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Environmental management: a non sustainable development approach

Table of contents:


I summarize

A threat to human survival in the face of the degradation of two natural resources, a extinction of species of fauna and flora, or a temperature change due to the emission of polluting gases to an environmental issue to occupy a prominent place in our international debates. The environment of the company is constituted by various forms of relationship, considering the management disciplines, the techniques and the production process together with the facilities and the internal and external environment, including also the relationship between market, client, suppliers, community and consumer.. This sense, or environmental management, cannot be separated and we must ignore the business environment in its objectives, or the development of this council enables the best results in internal and external relationships, such as production and business.


The menace to the human survival in face of the degradation of the natural resources, the extinction of the species of the fauna and flora, the heating of the temperature due to the emission of pollution gases insisted to occupy a prominence place in the international debates. The environment of the company is constituted by several relationship forms, considering the managerial disciplines, the techniques and the production process close to the facilities and to the internal and external middle, being also included the relationship among market, customer, vendors, community and consumer. In this sense, the environmental management cannot separate and ignore the concept of managerial atmosphere in its objectives, because the development of this concept facilitates better results in the internal and external relationships,with improvements in the productivity, in the quality and in the business.

1 - Introduction

The incorporation of the environmental variable into the business management has become an inexplicable necessity for those companies that do not want to act and comply with the obligations pertaining to society.

This incorporation is carried out efficiently through an inclusion together with the general management system of the company, established as the Environmental Management System, which must be implemented through the necessary means and structures so that it is not only a mere declaration of intent. In this context, this article deals with economic development in relation to the environment; to environmental responsibility of the company; sustainable development; environmental management; environmental impact; benefits of environmental management; environmental management system and by fim deals with two international environmental management standards such as: ISO 14000, BS 7750 and EMAS.

2 Economic development in relation to the environment

The progress made in the environmental area as many technical, political and legal instruments, the main attributes for the construction of the structure of an environmental policy, are ineffective and inquestionáveis. The last years, quantitative leaps have been made, especially not that it refers to consolidation of practices and formulation of guidelines that treat environmental issues in a systemic and integrated way.

This sense, or development of technology, should be oriented towards goals of balance with nature and to increase the capacity of innovation in two countries in development, the program will be attended as a result of greater wealth, greater equitable social benefit and ecological balance. Meyer (2000) points out that, for this ethic, or council of sustainable development, it presents basic points that must be considered, in a harmonious way, or economic growth, a greater perception as to the social, decorous and equi-equitable results in the use of two natural resources.

Assume that nature reserves are only finite, and that solutions are best through technologies that are best suited to the environment. Basic needs must be met using the principle of recycling. Part of the assumption is that there will be a greater decentralization, that on a small scale it will be a priority, that there will be a greater participation of two social segments involved, and that there will be a prevalence of democratic structures. As a way to balance all these characteristics, it is a great challenge to face these tempos.

In this sense, Donaire (1999) said that the return of investment, previously, understood simply as profit and enrichment of its shareholders, now, basically, pela contribution and creation of a sustainable world.

These processes of production of connection have been opportune or unbuttoned by positive and proactive practices, which have been used or unbuttoned by methods and experiences that have been verified, as well as being disseminated, with the possibility of happening and becoming real or new, necessary and irreversible, walking path.

This is corroborated by Souza (1993), who says that the ecological marketing strategies, endorsed by the majority of companies, are based on the image of both the company as many of its products, through the creation of new green products and those that have been protected. environmental.

In this way, or environmental management becomes a strategic factor that must be analyzed by the high administration of organizations.

Figure 1 Motivation for environmental protection in the company

Fonte: Callenbach et al (1993, p. 26)

In this context, the organizations have to incorporate environmental variables that are not part of their six-year-old meetings into a decision-making process, while maintaining a responsible position of respect for environmental questions.

Experienced companies identified economic results and strategic results of the organization of an environmental cause. These results are not immediately feasible, it has been necessary for them to be properly planned and organized all the steps for the internalization of the environmental variety to the organization so that it can achieve or achieve environmental excellence, planning with its competitive advantage.

