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Supply chain management for business productivity

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The Industrial Engineer, exercises his function of professional contribution from the Systemic Situational Thought, as a philosophical position of life.

From this edge it tends, in coherence with the specific felt reality of the environment and the Business Skills of its productive scenario, for the integral quality of the processes at levels of excellence.

This systemic situational thinking places him with his feet on the ground, aware of the evident reality of his habitat, allows him to identify a viable objective of mutual benefit and fosters the creative and competitive design of an articulated system of productive variables to achieve it.

The Supply Chain is a management tool that takes control and orientation of the production processes, making synergy linked with each of the areas responsible for productivity with competitive criteria.

Relatively young (as of this century), this tool already has managerial status and is one of the best-paid positions in companies that take advantage of its determining value construction.


The Industrial Engineer exerts his function of professional contribution from the Thought Situational Systemic, like philosophical position of life. From this edge he prohangs, in coherence with the felt reality specifies of the surroundings and the Enterprise Abilities of his productive scene, by the integral quality of the processes at excellence levels.

This systemic situational thought places it with the feet on the Earth, conscious of the evident reality of his you live, it allows him to identify a viable objective of mutual benefit and it causes the creative and competitive design to him of a articulated system of the productive variables to obtain it.

The Supply Chain is a management tool that takes the control and direction from the productive processes, doing synergic chained with each one of the areas responsible for the productivity with competitive criteria.

Relatively young (what it goes in excess of the present century), this tool already has management status and is one of the positions better remunerated in the companies that take advantage of their determining construction of value.


The issue of logistics is so important that companies create specific areas for its execution, it has developed over time and is currently a basic aspect in the constant struggle to be a first world company, which immersed in globalization is committed to creating highly competitive value.

Previously, logistics was only, having the right product, in the right place, in the right time, at the lowest possible cost, nowadays these apparently simple activities have been redefined and are now an interdisciplinary process that bases its offer on comprehensive quality, from the raw material to the final product that meets the needs identified in a target market of organizational interest.

Therefore, logistics seeks to strategically manage the acquisition, movement, storage of products and inventory control, as well as all the associated information flow, through which the organization and its distribution channel are channeled in such a way that the present and future profitability of the company is maximized in terms of costs and effectiveness.

The Supply Chain takes up the concept and adapts it with productive relevance to the current demands of high competitiveness, where only the fittest will survive and where the products and services are increasingly homogeneous, so that it can truly create Perceived Value an integral quality in real time.

The Supply Chain operates from, in and after:

  • Research that identifies opportunities and defines the best approach. Creation and development of the satisfaction of said detected needs. Contact and negotiation with the supplier of inputs and raw materials. Installations, equipment, processes and human capital of the transformation into the final product. Physical distribution logistics: from the company to the target audience.

As we can see, its action affects the entire organizational process, and we hope that it will affect it for good, with ongoing development and within the parameters of economic policy: What to produce, how to produce it and how to distribute the goods and services produced? economy and quality of life.

Purposes and commitments of the supply chain

Open to a hopelessly competitive world, organizations worldwide, research, venture, develop, exploit and manage productive tools, seeking comparative and competitive advantages that allow them to remain in development, in a target market for which they perfect and refine their business skills at the pace of evolution in all orders, present in its environment of influence.

Thus, the permanent application of the DOFA matrix, in each of its production areas, requires investments, often of demanding dimensions, with the healthy purpose of conserving or increasing its competitive capacity.

This done in the historical span of each firm, it is increasingly imperative to ensure investment given the commitment that is acquired with the market, shareholders, suppliers, employees and a portfolio of clients that expects and only accepts the best, since that their brand loyalty is in direct proportion to the satisfaction that the product or service that the offeror makes available to them, trying to create a perceived value that guides them with autonomous will to acquire, with the sacrifice of their " capital loss ”.

So, how not to watch with jealous pertinence and effectiveness ?, to build value in each of these business skills, which together must generate productive synergy and competitive sufficiency, with a logical and chained system, where each part is a whole, in regarding the achievement of corporate results.

The interdependence of these so-called entrepreneurial skills is obvious before the simple analysis of primary complexity.

They are a chain that can be broken by the weakest of its links, and we know that every chain does.

