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The operational control board in Cuban beer companies


The work is based on designing for the first time an Operational Control Board for the beer and malt production process that can be applied in all the breweries in the country, which will allow to focus and standardize the most relevant indicators, will offer a graphic image and clear operations, will facilitate communication and understanding of objectives, will help reduce the amount of information that can be obtained from information systems.


Different concepts offered by various authors about the control boards are exposed and finally the operational control board is chosen to be designed and validated in the UEB of Elaboration of the Cervecería Tínima Company because it is a simpler tool, it allows to carry out permanent monitoring and it is especially geared towards companies where managers are involved in daily business. It allows continuous monitoring of the status of a process to be able to take the necessary corrective measures on time and to evaluate the evolution of those operational indicators that need to be monitored.

We proceed to propose the methodology to follow for the creation of an operational control board.

Key words: control, management, indicators, monitoring, decision.


In recent years, in Cuba, various studies have been carried out with the purpose of using strategic control to increase the management levels of organizations of all kinds. In 1995, management by objectives began to be introduced and, starting in 1997, the use of Strategic Management was established as a State policy in all the entities that make up the Cuban state system. In 1998, the Decree Law 187, which established the bases for the implementation of the Business Improvement model, emerged as an agreement of the V Congress of the PCC, aimed at continuously enhancing the levels of efficiency, authority and executivity of the Cuban state company as a fundamental link of the economy.

For the brewing UEB belonging to the company Cervecería Tínima, it is a weakness to analyze the behavior of indicators and results thereof, taking into account the objectives of this productive UEB, given the difficulties detected in its control mechanisms, based on the unique expedition of monthly frequency of reports referring to the economic and financial situation, where the strengths and weaknesses obtained from the study of the main indicators are exposed, that is, no daily analyzes are carried out or at the time the problem arises, but rather at the end of the month is that the technical report is prepared with the evaluation of historical results; In addition, there is no Control Board, its influence on the organization is limited as long as its origin,the objectives and indicators are drawn up randomly at the discretion of senior management and no relationships are established between them, so we can conclude that the UEB has tools for control through the use of financial and non-financial indicators, but it is not they are correctly aligned with the UEB's raison d'être as a result of the limitations inherent in this tool, which brings with it the non-fulfillment of its objectives and as a consequence the result of its management.but they are not correctly aligned with the UEB's raison d'être as a result of the limitations inherent to this tool, which brings with it the non-fulfillment of its objectives and as a consequence the result of its management.but they are not correctly aligned with the UEB's raison d'être as a result of the limitations inherent to this tool, which brings with it the non-fulfillment of its objectives and as a consequence the result of its management.

Defining as a problem of this research: How to handle information for an adequate management control in the UEB of Elaboration belonging to the Cervecería Tínima Company?

Object: Boards of directors.

Defining itself as the fundamental objective: to improve the control of information through the Operational Control Board in the Elaboration UEB.

Establishing as a hypothesis, that “if the control of the information is improved through the implementation of an operational control panel with specific indicators for the production of beers and malts, then an adequate control of the operational management in the UEB could be obtained of Elaboration belonging to the Cervecería Tínima Company.

Field of action: Operational control panel in the UEB of Elaboration.

To fulfill the objective of the work, the following specific objectives were drawn:

  • Theoretically support the dashboard tool with a view to improving business efficiency. Characterize the UEB under study, as well as its information system in particular. Present the design of the dashboard for the UEB. Evaluate the results obtained with the application of the control panel Present the conclusions and recommendations resulting from the research.

Research Methods:

  • Theoretical Methods:
    1. Historical-logical: It is based on the study of the historical background and current trends to achieve a better organization of the information that helps decision-making, which allowed establishing the theoretical bases that support the research, as well as giving an order logical to the contents that are treated. Analysis-synthesis: For the evaluation of the different bibliographic sources used, linked to the problem treated, as well as documents and other texts related to the phenomenon under study. Content analysis: It was carried out from of acts of oral, written communication and direct observation, in a punctual and general way, in order to describe the content that is transmitted.
    Empirical Methods:
    1. Review of conventional and electronic documents: it will be used to obtain all the possible information on the performance of the UEB, in order to know the needs to be covered with this tool. Statistical analysis: It was applied to perform percentage calculations of different indicators (Microsoft Excel).

