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Systemic public environmental management. o role of the state and the affirmation of two sites of ownership


The present test is based on the fact that the effectiveness of the public environmental management depends directly on the adoration of the systemic approach in which it includes the completeness of the intersubjectivity. The environmental system must be treated in its entirety, seeking to identify the interrelationships that cause recursive gears of situations facing each other, with a view to their recovery and protection.


Isto implies to include all the agents you do not process of management: to civil society, or to a producer in all segments of the public power. And in order to reduce to asymmetry of power among such agents, it is necessary that the State not invest in the sharing of information and in the collective creation of knowledge about the environmental system, in its biogeophysical, socioeconomic, political, cultural, and institutional dimensions, which will be appropriately supported by or systemic environmental management process. Therefore, some principles, bases, procedures and some topics are formulated for a basic rotation of shared environmental management processes.Given the configuration of the National Water Resources Policy, the hydrographic basin committee is considered a strategic institutional start to act as co-star of the local environmental management using resources from the State Water Resources Fund, through the State, through the intermediary of its environmental environment. as the protagonist. To back up these routes, the theoretical reflection on the role of the State, as well as the collective, to democratic governance and the site of pertencimento com base em idéias by P. Evans, E. Ostrom, JP Esteve and H. Zaoual, respectively, bem as on or systemic thinking, based on different authors, I have as a background the dimensions proposed by MJE Vasconcellos. In order to validate these proposals, they will be analyzed as the State, not the period of 1975, current days,aiming to promote the recovery of the Iguaçu-Sarapuí Environmental System.

Palavras-chave: environmental management, social participation, completeness, territoriality, site of ownership.


This thesis is grounded in the belief that the efficacy and effectiveness of public environmental management depend directly on the adoption of the systemic approach which includes the complexity and intersubjectivity. The environmental system must be treated in their entirety, searching to identify the interrelationships of the causal recursive generating situations to be faced with a view to their recovery and protection. This means including all local actors in the management process: civil society, the productive sector and all segments of the public sector. In order to reduce the asymmetry of power among those agents, the State Government must invest in information sharing and collective knowledge creation on environmental system considering its biogeophysical, socioeconomic, political, cultural, and institutional aspects, that once appropriate, will constitute the basis of systemic environmental management process. So, some principles, basis, procedures and topics have been formulated for a basic script of shared environmental management processes, allowing that the configuration of the National Water Resources Committee consider the river basin institutional arrangements as a strategic environmental management actor using local resources of the State Water Resources Fund, through its environmental agency as main protagonist. To support such events, theoretical reflection was conducted on the role of the State, collective action, democratic governance and membership site based on the ideas of P. Evans, E. Ostrom, J. P. Esteve and H. Zaoual, respectively, as well as systems thinking, based on different authors, as a vector having the dimensions proposed by M. J. E. Vasconcellos. To validate the proposed actions, we analyzed the actions of the State, from 1975 until now, aiming to promote the recovery of the IguaçuSarapuí Environmental System.

Keywords: environmental management, social participation, complexity, territoriality, site of belonging.


This thesis, carried out not in the area of ​​the Post-Graduate Program of the Department of Geography of the Federal University of Fluminense, translates the concerns of the author with regard to public environmental policies, more specifically, those aimed at environmental recovery, which is effective and effective in attention to care. Expectations and impacts, which is always, submit those negatives that are sensiveis ao cidadão comum.

At the present time, this paper has been prepared by an environmental area and academic area, therefore, on the theoretical side, it cannot exactly be considered a dialogue between different theoretical currents, or that would be configured, not ideally, in an epistemological trial. Notwithstanding, they used some ideas of different authors in order to make a greater understanding of environmental management and, mainly, to express the concerns of the author regarding the practice of public administration of the environment. Mais que isso, or big leque of ideas and councils on different issues, has the purpose of supporting the principles, bases and procedures for the construction of a systemic public environmental management model.

In the experience of working as an Executive Power of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in the environmental area, since 1976, and, together with organizations not governamentais, I have consolidated the conviction that the efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness of the formulation and application of public policies The environment depends on the insertion of two decision-making processes, so much so that it concerns the public projects of recovery and protection of the environment, including environmental sanitation, as well as the lack of criteria and norms regulating or private use of two environmental resources.