Dr. Jean Paúl Sallenave already marked its importance from an investigation of more than 25 years around the world, which was reflected in books and conferences of wonderful worldwide benefit, with his theory of Comprehensive Management. The great entrepreneurial guru Peter Drucker in his work Management for the future and many others where he was recurrent on the subject, Professor Khadem with his work Total Alignment and thus a whole series of wise researchers of business, management and productive commitment.

Business skills

Let's take a look at your productive synergistic connection:

  • MarketingAdministrationFinanceProductionServiceHuman talentTechnologyPhysical distribution logistics

The organization must ensure that each of these skills remains on point, with development and permanence, in parallel evolution and consistent with what the globalized world demands, which in addition to being competitive, is aggressive, demanding, without mercy or fear, which has cutting-edge technology and creativity pay very well, which justifies the profitable care of investments of great impact and importance in national and international economic development.

We cannot conceive of an Effective process = (Efficiency + Efficacy), if each one of these entrepreneurial skills that we have registered does not create value in a synergic integral articulation, since if only one failure, it will destroy value to the final result.

We can think that the Marketing, Finance, Production, Administration, Technology, Service processes are conceived in terms of excellence, but human talent suffers from undetected and uncorrected shortcomings that take it out of the productive context, the expected result will never be seen.

Likewise, although the available Human Talent is the result of a professional and carefully assertive process of selection, hiring, location, induction, training, motivation and accompaniment, but it faces a clear demerit of productive connection of support in any of the business skills described: a alone or several of them, the result will be a mediocre sample of unsuccessful achievements that do not justify the investment.

The issue of logistics is such an important issue that companies create specific areas for its treatment, it has developed over time and is currently a basic aspect in the constant struggle to be a first world company. In the past, logistics was just about having the right product, in the right place, in the right time, at the lowest possible cost, nowadays these apparently simple activities have been redefined and are now a process.

Logistics has many meanings, one of them is responsible for the efficient distribution of the products of a certain company with a lower cost and excellent customer service.

Therefore, logistics seeks to strategically manage the acquisition, movement, storage of products and inventory control, as well as all the associated information flow, through which the organization and its distribution channel are channeled in such a way that the present and future profitability of the company is maximized in terms of costs and effectiveness. Thus, since traditional Logistics evolves to integral Logistics, Reverse Logistics is also necessary, given the great industrial development and the concern to make the care of the environment profitable, making it not only minimize contamination but also transform it into by-products: excesses, breakdowns, surpluses and waste, from the proposal that "producing clean is profitable".

Causes that generate the need for reverse logistics

  • Defective merchandise Excess inventory return Customer returns Obsolete products Seasonal inventories

Reverse Logistics Activities

  • Withdrawal of merchandiseClassification of merchandiseReconditioning of productsReturn to originsDestructionAdministrative processesRecovery, recycling of packaging and hazardous waste

Then, since the dawn of this century, the Supply Chain appears as an organizational tool that integrates all the processes into one, as an articulation of maximum use of the resources for which the company pays, hoping that it will always be an investment and not an expense. The Supply Chain must achieve the proper functioning of the logistics administration present in each of the production areas and for this it ensures that certain characteristics of the leaders of each department are met in the management of the process of their responsibility, such as:

  • That there is a formal logistics design within the master plan Logistics at the Management level, in support of decision-making Logistics with the concept of added value or value creation Customer orientation, who is the one that allows permanence High flexibility for management unexpected situations Outsourcing as part of the business strategy, in weak areas Understand that logistics is part of the comprehensive strategic plan Internal and external strategic alliances.

News and relevance of the supply chain

High levels of competition in international markets have led companies to the conclusion that in order to survive and succeed in more aggressive environments, the company must initiate relationships of exchange of information, materials and resources with suppliers and customers in a way that much more integrated, using innovative approaches that jointly benefit all actors in the supply chain.

It is a network of facilities and means of distribution whose function is to obtain materials, transform these materials into intermediate products and finished products, and distribute these finished products to consumers.

A supply chain consists of three parts: supply, manufacturing, and distribution.

  • The supply side focuses on how, where and when the raw materials for manufacturing are sourced and supplied. Manufacturing converts these raw materials into finished products. Distribution ensures that such end products reach the consumer through a network of distributors, warehouses and retailers. The chain is said to start with your suppliers 'suppliers and end with your clients' customers.

