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Electric power generation through solar panels by individuals, how does it affect the parastatal CFE?

Table of contents:


This work will analyze the importance of self-consumption in the generation of electrical energy through photovoltaic cells and the impact that the parastatal company CFE impacts in relation to conventional energy rates, as well as the benefits and damages of the production of energy through solar radiation, in single-family homes.

In these times the conservation of the environment is very important, man through the years has carried out the exploitation of non-renewable natural resources, as well as the consumption of hydrocarbons and other energy sources for the production of electricity, which have caused enormous amounts of pollutants to be concentrated in the environment, and especially in the atmosphere, as a result of this exploitation.

In the development of this analysis, the production of electrical energy from solar cells is considered as a starting point, and the application of certain technologies that are kind to our planet, as well as the importance of saving in the consumption of electrical energy by families in Mexico.


The generation of electrical energy arises in the early 600 BC when the Greek philosopher Tales of Miletus observed that rubbing an amber rod with wool or cat fur produced small charges that attracted small objects and if it was rubbed for a long time produced a spark.

Near the ancient Greek city of Magnesia were the so-called Magnesia stones, which included magnetite. The ancient Greeks observed that pieces of this material were attracted to each other, and also to small iron objects.

The words magnet (equivalent in Spanish to magnet) and magnetism derive from that place name.

310 BC - First electricity treaty

The Greek philosopher Theophrastus (374-287 BC) writes the first treatise where it is established that there are several substances, apart from amber, that have the property of attracting objects when rubbed.

Thus it leaves record in what would be the first scientific study on electricity.

1745 - Electric capacitor

It is developed what would give way to the Electric Condenser, the Leyden bottle in (1692-1761) at the University of Leyden, with this bottle static electricity was stored for the first time.

The Leyden bottle is a fixed capacity electric capacitor consisting of a glass bottle in which the material plays the role of a dielectric and the tin foil electrodes are placed inside and outside the bottle.

1879 - Edison's Incandescent Electric Lamp

The principle of operation of the electric lamp was known long before a truly operational lamp was created. The imperfect vacuum of the first bulbs caused the filaments to burn quickly due to air. Edison, using a new pneumatic vacuum pump, produced a strong, commercially viable lamp with a carbon filament.

1905 - Nature of light

Albert Einstein postulates that the energy of a light beam is concentrated in small packets or photons (instead of being distributed through space in the electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave).

Electricity has evolved intensively, as it can be easily transformed, it is easily transported over long distances through clean air lines.

Photovoltaic solar energy in recent years.

In the 90s and in the first years of the 21st century, photovoltaic cells have experienced a continuous decrease in their cost together with a slight improvement in their efficiency. These factors together with the support by some governments for this technology has caused a spectacular boost in solar electricity in recent years.

Basic definitions:

Electric power. - Electric energy is the form of energy that results from the existence of a potential difference between two points, which allows establishing an electric current between the two when they are contacted by means of an electrical conductor.

Photovoltaic cells.- Commonly called solar panels, they are made up of a set of cells (photovoltaic cells) that produce electricity from the light that falls on them (photovoltaic solar energy).

CFE- Federal Electricity Commission.

Self-consumption.- This practice can be carried out by individuals, families, companies, public centers, etc., as long as the electricity produced is only used by them. The technological system that is used to generate electricity is called the self-consumption system.

KWP ( kilowatt peak)

HSP (Peak Daylight Time)


The generation of electrical energy for self-consumption, through solar panels or photovoltaic cells, also called environmentally friendly energy, greatly contributes to the energy independence of the inhabitants who use it, generating competitiveness for companies that produce electrical energy. conventional, and in this case the parastatal CFE, (Federal Electricity Commission.)

In the interests of individuals in relation to self-consumption, two main objectives are analyzed, firstly, to reduce costs and know their electrical costs in advance by installing photovoltaic panels, knowing in advance that solar energy is a renewable resource and that it can be obtained easily and secondly, the affectation to the CFE company, which sees as a threat to self-consumption a phenomenon of disappearance of service for its business model, arguing that it reduces the income generated by the conventional electricity system, and puts at risk the economic stability of the same.

The self-consumption of electrical energy benefits individuals who make direct use of these technologies (photovoltaic cells) since they themselves generate their own energy and avoid paying fees imposed by the CFE, in that sense it also benefits companies that produce, manufacture and sell this equipment, generating countless jobs within the component sectors, in operation, service, installation and maintenance of said equipment.

