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Evaluation of environmental projects


End of the Project: The conservation and protection of the Sanctuary of Machu Picchu ”Determine the indicators


  • Number of registered and trained peasants, and control of the invasion of areas. Frequency and area affected by forest fires. Reforestation / deforestation relationship. Services in the population (latrines, water and garbage collectors. Incidence of skin diseases and diarrhea..

Set a desirable optimum for desirable indicators

  • In the third year of the project, 100% of the peasants within the Sanctuary are registered and trained, and the invasion of areas has been controlled. In the second year, the frequency and area affected by forest fires has been reduced to 50% the known figures at the beginning of the project. Increase the reforestation / deforestation ratio as follows:

    - 30 percentage point 4 years after the start of project operation

    - 50 percentage points 6 years after the start of project operation. 80% of farmers have latrines, water and garbage collectors, and the incidence of skin diseases and diarrhea has almost disappeared.

Determine the components of the Project

  1. Establishment of protection strips in the plots, Controlled use of firewood by tourists, Presence of surveillance, Use of appropriate agricultural techniques, and Control in the extraction of firewood for domestic use

Determine the actions of the Project

• Training in fire prevention and control (projects 1, 2, 3 and 4)

• Training for porters (projects 1, 2, 3 and 4)

• Extension and dissemination programs (projects 1, 2, 3 and 4)

• Construction surveillance posts (projects 1 and 2)

• Training use and conservation of natural resources (projects 1, 2, 3 and 4)

• Multi-purpose nurseries (projects 1 and 3)

• Reforestation with native species (projects 1 and 3)

• Reforestation for handling branches for firewood (projects 1, 2, 3 and 4)

• Implementation of integral farms (project 2)

Logical Framework Matrix

1. In the third year of starting the project, 100% of the peasants within the Sanctuary are registered and trained, and the invasion of areas has been controlled.

2. In the second year the frequency and area affected by forest fires has been reduced to 50% of the figures known at the beginning of the project

3. The reforestation / deforestation ratio increases as follows:

4. 30 percentage point 4 years after the start of the operation of the project

5. 50 percentage points 6 years after the beginning of the operation of the project

6. In the third year after the project started, 80% of the farmers have latrines, water and garbage collectors, and the incidence of skin diseases and diarrhea have almost disappeared.

7. Reduction of internal conflicts

8. Peasants offer food and craft services to tourists.

• Conducting surveys

• General Statistics

• Impact evaluation.

• The community is aware of the importance of proper Sanctuary Management.

• The community is convinced that it must abandon agricultural work to dedicate itself to tourism.

Protection of the ecosystems of the Sanctuary of Machu Picchu

1. The frequency of fire cases is reduced xx%, every year

2. The area affected by fire is reduced xx%, every year, until it becomes null

3. It reduces xx%% of threatened animal species in the fourth year of project operation

4. The% of taxa of threatened plants is reduced by xx% in the fourth year of project operation

5. The annual fuelwood extraction rate is reduced by xx% in the third year of operation of the project

6. Increases reforestation with native species by xx% in the second year of project operation

7. Reduces xx% in the total number of hectares damaged by floods or soil movements in the fourth year of project operation

1. Statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture.

2. Collection of information through surveys of farmers.

3. Impact evaluation.

Farmers are technically trained to take advantage of small plots, forgetting about their intentions to extend areas. Visitors become aware of the importance not only of the archaeological ruins, but of all the ecosystems that surround it.

a) Field work to determine improvement in surveillance

b) Delivery of technical report at the end of the project

c) Surveys and monitoring.

The necessary resources are available to continue project activities, since INC subsidizes the Sanctuary with part of its income from tourism.

There is no natural disaster that damages or destroys the community's arable land.

  1. xx training programs in fire prevention and control at a cost of S /.YYY per traineexx training programs for porters at a cost of S /.YYY per trainee.Distribution of xx information brochures with a total cost of S /.ZZZConstruction xx surveillance posts with a unit cost of S / XXX.xx training programs in use and conservation of natural resources at a cost of S /.YYY per trained person. Implementation of xx multipurpose nurseries at a cost of S /..YYY per nurseryReforestation of yy has with native species at a cost of S /.YYY per haReforestation of yy has for handling branches for firewood at a cost of S /.YYY for haImplementation of xx comprehensive farms at a cost of S /. YYY per family

Invoices and receipts for expenses incurred

A climatological disaster does not occur that delays the development of project activities.

The farmers committed to the project provide the help offered for the development of the project.

The residents within the Sanctuary do not have strong disagreements, so it remains representative.

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Evaluation of environmental projects