Due to advances in manufacturing and distribution, the cost of developing new products and services is decreasing and time to market is accelerating. This has led to increased customer demand, local and global competition, and pressure on the supply chain. To remain competitive, companies must reinvent themselves, so that the supply chain, supply, procurement, production planning, order fulfillment, inventory management and customer service, but a flexible operation designed to deal effectively. to current challenges.

Within this supply chain management we find the following objectives:

  • Having less inventory in the system Giving a better service to the market Always having what the end market wants Not losing any sale to the end market Costing is an important factor Reducing times during the design cycle is critical as it allows companies to spread their products more quickly to meet customer demand.

It is planning, organization and control. The management of monetary flows, information products or services is involved in these activities.

Throughout the entire supply chain, they maximize the value of the product / service delivered to the consumer and at the same time decrease the organization's costs ”.

  • It groups the processes and businesses of multiple companies. It includes activities associated with the movement of goods from the supply of raw materials to the final consumer. It includes the information systems required to monitor all these activities. They have an obsessive fixation on customer demand..

Seven basic principles

  • Principle No. 1: Segment customers into service needs and adapt the chain accordingly. Principle No. 2: Adapt the logistics network to service requirements and profitability of customer segments. Principle No. 3: To be attentive to market signals, it is necessary to carry out the permanent research cycle. Principle No. 4: Strategically manage the sources of supply, from the excellent contact with the supplier. Principle No. 5: Develop a technological strategy for all the supply chain, updated and in accordance with the specific need of the company, since technology that does not provide, should not even be considered. Principle No. 6: Design management indicators, for all the links in the supply chain and in the processes of each productive area Principle No. 7:The level of execution of the process in each of the areas of productive commitment has an equal impact on the final result, which is why it is a chain of value creation.

One of the main problems of any company is working effectively, which is equal to efficiency + effectiveness.

You must know how to differentiate between the physical flow of goods and the flow of information, which will always go hand in hand and present a complementary contribution of great importance in decision-making and in the benefit of the process.

Recognize information

  • Information becomes tangible like the material products to which they are accustomed. The flow of knowledge can be an enormous source of efficiency and profit in the perfection of the exercise.


  • The inventory defeated the information by physical verification. The companies maintained an additional parallel inventory. The Japanese were the first to make this process more efficient in the manufacturing industry. The Kanban system is a piece of paper and cards with an index of items with identification codes. The process of replacing inventory with information is a phenomenon that will continue in business.

End of inventory:

  • There will continue to be companies whose main resource will be information Companies will become just information Some very successful companies do not have assets The fixed capital of all companies continues to decline There is little interest in owning the tangible: everything leans only towards information

Increasing customer demands, competition, and rising development costs are changing the face of business in the economy.

In today's marketplace they employ a customer-focused orientation, this process is key to maintaining competitive advantage within the market.

For this reason, all production processes must be oriented to the full satisfaction of the only person responsible for keeping the company alive and growing: His Majesty the Client.

There are several points to keep in mind when creating a successful customer-centric Supply Chain:

  • Receiving orders is only a part of meeting customer needs. Time to market is a key competitive advantage (Time to Market). The Marketing Department should be the one who represents the customer to the company. When the Marketing Department acts, it impacts the integral structure of the company. It is the Supply Chain Manager who is responsible for ensuring that all processes make productive convergence in favor of the client, who is ultimately the raison d'être of any organization. Perceived Value is created from any productive area, which is really what The only one that achieves the development of billing and chain: Profits, Soundness, Competitiveness, Permanence, Corporate Image and Financial Stability.


  • Strategic alliances with suppliers Editorial Norma Timothy M Laseter, Felipe Cárdenas Arroyo, Angélica Burbano Collazos. Frequently asked questions about Marketing ED. Norm of Dr Jeffrey A Kottler - 2005. Notes in class Unilibre Barranquilla subjects: Market Research and Marketing Plan. Marketing Management memories Specialization University of the Andes. Memories for the subjects Professor Carlos Ramirez JLC Unilibre Sectional Barranquilla, undergraduate and graduate.
Supply chain management for business productivity