I give you necessary steps for environmental excellence second Elkington & Burke, apud Donaire (1999) são os followed:

  • "Develop and publish an environmental policy. Set goals and continue to endorse the goals. Clearly define the environmental responsibilities of each area of ​​the administrative staff (line of assessoria). Internally and externally disclose policy, goals and objectives Responsibilities. Obtain adequate resources. Educate and train your staff and inform consumers of the community. They support the environmental situation of the company and the audits and reports. It supports the evolution of the environmental question. It contributes to the environmental programs of the community and invests in research and development applied to the environmental area. Help to reconcile the different interests existing among all involved: business, consumers, communities, shareholders, etc. »

The first dúvida that arises when we consider an environmental question from a business point of view and on the economic aspect. Any kind of provision that will be taken in relation to an environmental variable, in addition to the fact that it increases at the same time as two and two costs of the production process.

Donaire (1999) refers that «some companies, porém, têm demonstrated that é possível ganhar dinheiro e protect o meio ambiente mesmo não sendo uma organização that is not called 'green market', since as possuam certa dos de criatividade e condições interna that we can transform the restrictions and ambience you create into business opportunities ”.

3 - A company environmental responsibility

Ecology and business were considered two councils and unrelated realities. A biology is part of biology that studies the relationship between living organisms and their environment. This way ecology is understood as a specific science of two naturalists, distanced from the vision of the Economic and Business Science. For a company or environment that studies ecology, it was simply a physical support that provides a company with the necessary resources to develop its productive activity and the recipient of waste that was generated.

Some sectors will also assume these commitments as a new development model, or we will incorporate management models with an environmental dimension. The management of entrepreneurial quality passes through the obligation that the organizational and production systems that we value in nature, the sources of raw materials, the potentialities of human culture, the local communities and should begin or not start a new cycle, be introduced to culture. do discard and do sejam coisas do pastado. Recycling activities, incentive to decrease consumption, waste control, permanent training for two proffesional groups, in different levels and scales of conhecimento, promotion of work in equipment and in the most challenging areas in the new cenario.

A new environmental awareness, arisen not from the cultural transformations that took place in the decades of the 60s and 70s, became a dimension of the environment as one of the two fundamental principles of modern homem. In the 80s, the costs of environmental protection will be seen by the leading companies not primarily as benefits, but as non-future investments and, paradoxically, as a competitive advantage.

Figure 2 O Economic System and Environment

Fonte: Tietenberg (1994)

In addition to protecting the environment among the objectives of the modern organization, it covers substantially everything or a council of administration. Administrators, executives and entrepreneurs will introduce recycling programs, measures to save energy and other ecological innovations in their companies. These practices will spread rapidly, and in a few several pioneers two businesses will develop comprehensive systems of ecological management.

In order to understand the relationship between the company and the environment, it is necessary to be oiled, as established by systems theory, than by the company and the open system. Sem dúvida nenhuma, as traditional interpretations of the theory of the company as a system incorporated in a certain partial vision of two effects of the general company in its environment.

A company is a free system because it is made up of a set of elements related to each other, because it generates benefits and services, businesses, dividends, and also consumes scarce natural resources and generates waste and pollution. For this reason it is necessary for the economy of the company to define a vision of the company as the free system.

This sense Callenbach (1993), says that it is possible that investors and shareholders increasingly use ecological sustainability, it does not give rise to strict profitability, as a criterion for endorsement or strategic positioning of long companies.

4 Desenvolvimento Sustentável - a expressão entre em cena

In 1983, the UN raised the World Commission on Environment and Development as an independent body. In 1987, the commission on the presidency of Gro Harlem Brundtland, prime minister of Norway, materializes two more important documents of nosso tempo - or relatório Nosso Futuro Comum, responsável pelas primeiras conceituações oficiais, formais e systematizadas sobre o developement sustentável idéia- mestra do relatório.

Or the second chapter - "In search of sustainable development" - or the report defines or sustainable development by saying "that which attends to the needs of the present and commits itself to the possibilities of future generations to attend to its own needs".

Ele contém dois conceitos-chave: or of "needs, above all the needs are essential to the poor, not the world, which must be given the highest priority"; and "not only is it limited by the state of technology and the social organization that imposes itself on the environment, preventing or attending to present and future needs".

In 1992, not Rio de Janeiro, at the United Nations Conference on

Environment and Development, it recognized the importance of assuming the idea of ​​sustainability in any program or activity of development.

This aspect of the companies is extremely relevant. Through a sustainable business practice, causing changes in values ​​and guidance in their operational systems, they will be deluded by the idea of ​​sustainable development and preservation of the environment.