In the case of the Regional District of the extinct State Superintendency of Rios e Lagoas (SERLA), in the Região dos Lagos, no period from 1986 to 1990, after a theoretical reflection on such practice when the elaboration of the dissemination of the study concluded in 1995, bem as to elaboration and implementation of the Gente do Caceribu Project, not year of 1997, on the initiative of the Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (OSCIP), Baía de Guanabara Institute, with resources from the National Environment Program (PNMA), which were the most important experiences for the option skin present research.

Both of the practical cases, added to the experience of the coordination of two Complementary Environmental Projects of the Baba de Guanabara Depolution Program - PDBG, especially, two Master Plans of the Sambê-Santa Fé Ecological Corridor and the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Gericinó - culminating with or disengagement from institutional start-ups in which a civil society - will demonstrate that a population, properly trained, or otherwise, instrumentalized, is apt to exercise or role as a co-star of environmental management.

However, at the same time, it does not apply to the public administration machine, especially to state-run public institutions, once you have demonstrated that we will not be sufficiently prepared, as well as to its structural format as to the definition and procedure for mobilizing the society as a whole. organized civilian, as members of the decision-making process in environmental management. Contrary, to the National Environmental Policy and, mainly, to the National Water Resources Policy, and respective policies that are institutionalized to social participation, no decision-making process or use of two environmental resources.

Observation of the experiences in progress, in the public administration of the environment, allows us to deduce that the effectiveness of its social participation depends on the investment of efforts by the public power to build the path towards the consolidation of the propellant represented by the duly instrumentalized citizens, not sense of consolidation of the conhecimento on the environmental dynamics of the site in which we live. Além disso, a compreesão do seu role as receiver and promoter of damage to the system, teach-the-exercise of its territoriality of the inerente sentiment of belonging to the environmental system, or that it will propitiate or embattle necessary to atuação us committees of bacia, from Conservation Units, ou quaisquer outras.

In decorrência, a questão desta tese é or challenge of how to make the management of environmental systems more efficient and effective, I have in view the new institutions established by the regulatory frameworks of the public administration of the environment, as well as a planned social participation in these legal instruments.

The purpose is to contribute so that the state of affairs you set, on the part of the State, respecting the paradigms of systemic thinking, evolves for the real co-leadership of civil society.

São três as premisas da present tese. To the first of these is in harmony with the ideology of neo-institutionalism, with authors such as P. Evans and E. Ostrom, to the second, as the new paradigms of science, presented by authors such as E. Morin, I. Prigogine and MJ

Vasconcellos, and third consonant like Homo situs, by H. Zaoual. Ei-las:

(i) o State deve ser o alavancador do development, in this specific case, in the environmental area, through the first stage of government, as a function of the bureaucracy, or exchange between the bureaucracy and the população e com o investimento na criação de Capacidades along with população para the formation of interlocutors able to participate in two management committees envisaged in environmental legislation, including water resources and Conservation Units;

(ii) in the absence of systemic perception, or seja, it gives enormous quantity and variety of elements in interrelationship not with the environment, structuring the environmental systems and, in decorrência, a compartmentalized and simplifying atuação, deconstructing dynamic environmental systems, as well as it is inextricably present in these systems, we see ineffectiveness and ineffectiveness of the public administration of the environment;

(iii) efficiency of two processes of decentralization of environmental management, especially two water resources, depends on the appropriation of the dynamics of the environmental system where they live in the cities, as the perception of their parents as the cause and recipient of two environmental imbalances; Such appropriation must be the result of a process of co-construction of the construction, which turns out not to awaken the feeling of belonging to the respective environmental system.

It is understood that the new institutions, necessary for the consolidation of the democratization process envisaged in the environmental legislation, can be raised from the investment of resources in the instrumentalization of the local inhabitant, through the construction of the respective dynamics of the respective The environmental system as a means of including two cities and the local public power is involved in the process of environmental management, teaching, as a matter of fact, the greater effectiveness of the current legislation.