The practical novelty of this work lies in managing to design for the first time a Control Board for a Beer and Malt Brewing UEB that can be applied in the rest of the country's breweries, which will allow perfecting the control of information through Indicators through indicators, will offer a graphic and clear image of operations, will facilitate communication and understanding of objectives, will help reduce the amount of information that can be obtained from information systems.

The research has been structured in the following way, an introduction regarding the foundation of the problem, objective and importance, a development made up of three chapters; the first entitled Control Boards, their classification, the second with a characterization and diagnosis of the Production UEB belonging to the Cervecería Tínima Company, and the third with design and evaluation of the control instrument. All this allowed to reach conclusions and recommendations that provide various decision tools to the company and finally the classic and updated Bibliography of the developed topic.

The bibliography consulted is in correspondence with the classic literature on the subject and, on the other hand, the updated one available on the INTERNET, which has allowed the research to be carried out and the objectives set out to be achieved.

Advantages of the Operational Control Board for the Cuban beer industry.

Taking as a reference the criterion of Alberto Ballvé "… the need to share information between different levels and organizational areas." (Ballvé, 2000, p88), the following advantages of using an Operational Control Board for companies and specific for the beer industry can be listed:

  • The Operational Control Board is a tool created to share previously selected information (key indicators) that allow obtaining an overview of the operation of an area or process. The permanent diagnosis and monitoring of the indicators and information has been and is the basis for maintaining good control of the brewing process given that it allows managers to obtain relevant data from the different areas to structure their action plan. In all these cases, the Dashboard allows, through the different alarms, to make the pertinent decisions and therefore define the indicators to be monitored.

With this, the beer industry is subject to parameterization in many of its values ​​to facilitate diagnosis and decision making with generic indicators for the beer system.

Other aspects that improve the dashboard are the following:

  • Centralization of the information: the production information in both the hot and cold process in the beer industry is dispersed in several files.

By loading the data in the operational control panel, it will be available, which can be accessed depending on the conditions that are created.

  • Improved processing times for operational information: all processing is done through the dashboard and no manual processing steps are required.

The operational control panel as a fundamental management tool for daily analyzes is important since it guarantees an efficient use of the human, material and financial resources available to the beer industry, in addition to helping decision-making, make the process of management control and management allowing more analysis tools to be incorporated into the business decision process.

This board will act as a thermostat for the specific beer and malt brewing activity in the hot and cold process, as well as in the maintenance carried out by the Industry itself, guaranteeing the correct planning of resources, as well as allowing for greater benefits in the activity of production and service with the minimum of expenses.

All the information provided by the registration system is used to determine each of the indicators that make up the control panel, its identification, quantification, and registration for subsequent analysis. Coordination in production planning and maintenance strategy are the source of data to form the operational control panel of the breweries, their priority allows evaluating the efficiency of the process as a whole.

Among the analyzes that the breweries have to carry out periodically are the levels of production by assortments, taking advantage of the available and installed capacity, as well as raw materials by Indices or Consumption Standards, in addition to those that are linked to the control and management of the production process itself.

Characterization of the Elaboration UEB.

The Cervecería Group, subordinate to the Business Group of the Food Industry. (GEIA), methodologically directs this group of companies. It is made up of a Group Leader and five specialists (Annex # 1).

The companies dedicated to these activities are directly subordinated to the Business Group of the Food Industry. (GEIA), in turn this group is subordinated to the Ministry of the Food Industry.

These companies are:

  • Guido Pérez Valdés Company. Dedicated to the processing of beer from the fundamental raw materials which it acquires from the companies Tínima and Hatuey. In addition to the bottling machine. This company is located in the municipality

Cotorro in Havana. The UEB “La Princesa” is subordinated to it, which completes the entire production process based in Pinar del Río

  • Antonio Díaz Santana, Santo Domingo Municipality in Villa Clara. Perform the same procedure as the company Guido Pérez Tínima, in Camagüey. Its bottlers are located in Ceballos, Ciego de Ávila and another Bottler in Las Tunas. In addition to covering the bottling process, it processes the fundamental raw material until obtaining the beer broth. Hatuey Santiago de Cuba, in Santiago de Cuba with 2 Bottling Companies: one in Bayamo, Granma and the other in Guantánamo.

The Cervecería Tínima Company, arises to supply the product to the center and eastern part of the country, and through the innovative technologies and solutions provided by the workers themselves, the quality of the productions is guaranteed, as well as a greater presence of beverages in the national market.

