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Team work. an opportunity for individual growth


Man as a human being tends to live in society, he needs each other and under these circumstances it is difficult to understand that he can live or feel autarkic, the development of society requires that human beings act and complement each other to satisfy their needs and aspirations; in 1950 when Deming and Juran discovered the need to end feudal or archipelago-type philosophy in organizationsFor this purpose, they presented proposals for teamwork focused on quality management and statistical process control in Japanese companies, given that, as the old popular adage says "no one is a prophet in his town", the Western administration only believed on these proposals when he looked at the growth and competitiveness of Japan and other Asian countries.

Notwithstanding the above assertion, today in companies and in particular in those with a traditional, hierarchical, rigid structure and with abundant rules, there has been an individualistic style in its functionality, each person does exclusively what corresponds to him by regulation or function manual; The division of labor is so evident that interoperability is very difficult, if not impossible, the civil servant is focused on his sole responsibility, on his predetermined functions, directed and with little or no possibility of personal and professional development, repetitive activities and accumulatively generate in people a slow, paralyzing, almost automaton attitude, their ability and creative capacity are atrophied,in short, the structure and style of administration can destroy the creativity of your human potential; Consequently, this is not how the maximum productivity of people is obtained and therefore the maximum competitiveness of companies; one must move from organizations based on control to organizations based on self-control.

The answer is in teamwork as an interdependent act of process work. According to Katzenbach and Smith, a team is a "small number of people with complementary knowledge, committed to a common purpose, performance goals and a common methodology, for which they hold each other responsible"; In the same way, the team vision is confused with the systemic vision of the company where people and resources are integrated, which through processes generate the desired results.

Within teams, people on the basis of a common skill generate affinities, listen to each other and learn; Rubinstein already said: "You can never make good music if the members of the orchestra do not listen to their companions."

Teamwork is a strict and challenging process, but very satisfying

The integration of one another is the opportunity to learn and grow, as a team the processes are discovered, known and executed, as well as the problems that arise, standards are created and improved, there the collaborator receives feedback from the one who knows, from whom does not know and who knows the most; everyone learns and unlearns, they become less slaves (knowledge frees), more friends with each other and more friends of the company for which they work.

A group leader is necessarily needed, his work is vital for the team, from the moment of conceiving the objective and selecting the team members; but this is a very special topic that deserves another space and therefore will not be treated in this essay.

Teamwork is a win-win modality, there is the operation one plus one equals three, that is, the knowledge of two collaborators united is superior to what each one would do separately.

Now, not all people like to work in a team, even those who say they like it, find it difficult to adjust to an environment like this; Team members require time, training, help and exercises to consolidate, only then can their success be guaranteed, in fact many teams fail.

From successful teams it was learned that members require training in group dynamics, problem analysis, communication techniques, interpersonal relationships, effective presentations and decision making; and within the teams other characteristics are acquired such as: democratic administration, visible and participatory leadership, shared responsibility, defined goals, interactive communication, multicultural skills, interdisciplinary approach and openness to new ideas.

In this vein, it can be concluded that teamwork is a strict and challenging process, but very satisfactory; differences are always present and conflicts are an opportunity for debate and therefore learning, the employee grows, the teams grow and with them the company becomes competitive, in short, everyone wins.

It is important, on the basis of solid learning, to implement this work modality, or better this lifestyle in our companies, whether public or private, to assume it as a work culture, only in this way will efficiency and effectiveness be achieved, and therefore both effectiveness and quality of life.


REES, Fran. WORK TEAM. Ten steps to get results. Editorial Prentice Hall, Mexico, 1998.

KATZEMBACH, Jon R. SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAMS. Editorial Norma, Barcelona 1998.

CABELLO, Mario and RAMÍREZ, David. Competitive Companies. A change strategy for success. Editorial Mc Graw Hill. Mexico 1997.

CANE, Sheila. How to succeed through people. Editorial Mc Graw Hill. Bogotá DC 1997.

ROWLAND AND PEPPARD. Reengineering in business processes. Editorial Prentice Hall. Mexico 1996.

Team work. an opportunity for individual growth