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Development of a quality management system in azcuba, cuba

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For the design of a Quality Management System (QMS), the scope was determined to then develop the quality policy, the client and regulatory requirements were established, the processes and their sequence were identified, authorities and responsibilities were defined, It also determined how to comply with the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) later ISO 9001: 2008, to later establish work teams and design indicators for the QMS. This defined the requirements for the control of documentation and the control of records, which will be complex depending on the type of business and size of the company. Also providing tools for the implementation of defect or problem prevention actions (preventive actions procedure),as well as their correction. It also includes the human and material resources and the responsibilities of the former, all properly organized to meet their functional objectives.

Keywords: quality , n forms, processes


One of the main challenges facing companies today, is to stay in the market for competence, for this has become increasingly necessary to devise strategies that enable them to adapt to constant changes not only in the market but also tastes and preferences of its customers. To do this, have a quality management system (QMS) it is vital, especially if official recognition is sought about the efforts that the processor of frying takes about quality, as certification under 2008: ISO 9001. To reach that point, it is pertinent through various stages in the construction of the QMS according to the needs of each company. For the design of a QMS scope then develop quality policy is determined, the client and regulatory requirements were established, processes and their sequence were identified, authorities and responsibilities are defined,was also determined how to fulfill the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 and later establish work teams and design indicators for the QMS. This includes defining requirements for the control of documentation and control of the records which will be more or less complex depending on the type of business and company size. It also provides tools for the implementation of actions to prevent defects or problems (procedure preventive actions) and correcting them. It also includes the resources, human and material, and the responsibilities of the former, all properly organized to meet their functional goals.This includes defining requirements for the control of documentation and control of the records which will be more or less complex depending on the type of business and company size. It also provides tools for the implementation of actions to prevent defects or problems (procedure preventive actions) and correcting them. It also includes the resources, human and material, and the responsibilities of the former, all properly organized to meet their functional goals.This includes defining requirements for the control of documentation and control of the records which will be more or less complex depending on the type of business and company size. It also provides tools for the implementation of actions to prevent defects or problems (procedure preventive actions) and correcting them. It also includes the resources, human and material, and the responsibilities of the former, all properly organized to meet their functional goals.

Keywords: quality, standards, processes


One of the main challenges facing companies today is achieving permanence in the market of their competition, for this it has become increasingly necessary to propose strategies that allow them to adapt to constant changes, not only in the market but also in the tastes and preferences of their clients. For this, having a QMS is vitally important, especially if you are seeking official recognition of the company's efforts towards quality, such as certification under the ISO 9001: 2008 standard. The International Standard Organization (ISO) is an international body specialized in creating standards and is made up of standardization institutes from around 130 member countries. Its main office is in Geneva, Switzerland.The purpose of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and activities related to facilitating international trade in goods and services, as well as developing intellectual, scientific and economic cooperation. The results of ISO technical work are published as international standards. For the implementation of a certified QMS and the consolidated Business Management System, they take into account a set of aspects related to the corporate purpose, vision, mission, business strategy, regulations and procedures developed, the technological conditions of the provision of services, compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements associated with them, market demands, competition,the degree of satisfaction of customers and stakeholders and the evaluation of the performance of human capital. This makes it possible to identify the aspects that really want to be managed and what needs to be controlled from the analysis and interrelationships, and in order to avoid that in the absence of effective control, risks may arise for any of the interested parties. The SGC was designed according to the methodology proposed by NC PASS 99: 2008, applying each of the stages proposed by this standard, mentioned below:The SGC was designed according to the methodology proposed by NC PASS 99: 2008, applying each of the stages proposed by this standard, mentioned below:The SGC was designed according to the methodology proposed by NC PASS 99: 2008, applying each of the stages proposed by this standard, mentioned below:

  1. Definition of the scope of the SGC, Diagnosis of the organization, Integration planning, Design and documentation, Implementation and monitoring, Audit, Review and improvement.

General requirements.

