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Computer use in preschool and teachers in a Cuban population

Table of contents:


To start talking about the insertion of machines in the teaching-learning process we have to go back two decades before the appearance of the first electronic computer. As early as 1920 the American psychologist Sydney Leavitt Pressey designed a mechanical object to provide an immediate response on multiple-choice tests. The immediate correction of errors served as a teaching function, allowing students to practice with the test exercises until their answers were correct.

According to the reference of some American researchers, they attribute that the programs for all levels of education in the US were launched at the end of the 50s and were used in the Navy and in industry. This type of teaching brought the advantage that most of the programs were used autonomously, achieving a more individualized learning pace.

In its beginnings, programmed teaching suffered the effects of the lack of a technological development that allowed to put into practice all the theoretical postulates that it held since they appeared in textual form or were presented with the help of the teaching machines where the program and not its form of presentation were those that produced the teaching.

The appearance of the first electronic computer marks, without a doubt, an obligatory point of reference in our history, although the purpose of its construction was not precisely for educational purposes. Between 1939-1945 a team of scientists led by Alan Turing3, created in London what was considered the first fully electronic digital computer:

From this date on, an accelerated technological development in the field of electronics began, which led to a vertiginous evolution of computers, which at first were exclusively military projects but with the 1951 appearance of UNIVAC I, the first electronic computer for commercial purposes. marks the beginning of the information age The first use of computers for educational purposes is reported in the late 1950s in the United States, specifically in the area of ​​school administration, in universities with large economic resources. Subsequently, the development of research on the use of these equipment in the teaching-learning process begins.

With the appearance of microcomputers in the 1970s and early 1980s, the second stage began to develop, characterized by decentralization and the absence of large projects, and strong criticisms of the behaviorist approaches, present in the first stage.

The emergence of the microprocessor in the early 1970s and its rapid spread led to the penetration of computers in businesses, schools, and homes. Microcomputer technology has a spectacular development from the 80s.

In the development of Informatics in Cuba, the use of computing in teaching, in scientific research, in teaching management has been a prioritized objective of the National Informatics Policy since the first years of the Triumph of the Revolution. This allowed the preparation of personnel who could assimilate the technologies that began to be introduced in the country in 1959. Already in the 1970s, the design and manufacture of computer equipment made its way.

José Martí, our senior teacher, told us that "There is no possible social equality without equal culture."

Starting in 1984, with the allocation by the Cuban government of a significant financial fund, it was possible to acquire increasing volumes of microcomputers that made possible a broad and accelerated process in the use of this technology and the different educational environments.

The establishment of a Master Plan for Computer Science in Higher Education allowed the determination of approaches and conceptions between technology and the different educational environments that resulted in:

  • Introduction of Computer Science in vocational training. Preparation of teachers in the use of Computer Science. Preparation of management cadres In research. In the production of educational Software. In the automation of teaching management.

In general, in Cuba, positive results can be highlighted, among which we can highlight:

  1. Introduction in all university careers of the teaching of Computer Science Redesign in the curricula of Secondary and Upper Secondary Education with new conceptions of methods and study objectives of this discipline and research is carried out in Primary that should allow reaching conclusions regarding the study of this discipline at these ages. A national network of Young Computer Club has been created with cognitive and recreational objectives that allow young people to learn it. Acquisition by the state and completion of this technology to national plans and different levels Structuring of a postgraduate improvement system through different ways as a guarantee of this process and raising the quality of the professional level Internet connection has been achieved in different centers,as well as universalizing the use of new advanced technologies. The participation of specialists in a group of events both territorial and international in nature has been consolidated.

The Educational Revolution begins in Cuba and with it the Revolution of New Technologies in this field.

New technologies are massively introduced in all Educations, fulfilling the prospects for the introduction of Informatics in Early Childhood Education, reaching all corners of the country where these technologies were not alien thanks to the accepted leadership of our Commander in the transformation of our educational reality by taking photovoltaic cells to those places devoid of electricity to the most remote places of our Nation, as one of the noblest tasks of our Revolution in the educational field.

