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Sanitation with ozone application

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The most current trend in sanitation is the application of ozone, since it is an effective disinfectant, reduces the environmental impact and is returned to the atmosphere as oxygen. Its applications are wide: sanitation and water treatment, equipment, bad smells, cleaning clothes, among others. It has advantages with respect to the traditional sanitation used in laundries from many points of view. In this sense, it is committed to the generalization of its use in the Varadero tourist pole, Cuba, in order to offer a service with quality and efficiency.


Ozone (O3) is a substance whose molecule is made up of three oxygen atoms. At ambient temperature and pressure ozone is a pungent, generally colorless odor gas, but in high concentrations it may become slightly bluish. Ozone has industrial use as a precursor in the synthesis of some organic compounds, as a purifying disinfectant and mineral water purifier. Its main property is to be a very strong oxidant, due to the important role it plays in the atmosphere.

The application on tissues of the human body is completely safe and suitable for environments with people with allergies or intolerances to chemical assets.


The applications and uses of ozone in cleaning clothes and other fabrics in the home or business are very diverse and its effect is very positive. It is applied in the sanitization of trousseau and objects of personal use such as rugs, tablecloths, napkins, towels, baby clothes, lingerie, curtains, bedding, among others.

The functions of ozone are very important for sanitation and environmental protection. Its main functions are:

  • Effective and broad-spectrum disinfectant: based on its high oxidation capacity, ozone O3 is a broad-spectrum disinfectant anti-microbial, even greater than chlorine and its derivatives.Clean technology: its application reduces the environmental impact, given the lower consumption of process water, reagent and thermal energy, as well as the organic load, color and bad odors of the effluents. Greater safety: after use, it is quickly converted back to oxygen, eliminating the risk of formation of toxic by-products. In addition, it prevents the development of strains of microorganisms.

Ozone has multiple applications in society, highlighting the following:

  • Sanitization of food products through the application of ozone via gas or using ozonated water (eg washing raw materials and semi-finished products). Sanitation of equipment and facilities by applying ozone as an alternative or complementary disinfecting agent to conventional chemical products: equipment and surfaces, both closed and open. Wastewater treatment (wastewater disinfection treatments, use of ozone as a pre-treatment to increase the biodegradability of wastewater with a high organic load, reduction of biological sludge, etc.). refrigeration or sanitary for the prevention of Legionella pneumophila. Treatment of water for human consumption: elimination of iron, manganese and other metals, with control of the formation of bromates.Treatment of odors from production processes and other auxiliary activities of the agri-food industries.

There are innumerable spaces or places where the disinfection process can be carried out. These are characterized by providing various types of services. Some of them are referred to below.

  • Air conditioning ductsCooling towers and evaporative condensersVeterinary clinicsAmbulancesSports centersGymnasiumsHospital LaundryTank for storage of drinking or industrial waterBeachesPackaging for international transport and / or exportsFood industriesKitchen circlesHygienization of bed mattresses and pillowsEuropean cleaning of mattresses and pillowsEquipment of mattresses and pillows for pillows and hospitalization new work.

Ozone is an excellent enhancer of chemical action. Its use in laundries has been introduced as an effective alternative by allowing us to improve the parameters that directly affect washing, including:

  • Elimination of hot water.Reduction of water consumption.Reduction of washing times.Increase in the degree of whiteness.Increase in the life of the garments.Improvement of the working environment.Respectful with the environment.

It is an ecological and very effective cleaning, which eliminates odors, achieves very good results in whiteness and hygiene and respects the quality of the fabrics as much as possible. Below are two comparative tables where the traditional method of sanitation and the method using ozone are analyzed (Table 1) and between cleaning technologies (Table 2).

Table 1. Comparison of consumption in the washing processes.


Ozone (O 3)

Washing time

45 minutes

28 minutes

Cold water


35 to 40% less

Hot water



Ozonated water





55% less



50% less




Color protector



Neutralizing (acid)



Softener - bactericidal



Table 2. Comparison of cleaning technologies.