The planning of the quality management system is carried out in order to meet the requirements of the NC ISO 9001: 2008, where the necessary processes for the management system are determined. A system is an organizational structure that involves procedures, processes, and resources necessary to carry out activities for a purpose. It serves to direct and control an organization with a view to achieving quality objectives and continuous improvement. The Company establishes, documents and maintains a QMS and continuously improves its effectiveness in compliance with NC ISO 9001: 2008, NC ISO 14001: 2004, NC 18001: 2005; pays special attention to Customer Satisfaction, Environmental protection,reduction of risks that may affect OSH and put your Human Capital at risk, for which it establishes a customer-oriented organization based on Process Management that ensures effective and efficient operation, control and improvement of these, these International standards promote the adoption of a process-based approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, to increase customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements. An advantage of the process-based approach is the continuous control it provides over the links between individual processes, within the process system, as well as over their combination and interaction. For this, the company has identified the necessary processes, classifying them according to their function in:

Strategic processes.

They are the management processes of the Directorate that allow the evaluation of the System for its improvement. They are in direct relationship with the Mission-Vision, manage other processes and affect the entire organization.

Key processes.

They are the processes that are established to guarantee the functions and general management of the Company. They create value and have a direct impact on the customer and are valued by them, their objective is not to manage other processes but to obtain a result

Support processes.

They are the processes that allow the adequate assurance of resources and supporting the fundamental processes and their clients are internal.

Processes Documentation that identifies you
Strategic processes · FDC-04: 12 Communication Management.

· FDG-01: 12 Comprehensive control and processes in the Base Business Units (UEB).

· FDG- 02: 12 Strategic Management.

Key processes FDD-01: 12. Information technology and communications.

FDC-01: 12. Category I Services. Production Management.

FDC-02: 12. Category I services. Preparation of contracts.

FDC-03: 12. Technical Assistance Abroad.

· FOP -01: 12 Production Management, · FOP -02: 12 Production Planning, · FOP -03: 12 Production Production, · FOP -04: 12 Customer Delivery and Feedback, · FDI - 01:12 Evaluation of the Production Process.

· FDD-02: 12 Development and Informatics.

Support processes · FDR-01: 12 Training and Development.

· FDV-01: 12 Selection of Personnel for Mission and Procedures.

· FGL-01: 12 Contracting.

· FGL-02: 12 Purchases.

· FBA- 01:12: Hiring.

FBA- 02:12. Purchases.

Methodology and Technique

The Quality Registers are a series of documents that collect the results of quality management, gathering information resulting from the application and start-up of the system. Since the Company will be certified by the Multisite System, the General, Operational Procedures and Processes Common to the entire Company, specific to the Central Office, specific and common to the UEB, were defined in our SGC:

  1. General Procedures for the entire Company:
  • PGN - 01:12 Structure and Drafting. PGN - 02:12. Document Control. PGN - 03:12 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement. PGN - 04:12 Internal Audit. PGN - 05:12: Non-Compliant Services and Activities.
  1. Company-wide Operating Procedures:
  • PGA - 01:12 Identification of Environmental Aspects and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. PGA - 02:12. Operational Control.PGI - 01:12. Review by the Management.PFI - 01:12: Monitoring and Measurement Teams.PSS - 01:12. Hazard identification, risk assessment and control.
  1. Processes Common to the entire Company.
  • FDG - 02:12: Strategic Management. FDR - 01-11: Training and Development. FDC - 04:12 Communication Management.
  1. Specific processes of the Central Office.
  • FDD - 01:12 Information and Communication Technologies. FDI - 01:12 Evaluation of the Production Process. FDV - 01:12 Selection of Personnel for Mission and Procedures. FDC - 01:12 Category I Services. Production.FDC - 02:12 Category I Services. Contract Preparation.FDC - 03:12 Technical Assistance Abroad.FGL - 01:12 Contracting.FGL - 02:12 Purchases.FDG - 01:12 Integral Control and Processes in the Base Business Units.
  1. Specific and Common Processes of the UEB:
  • FOP - 01: 12 Production Management FOP - 02: 12 Production Planning FOP - 03: 12 Production Production FOP - 04: 12 Customer Delivery and Feedback FBA - 01:12: Contracting FBA - 02:12: Compras.FGD - 02:12 Desarrollo e Informática.

There is also a Regulatory Base on the Payment System, which can be consulted at the Human Capital Department, they are:

  • Regulation of the payment system for the managers and technicians of the Central Office. Regulations of the payment system by result for the drivers. General regulation for the stimulation in Cuban convertible pesos in the Base Business Units and the Central Office.


