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The competency profile. case study


A competency profile will depend fundamentally on the functions carried out by the job in question, and of course on the strategy and culture of each organization in particular. For this reason, any model to be developed must be flexible and adaptable, so that it is capable of describing observable behaviors, as well as being concise, reliable and valid for predicting success in the workplace.

This article shows the Profiles Profile of a University Professor, the result of a study carried out and validated at the Center for Studies in Management Techniques (CETED) of the University of Havana.

The CETED is a University, Teaching-Research Institution whose main mission is to satisfy the needs of knowledge, the development of skills and the solution of problems in the field of leadership and management, in order to contribute to the development of organizations., leaders, teachers and students.


This Center was selected for having accumulated experience of 14 years of working with Cuban and foreign managers and companies from different sectors and levels of activity, which allows it to be in a position to provide services to any type of entity, regardless of the size and the sphere of the economy to which it belongs, both productive and services, as well as any sector.

Its faculty is made up of different professional profiles including: economists, accountants, engineers, psychologists, pedagogues and historians who are required to master the techniques of the most advanced pedagogy, along with the processes and techniques of contemporary scientific research and professional consulting and advice.

Methodology used

This work was developed in three stages:

  • Collection and Analysis of Information. Information Processing.

High school

a) Definition of the research problem, work objectives and the object of study.

  • The objectives and the place where the “pilot test” of the Profile of Competencies to be proposed were defined. A first contact was made with the management of the organization to find out their expectations about the work and negotiate the results to be achieved, establishing The psychological commitment on our part to present a proposal for the competence profile of CETED and to guarantee, on the part of the organization, its participation in the Expert Groups, the possible logistical facilities and access to the documentation of the Center. make 5 Profiles of Competences: director, professor, driver, secretary and librarian, (in this article only the Profile of a university professor will be presented).

b) Bibliographic review on the study topic.

  • A comprehensive bibliographic search on Competency Management was carried out. The bibliographic study was carried out mainly from the visits made to the Centers listed below: Academy of Sciences. Information Center of the Center for American Studies (CEA). of Documentation of Cubalse. Methodological Cabinet of CETED. Documentation Center of the Ministry of Finance. CETDIR of ISPJAE. Computer rooms on the 10th floor of the Julio Antonio Mella building (UH) to review the portals and websites linked to the subject.

c) Definition of the Methodology, techniques and instruments for collecting information.

  • The output format of the competency profile was defined based on the study of documentation carried out and the techniques and instruments to be used for the analysis and processing of information, among which are: Group Dynamics, Expert Criteria, Documentation Study, Database, Interviews, Questionnaires, Surveys and Method of Direct Observation. A letter was delivered to CETED staff to inform them about the work being carried out and its objectives, the surveys they had to complete and the interview request. A summary referring to generalities on competencies was included, where its concept and some elements are briefly explained. Teachers were given a set of competencies for their validation, structured in formats based onthe CETED teacher model and the skills defined by Professor Mc. Clelland.

d) Selection of the sample.

  • In the preparation of this work, an intentional sampling was used, selecting a sample made up of highly experienced professionals, considered experts in the activities they carry out, including: the director (in his dual capacity as leader and professor), teachers and administrative staff. The sample selected for the CETED teacher competency profile excluded only those who were fulfilling work commitments abroad or outside the Center in the national territory. For the competency profiles of the director and administrative positions, it was mainly used However, the personnel who occupy these jobs were validated with the rest of the teachers at the Center.

e) Definition of the Competition Profile Format:

The proposed output design takes as reference the HayGroup Hard Profile (Skills) and the Soft Profile (Attitudes) developed in the second article, and it is presented structured in 3 parts:

  1. General Data: Includes the name of the position, location in the organization, mission of the position, teaching category and scientific degree (in the case of teachers). Hard Profile (Aptitudes) that focuses on the requirements demanded by the job and It covers: functions, academic training, level of experience, physical requirements, responsibility requirements and working conditions.
  • Soft Profile (Attitudes) focused on detecting relevant behaviors linked to optimal performance within the organizational environment, linked to its structure and culture.

The proposed format of the Competition Profile for an organization described above appears in Annex # 1.

Collection and Analysis of Information

For the implementation of this stage, the following techniques were fundamentally used:

  • Documentation study and database: A review and analysis of all the documentation related to the Center was carried out. Interviews of Critical Incidents with Occupants of the Post: A questionnaire of questions was carried out to all the professors and administrative staff of the Center previously coordinated The information obtained from them formed the basis for developing the proposed Competency Profile format. The results of the interviews allowed completing the first and second part of the proposed design referring to the General Data and the Hard Profile.
  1. Surveys Surveys were applied to all the teaching and administrative personnel of the organization, which allowed the analysis and processing of the information corresponding to the third part of the output design, that is, to the Soft Profile. Surveys for Administrative Personnel refer only to to the competences for these positions, for not considering it necessary to develop the other aspects, given the existing information in the Designs of the Administrative Staff Jobs that exist in the Methodological Cabinet of CETED. The surveys were applied from the: CETED Professor, Competencies selected by Professor Mc. Clelland of Harvard University, Elements present in the direction of the Center, Restrictive forces present in CETED, Culture of the organization,Criteria and ranges of analysis present in the determination of human talent for CETED, Elements to include in the category Academic training and Values ​​of culture. Expert Panel: A group of experts was selected in order to validate the results obtained in the interviews. and surveys applied based on Profiles Profiles.

Information Processing.

As a result of the interviews and surveys carried out with the workers of the Center, certain competencies were defined that correspond to the objectives of CETED. They were validated by the criteria of the experts and specialists in Human Resources.

The application of these techniques made it possible to analyze the competences from different analysis planes, which made it possible to group them as follows:

  • Organizational Competencies (these are the distinctive competences of CETED), which are what make it a Center of Excellence and which constitute qualities resulting from the interaction of all the members. Competences for Teachers (those competences that all CETED professors must have and that correspond to the 28 competencies defined from the Mc. Clelland surveys and the CETED Teacher Model. Specific competences for each job (competences distinctive between each administrative job, director and teachers).

The Proposal of the Profile of Competences of a university professor is in Annex # 2.


The current societies to achieve a better performance in the pursuit of their development must prioritize a greater investment in the training of their intellectual capital to guarantee human resources with the professional skills that the organization requires.

The competencies defined in an organization must be aimed at: preserving its values, facing new challenges, maintaining its response capacity, as well as its parameters of professionalism and excellence.



Msc. Ileana Artidiello Delgado

Lic. Roxana Lídice Conrado Barreras

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The competency profile. case study