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Using Fuzzy Information in Business Decision Making

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The ignorance of fundamental information of some areas of the organization makes it increasingly vulnerable to the immense wave of internal and external factors. For this reason, efforts to acquire new knowledge are recognized as a priority, which will be given through obtaining information.

This information that is unfortunately obtained comes in large quantities, without form, unclear and precise, that is, it is diffuse information that must be shaped, coherent, its authenticity verified, etc. with the purpose of serving as fundamental support in decision making.

In the present work the way of handling this information will be addressed so that it is beneficial for the organization, saving a lot of time and effort, but above all for correct decision making.

Definition of Information

Information is an organized set of data, which constitutes a message about a certain phenomenon or entity. Information allows solving problems and making decisions, since its rational use is the basis of knowledge ”.

Fuzzy information is

The organized set of data that constitutes a message about a certain phenomenon or entity but that has the characteristic of being unclear, exact or concrete.

For most organizations, information is an element that could not be ignored or improvised. Nowadays, the correct handling of information makes it possible to face the future and business competition with a much greater probability of success.

The process to reach the point where the information available to the company is reliable enough for decision-making is very complex and can be carried out with the help of the following elements:

Fuzzy information management process

The process must cover the entire organization and it is a key point that is implemented from the top management of the company, who is responsible for raising the information needs of the organization from a strategic point of view.

Need for information

It is here where the concern for knowledge about:

  • Internal and external environment of the company

    Recognize the environmental, socio-cultural situations, the position of the competition, marketing plans, labor situations, national and local economy, etc. Organizational

    interests and objectives Interests, needs, concerns or shortcomings of the organization itself in order to establish organizational objectives and goals. Clients and / or users

    Mainly to have the knowledge of the needs that the organization intends to satisfy Production and / or operation systems

    They are the systems on which the capacity and success of the company are focused, since these systems are in charge of supplying products to customers, so the information regarding the systems is very important as it must be to have the ideal for the type of needs to be satisfied.

    Technology Information on technology must be up-to-date and at the forefront, since production costs can be saved and customer service can be made more efficient.

Information search

In order to search for information, you must be very clear about what the information needs are, it is advisable to prepare a schedule of activities that contains:

  • The tasks to achieve the organizational objectives. Order the activities with logical order of action. Determine the means and resources to use. Determine the execution time.

It is necessary to recognize the institutions that handle the type of information that interests us, such as:

  • INEGI: National Institute of Statistics and Geography IFAI: Federal Institute of Access to Information INFOMEX: public information of the Federal Government INFONAVIT: institute of the National Fund for Workers' Housing.

You must define strategies, put together priority maps and search tactics to avoid overworking and saving time, it is also advisable to recognize some of the characteristics of internet search engines to speed up the search for information even more.

Obtaining all kinds of information (diffuse information)

During the process where the need for information arises and later it is sought to obtain it, it is very common that the result is a large amount of information, unclassified, disorganized, unstable, with the impression that it lacks substance and form.

To determine if the information obtained is diffuse, the following questions should be asked:

  • Is it adequate to the needs of the business or company? Is it accessible enough for those members of the organization who need it taking into account the right time and place? Is it accurate and complete? Is it safe referring to accessibility, integrity and reliability Does it have duplications or not?

Use of tools to locate and obtain clear and precise information

In order to face so much information, and such disorganization, it is advisable to implement some tools that will make this great “quasimode” an important source of information.

  • Identify keywords Know and apply rapid reading techniques Apply some selection technique to highlight main ideas Develop content cards Use indexes and thematic search engines Ask experts in the subject Implement a method that registers, concentrates, classifies, organizes and hierarchizes information Assigns personnel in the organization responsible for each task Determine the specialty, line of business or profile of the information sources Evaluate the reliability of the information sources Be able to identify the types of sources and their content Know how to collect information

Information evaluation

The evaluation of the information is extraordinarily important since the efficiency and effectiveness with which the organization develops depends to a great extent on this part of the process since it determines how it responds or reacts to the objectives and information needs of the clients to have the different indicators.

To carry out this evaluation you must:

  • Establish evaluation objectives Distinguish the particular from the information in general Apply the appropriate criteria to capture, select, integrate and organize Give consistency to the information Distinguish opinion facts Find different points of view on the information and discuss Know how to identify the position that the source has in the information Use categories of reliability, validity and depth levels for the manipulation of information Feedback on the actions being carried out Being capable enough to see the evolution of the information work Distinguish between primary and secondary sources

Reasons to carry out information evaluation

  • Because some senior manager has asked for it To allow modifications To give information that can be countered for some period of time As part of the planning For the contribution of opinions that give new perspectives To document results or impacts on the organization

Information processing and production

At this stage, the information is processed and subsequently used to benefit the organization in some way. In this information processing and production it is carried out with the purpose of understanding, signifying, locating and differentiating in time and space, knowing, participating, expressing and convincing to achieve organizational success.

These are some of the actions to be carried out at this stage:

  • Synthesize, organize and present the information Be able to carry out an analysis and synthesis of information Reflect and conclude Master the basic techniques of written expression Know how to make reports DO NOT copy and paste Integrate to paraphrase, transform and somehow represent the information Use diagrams Use tables Use graphs Know how to write an essay

All this will be capable of generating accurate and timely communication instruments that respond to real information or communication needs. Able to attend to the characteristics of the communication medium used and take into account the characteristics of the user.

Decision making

In this age of information globalization, economic and financial, internationalization and highly competitive, we must face so many changes and vary strategies. Organizations have an obligation, if they want to be successful, to strategize and make decisions very quickly.

The basic instrument for decision making is clear, timely and truthful information. Information is the raw and fundamental material in the decision-making of the top managers of an organization since the higher the quality of information, the better the quality in decision-making.

Exact analytical criteria can be adopted in organizations if they have perfect information, since the information is worth as much as the benefit or absence of losses obtained based on that information.

Decision making based only on the facts leads us to apply the principle of approximation that is based on data and information ensuring that these are accurate and reliable, since with accurate data, it is possible to apply some correct evaluation methods to make correct decisions.

All this makes the information obtained accessible to anyone who needs it, thus saving a lot of time in solving problems and highlights the knowledge of the needs of the organization's processes, thus allowing the organization's objectives to be more efficiently achieved.

A manager must make many good decisions every day. Some of them are routine or inconsequential decisions while others have a drastic impact on the organization's operations. Some of these decisions affect the profit or loss of the objectives, fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the mission and goals of the organization.


  • DIFFUSE INFORMATION: is the organized set of data that constitutes a message about a certain phenomenon or entity but that has the characteristic of being unclear, exact or concrete. A good methodology and procedure must be used to analyze large amounts of unclear information and Accurate to save time and effort. Analysis of data and fuzzy information is essential in decision making.


  1. Aumatell, CS Information audit: analysis of the information generated in the company. Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language. (sf).Kramer, MP Estrategia y SociedadTejedor, VJ (2012). THE INFLUENCE OF THE MEDIA IN THE CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY. mundoculturalhispano.com.UDLAP, c. (2011). Collection of Digital Theses. Retrieved on Nov 5, 2011.UNLZ., DC (sf). UNLZ. Retrieved on March 7, 2012.

Suggested thesis:


Objective: to manage the diffuse information so that it serves as a support to the managers in the decision-making that positions the company in the best place in the market.



Using Fuzzy Information in Business Decision Making