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Educommunication: a pedagogical strategy of critical citizenship

Table of contents:


"We must think differently about human capacity, we have to overcome that old conception of academics and non-academics, abstract, theoretical, vocational… because it is a myth. We must recognize that most great learning happens in groups where collaboration is the source of growth. If we atomize people, if we separate so that they work separately, we create a kind of disjunction between them and their natural learning environment. ”.Sir Ken Robinson.


The education of the 21st century has been seen anachronistically, by many of our schools since years ago, as a one-way process of transfusion of acquired knowledge in which there is no possibility of dialogue, other than of interlocutors and listeners; and although there are quite a few educational models and these have been appropriated by many of the schools in our country, countless teachers of the "old guard" continue to plan their classes from what is already established, authoritarian, vertical, structured, Freire calls: Pedagogy of the oppressed.

Our society is changing and as such, education must respond to it. These traditionalist teachers cannot expect the same students from 20 years ago to continue to enter the door; however, with such a sedimented routine it is almost impossible. As impossible as denying that the surrounding society and all its influence on the youth of today, is the same or even stronger than what is taught in school.

Without a doubt, the sociocultural context is important when it comes to understanding the worlds of our young people; precisely their ideologies, beliefs, identities, ways of being, are the result of that contact with the other; As the teacher Jesús Martin-Barbero would say in an interview carried out by Cedecom for Canal Sur 2 Andalucía, about the Expanded School: “(…) The behavior patterns of today's young people are no longer grandparents or parents, they are their peers, are your own generation(…) ”And obviously this contact requires an environment to be analyzed, with its truths, which are often promoted by means that make their reach easier, those means that reach anywhere, those mass media that carry cultures and ways of seeing the universe. But are these young people prepared to understand what these media bring with them? Are they capable of discerning what the mass media culturally offers them? Are they capable of analytically contemplating their sociocultural context and adapting a position in front of it? Is the school in charge of making judicious views of what this world of media and culture gives them? In what way could a young critic, analytical, with a defined ideological position, be formed in front of the mass media, versus your own society?.

Precisely, seeking the solution to these questions, the concern of this research work arises, which is interested in seeing how education and communication can become a single real formula, but not on paper, that is different from what has been achieved. for Educommunication for 40 years of tradition in the Latin American region; a fact that changes imaginary and ways of looking at education, where palpable results are precisely seen, where the teacher is not the teacher in his only work discipline, but rather is a forger of multidisciplinary tools that allow the student to get to know each other, know your environment, identify yourself in it, understand yourself as part of it, and likewise, analyze others, and what society offers you through different means, since, as Freire said,It is from the partnership understood as the act of understanding the meaning of the meanings, that communication is achieved critically.

Therefore, this research work seeks to develop, based on Educommunication, together with divergent thinking: (ability to see many possible answers to a question), and meaningful learning, an alternative, creative and dynamic methodology that forges communicative environments of multidisciplinary discussion and deliberation emphasizing the power of media culture as strengthening or destroying citizenship, where young students discover and acquire instruments that allow them to finally make argumentative criticism of their media and sociocultural environment.

This would be developed within the framework of public education offered in the city of Bogotá DC, specifically at the Colegio Cristóbal Colón District Educational Institution, belonging to the Usaquén locality (01), a perfect environment to implement, as an experiment, this research idea, since it is there where discursive and argumentative flaws have been identified in the students, and a first analytical observation has been made of the pedagogical procedure of various teachers in the public sector, who tend to embrace the traditionalist model.


Understanding our society as a compilation of needs, where the other is measured from their capabilities and competitiveness, not only academic and disciplinary but also social, it is essential to find tools that allow the individual in training, to relate optimally with the other, conspiring for new forms of being in society. That is why this research tries to bring together two fundamental concepts that would allow generating these social instruments: we are talking about communication and education.

Although it is clear that these two terms are reciprocal, in light of the assertions of Mario Kaplún in his book "A Pedagogy of Communication" (1998), who relied on the studies and theories of Skinner, Freinet and Freire to form concepts basics that support the action of educators and "Educational Communicators"; And adding to this that Educommunicative work has a long tradition in Latin America and that the problem of how to integrate the school with media developments and how to promote a critical gaze, began work several years ago, not yet its application is evident in the educational institutions of basic training in our country, much less in those of a public nature.