Located on the road to the slaughter, kilometer 2 ½ of the north ring road of Camagüey, it is structured in a flat way due to the implementation of the Business Improvement. It is defined with a general direction, 4 functional directions and 9 Base Business Units, 4 of them productive and 5 services.

The Corporate Purpose of the entity first approved by resolution 413 of July 23, 2001 of the Ministry of Economy and Planning, updated by Resolution 569 of December 30, 2004 and currently by Res 63 of 2011, is as follows: Produce and wholesale market beers of different types and brand in bulk and in various containers and packages in Cuban pesos and convertible pesos.

Produce and market beers, malts and other beverages from Camagüey in a competitive environment, based on a participatory and committed work environment, to satisfy the preferences and needs of the national market and with participation in the foreign market. Its vision is: Achieve significant growth in production, marketing and distribution based on high quality and professionalism, ensuring net income, to meet contributions and achieve sufficient working capital, allowing us to expand reproduction and maintain a efficient investment process.

Main clients: OEE MINCIN (ENPA) Chain, Municipal Collective Food Companies, Drinks and Soft Drinks Companies, National Beer System Companies, Mixed Retail Companies, Gastronomic Companies, MINFAR Military Trade, MININT Military Trade, CIMEX, TRD Chain and Trimagen.

Main suppliers: ALIMPORT, ALIBEC, Beverage and Refreshment Companies, National Beer System Companies, Sugar Operating Company, Raw Material Recovery Companies, Sagua Electrochemistry, TRANSCAR, Transcontainers, CUPET.

The company is destined to produce and market products aimed at raising money; for this reason, it operates large volumes of currency which are visible in the contributions that the company makes to the State Budget for more than 80.0 million pesos, including: Special and sales tax, Contributions on Profits and performance of the investment.

Among the productive ones there is the UEB of Elaboration which is constituted by an area of ​​process of elaboration of the must, another one of process in cold or fermentation and the cellar of guard, in these areas it works permanently with four shifts of work. 365 days a year.

Firstly, in Torre de Granos the cleaning of the grain and the separation of impurities are carried out to later go to the cooking area where the entire manufacturing process of the beer must is carried out, in this area a yield of 10 brews / day can be obtained, which increases the productive volume in more than 50%. Then the cooling of the must occurs in a plate exchanger with water and alcoholic water. In yeast culture rooms or refrigerators, yeasts are prepared with all the necessary requirements and with the quality required to be injected into the reactors. In addition, sugar decoctions are prepared and used as adjuncts. In fermentation the entire process is carried out in cold for the final production of beer and malt products.In the reactors the fermentation process of the must occurs when adding the yeast, this process in beer aims to create a suitable medium for fermentation in an accelerated way and obtain a product that complies with the regulations in this regard, also increases the content of oxygen, favors the reproduction of the yeast and encourages fermentation.

In the fermentation stage, the yeast is injected and then the uninterrupted recirculation of the yeast must mixture is carried out through the short circuit of the reactor, which facilitates the reaction in stirred medium, when it has 80% of the total volume, it is begun to recirculate the must through the long circuit avoiding the formation of foam. This process is carried out at a temperature between 9.5-10.5C for five days.

The beer or malt from the reactors undergoes the filtering process in the spark plug filters or plates and once filtered it goes to the cellar area for storage and subsequent output depending on the assortment you want to make.

The areas from cooking to cellar have the following structure per work shift:

  • 2 masters in cooking. 2 operators in reactors (includes a master brewer). 2 operators in filtration. 1 operator in guard cellar. 1 Chief of Brigade.

A maintenance area that has a Head of area. They are subordinated to a chief of the electricity brigade, a chief of the mechanics brigade, two specialists in maintenance of equipment and industrial facilities, specialist to attend one of the automatic systems and the other of the electrical systems.

The UEB has an economist, a technologist and a structure that allows it to record all the operations that are carried out during the day, taking into account the levels of production by assortments and the Raw Materials or inputs to be used in production. Total quantities and needs calculated by Indexes or Consumption Norms.

At the end of 2017, the UEB ended with an excess in the losses and deterioration of its production of 256.9 MP, this is one of the causes that led to this study, for which it was decided to carry out a diagnosis that would allow listing each of the causes that affect the control and management of the UEB.

UEB Diagnosis Brewing and malting.

Once the UEB under analysis is characterized, a diagnosis is carried out to determine and quantify the problems or failures that affect the good performance of the UEB, in order to influence them and develop the tool that enables the objective of the investigation to be fulfilled.

