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The problem of leisure and the importance of being focused on business


This article discusses why it is important for success in the business world to keep your mind and heart focused.

It is also talked about because thinking people, committed and with active participation in the world of ideas and thought actions become the main asset of the business.

We begin this dissertation with the etymology of the word business. It is interesting to discover what this concept means from its origin which is found in the roots of Latin: nec (no) and otium (leisure). According to this basis, it is understood that business is the opposite of leisure.

Considering this etymology, the idea emerges that the person who wants to do business is the one who commits to the objectives he seeks to achieve and, in carrying it out, puts his mind and heart to work in order to achieve what he sets out to do. Based on this idea, we discover that those who firmly want to achieve goals must commit to having their mind set on the actions necessary to achieve what is proposed.

Therefore, leisure is outside what is allowed.

At this point it is important to mention that when we talk about leisure we are talking about activities where time can be in danger of being lost. However, meditating on what you want would never be considered leisure, but on the contrary, reflecting calmly is important for those who want to achieve success.

In the business world it is known that the establishment of the organizational structure will determine the type of results to be achieved. At this point, the importance of knowing what type of exercise of authority is the most convenient, what type of people is required for each position, also considering that these people act according to organizational philosophy, is important for subsistence and goal achievement.. Likewise, the organizational structure determines the way in which communication occurs between the various members that make up the institution.

In the course of history since the first factories appeared, the evolution of the ideas emanating from the problems, challenges and opportunities typical of the business world has been observed. Currently, due to the complexity that organizations face to subsist and maintain, many of the concepts and principles of administration point towards the discovery of the thinking man within work teams as an organizational competitive advantage, and it is for this fact that structural design is fundamental for the permanence of any institution.

On the other hand, those who are in the business world recognize that the processes and procedures implemented in the institution impact the external client in a positive or negative way. For example, the speed with which a company brings products to the market determines the success of that product in a large percentage. Taking this information into account, it is that we reaffirm the importance it has for those who want success not to fall into mental and physical laziness, since successful businesses promote reflective thinking in the people who make up the organization. Rodríguez Contreras (2007) mentions that clear goals are essential for excellent planning, therefore he suggests to entrepreneurs (people who establish businesses) that:

  • Take care of your mission statement. Comply with the interests of the shareholders. Focus on the customer

This author continues mentioning that planning is an invaluable activity designed to face the needs that arise daily in an organization.

In a world where competition is cruel and abundant, you cannot continue operating without technological advances. At this point we highlight that the knowledge that people possess is the key to staying on top when it comes to technology. It is interesting to note that many people reduce the concept of technology to computers and machines, however, the most important thing in terms of technology is to capitalize on knowledge that allows facing the challenges posed by the characteristic organizational world of the 21st century. That is why today it coincides with the idea that knowledge costs but ignorance is more.

The main idea of ​​this writing is to recognize the importance that people have for achieving goals. Keeping this idea in mind, we also observe that the people who make up the institutions depend on the capital that will allow them to face the challenges that arise. At this point, we highlight the fact that care must be taken in selecting the person or persons who determine the use of money. This is mentioned because the use of money represents a great risk to the life of an institution, since the scarcity of this resource at a critical time can be vital for the subsistence of the institution. Although the importance of financial capital is highlighted in this paragraph, the idea that knowledge is still more important still stands.

The mission and objectives of the company are the methodological instruments to align employees towards a known and defined destination, that is, this knowledge allows leaders to lead the way in which employees need to walk. The short-term goals are part of the operational plan and the long-term goals are part of the company's strategic plan, and it is also important to highlight at this point that the goals determine the obligations on the part of the employees, and some should not be allowed to act as they wish without considering the course of the institution. At this point it is important to highlight the example of Walt Disney's vision to build the happiest site on earth.This businessman and his group of collaborators never ceased and have ceased to have in mind what this idea means depending on the client who must be made to feel happy. The large influx of people to the various parks of Disney companies confirms that in this place people feel happy because those who work in this institution strive to make people feel that way. When can 100 men beat a thousand men? When they are effectively organized and have a clear and defined vision and mission, which in turn leads us to think about the importance of not stopping thinking about what you want.The large influx of people to the various parks of Disney companies confirms that in this place people feel happy because those who work in this institution strive to make people feel that way. When can 100 men beat a thousand men? When they are effectively organized and have a clear and defined vision and mission, which in turn leads us to think about the importance of not stopping thinking about what you want.The large influx of people to the various parks of Disney companies confirms that in this place people feel happy because those who work in this institution strive to make people feel that way. When can 100 men beat a thousand men? When they are effectively organized and have a clear and defined vision and mission, which in turn leads us to think about the importance of not stopping thinking about what you want.