Neste novo paradigma, Almeida (2002) says that in order to integrate and interact, I propose a new way of transforming or transforming the world, based on no dialogue between different knowledge and knowledge. No sustainable world, an economic activity, for example, cannot be thought of or practiced separately, because everything is inter-related, in permanent dialogue.

Abaixo tem-se as diferenças entre o velho eo novo paradigmas:

Quadro 1 - Cartesian paradigm versus sustainability paradigm

Cartesian Sustain
Reductionist, mechanist, technocentric Organic, holistic, participatory
Fats and values ​​not related Fats and values ​​strongly related
Disconnected ethical precedent from daily practices Ethics integrated into or everyday
Separation between the objective and the subjective Interaction between objective and subjective
Human beings and separate ecosystems, in a relationship of dominance Human beings inseparate two ecosystems, in a relationship of synergy
Compartmentalized and empirical knowledge Indivisible, empirical and intuitive knowledge
Linear relationship of cause and effect Non-linear relationship of cause and effect
Nature understood as discontinuous, or all formed peels off parts Nature understood as a set of inter-related systems, or everything greater than parts
Bem-be endorsed by relationship of power (money, influence, resources) Bem-be endorsed by the quality of inter-relationships between the environmental and social systems
Fnfase na quantidade (renda per capita) Fnfase na qualidade (quality of life)
Analyze Sit down
Centralization of power Decentralization of power
Specialization Transdisciplinarity
Nanfase na competição Nanfase na cooperação
Pouco ou nenhum technological limit Technological limit defined for sustainability

Fonte: Almeida (2002).

Entrepreneurs in this new role will become more and more apt to understand and participate in changes in the structure of relationships between environmental, economic and social areas. Also, in its large part, we will decide that we do not want the most environmental liability.

Além disso, développement sustentável introduced a dimension of ethics and politics that considers or development as a process of social change, as a consequence of the democratization of access to natural resources and the equitable distribution of two benefits and benefits of development.

Camargo, apud Novaes (2002), says that the last two of us have lived through a triad of liberty, equality and fraternity. À As we walk towards the 21st century, we need to take as inspiration the four values ​​of freedom, equality, fraternity and sustainability.

O susvolvimento sustentável, in addition to social equity and ecological balance, second Donaire (1999), presents, as the third main supporter, to questão do developement econômico. It induces a spirit of responsibility as a process of moving not qualitatively to exploration of material resources, financial investments and broken technological development will acquire harmonious meanings. This sense, or development of technology, should be oriented towards goals of balance with nature and to increase the capacity of innovation in two countries in development, and progress will be understood as the result of greater wealth, greater equitable social benefit and ecological balance.

Sachs apud Campos (2001) presents five dimensions that can be characterized as sustainable development:

Figure 4 The five dimensions of sustainability.

Fonte: Sachs apud Campos (2001)

  • A social sustainability - which is understood as the creation of a process of development supported by a civilization with the highest equity in the distribution of income and benefits, in order to reduce or abyss between the living standards of two rich and two poor. To economic sustainability - which must be achieved through the most efficient management and allocation of two resources and a constant flow of public and private investments. To ecological sustainability - which can be achieved through an increase in the capacity of using two resources, limiting the consumption of combustion and other resources and products that are easily exhausted, reducing the generation of waste and energy, through conservation of energy, of resources and gives recycling.To spatial sustainability - which should be directed towards obtaining a more balanced rural-urban configuration and a territorial distribution of two human assemblies and economic activities. A cultural sustainability - including procurement by endogenous roots of modernization processes and integrated agricultural systems, which facilitate the generation of specific solutions for the local, or ecosystem, culture and area.

In search of sustainability in the process, it is its own construction with a small project in addition to its long journey. Some practical results can be recognized and celebrated as argued by Almeida (2002), who between July 1996 and July 2001, or Dow Jones Sustainability Index ultrapassou folga or Dow Jones General Index: 18.4% for or first, against 14.8% for or second. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index reflects the profitability of 312 companies with the best environmental performance, among the nearly three thousand that it comprises, or the Dow Jones General Index, the main stock market index in the world.