Two different techniques were applied to make the diagnosis:

  • Expert Criteria. The documentary review.

Expert Criteria:

Based on the fact that an expert is a person recognized as a reliable source of a subject, technique or skill whose ability to judge or decide correctly, fairly or intelligently gives him authority.

Expert method is based on consulting people who have great knowledge about the environment in which the organization carries out its work. These people present their ideas and finally a report is drawn up indicating, in their opinion, the possible alternatives to be had in the future.

  1. Creation of the expert group. Identification of the difficulties of the UEB management activity by each expert. Determination of the level of agreement. Establishment of the priority order of the most important.
  1. Creation of the expert group.

The complexity and characteristics of the work to be carried out depend on the amount of expert. The group of experts must be between 7 and 15 to maintain a high level of confidence and qualification. The determination of the number of experts is carried out using criteria based on the binomial probability distribution. Using the following expression: M = (p * (1 - p) * k) / i 2


i: is the desired level of precision.

p: estimated proportion of experts' errors.

k: constant whose value is associated with the chosen confidence level.

Once the number of experts to be used was calculated, it was determined from an intentional sample, that is, it was based primarily on the best-trained personnel, the level of decision and experience in the Industrial Sector. Choosing a total of 10 people according to the result of the expression used, they have experience in the job, preparation, mastery and knowledge of the production process.

Expert. Quantity Percent Years Average experience.
Director. 3 30 fifteen
Shift Chief. two twenty 13
Accountant B. one 10 18
Master brewers. 4 40 twenty
Total. 10 100 17

List of experts:

  1. Director of UEB Production: Vladimir Castro Rosell Director of UEB Packaging: Yudith Luis Alfonso Director of UEB Logistics: Manuel Lage Pérez Head of Production: Grabiel Rodríguez Pérez. Head of Production: Ariel Fonseca Gutiérrez. Counting B: Regla Ricelda Romero Quintana.: Santiago Herminio Rodríguez Plana. Brewing master: Adrián Guevara Rodríguez. Brewing master: Emeterio Iván Coca Olivares. Brewing master: Diógenes Martínez Lluch.

  1. Identification of the difficulties of the UEB management activity by each expert. A brainstorm was carried out with the selection of experts to list, in their opinion, the causes that affect the good performance of control and management in the UEB of Elaboration. In addition to asking them to list them in order of priority.
    1. Deficiencies in the delivery of the shift by the brigade leaders and the operators who also intervene in the daily delivery.Absences of the operators that cause inconvenience to others who have to double shifts.On occasions, the statistical and accounting information is distorted. Therefore, it is not useful for decision-making. Insufficient political-ideological work to rescue and sow values ​​in the UEB workers. Labor and technological disciplines, which denotes a lack of sense of belonging of some workers who can undermine the unit of the collective. Incorrect filling, deletions and amendments in the modeling that reflects the productive operations of the UEB. Lack of preparation of the middle managers and some operators.
  1. Determination of the level of agreement.

This list will be submitted to expert judgment, calculating the level of agreement according to the expression:

C c = (1 - V n / V t) * 100 where:

C c: It is the level of agreement of the experts expressed in%.

Vn: The number of experts who vote against the majority.

Vt: The total number of experts consulted.

If C c> 60%, the agreement is considered to be acceptable.

From the brainstorming carried out, the criteria of the experts was obtained and according to the consensus among the experts in the individual work of each, the level of agreement of the experts was calculated, grouping the deficiencies detected in the diagnosis on the control and management of the UEB in:

Not Identified factors EXPERTS DC
one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
one Deficiencies in shift delivery by brigade leaders and operators who are also involved in daily delivery. x x x x x x x 70
two Operators' absences causing inconvenience to others who have to double shifts. x x twenty
3 Sometimes both statistical and accounting information is distorted, so it is not useful for decision-making. x x x x x x x x 80
4 Insufficient political-ideological work to rescue and sow values ​​in the UEB workers. x x x x x x x x x x 100
5 Labor and technological indisciplines, which denotes a lack of sense of belonging of some workers who can undermine the unity of the collective. x x x x x x x x x x 100
6 Incorrect filling, deletions and amendments in the modeling that reflects the productive operations of the UEB. x x x 30
7 Lack of preparation of middle managers and some operators. x x x x x x x x x x 100
  1. Establishment of the order of priority of the most important.