"Education received at a time and time is criminal" (Martí, 1999)

In the 20012002 school year, the entry of the new technology into Primary Education began in a massive way and with it the entry of the teachers of the Emerging Course of Training of Computer Teachers for Primary Education from the "Eduardo García Delgado" Center, to be integrated into the familiarization of this education in terms of the psychopedagogical characteristics of the students included in this age and the teaching particularities of teaching, as well as the methodological aspects to take into account in the computer development teaching as, Object of Study, Teaching Medium and Work Tool. A Program was designed for this purpose by the study center itself and in this course itself, computing is introduced in preschool, in this way,the approach of preschool-age boys and girls to new communication and information techniques, particularly computing, is inserted in the educational conception that our educational system materializes; an education that aims to achieve the maximum possible development for each boy and girl, understanding this development as integral and harmonious, based on an education based on the principles of true humanism and social cooperation, capable of guaranteeing the formation of capable citizens, intelligent and supportive. However, it was not taken into account that in Primary Education itself Preschool Teaching was inserted, which, although it responded to the Infant Area, contemplated a Software, a program designed to be used by children,closely linked to the assimilation of knowledge from the different areas of knowledge; in preschool education.

In the different partial and total visits, made to the different centers of the territory and in the EMC (Joint Methodological Trainings) carried out, it was regularly verified that both the Computer Science teachers and the teachers of this grade themselves were not prepared to face teaching in the same for what slowed the development of the PDE (Educational Teaching Process) given by the novelty of this technology and the lack of preparation in the elements of Basic Informatics in the Preschool teachers, a diagnosis was applied to the population of both teachers in order to know the real state of said problem, detecting said deficiencies in the entirety, undoubtedly affecting the development of the process,because they did not have the necessary tools to face the challenges that were imposed in the performance of the children of early ages in terms of the development of skills to solve the work with the different areas of development and the computerized tasks offered by the Software "To play", related to them, however they had knowledge of the psychopedagogical characteristics of children at these early ages.

On the other hand, the Computer Science teachers were devoid of preparation in this grade in terms of the psychopedagogical development of boys and girls of these ages and the work with the different areas related to the development of familiarization skills, sensory development, intellectual and recreation and the related to the discipline itself, but they had knowledge of Basic Computing Elements and Navigation through Educational Software, and there were also inadequacies in the guiding base or preparation of the children for arrival at the laboratory with the necessary motivation despite of being the machine and a new and novel reason for the boy and girl.

Today it is a real fact, computing, has climbed top places in education, as part of the improvement continued in each new school year, new demands and transformations are proposed; and the objective of the new project of Educational Informatics for preschool education is aimed at starting the use of Software, in children, in close connection with the assimilation of knowledge from the different areas of knowledge; in preschool education.

As defined (Añorga2000: 6) who identifies professionalization as:

“A permanent professional pedagogical process that has its genesis in the initial training of the individual in a profession, which implies a mandatory continuous change at all levels, with a pattern essentially determined by the domain of the knowledge base, typical of the discipline specific to the profession that he exercises, which has a human factor that must react correctly in its confrontation with the community and advance to be able to make a suitable adjustment with the innovations of interchangeable variables that infer in a dominant and leading social environment of the man"

Before the professionals of the sector is the task of investigating in what way the teaching should be organized so that the proposed objective is achieved. Therefore, in the action and application of educational software designed for teaching, we have detected that as a result of the little pedagogical experience of computer teachers, they cannot achieve a developer teaching in these students.

This topic is related to the current transformations (Educational Revolution) New technologies in all Educations, the introduction of Computer Science in Early Childhood Education

The contradictions that lead us to investigate on the basis that is stated are:

  • Weaknesses in the preparation of Computer Science teachers to face teaching in this grade. Poor mastery of the psychopedagogical development of boys and girls of these ages and work with the different areas related to the development of skills.