The QMS described addresses the concept of integration and its design and organization based on the analysis of common requirements with the aim of achieving and evidencing compliance with the chosen standards. It considers 6 common elements (Policy, Planning, Application and operation, Performance Evaluation, Improvement and Management Review) according to the PHVA cycle (Plan, Do, Verify and Act) that all Management Systems follow, see Annex 5.

The structure shown in the following figure was used to design the documentation:

The GIS documentation also includes a description of the documents that the organization considers necessary to guarantee the planning, operation and effective control of the processes, among which are: Cuban norms, regulations of our corporate purpose, international norms associated with the services provided by the company (previously analyzed and approved), the documentation that is prepared to comply with the provisions of the Business Management and Administration System.

Subsequently, the existing documentation for the certified QMS was taken into account and examined. Each requirement of the applicable norms is analyzed, emphasizing the one referred to the legal requirements, because even though the norms for these systems do not establish the elaboration of mandatory documents, there are resolutions or legal instruments in the country that do provide the existence of documents that describe these activities, especially in the Occupational Safety and Health System.

For this reason it is necessary to prepare 2 independent documents:

  1. The Manual of Safety and Health at Work (MTTS), as established by Resolution 51/2008 of the MTTS. Methodology of the organizational regulation of protection and hygiene at work (occupational health and safety manual). (MSS-01: 12). Occupational Health and Safety Policy, as regulated by Resolution 39/2007 of the MTSS. General Bases of Safety and Health at Work. (In the MSS).

In addition, 3 new operating procedures were prepared and, finally, the documentation that, when modified, complies with the requirements of the systems, and therefore it is feasible to integrate it into a single document, was specified. The first documents that are modified and integrated are: the policy, the objectives and the manual, but as explained, it is also prepared, for occupational safety and health separately.

The integration of the documents is done from the analysis of the common requirements and then develop and satisfy the specific requirements that are established in each normative document.

The 3 included procedures are:

  • PGA: - 01:12 Identification of Environmental Aspects and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts, PGA - 02:12. Operational Control, PSS - 01:12. Hazard identification, risk assessment and control

The first two respond to Environmental Management and the last to Occupational Health and Safety Management.

Integrated Management Policy and Objectives.

The Company's Management guarantees that the Integrated Management Policy and the Quality Objectives, MA and SSTT, are established to provide a point of reference to direct the Organization. Both determine the desired results and help the Organization apply its resources to achieve those results. The Integrated Management Policy provides a frame of reference to establish and review the Quality Objectives. The GIS Objectives are consistent with the Policy and Commitment for Continual Improvement, and its achievement must be measurable. Achieving the Quality Goals can have a positive impact on product quality, operational efficiency, and financial performance, and consequently,Regarding the satisfaction and trust of the interested parties, the Integrated Management Policy will be communicated and understood within the Company and reviewed in the framework of the revision of the System for its continuous adaptation.

Quality Management Planning

It is the part of Quality Management focused on establishing the Quality Objectives and specifying the necessary Operational Processes and the related resources to meet them. The Company's Management ensures that the QMS planning is carried out in order to meet the general requirements, increase customer satisfaction, with emphasis on product and customer service and the relationship with the supplier.

Environmental Management Planning

Support environmental protection and pollution prevention in balance with socio-economic needs, emphasizing protection of the environment, society and environmental authority.

Planning of the Management of Safety and Health at Work

Protect employees and third parties, whose safety and health may be affected by the activities of the organization, emphasizing the protection of the environment and environmental authority.

Preparation, review, approval and updating of the chapters.

The Integrated Management Manual is prepared by the Quality Management Specialist, reviewed by the Director of R + D + i, Representative of the Management in the Central Office and approved by the Director General, as indicated in the title block that appears on page 2 of this document. It will be subject to updates every year in the framework of the system review or when an Audit recommends its review and / or update, leaving evidence of the review on the last page of this document.

Distribution .

The distribution of this Manual is registered in RGN 02.04 "Distribution and Control of GIS documents", as established in procedure PGN-02: 12 "Control of documents", it is passed to PDF and is located in the FTP site of each agency. There will only be one paper copy.

Archiving and conservation

An original of the Integrated Management Manual is preserved in the Regulatory Base of the Improvement File and the history of its evolution in the historical archive, which is located in the R + D + i Department on magnetic and paper support.

