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Management mistakes that will lead your business to failure


Submitting to the owners of companies or managers, whose attitude is opposite to what they should be, to those experiences of shock that the Bizarra Management poses does not guarantee the necessary changes to improve the general conditions of the organization and the treatment of its people, because, as Every tool will depend on the capacity of reflection and interest that the individual possesses to assimilate what is being attempted with it.

Here is a compendium of steps you will need to follow naturally and spontaneously to successfully succeed in your business:

1. Hire only close people, friends or family, do not worry about the professional profile or experience, total, that is learned.

2. Forget having a salary tab, that only takes time and effort because in the end the wages are determined by you.

3. Do not make distinctions in salary, remunerate everyone equally and in the most economical way possible, base your criteria on "war economy"

4. Don't worry about the staff, there are quite a few unemployed professionals who would work for half of what you pay them. If you don't like their policies, quit.

5. Give no more benefits than the law requires (and if you can make up an excuse not to give them), remember that the salary you pay is enough to survive.

6. Let your staff know that working at your company is a privilege and constantly stress the current unemployment rate.

7. Make fun of the ideas or proposals offered by the staff that will make you understand that you are the only one who thinks.

8. Clarify that your company is unique and that the decisions that affect it are made by you.

9. When you need to cut expenses, the first thing you should do is cut the workforce, mainly the base one, those people are the ones who work the least.

10. Let your staff know that you are making millionaire purchases and investments in goods and services, so they will understand that it is obvious that you cannot improve their salary or benefits, you do not have money for it!

11. Demand as much as possible from all your employees, but yes, not more than their due and if you can give less.

12. Prevent people from growing and if they do, pay less than what the person in charge earned, you have to save!

13. Disregard the importance of the levels of responsibility and the people who occupy it, if possible do it in public, so it will be clear that the only one in charge is you.

14. Be exclusively concerned with improving the area where you work, get equipment, furniture and other items of very good quality and appearance, you deserve it, but do not transfer this concept to other units, it would be expensive and people do not appreciate such details.

15. Keep people in tension, they think that at any time you plan to fire them, speak of that possibility out loud so that everyone who can hear it, that favors the climate in organizations.

16. Restrict everything you can, absolutely everything, so people will learn to appreciate and use the tools you give them.

17. Spend more than what goes into the business and handle it as if it were your petty cash, you are the owner, right?

18. Do not plan. Who told you that you were a fortune teller to know what is going to happen?

19. Mistreat your customers, there are many and even if they don't like it they will have to come back to you.

20. Dismiss the competition, how could they compare to your business?

21. Do not apply techniques, trends, theories or management models of any kind, these are just tricks to sell books and courses. No one knows more about your business than you.

22. When someone makes a mistake, make them feel guilty, magnify the fault and punish them in public.

23. Advertise what you think you sell, not what you actually sell.

24. Don't worry about doing organizational climate studies, if people felt bad they would have already left.

25. Don't listen to your employees and be suspicious of their criteria and opinions , what can they know!

26. Do not read absolutely any of the paragraphs that follow, you probably already know their content and you will not learn anything new.

For some years now it has been very common to observe books, courses or conferences where a series of steps are listed to achieve important improvements in companies and also in people. Examples abound, from how to be a good employee, how to self-motivate, how to be a successful entrepreneur to becoming a manager coach. There is talk of paradigm shifts and the vision of the business world and how some companies, by putting the suggestions into practice, have established themselves as leaders in their field.

But even when you have so much literature and so many examples of success, in Latin America and in other regions of the world it seems that the information has not been assimilated, there are still entrepreneurs whose orientation shows their disinterest in achieving improvements in their organizations and therefore in the people who work in them.

It is for all the foregoing that the Bizarra Management emerges, exemplified in all the steps listed above and this being understood as the inverted version of what the proper performance of those who lead organizations means, since there is the possibility that when faced with erroneous practices, from a perspective contrary to pointing and censorship, generate reflective thinking in them that induces their interest in making changes in the way of managing the business and this benefits the whole.

According to the dictionary the word Bizarro means brave, generous or splendid; but it is usually associated with the action of using a word to say the inverse of it, for example, understanding the word "good" as something that is "bad" and vice versa. The bizarre world of superman in comics is another example of this and, as a curious fact, the same word bizarre is associated with something bad even when its meaning is exactly the opposite.

The Bizarra Management is a shock tool whose methodology is aimed at facilitating detection of the presence of actions, behaviors, guidelines or any element contrary to the duty of contemporary management from a personal point of view or as a whole using reverse approaches.

Bizarre Management is based on a principle of psychology that points out the inability of the human brain to recognize the word "no" as a command that inhibits an action, an example of this is the following: Do not think of an apple… what was the first thing that went through your mind? An Apple! That is why, when studying managerial behavior in the traditional way as it has been done up to now, a series of questions arise that custom prevents answering: If it is explained to managers that people are the most important capital, why is it first they dismiss? Why is it so common that the "don't spend" order ends up driving people to consume?

It is interesting to observe how throughout history, myths and legends, there are unique examples of the tendency to do what is prohibited or denied, perhaps the best known is the story of Adam and Eve where they were expressly ordered not to eat from the tree of good and evil and that's what they did. Hitler was advised not to attack two flanks at once - and he did! thus changing the course of the second world war.

Without intending to address the above topic in detail, due to how extensive it would be, it seems obvious to imagine that it is probable that when facing the manager with a command contrary to what is expected of him (in a scenario where the norm is known), his reaction incline to question it, because subconsciously you will recognize that it is opposite to what it should be.

If you doubt the above, just answer the following: what did you experience when reading the 26 steps listed? Did you fully agree with them or felt rejection? As you read them, did you identify individuals who resemble such claims? If so, what is your appreciation of those people? Here is the answer.

But identifying third parties is not the only thing that is experienced when using Bizarra Management as a tool; individual behavior is usually reflected in its content, facilitating the immediate observation of deviations in the managerial exercise.

Obviously, it is not possible to use Bizarre Management as a tool in all scenarios, so its application must respond to conscious planning and be oriented to a specific result that leads to an improvement in a particular area or varies from them, since Abusing their approach could distort the values ​​and relax the norm, achieving the inverse of what is expected, that is, a bizarre result.

But subjecting the owners of companies or managers, whose attitude is opposite to what they should be, to those experiences of shock that the Bizarra Management poses does not guarantee the necessary changes to improve the general conditions of the organization and the treatment of its people, because, Like any tool, it will depend on the capacity of reflection and interest that the individual possesses to assimilate what is trying to be achieved with it.

Finally, it is necessary to comment that it is contradictory that just now when more is known about human behavior, its expectations, competencies and value, there are still managerial attitudes contrary to that knowledge and, worse still, that such behaviors or styles are considered normal in certain cases., assuming with resignation that this is the company and nothing can be done about it. Bizarra Management is a tool that can contribute to change, managing to add value through the conscious and planned use of anti-value.

Management mistakes that will lead your business to failure