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External waste management and shared social responsibility


An important point in the development of this type of commitment has been the increasing awareness of individual and collective responsibility to put everything around us to good use, caring for the environment, recycling garbage, saving energy, reduce the pollution of gases that produce atmospheric warming and all those emissions that are present in the development of life, industrial, personal and professional.

At home we can, with a broad knowledge of waste, classify waste, recycle it and label it as dangerous and give it a more suitable disposal without pouring it into sewage or any other type of drain.where more pollution and less chance of recovery will be generated, especially to the water; the same as in our workplaces, both offices, as processing or production or assembly plants, with or without the presence of dangerous chemical substances, the final disposal of dangerous substances and all kinds of waste commits organizations to manage assertive to them and comply with the provisions, regulations, rules and laws of conservation and protection of the environment, where it is not only the responsibility of the directives, but of each and every one of those who are part of the organization.

When for reasons of quantity and dangerousness of dangerous substances and different types of waste, more appropriate professional management is required, there are companies dedicated to the collection, transport, treatment and final disposal of waste, garbage, dangerous substances, etc.., obviously authorized by law and complying with environmental regulations such as the case of the company TECNIAMSA, where Mr. Julián Duque Jaramillo, in a presentation via YouTube, indicates the corporate purpose of the company aimed at minimizing the environmental impact and describes the process that is done once the hazardous material or waste is collected for final disposal through a thermal and physical process such as happens at the Mosquera Plant in Cundinamarca where once the material arrives it is heavy,subsequently an inspection and classification of waste is made, a storage, again a classification on hazardous waste, treatment by means of safety cells to some of them, incineration in furnaces (thermal treatment) at temperatures of 800 degrees Celsius, storage of other waste, especially the biological ones (pathogens) in cold rooms and storage in one of the buildings with a hundred thousand cubic meters of capacity that they possess in Mosquera, which cover with water table layers, bentonite and material reaching a height of ten meters, after this level it is make a last covering with grass to achieve optimal landscaping. All this accomplished and developed by trained, trained and instructed personnel,Those who use them at all times are mandatory personal protection elements and equipment, in accordance with current regulations.

The Safety cell is designed for those products with high contamination and whose degradation processes are over five years old (cellular equipment, batteries, radiation equipment, etc.) and that when buried in these deposits of almost eight meters deep They will remain in place until the technology is developed and provides a more adequate, safe, and less hazardous environmental disposal system or mechanism.

Another of the alternatives shown in the videos about the treatment and final disposal of waste, are those exposed by "Professor O", where he always shows the possibilities of protecting the environment, through simple and efficient ways, dependent alternatives for everything type of circumstances such as cases of avoiding cooking with firewood, changing it by using sunlight through a concave metal frame and plate; the use of biological waste from animals, avoiding contamination through the production of gas for lighting and cooking; the use of fluorescent light bulbs, energy savers and the disqualification of incandescent light bulbs; recycling of garbage, from the home to the industry, reducing production looking for different alternatives;saving of the electrical energy, keeping the electrical equipment disconnected, use of the restricted light during the day and the change of appliances of high consumption for modern and economical ones; the mechanical technical maintenance of automobiles to control the emission of polluting gases, possibilities of changing the type of fuel from gasoline or diesel to gas; the future use of electric vehicles and not fossil fuels; use of shared means of transport, vehicle alternation, by use of public transport, bicycles, walking, etc.; conditioning in plants, factories, processors, etc., of equipment, filters and alternatives for reducing emissions and transforming them for the benefit of the environment; collection and delivery points of light bulbs, batteries, cell phones,expired medicines and everything that is hazardous waste through department stores, delivery points and public disposal sites, along with alternatives for receiving the manufacturer through price reduction promotions or buy-back vouchers; the adequate use of water, recycling and reuse of it for gardens, floors, etc., control of waste and care alternatives for economic and environmental benefits. All of the above and many other ideas, as an alternative to protecting the environment and reducing pollution from gas emissions.along with alternatives to receive from the manufacturer through price reduction promotions or buy-back bonuses; the adequate use of water, recycling and reuse of it for gardens, floors, etc., control of waste and care alternatives for economic and environmental benefits. All of the above and many other ideas, as an alternative to protecting the environment and reducing pollution from gas emissions.along with alternatives to receive from the manufacturer through price reduction promotions or buy-back bonuses; the adequate use of water, recycling and reuse of it for gardens, floors, etc., control of waste and care alternatives for economic and environmental benefits. All of the above and many other ideas, as an alternative to protecting the environment and reducing pollution from gas emissions.

Both at home, work, industry or any type of individual, collective or organizational activity, we can implement waste management systems, both simple and dangerous, and contribute to energy saving, the reduction of gas emissions and the risk of exposure to garbage and all kinds of contamination. Knowing how to recycle, distribute the waste, collect the reusable, classify, store, dispose and deliver to others or companies that continue the final process is the contributory alternative to the problem of contamination.

The decision is personal because the knowledge is largely owned.


Video observed on 27112015 on YouTube from the link:

External waste management and shared social responsibility