In order to build or improve companies, it is important to be clear that the accelerator and sustainable factor in a company is people, but not just anyone, but rather those who do not allow leisure during their day, that is, their mind is concentrated on important things. to achieve the goals. She is the one who is interested in having knowledge that is tools for the actions necessary to face the challenges that arise when seeking to achieve goals.

The mission, vision, goals and strategies are irrelevant if the right people are not in the right positions to act in accordance with the ideas expressed in the concepts with which this paragraph begins. A big dream with the wrong team turns into a nightmare because ambitious goals pursued by mediocre people are going to produce mediocre results. In other words, it means that very well-formulated plans by highly paid executives and / or consultants may have been written on ice if the managers, technicians or operatives who think about superficiality are in charge of the start-up.

According to this idea, it follows that you cannot decide who will be part of the team without having gone through a time of mental work where you meditate deeply on the data you have on one or more candidates for a position. The advice to those who are responsible for the decision to select an employee is to carry this process with theoretical and methodological rigor, which implies not giving space to leisure, and quickly fire those who hinder the achievement of organizational plans. He who is not giving results after having been given the necessary training and support to carry out his tasks is because he has not found his passion. Therefore, when hiring and / or firing, it is important to keep in mind that the one who does what he likes,He does it well because he does it with enthusiasm and this idea together with the actions that it implies allows to develop a winning team.

On the other hand, it should be noted that although the trader has the right personnel, he cannot let Jim Rohm say: "You cannot hire anyone to do the exercises for you." In other words, to lose weight or to achieve success, it is the businessperson who has to apply the knowledge acquired in the form of principles and concepts that he will share with his employees whom he will involve and commit to these ideas and actions in due proportion with. in order to achieve what is proposed. Therefore, the idea that leisure is out of business is reiterated again.

To end this writing in which the idea that in the business world it is very risky to make room for leisure, which from this perspective is understood as the physical and mental laziness that leads to actions, has been continually raised unthinkable, that is, who wants to succeed in the business world requires educating their minds with knowledge that allows them to think deeply about their actions. Therefore, we will finish by posing what Snowden and Boone (2007) propose for leaders and / or people who run businesses. According to the science of complexity, it is recognized how important it is for leaders to understand that in today's world technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, as well as knowing that in the organizational world globalization cannot be ignored,cultural and demographic and ecological change.

These authors propose that leaders using this approach should learn to define the framework with examples drawn from the history of their own organization and from scenarios of their possible future. Therefore, the complexity approach (which requires leaving leisure aside and keeping the mind and heart in the situation of the institution) implies for the businessman to understand that in these complicated contexts they can contain many correct answers. Likewise, the scenario is "you know what you don't know", a situation that leads to the need for the leader to perceive, analyze and respond. By understanding this idea, the transcendental role played by the investigation of many options that translates into understanding that a good practice is more appropriate instead of a best practice is recognized.

Today's business world understood from the perspective of complexity leads us to know why leaders are advised not to ignore innovative suggestions from non-experts, as this action can become lost opportunities. Snowden and Boone continue to insist on leaving within the minds of leaders the importance for the life of the business to consider the ideas of the dissidents, therefore they suggest that it is important to listen to the experts and simultaneously embrace the thoughts and solutions coming from other sources.

Therefore, according to what was expressed during this writing, we conclude by reiterating the idea that within the business world there is no place for leisure, since it is necessary to have a mind fed with knowledge and experiences, as well as developing intellectual skills, theoretical-methodological and social characteristics of the complex world in which businesses are inserted. Therefore, we understand that people are our main asset.


Posada, Joachim. "Seven basic principles to start a business" Available on the web:

Rodríguez Contreras, Carlos. "What was the first; the egg or the chicken?" Pyme Administer Today, 163, November 2007. pp.24-26

Snowden, David and Boone, Mary. "A Framework for Leader Decision Making" Harvard Business Review, Number 11, Volume 85, November 2007. pp. 123-132.

The problem of leisure and the importance of being focused on business