Lack of knowledge of different levels of help, which allow them to intervene with their mediating role to achieve success at work with the tasks on the machine

  • Verbal support Verbal alert Demonstration

"With the help of language or any other symbolic system, children acquire the ability to be subjects and objects of their own behavior." (Vigotsky1989).

To consider the practice as scientific, design a strategy that allows the theoretical, systematize and base the practice, in practice, a source of knowledge from the application of the theory, to achieve reflection and transform reality.

Investigate how teaching should be organized so that the objective set is achieved through a scientific method from a dialectical conception that allows transforming the educational reality.

In this way it is intended to establish the necessary links between what is theorized and pedagogical practice.

“Teachers have the fundamental role in guiding the pedagogical process. On their preparation and performance depends, to a large extent, the possibility of successfully directing the integral education of the new generations, under these integrating tendencies ”. Dr. Ramón Pla López

  1. How to conceive and develop methodological actions in such a way as to stimulate the accepted conduction of the PDE in the use of computerized tasks of the Preschool grade? What variants should I follow to achieve developmental teaching in preschool grade boys and girls? How to guide computer teachers so that they can successfully develop PDE in preschool grade? What procedures and techniques can we use to stimulate quality in the preparation of these teachers?

Undoubtedly our purpose is framed in the design of a methodological strategy that allows transforming the teaching reality from the real state.

Desired state.

Raise the preparation of computer science teachers in Primary Education in the development of computerized tasks in the Preschool grade.

All this leads to raise the scientific problem.

Scientific Problem.

How to raise the preparation of computer science teachers in Primary Education for the development of computerized tasks in boys and girls of the Preschool grade in the Municipality of Guanabacoa?

Research object.

Educational Teaching Process.


The development of computerized tasks in the Preschool grade.

Idea to defend:

The application of a methodological strategy that contributes to raising the preparation of computer science teachers in Primary Education in the development of computerized tasks in Preschool.


Elaboration of a methodological strategy that contributes to the preparation of teachers in the development of Computing in the Preschool grade.

Investigative Tasks:

  1. Bibliographic study on the methodological treatment of Computing in the Preschool grade Diagnosis of the current state of the methodological treatment of the Computing subject in the Preschool grade Precision of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics for the development of skills Determination of the elements that serve basis for the proposal. Proposal of a methodological strategy for the preparation of teachers.


We are immersed in a third revolution in the field of education. This third revolution is no less important than the previous ones and we can affirm that it is the most transcendental for the times that run in the world and we have had to live and the one that will be the turn of the new generations; whose main objective is to develop a battle of ideas so that all our people reach a comprehensive general culture ”. (Castro Ruz, 20032004)

As planted by (Freire, 1993: 112113).

«The dialogized relationship does not annul, as is sometimes thought, the possibility of the act of teaching. On the contrary, it founds that act, which is completed and sealed in the other, that of learning, and both become truly possible only when the critical, restless thought of the educator does not stop the learner's ability to think. or start to think critically as well ”.

This approach also requires a broad mastery of the disciplines to be taught, conceived not as isolated and finished sets of knowledge, but as knowledge that is part of a whole, which is reality, that are constantly constructed, by Therefore, knowledge and research methods must be incorporated into teacher training processes. The development of disciplines must be linked to the relevant problems that we face. In the case of teacher training, this must be combined with the use of face-to-face sessions, where interaction, confrontation of positions and construction of critical thinking are generated collectively.

It is necessary for teachers to have mastery of computer concepts that allow performance within the process.

In his work Capital, Marx notes:

"… technology reveals to us the attitude of man to nature, the direct process of the production of his life and, therefore, the conditions of his social life and the ideas and spiritual representations that derive from them"


General term applied to the process through which human beings design tools and machines to increase their control and understanding of the material environment (it is the study or science of trades).

"The pedagogical value of a technology comes from its mediation to promote and accompany learning." (Pons and Gortari Drets, 1992)

Educative technology:

It is one that studies the meaning processes generated by the different technological equipment and other didactic materials, within the cultural and educational processes, in order to look for explanatory and descriptive theories that, on the one hand, illuminate the use of technical equipment or inspire, on the other hand, the design, production or evaluation of teaching materials according to educational purposes and cultural values.