Ozone (O 3)

1. Soften the tissue to allow penetration into it. Hot water Ozone
2. Elimination and decomposition of moisture. Alkali (pH 13-14) Ozone begins decomposition by increasing the pH to 8.5 - 9.0
3. Trap the dirt. Detergent Detergent
4. Disinfection and whitening. Oxidizer Ozone
5. Neutralize the pH (»7.5). Acid No need, no residue left to neutralize
6. Compensate for the reaction of alkali and acid in the tissue. Fabric softener Fabric softener not necessary

Ozone acts on tissue so that:

  • Decomposes and removes dirt from the fabric. Decomposes the dirt in the water solution. Disinfects the fabric. Dilates the fabric allowing the liquids to penetrate better. it is not necessary to use it in the process. It protects the tissue from the reaction of alkalis and acids, making them softer to the touch.

Tangible benefits that washing with ozone technology brings to the laundry.

  • Wash all colors together. Overall cleanliness (odor and fragrance) on processed fabric is significantly improved. No color fading is experienced on fabric. Spotting or re-washing is less with ozone. No need. no acid to neutralize the pH. The working environment is improved since we avoid the steam produced by the hot water. Loading and unloading the fabrics of the washing machines is much more pleasant because the washing is with cold water. Superior quality. Longer duration (almost double) of lingerie.

Water saving: The washing cycles with which ozone works require fewer washing and rinsing phases, which can represent savings of up to 50% in the consumption of water in the laundry.

Energy saving: Laundries normally require water and steam at high temperatures to carry out their washing processes. Ozone works practically only with cold water, causing a reduction of 70% to 90% in the need for hot water and steam. This generates significant energy savings.

Savings on detergent: Ozonized laundries achieve a higher level of detergency and sanitization with much lower dosages. We consider that depending on the type of fabric and level of dirt, the savings would be between 40% or 45%.

Much superior sanitization: Ozone has a superior ability than any other bactericide to eliminate harmful microbiological contamination, such as E. Coli monocytogenes, Cisteria, Salmonella, Giardia Lamblia, Cryptosporidium and the residues of blood pathogens that They can contaminate the laundry.

Faster drying: By opening the fiber of the fabrics, it allows to eliminate more water in the spin. Textiles have less moisture when removed from the washing machine and thus reduce drying times and energy costs.

The functioning of ozone in water consists of breaking down the particles that cause the bad odor and making them non-harmful, making the odor disappear as if by magic. But it is not magic, it is the action of this natural gas, which opens the fibers of the fabrics, allowing a better action of detergents and softeners.

It is important to point out the advantage of allowing not to do without toxic cleaning products, such as chlorine bleach, which give off strong odors and in the long term can be harmful to health.

Likewise, its use is appropriate to eliminate toxic gases, such as formaldehyde and other synthetic components used in the manufacture of newly purchased rugs, curtains or upholstery. In these cases, ozone would break these chemicals down into simple molecules, neutralizing them to eliminate bad odors.

Consequences in the treatment of wastewater produced in a laundry.

In any case, its mechanical elimination will reduce the amount of polluting material in the wastewater.

It also contributes to the preservation of the environment in the way that water use is cared for and reduced. Ozone oxidizes dirt, bacteria and other microorganisms that make up (BOD) and (COD) before reaching the drainage networks.

Ozone laundry also reduces the use of boilers by eliminating the demand for hot water, which contributes to a decrease in polluting emissions in the open air as well as a reduction in the use of non-renewable fuels.


  • Ozone is a powerful disinfectant and deodorizer with multiple applications. In laundries the consumption of water, energy, the use of chemical products is reduced, it saves money, washing is more efficient because it reduces the temperature of the water, fewer chemicals, reduces rinse and drying cycles, does not affect the fabric, protects the environment, creates better working conditions for those who work there and improves the quality of cleaning compared to traditional models.


  • info @ lenntech.cominfo @ ozosystems.com
Sanitation with ozone application