Hoje, the main category of companies of companies with social and environmental responsibility and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI, in English Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index). O DJSI was launched in September 1999 by Dow Jones and Sustainable Asset Management (SAM), a resource manager for Switzerland specialized in companies committed to social and environmental responsibility. The index is made up of 312 years of companies from 26 countries and four Brazilians are on the list: Itaú, Unibancos, Embraer and Cemig.

The sustainability indices provide objective level marks for the financial products that are only linked to economic, environmental and social criteria. It is the base line that performs as a brand of the investment universe for a growing number of mutual funds, certificates and other investment vehicles that are not based on sustainability.

Companies that join the DJSI list have several benefits such as:

  • Public recognition of environmental and social concerns, recognition of two important stakeholders, such as legislators, clients, and employers (for example, leading to a loyalty of the client and the entrepreneur). Benefício financeiro crescente for non-indexed investments, internal and external to the company, as all the components are publicly announced by the Boletim do Index and to the companies are only entitled to use "member of the official DJSI label".

Verify, therefore, that the companies are taking care of two social and environmental aspects and the least of the economic boom and the longest durability in longo prazo, ou seja, or risco do investidor é minor.

O Jornal Valor Econômico from March 7, 2003, trouxe a followed manchete: "Sustainability enters the guidelines of multinationals, which says: Presidents and directors of multinationals and large Brazilian groups will participate on the second day of March 10, 2003, not Rio, gives the executive meeting of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD, in English). Entidade, which represents 169 groups with an annual cost of US $ 6 trilhões, discussed the paths of sustainable development, addressing issues such as poverty, natural resources, technological innovation and biotechnology.

Or vice-president of the Republic, José Alencar, participated in a seminary during or met. Fernando Almeida, executive director of the Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEBDS, national equivalent of WBCSD), said that in Brazil or meeting it could become the first case of the Survivência Sustentável project-pilot. Raised hair WBCSD, or thematic project or objective of developing activities in areas of Baixa Renda, offering conditions for these regions to develop according to or sustainability council.

Almeida foresaw that the business leaders gathered could not support the initiative to transform or Brazil not the first case of Survival Sustainability. A idéia é começar com dois projetos-piloto, una caatinga e outro na Região Noroeste do Rio. Second, the topics discussed by WBCSD, such as climate and energy, access to water, biodiversity, innovation and technology, will also apply to The 42 national councils (per country), which brings together about a thousand companies. There are also setoriais projects discussed with the forest, such as forests, mining, cement and electrical and financial sectors.

5. - Gestão ambiental - o novo paradigma

Environmental management and a functional aspect of the management of a company that develops and implements environmental policies and strategies.

Various business organizations are becoming increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating their most satisfactory performance in relation to the environment. In this sense, the environmental management has been configured as one of the most important activities related to any undertaking. Além dessa ferramenta, to environmental problems also involves two issues pertinent to the environment, through environmental management systems, gives the search for sustainable development, gives an analysis of the life cycle of two products and gives two passive ambientais.

For Meyer (2000), the environmental management presented here follows:

  • Aim to keep the environment saudável (to the extent possible), to meet the human needs atuais, sem compromise or attend to the needs of future generations.Meio to act on the modifications caused by the environment do not use two displace Debris generated by human activities, from a plane of technical and economic terms, with clearly defined priorities. Monitoring instruments, controls, taxation, taxation, subsidies, disclosure, works and mitigating measures, além de treinamento e conscientização. Atuação de diagnoses (cenários) ambientais da area de atuação, based on studies and research aimed at finding solutions to the problems detected by forem.

Assim, in order for a company to actually go to work with environmental management, it must inevitably go through a change in its business culture; for a review of six paradigms. In this sense, the environmental management has been configured as one of the most important activities related to any undertaking.

Quadro 2 - Visão geral da gestão ambiental


Process Management Results Management Sustainability Management Environmental Plan Management
Resource exploration Gas emissions Qualidade do ar Principles and commitments
Resource transformation Liquid effluents Qualidade da água Environmental policy
Resource conditioning Solid waste Qualidade do solo Legal compliance
Resource transportation Particulates Abundance and diversity of flora Objectives and goals
Application and use of resources Odores Abundance and diversity of fauna Environmental program
Quadros de riscosambientais Noises and vibrations Quality of life human doser Environment projects
Emergência situations Lighting Institutional image Corrective and preventive measures

Fonte: Macedo, RK 1994.

According to Macedo (1994), a production unit, to be planned, attend to all the cheeses presented in the table above, through appropriate ferramentas and procedures, it will certainly attend to all existing requirements related to environmental quality.