»… Teaching by means of impressions in the senses is the easiest, least laborious and most pleasant for children, to whom it must be reached

1 "The lentil plate." (Martí Pérez 1984)

I refer to these definitions that it is our duty as educators to develop an information policy that has the possibility of adjusting and modifying itself according to the advancement of technologies, the development of Cuban society and the context of its use.

Informatics or Computing:

Set of scientific knowledge and techniques that make the automatic processing of information possible by means of computers.

"We have to ensure that our courses promote precisely that human potential in order to enhance the development of humanity with the technological, social and economic demands that the 21st century brings us." (Rodríguez Lamas, 2000)

I also add that as we are more prepared we are to face these new technologies, the more contribution as educators we will provide to the new society that imposes revolutionizing our way of acting and thinking

Educational informatics:

It is necessary to insist that it is part of the science in charge of directing the selection, elaboration, design and exploitation of computer resources, linked to the teaching-educational process; that is to say, organizing the system of technological influences within a general and specific pedagogical conception that guides the entire educational process.

The level that computing has reached and its introduction in education, which helps the student to form and set styles of action that enable the development of cognitive and motivational capacities in an active way.

The computer is an instrument, a methodological procedure that can never replace the work of the educator

  1. Computer science in preschool age raises conditions, laws and principles of the educational process. Informatics in this education has to start from a thorough knowledge of the development of children in this stage of life.

In Preschool Education, it must be taken into account that in these children their neurological, sensory and motor systems are in full formation and maturation, so it is necessary to assess the real possibilities that they have for the introduction of the computer for educational purposes, which can cause irreparable damage with an action that is intended to be beneficial and that in other older ages would not be so harmful because all the structures and psychological formations have been conformed and matured.


Software, computer programs. They are the instructions responsible for the hardware (the machine) to perform its task. As a general concept, software can be divided into several categories based on the type of work performed.

Another concept defines it as that learning material specially designed to be used by a computer in the teaching and learning processes.

Presentation Software

Program that presents information and knowledge under a Learning Tutorial model, where the mode of interaction with the user is usually based on a cycle of content - questions - presentation - questions.

Rendering Software

It treats information and knowledge in the same way as they are hypothetically organized and represented in the mental structures of users.

Construction Software

It is focused on the learner and provides tools, materials, elements and strategies for the learner to build and rebuild their knowledge.

According to their fundamental characteristics, they are classified as:


Programs that try to reinforce facts and knowledge that have been analyzed in a lecture or laboratory class.


They present information that is reflected in a dialogue between the learner and the computer.


They are models of some real-life events and processes, which provide the learner with fluid, creative and manipulative environments.

Educational games

It is similar to simulations, the difference is that it incorporates a new component: the action of a competitor, which can be real or virtual.

Teaching medium:

Integrated medium to the teaching process that has character and contributes to the individualization of learning processes

»For preschool education it is aimed at starting the use of Software, in children, in close connection with the assimilation of knowledge from different areas of knowledge; in preschool education ”. (Rodríguez Lamas, 2000)

Educational software:

Computer application specially conceived as a means, integrated in the teaching-learning process.

As for the advantages offered by educational software, the following are counted:

  • They cover the contents and objectives of the disciplines of the school curriculum, thus making it possible to establish, deepen and apply them; they allow the relationship between the different teaching subjects; they contribute to the strengthening of the political-ideological work, as well as to the development of the Prioritized Programs of the Revolution: They provide important information on history, religion, culture, economy, art, health, education and politics, in order to achieve a general and integral culture Medium of child development (important dimension to development general of the child when it is conceptually and technically well used

“Training is needed that can have different levels and objectives, but a minimum of knowledge is required for every educator to be able to discern the educational uses of the computer and demonstrate a certain domain and understanding of one or more relevant systems for your professional profile in problem solving ”.