When calculating the coefficient of agreement of the causes identified by the experts for having more than 60% agreement, the following are assumed:

  1. Insufficient political-ideological work to rescue and sow values ​​in the UEB workers. Labor and technological disciplines which denotes a lack of sense of belonging of some workers who can undermine the unity of the collective. Lack of preparation of middle managers and some Operators. Sometimes statistical and accounting information is distorted, so it is not useful for decision-making. Deficiencies in the delivery of the shift by the brigade leaders and operators that also intervene in the daily delivery.

The diagnosis allowed determining the critical indicators to be monitored, as well as the flow and cause-effect relationships between them to understand the production model. This result will make it possible to prepare the Operational Control Board which will provide the necessary tool to monitor the UEB situation at least daily and, in a shorter time possible, offer the necessary corrective measures.

The documentary review was carried out on all the documentation, that is, minutes of the board of directors, parts, modeling and other documents of similar importance that intervene and affect the control of the production process of the UEB and for this the last three were chosen years gone by.

Design of the operational control board.

Aspects to be verified within the UEB that influence the proper control and management of the UEB management of preparation:

  • Practice quality controls, production, and determine its dependence. The issuance of daily reports of production approved and rejected or in poor condition. What happens to rejected or poor production, is destroyed by implementing the act or is recovered. The installed capacity of the company is determined. If the company has a cost system. If a production time is anticipated and how it is determined. The existence of analytical records of the costs of the finished products. electricity consumption.

Definition of key areas.

In order to apply the operational control panel, the following key areas were chosen as they are the ones that most affect the production process:

  • Hot Process Area: influencing the manufacturing of the must mainly. Cold Process Area: the fermentation and filtration process. Maintenance Area: preventive maintenance.

The indicators to be identified by the key areas are as follows:

The aspects that are intended to be developed to influence the management control of the UEB management are Quality, Quantity and Productivity. In order to measure and control Quality, it is proposed to monitor the type of production, level of production in poor condition, as well as its cost. The products to be controlled are beer must, brew must and malt must.

For the Quantity the level of production and material consumption and finally the Productivity in which the performance of the workforce, production and energy will be monitored.

Tabulating them would be as follows:

Key Aspects. Indicators. Reason or Calculation. Um. Evaluation range (Alarm).
Quality. Production type. (Volume per Assortment / Total Production) Hectoliters (Hls). Red <70%

Yellow 71 to 80%

Green 81 to 100%

Production in poor condition. (Volume per Assortment in poor condition / Total Production) Hectoliters (Hls). Red> 102%

Yellow> 100

Green <= 100%

Production cost in poor condition. (Value of

Production in poor condition / Total Production Value)

Thousands of pesos (MP). Red> 102%

Yellow> 100

Green <= 100%

Quantity. Production level. (Total Production /

Productive capacity)

Percent (%). Red <70%

Yellow 71 to 80%

Green 81 to 100%

Material consumption. (Value of Consumption

Material / Total Production Value)

Pennies. Red <70%

Yellow 71 to 80%

Green 81 to 100%

Productivity. Workforce Performance. (Total value of

Production / Average


Pesos. Red <70%

Yellow 71 to 80%

Green 81 to 100%

Production Performance (Actual consumption by input / Consumption

Input standard)

Percent (%). Red> 102%

Yellow> 100

Green <= 100%

Energy efficiency. (Total Production Value / Carriers



Tons of



between thousands of pesos

(TCC / MP).

Red <70%

Yellow 71 to 80%

Green 81 to 100%

Information architecture design:

  1. The Scope or periodicity: The information will be captured and processed daily so that the analysis of the information and the updating methodology can be carried out. The Opening: the information will be classified by concept and product. Update frequency: the data will be updated daily. The Reference: It is very useful to define for each indicator a reference base on which to measure and calculate deviations. Four possible bases can be defined: The budget, be it initial or corrected and revised, an objective and, finally, the history or historical series. Alarm parameters: According to the color of the traffic light, the progress of the management or the magnitude of the deviation can be identified, and its colors are categorized as the following:
    • Red - Overdue management <70%, is a sign of non-compliance or a markedly negative situation: the UEB is far from achieving the expected results. Yellow - Normal management 71% - 80%, indicates a level of satisfaction that is barely close to acceptable. It is the transition color between the other two. Green - Satisfactory management. 81% - 100%, denotes satisfactory (and more than satisfactory) fulfillment of the expected result.
    Most representative graph: with the help of the processed data, a graph will be created that will represent the behavior or evolution of the indicators. Responsible for monitoring: the following responsible are defined.
Responsible. Action.
UEB Director of


He is in charge of supervising the elaboration of the board and of carrying out its analysis as well as the decision making.
Economic of the UEB of Elaboration. He is in charge of feeding the control panel, by means of the technical sheet of indicators assigned to each head of area and taking corrective measures.
Head of Area

Hot, Cold and Maintenance Process.