Or the same author subdivides environmental management into four levels:

  • Process Management - involving environmental assessment of all activities, machines and equipment related to all types of input management, raw materials, human resources, logistical resources, technologies and third-party services. Results Management - involving two production processes in environmental assessment, through six effects or environmental results, gas emissions, liquid effluents, solid waste, particulates, odors, noise, vibrations and lighting. Gestão de Sustentabilidade (Ambiental) - involving the evaluation of the ability to respect the environment, the results of two production processes that have not been carried out and that affect, through the systematic monitoring of the quality of water, water, alone, flora, fauna and human beings. Environmental Management Plan - involving a systematic and permanent assessment of all the constituent elements of the environmental management plan elaborated and implemented, providing-or-adapting-or in the function of environmental performance achieved by the organization.

The instruments of environmental management aim to improve the environmental quality of the decision-making process. Two projects can be applied to all phases and can be: preventive, corrective, remedial and proactive, depending on the phase in which they are implemented.

5.1. Environmental impact

To express "environmental impact" has a more precise definition, in the 70s and 80s, when various countries perceive the need to establish guidelines and criteria to endorse adverse effects of human interventions in nature.

A legal definition of environmental impact no Brazil vem expressa no art. 1º da Res. 1, of 23.1.86 of CONAMA - Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente, we follow two terms: “environmental impact is considered any alteration of physical, chemical and biological properties of the environment, caused by any form of material or energy resulting from human activities, which directly or indirectly, affect: a saúde, a segurança eo bem-estar da população; social and economic activities; to biota; the aesthetic and sanitary conditions of the environment and the quality of two natural resources ”.

O Environmental impact is due to the non-minor alteration in some of its components for a certain period or activity. These changes need to be quantified, so they show relative variations, being able to be positive or negative, large or small.

Or that characterizes or environmental impact, not any alteration to the properties of the environment, but the alterations that cause or unbalance the constitutive relations of the environment, as well as the alterations that exceed the absorption capacity of the environment considered.

Assim, in accordance with Moreira (2002) or urban environment as relationships with two homens as with space built with nature, in agglomerations of população and human activities, constituted by energy and information flow for nutrition and biodiversity; it peels visual perception and attribution of meaning to the conformations and configurations of the agglomeration; e pela apropriação e fruição (use and occupation) of the space built on two natural resources.

Porém or environmental impact is understood as any alteration produced by the homens and their activities, the constitutive relationships of the environment, which exceeds the capacity of absorption of the environment.

In addition, the impacts affect the pre-existing stability of two ecological cycles, weakening-or strengthening-a.

Before putting into practice a project, whether public or private, we need to know more about the local where this project will be implemented, make sure that each area has a natural environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere) and environment. social (material infrastructure constituted by homem hair and raised social systems).

Most of the two impacts are due to the rapid economic development, without controlling and maintaining two natural resources. A conseqüência can be poluição, uncontrolled use of resources such as water and energy etc. Occasionally these areas have been impacted by the underdevelopment that has resulted in indefensive urban occupation in protected areas and lack of basic sanitation.

In general, the most significant impacts on the environment are found in industrialized regions, which offer more opportunities for entrepreneurship and social infrastructure, thus leading to higher demographic concentrations.

Quadro 3 Principais impacts ambientais

Garropo de ouro Assoreamento e erosão nos courses d'águaPoluição das águas, increased turbidity and heavy metais

Formation of popular nuclei with great social problems ·

Degradation of the landscape

Degradation of aquatic life with direct conseqüências on fishing and população

Industrial mining, Ferro, Manganês, Cassiterite, Copper, Bauxite, etc. Degradação da paisagemPoluição e assoreamento dos courses d'água

Sterilization of large areas

Socio-economic impacts

Extensive agriculture and livestock (large agricultural projects) Incêndios florestais, destruction of fauna and flora Contamination of two water courses by pesticides

Erosão e assoramento dos courses d'água

Destruição of areas of natural produtividade

Extrativist reserves

Large Hydroelectric Power Plants Cultural impact - indigenous provas Socio-economic impact

Flood of forest, agricultural, vilas, etc. areas

Impact on flora, fauna and adjacent ecosystems

Pólos industriais e / ou grande indústrias Poluição do ar, água e soloGeração of toxic waste