A research methodology consisted of the identification and critical analysis of theoretical work, of technical texts, dissertations and academic tests in two different blocks. Initially, theorists on the role of the State in the creation and implementation of public policies, through two neoinstitutionalist approaches and two sites of relevance, as a perspective of systemic thinking as the fundamental basis. No other bloc foram analyzed official reports, two projects implanted in the Iguaçu Sarapuí Environmental System since the 1970s, as dissertações e teses acadêmicas e artigos tecnicos.

Assim, in the introduction of this tesse, contextualizes this proposition based on two legal instruments and declaratory public policy documents supporting the obligations of social participation, briefly addressing the subjects treaties not corpo da tese.

Not the first chapter, focusing on public policies and theoretical trends on the role of the State in public affairs. Além disso, presents or theoretical framework on the new paradigms of science and the institutions necessary to give account of this new reality, which requires new knowledge and new practices in the perspective of completeness. Disengaging oneself or the State as a protagonist does not share the public environmental management that, in order to be effective and effec- tive, must deve ter civil society as a co-protagonist.

Not the second chapter, it deals with the Iguaçu-Sarapui Environmental System, located integrally not interior of Baixada Fluminense, with focus on sanitation projects implanted since the end of the 1970s. They will be interpreted, in light of some pressures of systemic thinking, some interrelations emerging from the environmental system, from its use by thousands of people and from the institutional subsystem atuação. At the same time, it seeks to demonstrate how it is involved in the environmental recovery processes that are irrelevant to public environmental management.

No third chapter will suggest any principles, bases and procedures to be developed under the leadership of the State and co-protagonism of the civil society, by at least two committees of hydrographic basins, aiming to give greater efficiency and effectiveness to social participation in public environmental policies.

In conclusion, it tries to synthesize the conditions for the organization of a System of Public Environmental Management System and the perspectives for new studies that will strengthen or theoretical-methodological support of this proposal.


As environmental policies, not that it refers to the edition of legal instruments instituting social participation, it has not significantly advanced in Brazil, since the 1980s. Still, in practice, Brazilian public environmental management is fragmentary, reductionist and centralized., or that entails inefficiency, inefficiency and ineffectiveness in reverse proportion two efforts that have been spared by some sectors of the public environmental administration.

With regard to the isolationist bureaucracy, I am complying with the tradition of the Brazilian public administration, we are trying in a simplified way the procedures of environmental management, not a sense of streamlining, but also a compartmentalized application of the environment, both temporal and non-spatial, and just looking as relações causais linear. This context is privileged to disjunção not place of the conjunção, or simplistic to or instead of the contextualization on the ethics of the complete, apart from not everything, conducive, to centralization of the decision-making process excluding the political actors, more specifically you "sem power ”Directly shaved by the decisions on or use of two environmental resources. On the other hand,It is large in quantity of declaratory documents of environmental public policies and legal instruments institutionalizing the spaces of social participation, not process of decision making on or use of two environmental resources.

A sequence of the edition two main instruments have the beginning, not the federal level, with the National Environment Policy, in 1981; dezesseis anos depois foi edited to the National Water Resources Policy e, in 2002, or National System of Conservation Units - SNUC. O National Plan of Water Resources, in 2006, in the Pluriannual Plan 2008-2011 - Orientações Estratégicas, do Ministério do Meio Ambiente, published last year, emphasized the public power emphasizing the need for social participation. Or the State of Rio de Janeiro, and other States of Federation, since 1981, following the National Policies, we are publishing legal instruments guaranteeing, also, such spaces of social participation.

A National Environmental Policy is the initial formal framework for the adoption of a systemic approach and participation in civil society, no decision-making process or use of two environmental resources, such as the Institution of Environmental Impact Assessment-AIA, on the basis of the socio-environmental diagnosis and as public hearings. As required by the preparation of EIA / RIMA foi o primeiro passo desse caminho, once they feared as members: (a) the identification of two human groups affected by projects under environmental license; (b) Consideration of two uses that have been established for human groups, no environmental space required; ea (c) carrying out public hearings for the presentation of two positive and negative impacts of the business, on all the interested segments.It can be affirmed that as of this date, institutionalized social participation has been made on the environmental license of specific projects to use two environmental resources.