It is important to consider that the energy produced with new technologies and in this case through photovoltaic cells in relation to the costs of purchasing equipment, installation and maintenance costs, are high in the short term, however in the long term the benefit in terms of spending is less and the recovery of what is invested is reflected on a larger scale, that is, what is now consumed and paid for conventional energy, is offset by the initial investment.

Analyzing rates that CFE manages in relation to the consumption of conventional electrical energy, of a basic house that has the following areas: 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, service area, and considering the lighting with 20 exits with saving lamps, 4 ceiling fans, washer and dryer, refrigerator, 2 Tv, microwave oven, blender, stereo and an iron, the average consumption is 300 kilowatts per two months at a cost of $ 3.84 pesos per kilowatt consumed, these data They vary in relation to the rates applied to electric energy and to the government contribution made in winter and summer seasons.

If we consider that a 1 mt2 panel according to the solar constant can collect an average of 1500 watts in full sun on a summer day and clear, understanding that the performance of the panels is low, it actually means the power available to those dimensions do not exceed 300 watts maximum and the consumption of a home as we mentioned is higher.

The real cost and size of the panel to cover the basic needs of electricity supply in a home is not feasible because of the high costs of the system, the solar panel provides continuous voltage and current, to use electricity in a house or building.

However, when implementing the photovoltaic cells with inverters, alternating current is generated, this in turn, is sent directly to the home and to the urban electrical system, promoting savings in electricity consumption by generating its own energy. Carrying out a study in reference to the generation of alternating current through this system, we consider that the costs vary, taking into account the type of space that is intended to be energized as well as the different types of equipment, capacity, system, brand of inverter and solar cells.

Carrying out a comparative analysis in relation to costs and recovery time in the investment of these equipment producing sustainable electrical energy, and applying rates and daily production of this system, we will take as an example the application of an inverter with solar panels, with an estimated cost in the market of $ 56,900.00 pesos considering the installation and the necessary equipment with the following specifications:

1.44 kwp (kilowatt peak) by a factor of 5 HSP (peak solar hour) would produce 7.2 kWh / day, if this production is considered the cost of 3.89 kWh / day that the CFE normally charges a rate 1 home, we yields a daily production cost of 28.04 pesos, for 365 days a year, an annual production of 10,234.60 pesos is generated.

With these figures, the recovery of the investment cost of the equipment is reflected in a term of 4.5 years. From that, a considerable profit is generated, in relation to the saving in the consumption of electrical energy, we help the environment by using less hydrocarbons or fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil, which are the primary sources most used in its production..

Currently these consumptions are reflected in a percentage of 65.3% to hydrocarbons, 16.6% corresponding to energy through nuclear generation and 18.1 to renewable energy for the generation of electricity worldwide according to data in the book (the generation of electricity in the 21st century.)

Energy Consumption by Sectors in Mexico

Some statistical figures mention that we have a global reserve of 156,000 million tons for oil; for natural gas, about 175,780,000 million cubic meters, equivalent to 158,202 million tons of oil, and for coal about 984,453 million tons, equivalent to 484,475 million tons of oil.

The annual consumption figures for these resources in 2003 represented, in millions of tons of oil equivalent, approximate figures of 3,600 for oil, 2,300 for natural gas and 2,500 for coal. If we continue with this rate of fossil fuel consumption we will have for the generation of electric energy we will have a useful life of 93 years.


By carrying out this investment effort in a solar cell system to generate electrical energy and implement it in a combined way, within their homes we will obtain tangible benefits in the medium term, within the economy of Mexican families, these benefits in turn would affect in unimaginable amounts the income of the parastatal CFE

If families began to implement these self-consumption and photovoltaic energy generation systems in their homes, imagine the savings and benefits that would be obtained worldwide, we have to raise awareness and understand that our resources are depleted and that we must set our eyes on alternative technologies of electricity generation, will lead us to have a better standard of living and our descendants a legacy of responsibility and respect that is reflected in a better world.


  • Generation of electrical energy in the XXI century 2005, IIE Institute of engineering of Spain. Aggregate Díaz Prospective of the photovoltaic solar technology for the generation of Electricity, 2012. ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE EFFICIENT USE OF RESOURCES. First edition, 2008. Printed in Mexico. ISBN at tramite.www.greatenergy.com.mxsolar.htmlFIDE.ORG.MXhttp: //inversoressolares.net
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Electric power generation through solar panels by individuals, how does it affect the parastatal CFE?