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Environmental management as a development alternative


There is no doubt that biodiversity is a source of wealth that, well exploited, can, at any given moment, transform an entire country without losing its roots. However, it is urgent that decision-makers are aware of this development option and that they are able to take responsibility for managing these resources that nature offers us.

Environmental management is not just about picking up litter on a plant and setting up some birdhouses. On the contrary, it is a complete training from its philosophical foundations to its technical application and evaluation mechanisms. This is how we can affirm that «Latin America as a whole is starving to death sitting in a gold mine»

In recent years, the green revolution has been experienced with great interest. Fortunately for the region, this means that we will be able to act in a much more favorable general environment and that support will be found for new initiatives.

The foundation of environmental management is to fully understand how nature works. It is not a matter of violently transforming it, but of taking full advantage of it. This principle is the basis of natural behavior and must be fully embraced by management. That is to say; that its objective is zero emissions in production processes.

The previous statement probably creates some resentment among employers, but, it is because they do not apply it correctly. When I mean zero pollution, zero emissions, then I am saying zero waste and this is best understood by zero waste in the process. Everything must be used, take a good look that I am not talking about recycling but of complete processes for new products arising from the waste of the previous processes. For example, as it seems to you, that the pound of coffee is being paid in the international market for less than 70 cents, while the tropical mushrooms that grow in the coffee tassel (cuncho) pay them at 40 dollars The pound. See then that it is possible to get more productivity out of our environment but you have to be smarter and less politician.

Our entrepreneurs must understand that in the processes the total is greater than the parts, since we can save a large amount of inputs by taking advantage of those offered by the previous process, which results in a dizzying cash flow.

Look closely, you can move away from the main product model to enter a multi-product model without major trauma. If you can take advantage of waste as raw material, this means that you will have more competitive prices. But none of this is possible if there is no serious commitment to research.

An industry that takes advantage of everything, generates job opportunities beyond imagination. This is a good option. So it's not about how I get more production out of the main product, but how I take advantage of processes for new products.

Moving on to another element no less important is the location, size and practical relationship with the environment. Well, what do you think if the entrepreneur stops thinking big, understanding how big, the plant and equipment, installed capacity, construction footage, etc. That structural vision is not functional. If your plant is smaller, it is more functional and allows you to place others in other parts of the country, thus reducing the cost of transporting raw materials and finished products, it will also be closer to the local population and, strategically, it will also be more protected in the If one of your plants fails, you can cover it with the production of another nearby one.

The general idea is not to force nature but to take advantage of it efficiently, with the adaptation of its own technologies and respecting biodiversity.

Environmental management requires its own training that proposes a Systemic Relationship of processes, just as nature itself does, contrary to how humans have created their linear processes. This means that the very conception of the development of a process must start from the fact that it can affect other systems and that it is not finished until each element of "waste" has been assigned to a new process.

In short, this vision of environmental management is clearly competitive and accentuates the competitiveness of those who adopt it, since it starts from foundations such as appropriate technology instead of economy of scale.

This does not mean that the typical elements of business management such as the capital factor, break-even point, company risk, complexity, controls, etc. were saved. Rather, it will be an organization focused on a much more advanced and efficient production model.

In short, what it is about is innovation, productive diversification, intelligent production, proper management, an advanced way of assuming our responsibility with our fellow human beings and with all beings on the planet and with the market itself. Although the above sounds extreme, think about it, it is not so far-fetched.

Environmental management as a development alternative