They are responsible for completing the technical data sheet of indicators, complying with the information requirements on progress and execution of resources.

To compile the information of the different indicators selected from the key areas, the following table or technical data sheet was proposed:

Indicator Name:
Description: Brief explanation of the indicator.
Scope Diary Month Accumulated
U / M: Date:
Key Area. Reference.

Application or validation of the operational control panel.

The application of the operational control board had the existing computer technology in the economic area of ​​the UEB of elaboration, to make the processing and analysis of the operational control board feasible, a tool was used through Excel with a logical arrangement that makes it flexible and contributes to the elaboration of the board.

Parameters to analyze the key aspects of the board:


  • Type of production: according to the production plan, 0.7 MHls of wort for beer, 0.8 MHls of wort for brewing broth and 0.3 MHls of wort for malt must be elaborated with a daily frequency, in which the three key areas are involved. in poor condition: according to the standard a 2% is established for the losses and deteriorations for the production.Cost of the production in poor condition: the standard is determined by the allowable percentage of the decrease by the value according to the cost sheet.


  • Production level: the daily productive capacity of the UEB of Elaboration is 1.8 MHls.Material consumption: sum of all the material expenditure that intervenes in the production and maintenance process of the UEB, the norm for material expenditure by weight of production. is 0.3560 cents.


  • Labor force performance: The planned average of workers for the UEB is 67 workers. To assess the production, it is taken into account that the price of the hectoliter of brewing broth is 41.00 CUP, the hectoliter of beer is 35.00 CUP, and the hectoliter of malt is 45.00 CUP. Production yield: the consumption standard for inputs according to type of production is:
Input. Um Beer Broth malt
Malt (Barley) Ton / Hl 0.00847 0.00988 0.00810
Hop Ton / Hl 0.00093 0.00093 0.00008
Refined sugar Ton / Hl 0.07702 0.00898 0.07550
Caramel color Ton / Hl 0.00010 0.00023 0.00029
  • Energy Performance: The energy performance standard for the UEB is 0.099 TCC / MP.

Firstly, through the technical file, the database is fed daily, from which the reports that allow the different outputs of the operational control panel to be compiled with the objective of evaluating the management control of the UEB of Elaboration.

Indicator Name: Type of production
Description: This indicator covers the daily production levels of beer must, broth and malt.
Scope Diary Month Accumulated
U / M: MHls Date: 08/31/18
Data: 0.7
Key Area. Reference.
Hot Process 0.7
Responsable. Head of Hot Process Area

The operational control board was applied in the UEB from July of this year and a data run was carried out with the information that was available in the UEB for the month of May so that the positive impact of the board could be demonstrated. in the management control of the UEB (Annex 5 to 12).

Each of the key aspects proposed in its analysis in the control panel, show a favorable trend according to the parameters established for each indicator, which are positive results at the end of July 2018.


  1. This research has shown that the operational control panel is an excellent support for the management of the UEB of Elaboration since when comparing a before and after of the control panel it can be verified that:
    • Improvement in the key operational process is achieved, since it is extremely useful for monitoring productive activities. It serves to diagnose and share information, achieving a cultural change, lowering responsibilities and sharing information. It is possible to develop in the UEB the integration of the different pieces of information on key internal indicators, influencing the final result favorably. It allows daily monitoring of the operational processes carried out in the UEB in terms of quality, quantity and performance. Information that is generated in the UEB motivating an adequate control of the operational management in the UEB of Elaboration.
    The application of the work allowed to demonstrate the fulfillment of the formulated hypothesis and its viability.


The management of the UEB of Elaboration is recommended the following:

  • Continue to refine this work based on the experiences from its application with the aim of further strengthening management control of the UEB management process. Strengthening training for managers in key areas of the UEB. Stimulating channels of UEB communication to continue improving the control of the information generated in the UEB.


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The operational control board in Cuban beer companies