Conflicts as an urban environment

Caça e predatory fishing Extinction of aquatic mammals and diminuição e peixes Drastic reduction of animais of economic and ecological values
Aluminum Industries Atmospheric pollutionPolição marinha

Indirect impacts peels enormous demand for electrical energy

Dizzying population growth (internal migration) Serious social problems, cheating - in some cases - a 40% increase in population between 1970 and 1980, disorderly occupation with only serious consequences on natural resources


6 - Benefícios da Gestão Ambiental

The environmental management facilitates or the management process, providing various benefits to the organizations. North apud Cagnin (2000) lists the benefits of environmental management, which are discriminated against:

Quadro 4: Benefícios da gestão ambiental

Economic benefits

Cost economy
  • reduction of water consumption, energy and other inputs. recycling, sell and use of waste, and reduction of effluents. reduction of fines and penalties for pollution .
Increased recipe
  • increase gives marginal contribution of "green products", which can be sold at higher prices. Increase in non-market participation, due to the innovation of two products and less agreement. lines of new products for new markets. Increase in demand for products that contribute to diminution of polution.

Strategic benefits

  • melhoria gives institutional imagem. renovação da carteira de produtos. increase gives productivity. high weight commitment. melhoria nas relações de trabalho. melhoria gives creativity for new challenges. melhoria das relações com os orgãos governamentais, comunidade e groups ambientalistas. access to the external market. melhor adequação aos padrões ambientais.

Fonte: Adapted from North, K. Environmental business management. Genebra: ILO, 1992. In: Cagnin, 1999.

7 - SGA Environmental Management System

For the institutionalization of the environmental management function of the organization, it is necessary to highlight some conditions or principles on which it must be based. São as stages of a SGA, presented in the form of principles:

  • Environment Policy is a position endorsed by a relatively environmental organization. In the elaboration and definition of this policy, it is the first step to implement the SGA, translating it into a species of commitment of the organization for the environmental issues, an attempt at continuous maintenance of two environmental aspects. PlanejamentoOr the event of a SGA bomb, as it happens with many measures that we want to be taken with the event, required a plan. You must be committed to identifying environmental aspects and assessing or impacting each environment. By environmental aspects it is understood, for example, or noise, the industrial waste and residual water. The organization must establish and maintain procedures to identify the environmental aspects that it controls over those who exercise some influence, and must also guarantee that the impacts caused by them are considered not to be a regulation of its environmental policy.

Through two legal requirements, relatively to each of two environmental aspects, you establish objectives and goals that are defined in the Environmental Program, which clarifies the strategy that the organization will follow in the implementation of the SGA. In this Environmental Management Program, the objectives you set to establish and maintain must be considered relevant for the organization. I must be designated as responsible for achieving the objectives at each level of the organization, we must be less in time and space so that we can also be achieved.

  • I mplementação As regras, responsibilities and authorities Devem be defined, documented and communicated to all, by shape to guarantee aplicação sua.

Management must provide the human, technological and financial means for the implementation and control of the system.

The responsibility for the environmental management must guarantee that the Environmental Management System is established, documented, implemented and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the standard that is transmitted to efficiency and effectiveness.

The organization must provide training to its six collaborators, making them aware of the importance of the Environmental Policy and of the General EMS, the relevance of the environmental impact of their activities, the responsibility for implementing or the EMS and the conseqüências em termos ambientais de trabalhar em conformidade com specific procedures.

The organization must establish and maintain procedures for internal communication between the various hierarchical levels and for receiving and responding to external parties.

It is also up to the organization to establish and keep information that discovers the basic elements of the SGA and of its interaction, controlling all the documents required by the standard.

As rotary operations that we are associated with environmental impacts, we consider that they will be the most effective control.

Finally, we must establish and maintain procedures that are intended to respond to emergencies, minimizing or associated environmental impact.

  • Verification and corrective actions The organization must define, establish and maintain control procedures and measure the characteristics of two key processes that have an impact on the environment. In the same way, the responsibility for the analysis of non-conformities and the implementation of corrective and preventive measures must be properly documented, as all the resulting alterations are. All the registers you set, including the respectful ones to training and audits, must be identified and acessive.

Procedures and plans that aim to guarantee periodic audits of the SGA, in order to determine their conformity with the regulatory requirements, must be established and maintained.