The teacher must have a careful concern for their general comprehensive improvement to be in line with the new times. As our National Hero José Martí said in his Complete Works (Volume 8). "There is no possible social equality without equal culture

Regarding the theoretical and methodological, teachers must bear in mind that:

The dosage of the computerized tasks in the preschool grade is carried out starting with those of the First Group (Familiarization) since they allow an initial approach of the little ones to the machine and the ways of essentially using the Mouse, then a task is introduced in each work session, combining the groups from one session to another, that is, in one meeting the boy or girl will solve a Sensory Development task and in the next they will carry out a task from the General Intellectual Skills group.

Recreation tasks begin when the child has acquired enough skills to perform them independently and only a short introduction is made; help will be provided upon request. Once this independence is achieved, they will be a complement to each work session, once the Sensory Development or General Intellectual Skills task has been completed, to maintain motivation towards future meetings.

It must be taken into account that the role of the adult (father, educator, teacher, executor) is the mediator between the boy and the girl and the machine, but that the boy and the girl constitute the center of the activity.

The adult must bear in mind that the child must be adequately stimulated to face the tasks in the machine, and that they will not be disappointed if they fail or make a mistake when solving them. For this she will use different levels of help, which allow her to intervene with her mediating role until they reach success.

These levels of help are:

  • Verbal support of what needs to be done in the task so that the child can act Verbal alert about a mistake they make when executing the task Demonstration of the task by the adult so that the child can do it later.

The work sessions with the boy and the girl consist of three moments which must always be fulfilled in order to be successful. These moments are:

  • Initial orientation. This moment ranges from the greeting, the entrance of the boy and the girl to the premises, the initial motivation for them to feel desire and pleasure to work on the machine, to the orientation of the task to be solved. This moment can begin outside the workplace until the boy and girl sit down at the computer. Development of the task. This moment begins when the already oriented boy and girl face in the search for the solution of the task. This is when the adult will apply the different levels of help if required.

At this time, the algorithm to be executed by the boy and the girl is also fulfilled when solving each task with which the adult must know and promote, since the development of mental processes in them depends on its performance.

The algorithm comprises the following steps:

1st. Plan the action to be carried out: the boy and girl understand the task and trace the solution path to be used.

2nd. Execute action: when they use the mouse or keyboard to perform actions.

3rd. Partial control of the action: when, when solving the task, you simultaneously check if you did it correctly or made a mistake, allowing you to modify the initial planning and execute it successfully.

4th. Evaluate the final results of the action: when you are able to assess whether you completed the task correctly, or if you made a mistake, preparing to rectify it or move on to another more complex task.

This algorithm is repeated in the execution of each task, the steps of which occur quickly, and sometimes simultaneously, which in practice makes it impossible to separate one from the other.

  • Conclusion and assessment of the work session. At this time, the final conversation of the adult with the boy and girl about the task carried out, the successes obtained, is included, leaving them motivated for future work sessions. In addition, it covers the farewell of the child until her departure from the premises.

In addition to the algorithm that is proposed in this work, it is essential that the physical environmental conditions be taken into account: The room requires good lighting, taking into account that the sun's rays do not directly affect the monitor (so that visual work is not diminished) which must meet the required parameters of brightness and contrast based on a correct perception of the image. The child must be seated exactly facing the monitor at a distance of approximately 50 cm (so that the rays emitted by the monitor do not hit the child's eyes and visual fatigue or any other alteration in this organ does not occur. furniture should be in accordance with the boy's and girl's anthropometric measurements to make them feel comfortable,vicious postures or spinal deformities and fatigue do not occur. Tables and chairs should have a matte paint to avoid light reflection. For children with physical-motor limitations, the necessary adjustments will be made so that they can access each of the elements of the computer that they have to manipulate, ensuring that the access conditions are not a negative factor to achieve the success of the proposed tasks..ensuring that access conditions are not a negative factor to achieve the success of the proposed tasks.ensuring that access conditions are not a negative factor to achieve the success of the proposed tasks.

