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False mimicry ecology of sustained growth

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Respecting the term proposed by the German biologist and philosopher Ernest Haeckel (1834-1939), in 1869 to designate the study of the relationships of living beings with each other and the environment that surrounds them.

Ecology is, therefore, the science of the conditions of existence and of the interactions between living beings and the environment, and the knowledge of the relationships of these beings with the environment.

The ecologist is one who assumes a militant attitude and activity in defense of nature and in the fight for quality of life. Today environmental movements have emerged, mobilizing against ecological aggression and fighting for the realization of programs and value systems that would make it possible for men to live in harmony and in communication with nature and with the entire human race.

The ecologist is the one who professes ecology, but as in religious sects, there are false pastors, also in ecology there are false ecologists.

Today we have a mask ecology, which is not only at the service of local monopolies, but at the service of transnational corporations, who have preyed on the environment and continue to be complicit in predation, have designed an educational system at the service of their own interests.

In our case, depredation has been classified into the following classes:

Latent Predation

As its name implies, it is a disguised form of predation, which is a consequence of the effects of modern technology, the use of electrical, electromagnetic, and ionic radiation, the implementation of infrastructure for wireless communication systems, such as satellites., radars and antennas that not only transmit signals through microwaves, but also depending on the frequency, through the magnetrons (1) the frequency of the band is gradually decreased to generate more energy, at a shorter wavelength, more energy and thus be able to use it for not precisely communication purposes, emitting "X" rays, Gamma rays or radiation of all kinds.

The energy from radars can be used to dissociate water molecules, since water has the chemical property of dissociating through an electric current, clouds can break down and cause false droughts. Microwaves are a great atmospheric heater, since 85% of the troposphere is water vapor, and the microwave has the particularity of rotating water molecules because it is bipolar. Microwaves can produce high or low pressure systems to generate natural catastrophes. A local written media headline mentioned that Switzerland buys wind energy from Colombia through microwaves, that is; through a certain frequency, the microwave is directed to a certain place,it can be in the low or high atmosphere and you get what the transnationals and the political and economic power worldwide want, to impose their demands and bend countries, adjusting it to the interests of their markets as a form of domination, distorting the system educational, promoting the lie endorsed in a cutting edge technology loaded with perversity.

The climate on earth depends on the global water cycle, interfering in the formation of clouds is manipulating the climate, because the normal water cycle is being broken. Here in my city Barranquilla I have observed many times how in amusement parks To keep the rain away so that the show is not damaged, cloud-breaking lamps are used, which point upwards with a light, cationize the clouds and disarm them, These procedures are executed in every city and country in the world, this is a palpable example of climate manipulation.

Consequently, the microwave, by rapidly spinning the water molecules, causes friction between them, as it circulates in the atmosphere at the various coverage points, it heats the environment in which they are found. In other words, we have a weapon of mass destruction as an instrument of persuasion and as a predatory factor in the ecosystem. However, antenna installations for these signals continue to proliferate in residential sectors, without any authority doing anything to dismantle them.

Active Predation:

It is the one that practices and executes a government through the system of delivery of its resources through the system of concessions to transnational corporations to usurp the wealth of a country, to the detriment of the quality of life of its inhabitants, thereby contributing to the deterioration of ecosystems, whether in logging, mining or biodiversity projects.

Passive Predation:

It is the one that is executed through paperwork and education systems, as is the current case in which lies have been taught at a professional and academic level, in educational institutions from kindergarten to specialized level in universities, because this is convenient for the transnational corporations and those who wield political and economic power worldwide (call group of 8, group of 20, European Economic Community, UN, etc.).

Accomplice Predation

It is the sum of all the previous ones, since all of them inevitably come together. This also includes the media, local, regional and national communities that lend themselves to it in exchange for papers without any kind of support (dollars).

The accommodative and justifying phrase of depredation such as "sustained growth" has been devised, which is a phrase that adjusts to the interests of the market, a phrase with which naive intellectuals like most of the world are deceived. our professionals and academics.It is the phrase that fits within predation, since it is only an environmental phrase, it has no application for ecosystems, instead of there being "sustained growth" there should be "compatible growth". Sustained growth corrupts the ruling classes, the population is deceived with false promises of growth without destruction, because in reality it has been shown that this "sustained growth" has only left misery and death, because this sustained growth is under threat and bribes in money to anyone who tries to defend ecosystems and the quality of life of the areas that are the products of depredation and exploitation, “sustained growth” is transferred into violence for the regions, because in the end they end up taking away our wealth and leaving our peoples and ecosystems in desolation.

They not only destroy locally, but extraterritorially, in general forest reserves that are heritage of the regions are destroyed, bodies of water that feed not only local sources, but national or foreign, are destroyed, because some orographic and hydrographic systems of some countries they also depend on that of their neighbors, such as the large rivers that cross a country, that is, they are international tributaries, so compatibility between countries in the same region is important.

Therefore, we must defeat that false ecology that is spread in our media and academies, we must end "sustained growth" and replace it with "compatible growth", not with the environment of the local depredation zone, but with all ecosystems that are an integral part of that habitat.

First there are the general interests of the people, all open-pit mining projects do not represent any growth compatible with the general interests of the population and ecosystems of any country, they are destructive and polluting, threatening the lives of people and the species of living beings that are part of our biodiversity (flora and fauna).

The misnamed "sustained growth" is nothing more than a simple apology for complicit predation.

(1) Magnetron: it is a device that transforms electrical energy into microwaves.

False mimicry ecology of sustained growth