  • Review pela direção It should be à direção, as a frequency defined by the owner, review or SGA and endorse adequabilidade e eficácia do mesmo, num process that should be properly documented. Upon review, the director must be aware of the possibility of altering the Environmental Policy, objectives and procedures, as it responds to organizational changes, continuous changes and external modifications.

After all this process that must be covered by open arms throughout the organizational structure and especially the management, the organization must be under the conditions of proceeding with the respective SGA certification by an independent and external authority.

7.1. ISO 14000

A ISO is an international organization founded in 1946 to develop manufacturing standards, of commerce and communication, such as the standards of parafuso, transport container sizes, video formats, etc. These padrões são to facilitate or international trade increasing the reliability and efficiency of two services and services. All the parents developed by ISO são voluntários; meanwhile, the countries are frequently adhering to ISO standards and imperatives.

Após a aceitação quick da ISO 9000, eo increase in environmental standards around the world, ISO (International Organization for Starda-dization) constituted the Strategic Consultative Group on the environment (SAGE) in 1991, to consider these padrões atendiam o follow:

  • Promote a common approach to environmental management similar to that of quality, Realization of the skills of organizations to reach and measure environmental performance; eFacilite o comércio e remova as barreiras de comércio.Em 1992, as recommendations of SAGE criaram um comitê novo, or TC 207, for padrões ambientais internacionais da gerência. O committee, and your sub-committees include representatives from the industry, from parent organizations, from the government and from environmental organizations from many countries.

The standards apply to all types and sizes of organizations that are intended to open diverse geographical, cultural and social circumstances.

A ISO 14000 series two padrões consist of two types of padrões

a) Padrões da organização that can be used to execute and endorse the environmental management system (EMS) within a organization, including ISO 14010 series of environmental audit standards and ISO 14030 series two standards for an evaluation of environmental performance.

  • Environment systems of environment:The EMS standards include a specification and a guide. Or original gives specification and consulted as to ISO 14001 (environmental management systems - specifications as guidance for or use). A ISO 14001 is the parent that an organization registers with its EMS using an independent third-party to guarantee or a system and confirms that the EMS of the organization complies with the specifications of ISO 14001. An ISO 14001 is the only parent in a series that intends that an organization can be registered. Or original of the guide and consulted as ISO 14004 (environmental management system - general guidelines in principles, systems and techniques). With the intention of ISO 14004 and help the organization to develop and execute an EMS that meets the specifications of ISO 14001. They are intended for or use as a ferramenta de gerência and not a certification or a voluntary, internal registration.
  • Environmental Audit: These origins provide an environmental structure consisting of auditing and also allows third-party registration on ISO 14001. The guidelines for environmental auditing include originals:
  • Outlining the main principles (ISO 14010), Establishing the audit procedures (ISO 14011), and discrediting the criteria of the auditor qualification (ISO 14012).

Artigos novos do trabalho forms proposals for local environmental assessments (ISO 14015), reviews to the beginning of the audit program.

  • Environmental Performance Assessment: A ISO 14031 will provide the organization with a guide on how to develop and execute an environmental performance assessment system (EPE). This padrão defines EPE as "a ferramenta de gerência that helps an organization focus on its environmental performance." O padrão will also provide guidance on the non-development and selection of performance indicators.

Figure 5 Spiral of the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)

Fonte: Adapted from Maimon (1996) and Cajazeira (1997).

b) Padrões with these products that podem avaliar will be used to impact two produtos ambientais and two processos. Fazem departs from this group to ISO 14020 series of environmental labeling standards, to ISO 14040, series of standards of the life cycle analysis to ISO 14060 series of product standards.

Rotulagem Ambiental Os padrões são developed for three types of programs:

  • The type I programs are consulted as the practitioner programs that are produced or based on a product category, similar to the environmental protection program or the blue angel program in Germany. Type II programs are based on terms and definitions. Communities that can be used for self-declared claims. Type III programs are based on "in a council of relatório cart", as existing nutrition labels.

This series also included a padrão that outlines a game of common principles for all types of labeling programs.

Analysis of the Life Cycle (LCA) Various LCA standards are being developed at the present time to cover each stage of the life cycle of a product, including an assessment of impact, an assessment of impact, and an assessment of melhoria. Specific LCA applications include comparing alternative products and processes, or adjusting performance baseline, benchmarking, or progress. The LCA conceitos could be used as an eco-labeling base.