What factors should be considered by teachers in the development of children's computerized tasks:

  • Evolutionary course of the physical and mental development of boys and girls comprised in these ages Conditions in which it is most effectively promoted, particularly in those processes and properties that have to do with electronic learning Peculiarities of the nervous system, its capacity resistance and mental performance, fine motor skills, perception, thought, attention, memory, imagination, everything that comes into relation with the action of a computer.

All of the above will contribute to the designed software responding to the purpose of Preschool Education, which is to achieve the maximum possible development of each child to achieve it, they must:

  • Understand our conception of the introduction of computing Be able to interact with computers Master the content, objectives and methodological guidelines of each of the preschool software tasks Systematically coordinate with the computer teacher to:
  • Dose, plan and execute each work session for each boy and girl, attending to the individual development achieved by them. Assess the integral development achieved by each boy and girl, and know their performance in the laboratory.

Work sessions in the computer lab with preschool-age children require:

  • Be combined, sufficient, balanced, interesting and rich in playful activity (although not necessarily always). Do not exceed 25 minutes of each child's work, of them, they will spend about 15 or 20 minutes interacting directly and individually with the computer. the content of the software for the entire school year, with 1 or 2 weekly frequencies.

Computation will be included in the schedule, in the frequencies of independent activity and role-playing games or in the afternoon in the school recess, as it does not constitute the educational program or the teacher, so it should not interfere with it.

Regarding the development of computerized tasks, teachers must use the following methodology

For the achievement of a more effective work in the development of games as a system.

Task: "My Computer"

Objective: Identification of the child of the parts of the machine and their functions when solving a task.

Content: Familiarization with the machine and its parts and Identification, use of the mouse.


In the guiding basis or motivation of the children for the development of the activity, we suggest that the computer teacher can use a puppet that

At the beginning of the task, the name of each part will be told at the time of its presentation on the screen, so that the boy or girl knows them and knows their names. This will be reinforced by also pointing to the real object (the computer you are working with, the mouse, etc.)

He will make the face of the desk which he can name "computer" in that way with the arrival of the puppet, it will motivate the children, and how this software will be applied until the child is fully familiar with the computer, he can use rhymes and tongue twisters.

The task will present on the screen a computer and its members (monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, central unit), showing situations for the child to observe, know and name the parts and, in turn, check the use of the mouse both, to "click" as well as to move (drag) within the screen.

Once the verbal knowledge of the parts is reinforced, he is taught to use the mouse to click (his hand is held and the teacher's hand conducts the action on the child's hand). At each click, the boy or girl has to observe how the named object separates from the set. Do not go to the next phase until it is observed that the child understands and manipulates the mouse well to click.

Then he is shown the arrows, and it is explained that the one pointing out is to go on to the next game, and the one pointing in is the one to go back. Exercise several times with the mouse. He is asked to go to the next game by himself (he must click the right arrow) and now emphasize that the parts of the computer are separated and that he is going to take them to their place. How? To do this, they are taught to drag with the mouse using the same previous technique (the teacher's hand over the child's), and they are taught to release in the appropriate place. Then the child will work on their own following the verbal order of the adult (Let's see, take the monitor to its place. And now take the keyboard, etc.)

Then it is pointed out that in the upper right corner there is an X that, when you mark it with the mouse or click, allows you to exit the task to go find another game. Check the action.

This task will be practiced as many times as necessary until the child has an acceptable mastery of the objectives of the task, and that will help him to act on his own later. In the first weeks you should always start with this activity, until it is no longer necessary because the child has consolidated the ability.

The improvement of this process of training young teachers in professionalization is fundamentally aimed at enhancing the knowledge, skills and qualities that have been developed in the context of their work activity, based on a coherent action of the different factors that intervene in their training in the context of tutored education ”. (Fernández Pérez 1989).

The teacher must contribute to the development of General Intellectual Skills in working with the children's tasks

«The abilities constitute the domain of the operations (psychic and practical) which allows a rational regulation of the activity. In skills we find other ways of carrying out the activity. (Fernández Pérez 1989).

