his followers that he is a person with human quality capable of recognizing his own mistakes and the successes of third parties. He knows that his mission is achieved thanks to the collective effort and he never boasts in first person demeriting the work of others.This does not speak of a bad character but does not admit weakness. Firmness includes assertiveness, maturity in decision making, security in their actions. That leader who has hesitated has lost the trust of his followers, but nobody is perfect and understanding it makes a good leader an even better one. So firmness must go hand in hand with humility. The leader must be firm, without hesitation, but must not be stubborn when he knows he is wrong. Humility shows his followers that he is a person with human quality capable of recognizing his own mistakes and the successes of third parties. He knows that his mission is achieved thanks to the collective effort and he never boasts in first person demeriting the work of others.security in their actions. That leader who has hesitated has lost the trust of his followers, but nobody is perfect and understanding it makes a good leader an even better one. So firmness must go hand in hand with humility. The leader must be firm, without hesitation, but must not be stubborn when he knows he is wrong. Humility shows his followers that he is a person with human quality capable of recognizing his own mistakes and the successes of third parties. He knows that his mission is achieved thanks to the collective effort and he never boasts in first person demeriting the work of others.security in their actions. That leader who has hesitated has lost the trust of his followers, but nobody is perfect and understanding it makes a good leader an even better one. So firmness must go hand in hand with humility. The leader must be firm, without hesitation, but must not be stubborn when he knows he is wrong. Humility shows his followers that he is a person with human quality capable of recognizing his own mistakes and the successes of third parties. He knows that his mission is achieved thanks to the collective effort and he never boasts in first person demeriting the work of others.The leader must be firm, without hesitation, but must not be stubborn when he knows he is wrong. Humility shows his followers that he is a person with human quality capable of recognizing his own mistakes and the successes of third parties. He knows that his mission is achieved thanks to the collective effort and he never boasts in first person demeriting the work of others.The leader must be firm, without hesitation, but must not be stubborn when he knows he is wrong. Humility shows his followers that he is a person with human quality capable of recognizing his own mistakes and the successes of third parties. He knows that his mission is achieved thanks to the collective effort and he never boasts in first person demeriting the work of others.

There are many other qualities and tasks that a leader performs for himself, his mission and his people, but I could mention these as pillars in the influence, conviction and direction that the good leader does. With these qualities, the leader forms, educates, organizes, commands, supervises, rebukes, encourages and rewards.

A good leader must take these aspects into account, to ignore them will only be a boss who does not influence or convince or does not lead.

The public image is also very important and the good leader knows it. Of course, his image will vary according to the environment in which he surrounds himself and the objective he pursues, as well as his personality. From things as superficial as the outfit that, in different areas may be important, such as the most important issues such as education, his own philosophy and the interaction with his followers, make the vocation and art of leadership an even more interesting topic, since it requires constant improvement. Any follower appreciates, is amazed and imitates their leader when he bets on continuous improvement.

Therefore, knowing that what is thought, done and said is always under the fan's eye and why not the competitor's, it is extremely important to take into account. The public image is built step by step and is a daily activity that cannot be neglected since it is something that could quickly fall with some mistake or recklessness.

We all share the idea that the consistency of your words, actions and values ​​is important and it is, but mentioning it only in this way is quite abstract. The leader forms a good public image many times from having an excellent private life that makes him take his principles abroad in a natural way.

In short, the leader would form a good public image whenever he sought to be the leader he himself would follow.

The leader influences, convinces and directs