Environmental aspects in the parents of the product A ISO 14060 (guide for the inclusion of environmental aspects in the parents of the product) is the sixth parent. This original is a guide for writers in two padrões nas areas fora da gerência ambiental, eo TC 207 is issuing or padrão de esboço to the central secretariat of the ISO for a experimentation of 12 to 18 months.

7.2. BS 7750

British Padrão BS 7750 a specification for environmental management systems, based on the principles of the British Padrão BS 5750 eo ISO da qualidade 9000 séries, foi esboçada em 1991 pela institição britânica dos padrões (BSI). O committee, or environment and the committee of politics two padrões da poluição dos padrões britânicos instituem made up of 40 members of industry, trade, government and legislative parties of the interested parties.

It is used to misrepresent the environmental management system of the company, evaluate its performance and define the policy, practices, objectives; e provides a catalyst for continuous melting.

O padrão was first published in June 1992, and subsequently revised and revised in a 1994 edition of janeiro.

BS 7750 is now projected to be compatible with the (EMAS) scheme and also with the international ISO 14001 standard. It requires an environmental policy in accordance with the environmental legislation that endorses the organization to carry out a commitment to continuous melhoria.

They must be related to the locals within the open organization of the management system, they must provide a general view of the activities of the non-local company and the description of the activities.

A review of the preparatory definition of two aspects of the organization is not part of a BS 7750 assessment, so the audit of these data will provide an external review with the wealth of information provided by the company.

The company will declare six preliminary environmental objectives, those that may have a greater environmental impact. In order to gain the majority of benefits, these will transform the preliminary areas of consideration within the process of melhoria, the environmental program of the company.

The environmental management system provides the additional details of the environmental program. EMS establishes procedures, work instructions and controls to ensure that the implementation of the policy and the implementation of two actions will transform a reality.

In June 1993, the International Parent Organization (ISO) reviewed the recommendations of the Strategic Advisory Group on the Environment (SAGE) and decided to give shape to an International Technical Committee Novo ISO / TC 207

7.3 EMAS

O EMAS - Community System of Eco-Management and Auditing or Eco-Management and Audit Scheme was established by Regulation (EEC) No. 1836/93 of June 29, which defined the responsibilities of two Member States in the creation of basic structures of EMAS, as operating and operational conditions of these structures, are as the requirements for adding to this system.

It is a voluntary instrument aimed at companies that intend to endorse and improve their environmental behavior and inform or publicly and other interested parties in respect of their performance and intentions of the highest level of the environment, it is not limited to compliance with existing national and community environmental legislation.

Em 2001 was published or novo EMAS regulation (EMAS II), instituted by Regulation (CE) No. 761/2001 of the European Parliament and Conselho of March 19, 2001, which revokes or first.

As vantagens in adding to or EMAS são:

  • Aid to or legal compliance; Allows for environmental improvement or performance; Demonstrate to interested parties an commitment to environmental sustainability; Integrate principles of sustainable development into the authority, according to local agenda 21; Allows to realize economies that do not respect waste reduction, Poupança of energy and use of resources; It allows to melhorar or control da gestão;

Apos or registration not EMAS as organizações podem use or logo nas following modalities:

Or EMAS environmental report and called Environmental Indicação. It is a way for the company to provide information on its environmental performance publicly available. It can be used to report on the successes, problems and objectives of the environmental field. It is also used for:

  • Motivate the employees to motivate themselves actively in measures of environmental protection; Document of activity and environmental performance; Reform or commitment to execution of environmental responsibility; Monitoring or success, not planning.

8 Conclusão

O sustainable development is an important growth council, this is not an international political debate, especially when it comes to questions regarding environmental quality and global distribution of resource use.

A society like everything ends up softening the consequences of a problem arising from its relationship with the environment. The great problems that arise in relation to society as a very dense, complex and highly interrelated environment, therefore, to be understood and understood in the vicinity of its totality, need to be observed in the broadest sense.

Once an environmental management system is implemented, it can be solutions for a company that seeks to improve its position in relation to the environment. The commitment required for companies with environmental preservation involves deep changes in their philosophy, with direct implications of our corporate values, strategies, objectives, products and programs.

As Callenbach (1993) says, we, human beings, are organisms that think. We do not need to wait for disasters to teach us how to live sustainably.

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