In the meantime, a correlation of forces between private interests and public interests has frequently not resulted in an instrument that could, in fact, be made viable or socially controlled over or use two environmental resources through the Environmental License. I do not mean, or that it is perceived, that we are serving more than a whole range of private interests, including consulting firms and, sometimes, community pseudo-leaderships that are for their own purposes that they are of origin. In need of acceleration of two processes of environmental licensing to attend to economic growth, mainly when it involves investments of large resources, it does not favor the realization of research that is truly necessary to identify the magnitude and importance of two socioenvironmental impacts.Many times, it was considered more relevant to the economy of time and, also, to a reduction of two costs for the entrepreneur, abandoning himself, assim, you think of sustainable development.

We were also in the 1980s, in parallel to the implementation and consolidation of the AIA non-Brazil process, with the emergence of other forms of social participation. The organization of two municipal consortiums, starting from class associations, gradually involving Municipal Prefedades, universities and the production sector, foi uma delas, aiming at fighting against Poluição.

Finally, in 1997, the Brazilian regulatory and institutional framework for social participation was edited or more forte, a National Policy on Water Resources, which fears as a member of the National System of Management of Water Resources, or the National Council of Water Resources, the Conselhos de Recursos Two State Hydrics, the State Statistical Organizations of Water Resources, the Hydrographic Basin Committees. Being considered by some authors, also, two frameworks of reform of the State not Brazil.

Assim, a National Policy on Water Resources, in general, followed by states, establishes the basic principles of the new management system for water not Brazil, considering –a natural resource that is made up of two public resources that, being limited, have been endowed with economic value, with its provision subject to tariff collection. Além disso, o seu consumo é defined primarily for human use and animais, in case of scarcity, the hydrographic basin passed to be considered a basic territorial unit for the management of the waters, which should contemplate its multiple uses. The most important for this discussion, the management of two water resources must be decentralized and include the participation of the public power, two users from the communities, members of two committees of Bacia.

O National Water Resources Plan, a two instruments of the National Water Resources Policy, also ratifies social participation, as a fundamental item of water management. Especially, or Volume IV - National Programs and Goals - when he mentions, in need of “promoting or empowering the society in the elaboration and implementation of the PNRH, strengthening the existing communication channels, in the new generation, as well as in two years social dialogue ”.

The committees of bacia are constituted, at the present time, by the most emblematic institutional establishment and the most promising in the democratization of the decision-making process of recovery policies and protection of two environmental resources. Among its main attributes are (i) or the establishment of guidelines and priorities for the management of the water, through two planes of basin, to the approval of the use of the most part two resources collected in the respective basin; (ii) to deliberate on the methodology, criteria and prices of the use of water; and (iii) to arbitration in the first administrative instance, two conflicts related to water resources; (iv) a criação das agências de bacia.

To understand the contradictory context of the praxis of the public administration of the environment, it carried out a theoretical reflection, seeking initial ideas and ideas in the area of ​​public policies, especially not neo-institutionalism, aiming to understand the evolution of the format of the State in its role of promoter of development.

If you are looking for theoretical currents, please look at the State in a shared way with civil society, you will identify the ideas of Peter Evans who thinks or State as the protagonist of development, investing in the qualification and appreciation of the bureaucracy that, inserted into society, enables existence of deliberative institutions. On the other hand, also, not in the area of ​​neo-institutionalism, Elinor Ostrom privileges the collective actions of those with relationships of trust, reciprocity and cooperation, with the greatest autonomy in relation to the State that, although it has not exercised or its power, but in a decentralized way, two regional and local governments.

Both lines of thought converge for the democratic governance defended by José Maria Pascual Esteve as um novo, embor ainda não usual, way of governing, through relational management or networks, strengthening citizenship, values ​​such as trust, solidarity and cooperation, bem as valuing or role of representative government, to shared construction and transparency in the provision of contracts.