That is why, it seeks to generate a change in educational vision, in a certain space and population, where the teacher must have the ability to facilitate communication and education processes that formulate problems, ask questions that provoke dialogue and debate., that allow to reflect on tangible individual and collective experiences of all the participants in the educational process, and not only of the students. The teacher must become the moderator of situations of education, communication, work and creativity through which collective knowledge is generated, in order to make clear the importance of knowing how to digest, analyze, manage, appropriate, criticize, propose and innovate based on information of multidisciplinary origin, where there is a critical analysis of a media society, the mass media and its influence on the creation of new representations of the world, welcoming forms of citizen construction, identities and ideologies of youth society.

Following this logic, it is considered that it is necessary to prepare young people - and the teachers themselves - to develop the necessary skills and competences that allow them to critically analyze the media and sociocultural environment in which they are immersed, and thus to take advantage of all the information they receive.


Obviously the topic of Educommunication is not new, there are many investigations that agree on the importance of linking these two concepts for the sake of a critical education, orchestrated towards a being of knowledge, not of texts but of realities.

Among them are articles and research that focus on media education rather than Educommunication, such as:

  1. “The meaning of a media education” by Roxana Morduchowicz, National Director of the «School and Media» Program of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Argentina; who in one of its sections focuses on the answer to this question: What is the place of the school in this perspective of media education? "Media education, media literacy and digital competence", written by Alfonso Gutiérrez and Kathleen Tyner who addresses the possible relationships between education and the media in today's society, and the role that corresponds to formal education both in the curricular integration of the media and in the digital literacy necessary for the 21st century. “Beyond planning in“ Media Education ”, by Julio Cabero who presents a series of recommendations to specify the training of educators. It refers to methodological strategies and organizational proposals that favor the teacher training process.

And others who have closely studied this phenomenon are:

  1. The Salesian Sisters, who continually train in Educommunication and make specialized conferences on the subject, such as the last one held in Antioquia in October 2011 called: “Educommunication Congress. Faced with the educational emergency, "Educommunication" is a response today. "" Education in the educational ecosystem "by Jesús Martin Barbero, who denounces the school's escapade of the communicative ecosystem and announces the profound revolution that image and new technologies are supplying, demanding a new school and a new teacher profile, where education and communication found a synthesis of culture and democracy. "Educommunicators - managers of the reconstruction of the social fabric", written by Martha Neyith Vargas Becerra and Andrea C.González Arcila two social communicators from the country who focus their work on the proposals of: how, with whom, and why the educommunicators would be managers of reconstruction of the social fabric for communities affected by natural disasters. There are also publications such as: “Communication, citizenship and values ​​”where an interesting series of participants meet who believe that their writings try to reinvent concepts and strategies as an option to respond to the new reality, which requires new proposals and new communicators.citizenship and values ​​”where an interesting series of participants meet who believe that their writings try to reinvent concepts and strategies as an option to respond to the new reality, which requires new proposals and new communicators.citizenship and values ​​”where an interesting series of participants meet who believe that their writings try to reinvent concepts and strategies as an option to respond to the new reality, which requires new proposals and new communicators.

On the other hand, it is impossible to avoid taking into account one of the first world-renowned experiences, where a teaching, learning, pedagogical and literacy methodology uses a massive technological resource and support such as radio. We are precisely talking about Radio Sutatenza: Although it did not continue for long as a community-wide radio communication experience, the fact that it was the first of its kind has much merit. His integrated approach to media and education was so successful that it widely inspired other similar experiences in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Speaking of a more contemporary time, the Secretaries of Education, especially those of Bogotá, Medellín, Caldas, and the Ministry of National Education (MEN) in their policy of educational quality, have highlighted the work of incorporating the media as spaces and educational resources more in line with the needs and projections of education and work with children and young people in order to innovate and improve the quality of education.

Another evidence of the use of Educommunication in the education of our country was the introduction of the approach based on the development of competences and the concern about its effect on citizens. This is an arduous and complex task that requires theoretical developments from different disciplines, approaches, ideologies and visions of what education has been, is and can be, as well as the strengthening of ICTs in educational processes and the breakdown of the focus of bank or oppressed education, which was given thanks to the application of technical theory of the curriculum, where prevalence was given to the socio-cultural context of the student. However, not all educational institutions accepted this cut, so the weakness of this educational change.

Obviously, this section is under permanent construction, however here a principle of what has been found so far is described.

