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The new sense of public management


The multiplicity of discourses and their diffusion referring to the ethics of the organizational system of the institutions generated during various periods, induces us to deepen our research on the impact that this has produced, to achieve a better understanding of this phenomenon, new questions arise. On the one hand , are the instructions fully aware of the existence of production processes? On the other hand, do senior executives (managers) have the capacities to exercise positions within the organization?

If negativity predominates these questions, obviously we are in the presence of a managerial incompatibility, from this perspective the ethics of the organizational system is null, since this is one of the priorities that must prevail in any organization, to guarantee the effective fulfillment of activities programmed within the cyclical production process.

Likewise, Alles (2006: 68) refers that «managerial competences are the set of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and values ​​that a manager requires to function effectively in the job position occupied in the organization, these being a condition for successful job performance. " That is why it is considered essential that organizations that seek to achieve their goals and achieve sustained success, should improve the skills of their human capital, especially focusing on officials who occupy the highest hierarchical levels within the organization, with the purpose of generating an efficient performance of the managerial functions that correspond to them.

For a better understanding of this phenomenon we will analyze the following controversy; According to MacIntyre (1985) he tells us that “ what allows success in modern management is not the use of scientific knowledge in the direction of the organization, but histrionics.

And do we not see this in the day to day of our organizations? Managers whose authority is achieved through the use of language gadgets to make things appear to be one way or another; When we see these managers in action, don't we think that they are selling us an idea that does not necessarily have to be true? Isn't the great advertising machinery a great theater that, rather than trying to convince with reasons, aims to manipulate the behavior of large masses of the population whose humanity is reduced to the adjective of consumer? ”.

On the other hand, Fuenmayor (1993) cited by Contreras et all, (2005), proposes that to achieve better management it must be based on theoretical foundations. At a first level is mechanistic systemic thinking. Where everyone involved in the process works like a machine, the way to deal with them is, therefore, the same way that an expert watchmaker does: adjusting parts, polishing them, maintaining them in such a way that their operation is precise.

The other current of thought that must be considered is evolutionary neoorganism, whose arguments are based on the fact that organizational activities are dynamic and changing, whose purpose is to possess capacities to adapt to the constant changes that affect organisms, if the organizational system does not mutate., the productive processes perish.

Consequently, a new enigma emerges from this. What is the new meaning of public management? What should prevail: the ethical, the histrionic, the mechanistic, or the evolutionary (neo-evolutionist) to respond, it is necessary to emphasize that a good manager must necessarily generate a work environment that fosters the ideal conditions for his employees, that motivates their abilities and that of others, to meet the proposed objectives, focused at all times on achieving results and therefore produce production processes framed in a management of positive impacts on society, whose management indicator is effectiveness.

But going from the dogmatic to the pragmatic is not as easy as it appears, that is why it becomes essential as we mentioned in previous paragraphs that managers must be trained people, fully identified with the productive processes, and to achieve these ends the Manager must possess multidisciplinary knowledge in both the ethical, the histrionic, the mechanistic and the evolutionary, in proportional and / or balanced amounts, in addition to this we must not ignore human sensitivity and empathy. A manager whose paradigms revolve around the previous paragraphs we can say with all certainty that the success of the organization is assured.


  • Alles, M. (2006), Selection by Competencies, Ediciones Granica SA et all, Buenos Aires, Argentina, document available at:

    books.google.es/books?hl=es&lr=&id=Vsmq568qZ7sC&oi=fnd&pg=PA19&dq = alles + 2006 & ots = f8o_iLc_4H & sig = nBVTvWrtJZVqqYmEsAVVx6ZEqn

    w # v = onepage & q = alles% 202006 & f = falseContreras, J. & Crespo, M (2005), Towards a New Sense of Management ?, Maracaibo, Venezuela,: Venezuela //josejcontreras.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/hacia-un-nuevo-sentido-de-la-gerencia.pdf

The new sense of public management