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Malicious disqualification, a tool of mediocrity and frustration

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As in some classic soap operas, there are work environments with the same characteristic of ill-intentioned disqualification, with lack of foundation and support, applied to various characters in working life.

Generally, in the novelistic stories, the intriguing, bad and unprofessional, with a negative attitude, have an unpleasant ending, but ironically there are few chapters that show and emphasize the fatal outcome and warning received by these characters. Throughout the development of it, what stands out is everything bad. People who do not have a formed criteria and who do not assimilate the moral of the story, make it good examples and teachings worthy of imitation, which will eventually lead them directly to the cliff, to frustration and failure.

The above is presented in most cases, as a fundamental tool used by the mediocre and frustrated, who unfortunately are also part of the organizations and no matter how many they are, they seek in an irresponsible and unprecedented way to harm their colleagues. work and in many cases it goes from being a labor matter, to another personal and legal.

Intentional disqualification

Commonly used tools are created conflicts, personal preferences, corridors of corridor, indisposition, envy, intrigue, suspicion, evil, exaggeration, infamy, hatred, morbid and prejudice, among others.

All of the above have historically served to unfairly attempt to disqualify someone, only for the purpose of damaging their name, image and for the above reasons, many have lost even their job; Logically, the latter also depends on the seriousness of the organization where you work. Remember that those who disqualify are also disqualified.

Depending on the level of professionalism and ethics with which they work in organizations, this may or may not affect the affected person's working life in a negative way within the company where they work and in some settings.

In every modern organization there must be a Human Resources department, which more than selecting, recruiting and hiring personnel in organizations, is responsible for the delicate task of evaluating personnel within the company and achieving through the organization's senior managers, a comprehensive program with professional and ethical levels for such a delicate task, which requires effective and fair communication.

It is necessary to separate work from personal matters, in such a way that more than destroy, it is built through an honest and sincere dialogue with those affected; not as some organizations do, lacking professional judgment, who claim to take advantage of conflicts to divide and supposedly take advantage of them, which in practice has always had dire results, because sooner or later, bad actions revert negatively, because they create false perceptions that have retroactive effects.

Irresponsible phrases as people say, they told me and others, are those that have served as a reason to try to do harm; There are others more daring who say they saw, heard and know, without even formally having support or evidence of what they say.

Probably many executives and managers of companies have not measured the magnitude of the negative results for their administration, having staff with such a low emotional and professional profile with a negative attitude, that more than helping the development of the organization, which they do is hinder the objectives and goals proposed, by a work team that must be comprehensive, logically penetrating said behavior in production and results, since they constitute a waste of time, money and values ​​for the organization.

Incommunication in organizations

Today many workplaces suffer from a common disease called incommunicado. This problem originates as serious consequences, situations such as distraction in the work, demotivation and deviation of the quality, efficiency and effectiveness in the tasks.

The evaluation in work teams, with the interest of strengthening communication, permanent dialogue on progress, scope, objectives, and individual and group goals, combined with those of organizations, should be recognized as a merit in the success they can achieve the latter, since it is not exclusive to one of the parties, but is a joint effort.

It is necessary to understand that when we enter an organization, many factors depend on our attitude, which can contribute to a successful development, since each of the people who make it up, play an important role in the production process, no matter what the size of the company, each individual has a different way of acting and thinking, so it is essential from the beginning to establish the policies and purposes for the unification of criteria, through permanent communication.

Bosses usually play an important role in the origin and development of conflicts, since it has to do with their way of interacting with staff, their experience and their efficient management.

Management structures have been created precisely because of the need for a qualified group of people to feel each of the members of an organization, important within it, no matter what the job or position they carry out.

For the company it is necessary that through its managements it is possible to motivate and encourage the participation of its members, with the interest of strengthening the work teams, beginning by valuing the work carried out by each person.

The dynamics of revitalization of work teams, effective communication, interacting, reflecting on the difficulties, limitations, desires and many other obstacles that are found in working life, make teams consolidate and identify themselves, this being favorable to the productivity.

The recognition by the company that the success and achievement of the goals would not have been possible without the active participation and positive attitude of each of the actors; it is the best motivation that the previous ones could receive, to charge new and greater energies to all the projects to come.

When there is no real development of Human Resources within an organization, with well-established strategies, it results in a team without a defined profile, with actions contrary to the expectations of the company, outside its vision and mission, with all the disadvantages of making an investment, in order to obtain benefits and in the end have to assume losses.

Professional teamwork

All good managers are concerned with enhancing all the positive qualities of their work teams, managing to capitalize on all the positive aspects of each conflict that arises, always promoting by example, commitment, efficiency, camaraderie, loyalty, profound innovation, pro-activity, creativity, team spirit, good communication, tolerance, patience, justice, consultation, courtesy, respect, the proposal for permanent training and training of its members, as tools for success and fair competition.

God is the mediator between men, good works come to us naturally, through the good example of a saving man, like the good life that we all try to lead according to his teachings.

Even when we are slandered, ignored, cheated, humiliated, betrayed, and stabbed in the back and not head-on by our best friends, and coworkers, let's not complain about our bad luck; On the contrary, let us learn from adversities, which teach us to know people better, recharge energy, remembering that this and more Jesus suffered.

We usually allow ourselves to be puffed up by superfluous and material things, we betray, we forget values, we are selfish, even believing that with bad acts towards others, we are defending our supposed rights, without thinking that we are being unfair to others.

Let's not lose the perspective of a professional teamwork, since along the way we will always find sensible and honest people, who will appreciate our responsible and quality work. Let us always remember that it is not what it seems, but what it is and for Him, what in the eyes of the human being are seen as good and just works, are rags of pure filth.

For the achievement of all of the above, good spiritual direction is essential, with leadership and the ability to transmit our own thoughts and actions with love to others, to stimulate others, through example with joy and heart, participating in consultations, listening carefully, and making decisions as a team, being providers of the unit and rejecting the immoral and ill-intentioned disqualification of many, within organizations.

Malicious disqualification, a tool of mediocrity and frustration