Taking into account the definition of several authors, we take the line referred to by González.


Ability to coordinate certain movements, perform certain tasks or solve some kind of problems. The study of abilities, their development, types and underlying mechanisms is of particular interest to developmental and educational psychology.

Skills can be classified according to various criteria, but we will stick to the following:

  • Professional skills: based on the Professional Model of each career. Specific skills: are specific to the sciences or technologies that are the object of study or work in each career and are specified in the work methods of each discipline and subject. Logical or intellectual skills: they contribute to the assimilation of the content of the disciplines and subjects and support logical thinking of both learning and life Communication skills: typical of the teaching process, which are essential for its development

Skills for the teaching of Computer Science that are more systematically contributed to the PEA (Teaching-Learning Process).

1. Characterize computer applications in a graphic environment.

  • Analyze the application environment Determine the graphic objects that comprise it Compare the application environment objects with already known application environments Select the environment objects that typify the application and distinguish it from the others Set tasks that are solved with this app.

To develop this skill, it is assumed that the student has knowledge of what a window is, its parts and the types of windows, in addition to mastering the actions that can be done with them (open, close, minimize, etc.)

One of the first applications that students become familiar with is My Computer, the environment of this application serves as a model to compare for other applications such as Paint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, etc.

2. Describe computer procedures.

  • Determine the function of the procedure and the type of object on which it interacts Interact with the object by carrying out procedural actions Establish a logical order for the actions carried out (or action plan) Execute each of the actions of the procedure on computer objects the same type.

In any computer application that is studied, there are computer procedures that must be used to interact with the objects that comprise it, being important the domain of these procedures, for example we can cite

  • Procedures for working with disks, folders and files. Procedures to store and open existing files. Use of antivirus programs, compactors and other tools that the Windows Operating System has. Insert images, tables and graphics. Format documents, tables.

It is important that the student knows the steps of the procedure and can reproduce them to objects of the same type.

3..Design objects for representation using computer applications.

  • Characterize the object by pointing out fundamental characteristics Outline the object according to its fundamental characteristics Determine the computerized procedures that must be used to achieve its design.

This is a skill that in turn constitutes an action of the ability to model or elaborate, which is contributed to develop in the study of any application, where the work of prior to the elaboration of objects such as drawings, tables, texts, pages Web, forms, etc., requires a design to be made of what you want to obtain.

4.Modeling or elaborating objects using computer applications.

  • Design the object to be elaborated Apply computerized procedures to obtain the model Evaluate the result of the obtained model and make modifications if necessary.

The achievement of this skill requires a level of application, for the elaboration of objects such as drawings, tables, texts, Web pages, forms, etc., which have previously been designed.

5 Manipulate computer input and output peripherals.

  • Identify the function Describe its operation based on actions that can be performed with it Determine actions performed with the peripheral

Contribute to the development of manipulative skills, it is essential to be able to use computer equipment, for example turning the computer on and off, using printers, using removable storage disks.

6. Interact with information.

  • Access the information Observe the content of the information displayed Apply computer procedures.

In order to be able to use the hardware efficiently, certain software is required, including operating system, application systems, programming languages, communication systems, as well as educational software or files generated by computer applications. Whatever the case, it must be known how to use the information contained in them, depending on the type of software, it must be decided from the content shown which known computer procedures should be used (browse, copy, paste, install, etc.)

7. Solve problems using computer applications. This is the fundamental skill of the subject, for it the method of the four steps is retaken:

a) Analysis of the problem or qualitative understanding.

The development of this step includes the careful reading of the problem, making it possible for the student to formulate it in other words. In this step you can indicate:

  • Observe figures, tables, texts, diagrams or sketch them Interpret keywords, search for information, clarifications that allow inferring possible actions to be taken Separate what is given from those to be searched.

b) Analysis of possible solutions.