Formulating the research problem

To speak of communication and education as elements associated with a common goal, is still for many a complicated fact, and even more, to understand the term "Educommunication", where they are completely intertwined, making it understood that neither of the two areas can be absent from each other. However, it is mandatory to understand, and more so today, that these two concepts owe each other and that they must respond to the needs of a given social context.

The relationship path between these two areas has been used for many years. Likewise, various approaches have emerged according to the emphasis of the researchers and the school they represented. Some methods emphasized the teaching of communication, others in the teaching of and with the media, others in the keys of audiovisual reading, or in the critical reception of messages. There is even a UNESCO document, prepared in the mid-1970s: “Communication education”, in which specialists from various countries express in it the relationship between the world of education and that of communication.

There have been numerous initiatives in this field; they have been enriched with the contributions of the theories of Social Media, semiotics, critical analysis of messages, the production and industry of the Media, aesthetics, among others. The issue has generated controversy and opposing positions in the general public: those who, a priori, consider the world of new multimedia technologies as absolutely good, positive, and those who - on the opposite extreme - consider it to be nothing short of demonic. Others more realistic, admit the benefits of technology and also recognize that ethical reflection on its use has often been absent.

However, we can say that, according to Vicente J., “despite the innumerable educational efforts around the subject of the media, a method of consensus has not been achieved; on the contrary, a great deal of uncertainty arises regarding the procedures followed. Until now, isolated efforts have been maintained, shared in Congresses and Seminars, but there are so many challenges, so new and rapid changes in the field of communication that it is necessary to develop new theories and practices in the area of ​​Education-Communication. Many and very good efforts have been made but, in the current situation, they are –without a doubt- insufficient and are also disjointed. ” (2011)

Undoubtedly, the theory and socialization of the Educommunicative method is done, but the staging in more everyday and unworked spaces, such as the ordinary school and even less in the public one, has not yet been fully documented in our country. The social context and the praxis of this research are the starting points that would take this project to another place.

His approach to face-to-face communicative practice, mutual training in critical argumentation, the use of divergent thinking towards face-to-face communicative practice, mutual training in critical argumentation, the implementation of divergent thinking and meaningful learning as allies of educommunicative structure, adding to this, the analysis of the mass media as a source of influence on youth citizenship and the creation of a focal-seed group that would continue with the work of "social intervention" within the Colegio Cristóbal Colón Educational Institution, they would make a difference.

This is why the interest of this research is precisely to develop an intervention or experiment of a social, cultural and educational nature within a specific youth population -in a specific area of ​​basic education- using Educommunication as a strategy of recognition, visibility and participation in interdisciplinary settings.

Given this motion, then the following research questions arise.

  1. How can the Educommunication concept forge better educational environments where a meaningful and natural teaching and learning process for youth society is developed? How to take advantage of the Educommunication concept inside and outside the classroom to forge critical and analytical young people of the mass media, new technologies and their own sociocultural environment? What happens when the young person receives information from the mass media and new technologies and critically analyzes it? This could affect the construction of their identities, ideologies and ways of act within society?

Finally, the initiative is to understand communication not as a media entity but as a pedagogical component capable of shaping social practices, representations of the world, ideological components and identities.

General Objectives

Develop, based on Educommunication, an alternative, creative and dynamic methodology that forges communicative environments for discussion and multidisciplinary deliberation within the Colegio Cristóbal Colón Educational Institution, emphasizing the power of media culture as strengthening or destroying citizenship.


  1. Check that Educommunication together with divergent thinking provokes an innovation in the traditional educational methodology of Colegio Cristóbal Colón IEDEvidence that Educommunication applied from meaningful learning can strengthen the critical and analytical thinking of students belonging to the chosen focus group of students within the College Cristóbal Colón IED.To promote the construction and staging of new ways of citizenship through the guided and autonomous training of students and the appropriation of the political, cultural and communicative spaces of their school, town, city and / or country.. Understand the way in which the critical analysis of the mass media, new technologies and the sociocultural context can affect the construction of identities,ideologies and ways of acting within society in a young man who had educommunicative training at Colegio Cristóbal Colón IED

Research assumption, conjecture or hypothesis

Education must be interdisciplinary

Education is one of the disciplines that must answer the needs of the time, and therefore must innovate and progress at the same speed as society, therefore, the education of tradition would be relegated in a total repeal. Each human group is different and requires specific strategies and particular decisions on the part of teachers, where regulations are not feasible; that is why, from the approach of this research it is clear that educational situations or pedagogical elements must be implemented that allow achieving the variety that daily life requires.

