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The use of ICTs in higher education in Mexico

Table of contents:


At present, the incursion of technology in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has been of vital importance in the teaching-learning process, the challenge that this entails, both for the teacher and the student.

In carrying out this study, the aim is to investigate which are the different ICTs that are available to teachers and students, to know how often the student uses them in their subjects and if the use of ICT is adequate and responds to the needs of the teaching-learning process at the National Technological Institute of Mexico Tuxtla Gutiérrez campus in its different specialties.


In the last decade, the introduction of Information and Communication Technologies have evolved by leaps and bounds, the use of ICT in teaching-learning processes continues to be a controversial issue, since it comes into play if they really are of vital importance in these processes, in addition to taking into account which are the appropriate ones and if their use impacts on the level of learning of each student.


Use of ICT, Higher Education

Problem Statement.

Today, ICTs are tools that help us transfer information instantly, reducing time, effort and shortening distances. Today they are within the reach of most people, since many have a cell phone with internet access, a computer, televisions, etc.

ICTs play a very important role in our society as they offer us a variety of services, from having an email, making bank transactions to electronic commerce, etc., for this reason they have ventured into various areas of our lives, including in education.

With the arrival of the internet and the development of technology, changes have been generated in many areas of knowledge, in its beginnings it was very limited, but over time it has been developed and now activities that were never thought before can be carried out, such as communicate with several people at the same time until we can buy anywhere in the world.

On the subject of education, the incorporation of ICT has been of great importance since it can help us to raise the quality of the educational process because it allows us to overcome the barriers of space and time, promotes collaborative learning and thanks to technology new professions and educational modalities.

Today's education needs to be more personalized and focus on learning

of the students. Today's education needs to be more personalized and focus on student learning

In addition, all those educational institutions, which do not envision and prepare drastic changes in the didactics of learning and in the distribution systems of education, may be left behind. Thus, it is intended to account for the progress that the students of the National Technology of Mexico, then, we should ask ourselves the following question: Do information and communication technologies respond to the needs of the teaching-learning process and impact on the level of learning that are taught in the different specialties of the National Technology of Mexico campus Tuxtla Gutiérrez? 4.1.2. The Research Object

The main research object we identified the students of the National Technological Institute of Mexico, Tuxtla Gutiérrez campus.

The Research Problem

The study problem is identified as the use of information and communication technologies respond to the needs of the teaching-learning process of the students of the National Technological Institute of Mexico, Tuxtla Gutiérrez campus.

Regarding the use of ICT in education, there are national and international organizations that have made different proposals on this issue such as UNESCO, OECD, ECLAC, the Bank.



E laboration of an Investigation Protocol

1.1 Background of the Problem.

1.2 Statement of the Problem.

1.3 Research objectives: General and Specific.

1.4 Formulation of hypotheses or assumptions.

1.5 Justification: Social, technological, economic and environmental impact. Research feasibility.

1.6 Design of the Theoretical Framework (theoretical references).

1.7 Sketch of the method.

1.8 Schedule. 1.9 Budget.

1.10 Sources Consulted.

  1. Oral and written presentation of the research protocol.

2.1 Structure of the Protocol according to established guidelines.

2.2 Evaluation of the protocol according to the established instruments.

2.3 Project registration.

3. Types of research

3.1 Pure and applied research.

3.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research. 3.3 Non-Experimental, Quasi-experimental and Experimental Research.

3.4 Field Research.

3.5 Techniques and instruments for Data Collection.


This is an important part, we must explain how we will carry out the project, this tool will help us to order or organize our research, the method will guide us so as not to get out of context, we will mention the different methods and then make the selection of the one that is more adequate, which will direct to develop knowledge to ensure that the use of ICT has a strong impact on the teaching-learning process.

We will use the Analytical Method, making a distinction and analyzing each of the elements (ICT - Higher Education), to show that in these times ICT and education go hand in hand since one is a tool for the other to enrich the process of teaching learning in an integrated and not individual way.

Abstraction Method this will help us understand or know the object of study of the use of ICT and thus be able to determine the importance of its implementation in higher education.

Method of Concretion we will go from the abstract to the concrete to get to know ICT and establish its main characteristics. Genetic method we will study the evolution and development of ICT and its integration into the educational field.


Bibliographic sources will be used to learn about ICT, its evolution and its incursion into education and to compare the role of technological tools for innovation in the teaching-learning process, this will be through the use of the methods that were described previously.


Compile, do a documentation and an analysis of the opinion of the students on the use of ICT in the different subjects taught in the specialties of the TecMN campus Tuxtla.

Through interviews and questionnaires to find out how often they use ICT in the classroom, what are the resources and the use of ICT that the teacher masters.