Control of documents and records

In the procedure PGN- 02:12 "Control of the Documents", which responds to clause 4, sections 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 of the NC ISO 9001: 2008, where the necessary controls are defined for the approval, revision, update of documents, identification of changes and the status of the current version, legible, easy to identify. The storage, protection, recovery, identification, retention time and disposition of records, which provide evidence of compliance with the requirements of the Integrated Management System.

The organization defines them as documents of external origin.

  • ü Documentation delivered by the customer ü National and international rules and regulations


Management commitment

Senior Management is committed to implementing an Integrated Management System based on the NC ISO 9001: 2008, NC ISO 14001: 2004 and NC 18001: 2005 standards and the Continuous Improvement of their effectiveness through:

  1. Communication to everyone in the organization of the importance of satisfying customer requirements, legal and regulatory, Environmental Protection and Safety and Health at Work. The establishment of the Integrated Management Policy and that the It is communicated and understood by all the workers. It ensures that objectives are established to implement the established Integrated Policy. The management reviews. The allocation of the necessary resources.

Focus on the client.

Management has the necessary and adequate mechanisms to understand and satisfy the needs and expectations of its clients, which is evident in the processes:

  • Category I Services. Production Management Category I Services. Recruitment Category I Services. Production Control Overseas Technical Assistance Production Management Production Planning Production Production Customer Delivery and Feedback.

The physical progress of the services is analyzed and the relationship of the Senior Project and Engineering Specialist with the clients is controlled, which is evidenced in the Steering Group Minutes.

Quarterly, the degree of customer satisfaction is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.

Integrated Management Policy.

The Company has defined its Integrated Management Policy


Strategic Objectives of the Company.

The Company's Management, based on the general guidelines of the AZCUBA Business Group, establishes annually in the functions and relevant levels within the Company, its own Quality Objectives, MA and SST contemplated in the Work Objectives, which are measurable and periodically reviewed for the operation and continuous improvement of its GIS in a manner consistent with the Integrated Management Policy.

The Company's Management ensures that the strategic planning for the sustainability of the GIS is carried out with the necessary resources, both material and competitive, to achieve the general and specific objectives at each level, in accordance with the documents that govern and demonstrate the management of each process, through adequate internal communication with all members of the organization guaranteed by the periodicity of the operation of its collective management bodies and the interrelation with other management systems of the same and the AZCUBA Business Group, which guarantees the integrity of the GIS, even when changes are planned and implemented.

Objective 1 Achieve competitive levels in services, achieving full satisfaction of internal and external customers.

Governing functional management: Engineering Management

Objective 2 Increase service exports through AZUTECNIA, consolidating the institutional image.

Governing functional address: Marketing Department.

Objective 3 Have Human Capital of superior job performance.

Governing functional management: Human Capital Management.

Objective 4 Improve productive economic results through management, Internal Control and Prevention.

Governing functional management: General Management.


For this system the terms and definitions given in NC ISO 9001: 2008 “Quality Management Systems are applicable. Foundations and Vocabulary ”.

In the scope of the System documentation, the following abbreviations will be used:

  • ISO International Organization for Standardization SIG Integrated Management System SGC Quality Management System SDGE Management and Business Management System SGA Environmental Management System GSSST Occupational Health and Safety Management System M. Manual.P ProcedureF Instruction Sheet.IPA Sugar Projects Instruction.R RegistryGC Quality Management.GA Environmental Management.SS Management of Safety and Health at Work.GI Integrated Management.


In the analysis developed in this work we have delved into the design of the Quality Management System with the aim of reaching competitive levels in services, achieving full satisfaction of internal and external customers. Ensure that strategic planning for the sustainability of the GIS is carried out with the necessary resources to guarantee that the Integrated Management Policy and the Quality Objectives, MA and SSTT, are established to provide a reference point to direct the Organization. Both determine the desired results and help the Organization apply its resources to achieve those results.


  1. Company Quality Policies NC ISO 9001, Requirements for Quality Management Systems, Havana 2008. NC ISO 14001, Requirements for Environmental Management Systems, Havana, 2004. NC 18001, Occupational Health and Safety Systems, Havana 2005Practical Guide for the Implementation of a Quality Management System
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Development of a quality management system in azcuba, cuba