Obviously, a teenager is not going to learn as his grandparents did, his context asks him to know things, to know about them, and most importantly to propose or put into practice what he learned. Undoubtedly, collective reflection and positive discussion offer a young person more than what their teacher or guidebook tells them. This assumes that education cannot be unidirectional, nor that it should be separated from its context, nor from the cognitive needs of that particular group; that education cannot and should not be a selfish discipline, on the contrary it must handle transversality, since only this would guarantee it to provide the plurality that today's young person needs.

Education and communication: faces of a single coin.

Knowledge is consolidated by building in society. In every teaching / learning process there are instances of interaction and feedback between the participants of the event, which could be considered communicative. So you learn in a situation of social interaction. Based on the postulates of Vygotsky and Freire, it could be determined that the mediation of other subjects in the learning process would guarantee a dialogical and collaborative context through which young people could actively participate, where special situations or learning environments would be shaped, where interactivity would be essential, where young people would form networks or learning communities being able to dialogue, discuss, evaluate, build means and forms of language that they can use in their daily practice.

Communication would be education from the moment you are able to express, dialogue, discuss, discern, solve problems and reflect with others on topics of interest, putting various world perspectives in conflict, thus suggesting constructive dialogue that would allow change, or evolution of thought and action schemes.

Educommunication starts from divergent and meaningful learning

Educommunication is a term that involves interaction, knowledge and a sense of belonging in a single key to learning; events that in our daily life are detached in the crudest possible way by today's pedagogy.The revolution in the formative process of our education would be achieved if the development of the creativity of young people increased, maximizing introspection and searching for their abilities, faced with a significant topic that generates divergent thinking, that “ability to seeing many possible answers to a question, many ways of interpreting a question, of seeing multiple answers and not just one ”(Robinson). This would provide a basis for young people when facing various world situations, posed in an educommunicative ecosystem, where it would take into account what really makes sense for young people, what arouses their interest, their emotions, places, spaces, ideal, or problematic; because only then would they identify with them, and only thus would they identify with what they learn.

By doing this exercise collectively, the work would be done reciprocally, obtaining possibilities for dialogue against what they have as a truth, and what they could transform by listening to their peers. So the challenge would not only be to participate but to have the opportunity to modify thoughts and accommodate new ones.

Once this learning style is manifested in the sociocultural context of the young person, in their affective frameworks, taking into account their identity and their territory; their critical capacity in face of everyday situations, their capacity to look at the world and their curiosity, that is, those multiple mediations that their context offers; The young person will develop and exercise the ability to solve problems, to quantify, plan, give meaning, and will sharpen the ability to work autonomously, to work in teams, to establish social relationships, to be flexible and to adapt to new situations.

This is how innovation and creativity arises, not spontaneously, but after a maturing process in which communication and the connection of ideas would intervene through the provided educational environments, that is, education.

Strengthening of citizenship through media power

It is undeniable to think that the mass media and new technologies today do not represent an information entity, container of much of the knowledge and impressive cultural training in young people. However, this new task of media power in citizenship could not be attributed to the dysfunction of the education process in our country, rather it could be considered a symptom of the change in that process.

The information given in the media would not be bad nor would it compete with that given in school, it simply has different objectives that from Educommunication could be unified for the training of our young people.

The integration of the media as part of the teaching-learning process and the joint analysis of the issues that have to do with the training of citizens, can be the way to overcome sterile and obsolete disagreements between communication and education.

Project methodology and structure

This Project will be carried out in a Public Institution of the Locality (01) Usaquén of the City of Bogotá DC, called Colegio Cristóbal Colón, in which a first diagnosis will be made where the real conditions in which the district educational institution is found will be studied, facing the field of education-communication interrelation. Once results are obtained, the development of an alternative methodology that has a creative and dynamic classroom planning will begin, executing Educommunication as a pedagogical strategy, seeking communicative discussion environments with generative topics, methodologies, and didactics understood from the knowledge- being, knowing-knowing, and knowing-doing, implementing education by divergence, applying meaningful learning, and intertwining three key elements:the sense of interaction, the reciprocal influence of interaction, and the reciprocal influence on the relationship system, in order to guarantee a change in the teaching-learning process of young people, where education is assumed through communicative acts, finding that knowledge and culture go hand in hand, thus forging interaction.

Then, Educommunication would be understood as a generator of social and individual construction. These exchanges would be through language, specifically through conversation, where knowledge is shared, which would be given in an organized but unstructured way, with a specific purpose. It is a joint activity that is not reducible to only one of its participants, there would be no passivity, only active participation.