The hypotheses arise from the statement of the problem that, as we recall, is re-evaluated and if necessary rethought after reviewing the literature. That is, they come from the same literature. Our hypotheses can arise from the postulate of a theory, from the analysis of it, from empirical generalizations pertinent to our research problem.

Therefore, the hypothesis must refer to a real situation.

The hypotheses can be classified into:

  1. research hypothesis null hypothesis alternative hypothesis statistical hypothesis

Hypothesis Statement:

The use of information and communication technologies are used efficiently that respond to the needs of the teaching-learning process in the Technological Institute of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, both teachers and students make use of ICTs for enrichment and strengthening of competencies.


Being a fundamental unit in research, we define it as everything that stands out from the rest, having its own characteristics and which is susceptible to changes, and we can study, control or measure it.


Use of Tics


The students of the Technological Institute

National of Mexico campus Tuxtla Gutiérrez


National Technological Institute of Mexico Tuxtla Gutiérrez campus


Strategies to identify the management or use and application of ICT in the teaching-learning process of the TecMN.

With the activities that will be carried out in the classroom, the student will apply ICT in their different areas of knowledge, it will give us the opportunity to observe if there is a reduction in time and space, the proximity and accessibility to information, if it facilitates the practical application of knowledge by simulators, interaction and information exchange between them.


To begin, we will make an analysis of the definitions and types of Information and Communication Technologies with which the student can apply in their various subjects.

But, what are ICT? The term Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is used frequently in our society. "ICTs are present in our world, they are part of our culture, of our life"; People who live in places where ICTs have emerged quickly find it difficult to appreciate how they have transformed various aspects of their daily lives.

“Information and Communication Technologies can be conceived as the result of a technological convergence, which has occurred over almost half a century, between telecommunications, computer science, microelectronics and certain ideas of administration and Information management. Hardware, software, services and telecommunications are considered as its components "

Technological artifacts have two main functions: to reproduce and to produce. Digital technology, in its different media, allows the reproduction of all kinds of messages and content; but, fortunately, it also allows us to create or produce content and develop new forms of representation and, what is better, our own content. Thus, one of the main functions of technological media or digital tools (for the case it is the same) is to allow their use as a means of expression and communication.

In this research we must mention the classification of Information and Communication Technologies.


Traditional ICT 4. In this classification we can find the television, the image projector, the Video, the photographic camera, video recorder and the calculator. They are tools that we could classify as electronic tools. They continue to be used as a teaching aid, and serve to illustrate and reproduce concepts.

ICT in computing and on the web 5: The appearance of WEB 1.0 marks the beginning of an era of communication and information that allows both asynchronous and synchronous online communication. It allows the consultation of web pages and popularizes e-mail, hypertexts and the first specialized consultation sites, social pages and news so common today are born.

ICT is classified taking into account types of media and educational approaches, as indicated:

  • Echeverría, 2011 (Complutense University of Madrid) http://eprints.ucm.es/12593/1/T32960.pdf idem 4

Transmissive media: they seek to support the effective delivery of messages from the sender to the recipients.

  • Demonstrators of processes or products. Tutorials for appropriation and consolidation of content. Exercisers of rules or principles, with direct or indirect feedback. Digital libraries, digital video libraries, digital audio libraries, digital encyclopedias. Websites for the collection and distribution of information. Systems for pattern recognition (images, sounds, texts, voice). Process automation systems, which execute what is expected depending on the state of variables that indicate the state of the system.

Active media: they seek to allow the learner to act on the object of study and, based on experience and reflection, generate and refine their ideas about the knowledge that underlies said object.

  • Modelers of phenomena or microworlds Process or microworld simulators Digital sensors of heat, sound, speed, acidity, color, height with which modelers and simulators are fed Digitizers and image or sound generators Portable, numerical calculators and graphics Electronic toys: electronic pets Individual games of: creativity, chance, skill, competition, roles Expert systems in a content domain Language translators and proofreaders, natural language decoders Statistical data processing packages Agents smart: smart search engines and organizers. Cyberspace search and navigation tools. Productivity tools: word processor, spreadsheet, graphic processor, information organizer using databases.Authoring tools and languages ​​for: microworlds, Web pages, concept maps, computer programs Creative multimedia tools: hypertext, film, sound, or music editors Non-automatic tools to support administration of: courses, programs, finances, buildings.Tools to compact digital information.Tools to transfer digital files.

Interactive media: they seek to allow learning to take place through constructive, synchronous or asynchronous dialogue, between co-learners who use digital media to communicate.

  • Online games, collaborative or competitive, with closed or open arguments, in two or three dimensions.. Electronic messaging systems (eg, MSN, AIM, ICQ), electronic whiteboards, as well as textual or multimedia CHAT environments (video or audio conferencing) that allow synchronous dialogues. Textual or multimedia e-mail systems, electronic forum systems.