They must demonstrate to the conviction that the efficiency and effectiveness of the recovery and protection of the environment depends on its treatment as a system, an environmental system, considered as a set of conditions, leis, influences and interactions of physical, chemical ordem and biological, which allows, shelters and governs life, in all its forms, and is altered by human groups in recursive interactions in upward evolutionary movement, so that socio-economic systems are also altered by the modified environment. Em decorrência, é visível a relação inextrincável do homem no interior two atmosphere systems.

This conception has been in search of authors tuned in to the new paradigms of science. Assim, a outra vertente dessa, is looking for ideas that aim to think about environmental management and, mainly, to base the proposals of an effective and effective management format, which influenced on systemic thinking, which the conception of Maria José Esteves de Vasconcellos, including dimensions of complexity, associated with the ideals of systems, of recursion and of complementary antagonisms, and the instability of associating the ideals of disorder, evolution and self-organization. Because we understand that both systems are complex evolutionary systems, they will support the ideas of Lia Osório Machado who attributed four properties: to cause-effect relationship, to evolution, to self-organization and to networks of interactions. And, finally,emerges from the intersubjectivity associated with the ideology of co-construction of the conhecimento, from the creation of consensual spaces, whose practical practice is not a field of environmental management, demands to be commensurate with a plurality of elements in recursive interrelation between them, at the same time, depending on the consideration do "outro as legitimate outro", we thermos of H. Maturana.

The practice of environmental management is based on the idea that the recovery of a present environmental system will be effective and effective, human beings who belong to this system will be fully involved in such an effort and so that it is necessary to establish itself in relation to ownership. The inhabitants and their environmental system. This sense was contributed to Hassan Zoaual's Teoria do Sítio de Pertencimento, affirming as an essential premise a development, or respect to homo sito, ou seja, or homem concre, em sua singularidade e multiplicidade, no se espaço vivido, que é, também, o its symbolic site.

This set of ideas subsidized the interpretation of the public powers of the Iguaçu-Sarapuí Environmental System, mainly not referring to the investment of resources for environmental recovery, which, however, always, based on a simplistic and compartmentalized perception, in the process centralized decision-making not public power, with some periods of social participation. This was done to develop an evolutionary contextualization of the Environmental System, from the beginning of its occupation to the days of the day, looking to interpret some emerging interrelationships not a System, in light of the systemic thinking and, finally, to demonstrate, as it would be, or as a treatment. Environmental System, on systemic otics.

Além disso, no seu ense, esse corpo de idéias supports the configuration of procedures for the formation of a system of public environmental management systemic, based on the principles of a systemic approach, a transdisciplinary nature, an interinstitutionality and an interaction between public power and civil society, included or productive setor. Being applied on the basis of the distinction and delimitation of the physical-territorial space, on the technical-scientific foundation, on environmental education as a process of collective construction of connectivity and of environmental mobilization, as a support for local media, and using strategies and techniques aiming to stimulate or sensing perturbations. two inhabitants locais com relação ao seu environmental system. Such procedures, therefore,I respect respect for capacity building with the inhabitants of Bacia so that (re) building and valuing or their environmental system come to act as co-protagonists of the management process.

It is considered that the local inhabitant has become a part of the dynamics of the environmental system in which he lives, mainly, the ecosystems that have constituted, his state of preservation, their exceptionalities, as species of endemic and rare flora and fauna, more than the processes of degradation, The acting public and private actors, as their own role as both receptor and promoter of impacts, will be strengthening their roots in relation to the environmental system and being encouraged to exercise their sense of territoriality, integrating with the environmental management process.

Based on the assumption that it is up to the State or to provide two means for public environmental management to advance in a way that is undesirable, or democratizing or decision-making, based on the political-institutional organization related to the management of non-water resources. State of Rio de Janeiro, it is considered that one of the possibilities of the implementation of a systemic public environmental management system will be able to co-lead two committees of hydrographic basins, signatories of management contracts for the application of two resources from the water source, decentralized state hair for the respective committees. It is considered that such resources will be able to develop capacities with the inhabitants of Bacia, endorsing the procedures and strategies formulated in Chapter III,or that will contribute to consolidate the own committees at their bases, to strengthen deliberative institutions and to support processes of systemic public environmental management located in the State of Rio de Janeiro.

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Systemic public environmental management. o role of the state and the affirmation of two sites of ownership