Starting from this initiative, it is necessary to start with the design of the directional mesh, from which the themes and activities to be carried out in the work / seedling team (Teacher - students) will be separated, then the proposal will be presented to the directives of the School.

After the appropriation of the project at the institutional level, two seed groups of approximately 15 students will be chosen, belonging to the Basic or Vocational Average with possibilities of participating and staying on the team extracurricularly.

Then, through surveys and brainstorming within the seed group, the most interesting topics for them will be worked on, which must have some relationship with the areas of Education, Communication and citizenship, focusing on education for communication, artistic expression and communication for the exercise of citizenship, understanding their relationship with the mass media: how they are presented there and how they are welcomed by students.

These topics will be developed in special methodological sessions where students will recognize autonomously, through the carrying out of Educommunicative (training) Workshops, regarding the multidisciplinarity where it is worth studying: the way in which the sociocultural environment and mass media influence in its course.

The results of these methodological sessions will be analyzed in the sessions aimed at the staging, the so-called Educommunicative Forums, where communication spaces or environments will be created to carry out debates, deliberations or conversations on the topics chosen by themselves, thus guaranteeing meaningful learning.

The future of this focus group of students, if the hypothesis is fulfilled, would be to become a hotbed of educommunicators capable of discerning, analyzing and criticizing against different topics chosen and disseminated by the media, and also establishing ways of thinking, to act and see the problems of their own society, experiencing identities, cultures, and ideological components acquired through the influence of the media and their own study. If so, this pilot seed group will reproduce the elements and tools acquired, in new focus groups, from the same District Educational Institution, assuming the role, no longer of Educommunicators in Co-formation but rather of Edu-communicators Co-educators.

Research techniques

Obviously, this project will be of a qualitative type based on sociological and pedagogical research based on participatory action research and on the experimental method, where a participant intervention or observation will be carried out, in a group of students belonging to middle or vocational education in the Public Institution Colegio Cristóbal Colón IED in the town of Usaquén, in Bogotá DC., where a schedule of activities will be organized; and through participant observation, records will be made of each of the sessions, field diaries, recording of interviews and surveys that will serve as evidence regarding the evolutionary process of the research.

Country agenda

Educommunication: a pedagogical strategy of critical citizenship.

Education has always been criticized and undervalued for continuing to proceed, in many of the schools, from obsolete and basic models, brought from other countries without any adaptation, where the context and being as such are not taken into account. Education there is treated as a marginal entity that does not intervene in social issues or affect the current behavior of society, apparently the door of these schools is the path to an anachronistic world where you do not learn in the same way in which you live. This is a worrying fact in which it would be necessary to act radically, before education loses the importance it deserves.

Fortunately, Colombian society is in continuous transformation and precisely in the search for innovation it has appealed to political and economic changes in order to achieve citizenship with specific skills and knowledge that will allow the country's progress; however, this process has not yet been radically linked to the educational agent, which is the one that, after all, would generate better strategies for change in favor of the configuration of new societies.

That is why this research project seeks, as a first measure, to develop an innovative pedagogical alternative based on the concepts of education and communication as a strategy of recognition, visibility and participation, where divergent thinking is taken into account in significant scenarios, in which, the teacher is not the teacher in his only work discipline, but rather is a forger of multidisciplinary tools that allow the student to get to know each other, to know their environment, to identify themselves in it, to understand themselves as part of it, and also to the others, and what society offers you through different means.

Precisely, when projecting a new form of social intervention, it is intended to create a new educational environment, thought from being for a changing society and of society for a versatile being, where that creative person who is in self-training and citizen co-training, understands and contributes to his world, seeking to generate positive changes in his environment. This is what makes us understand that this research could be part of an active country idea.

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Electronic Items

  • González Arcila, A and Vargas Becerra, M. (2011) Educommunicators - Managers of the Reconstruction of the Social FabricSirkenrobinson.comVicente, J., (2011) Educommunication Congress. Facing the Educational Emergency "Educommunication" An Answer Today. " Antioquia. http://educomunicacionfs.info/?tag=congreso, (1998) Relationship of Social Communication and Educational Dimension. Presentation at the SDB Meeting Responsible for Communication in Latin America and the Caribbean.


  • Cedecom, Expanded School, Canal Sur 2 Andalucia. Spain.
Educommunication: a pedagogical strategy of critical citizenship