Another classification stating the following: “We include in the ICT concept not only information technology and its associated technologies, telematics and multimedia, but also the media of all kinds: the media of social communication (« mass media ») and the media traditional interpersonal with technological support such as telephone, fax… "

The impact of ICT in education

ICTs are here to stay and the world evolve, it gives us another vision of things. They have generated many changes both in the social, cultural and economic environment, and obviously, in the educational field.

Today the new generations coexist with the presence of technologies, in such a way that they have not lived a single moment without them, without the internet, in such a way that technologies have been part of their experiences and this is causing them to develop different very peculiar skills.

Learning is a process that requires the students, their mental activity and the teaching function as essential elements. Then the teacher must provide his students, through his teaching role, the means for learning to be effective and meaningful.

Given that these new generations learn differently, pedagogical models must be innovated since there is a need to evolve from traditional education to one that prepares individuals who are capable of developing in the knowledge society.

The incursion of ICT in schools makes a clear example of the change of roles for students and teachers.

The introduction of ICT in classrooms highlights the need for a new definition of roles, especially for students and teachers. The former, thanks to these new tools, can acquire greater autonomy and responsibility in the learning process, which forces the teacher to leave their classical role as the only source of knowledge. This generates uncertainties, tensions and fears; reality that forces a creative readjustment of the school institution.

The impacts that have originated from the use of ICT in education can be mentioned in three groups:

  1. The teaching of the use of the technologies themselves The use of technologies as a means of support for the existing contents The adaptation of the educational system to the new social reality that will occur as a result of the use of such technologies. Teaching the use of one's own technologiesIt refers to that period of learning the technology itself; how to use it and how to take advantage of all its features appropriately. Here it should be considered that a significant percentage of the adult population is in the process of technological literacy; they did not develop with her so their perspective is very different. This sector of the population is requiring more user-friendly and intuitive interfaces that facilitate learning and help them to more easily enter the use of new media. Technologies as a learning tool. Here, technology is a means that is made available to both

Virtual University of Quilmes / Argentine Catholic University

students and teachers. Its use enriches and facilitates the understanding of areas that due to their complexity are more intelligible with the help of multimedia material.

  1. Adaptation of the educational system to the prevailing technological reality. If the term education is understood as "a series of processes of socialization of the individual so that man is in balance with his society" (Maldonado, 2002, p.50)When a change arises that modifies the way in which knowledge is communicated or transmitted, a new way of acquiring education arises or should arise.


The aim of this research is to know if students make the appropriate use of ICT and if this impacts the teaching-learning process.

In addition to knowing the ICTs that are available to the student and the teacher, how often they make use of it in their different subjects, that ICTs are used as an instrument of creation, integration and means of expression of their ideas.


Today, ICTs are evolving by leaps and bounds and are present everywhere, at home, at work, in schools, etc. For this reason they have been made easier for us to use them.

In the educational field, these tools have been of vital importance, since they generate new environments in the teaching-learning process. That is, it generates changes in the way we can transmit information and that new knowledge arises in the student.

ICT alone are neither good nor bad, it is in the context of the scenario that allows us to qualify it, therefore, when talking about its incorporation into higher education, the great challenge, the great problem we find in the establishment of the conditions of the institutional environment. To the extent that the ICT are consistent with the institutional objectives and principles, it will be more successful in determining that it will be a resounding success in the teaching community and especially in learning.

It is not an easy task, but changes are necessary to face the challenges that await teachers and students in this world that is so changing. But with these tools, which land new ways of learning, they give us reasons to change our way of teaching.

  • Hernandez Sampieri, Roberto, Fernandez C Carlos and Baptista L Pilar: Research Methodology, fourth edition, McGrawHill, Mexico, 2006 Sancho Gil, Juana María (2006). Technologies to transform education. Madrid: Akal Ediciones CAIBI (Conference of Ibero-American Informatics Authorities). Information Technology Indicators in CAIBI countries. First seminar on indicators of the information society and scientific culture. Lisbon Portugal. June 2001, p.5 Galvis, Alvaro H (2004). "EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES OF ICT ".Metacourses Innovative Elearning Solutions. Marqués Graells, Pere (2000). "ICT AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS TO SOCIETY" Coll, C. (1990). A psychological frame of reference for school education: the constructivist conception of learning and teaching Lugo, MT (2010). «ICT policies in education in Latin America. Trends and experiences ». Fuentes Magazine, n., 10th pp. 52-68. MAJÓ, JOAN (2000): “New technologies and education” Conference held during the presentation of the 1st report on ICT in non-university teaching centers. Maldonado, N. (2002). The virtual university in Mexico. Mexico: ANUIES.
The use of ICTs in higher education in Mexico