  • This step reflects on the means or tools offered by the application that is being worked on and that is related to the problem. It is proposed how to solve the problem by applying the resources of the computer application that are known, that is, a plan of solution.

c) Quantitative solution of the problem.

In this step the designed solution plan is materialized.

d) Verification and evaluation of the results and the solution path.

In this step, an analysis of the results is made and retrospective considerations are made in this regard.

There are other skills such as explaining, evaluating, arguing that contribute to the assimilation of the content and that the impact on them depends on the level of work and the diagnosis of the students.

Computer skills that are worked in the Preschool grade.

  • Mouse or mouse use: drag and click keyboard use Apply symbols:

Continue or fast forward.

Backtrack or lag.

X Exit the task.

* «Skills are effective ways of acting. By learning skills, a child learns efficient ways of doing, of manifesting. (Educational Psychology III, 1977

Developer teaching

It is one that has to provide the child with the possibility of seeking essential relationships for themselves, of building their own orientation base so that they can adequately carry out an activity, on the elements organized and guided by the adult.

“To educate is to deposit in man all human work that has happened; it is to make each man a summary of the living world until the day he lives; it is putting it on a level with your time, it is preparing it for life. "

Concern for the quality of education has led us to consider, among other factors, the important role that the teacher plays in the educational process. Although this is complex and multifactorial, the participation of the teacher has a fundamental impact, so that it can overcome some limitations inherent to the environment or school environment.

However, it is necessary to recognize that there are a large number of factors that influence the work of the teacher and its results; context conditions: socio-economic, cultural and even physical-geographic aspects. Others are particular to the institution: infrastructure, resources, organizational climate, etc. and conditions of the Curriculum: structure of the study plan, quality of programs, evaluation systems, texts, teaching resources, etc.

Computer teachers have the task of investigating in what way teaching should be organized in the Preschool grade, so that the achievement of the proposed objective and this constitutes a challenge for them.


The use of the computer within the PDE, encourages changes in students and a valid method, theories and conditions that favor said transformations, constituting a science in vigorous development that assumes new methodologies and communication for its purposes and purposes. The proposal is intended to propose a methodological strategy that responds to theoretical positions and specific contexts and requires constant study, reflection and construction, through its systematization and research, processes that lead us to expand interpretive frameworks and improve them to transform the reality from its dialectical conception.

This implies defining what pedagogical objectives and what purposes are intended to be achieved with these new information techniques and how they should be used in different educational situations, a deep scientific study is required to adapt them to the specific conditions of didactics. It requires design, organization, proper use and knowledge of its capabilities. It is a medium in the hands of the educator who is in charge of directing the teaching-learning process, he must know it, what it is capable of and what it facilitates and use it according to its objectives.

It should be noted that, given the complexity of the teaching task and the accelerated changes that we face in all areas related to Education, it is necessary to focus the preparation of computer teachers from a perspective of permanent training, where we integrate processes such as training initial, in-service training, training and updating and we emphasize the systematization and research processes, but not take them as the simple application of theoretical postulates, but as an expression and product of the reflection and educational experience accumulated by many generations, thus constituting theory and practice, on two sides of the same coin: the pedagogical process

The improvement of this process is fundamentally aimed at enhancing the knowledge, skills and qualities that have been developed in the context of their work activity, from a coherent action of the different factors that intervene in their training in the context of the tutored education.

Being a teacher is a profession because the transformation of individuals into true men, capable of contributing and creating for society, constitutes art. "Sublime profession of love" (Martí Pérez J, 1984)

In this giant, decisive and essential task, the teacher has to play a transcendent role. He is in charge of molding this clay, in many cases virgin; but eager to receive, perceive and transform reality.

All efforts of the tutors must be aimed at formalizing an instruction that encourages the exercise in a profession through which solve productive problems applying aspects of science, technique and technology, administrative and social relations.

In this direction, he systematically updates, broadens and deepens his knowledge of the sciences related to his work, along with those that allow him to enrich his comprehensive general cultural heritage, to function in his profession with increasing professionalism.


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Computer use in preschool and teachers in a Cuban population