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Quadrant method for classifying web pages


It consists of using Cartesian coordinates and putting four concepts, antagonistic two by two.

For example: Up = Generous and Down = Selfish, Left = Closed and Right = Open.

These concepts allow me to have four quadrants: (From top to left, bottom, right and top): Generous and Closed, Closed and Selfish, Selfish and Open, Open and Generous.

Understanding by Generosa the page that I feel that human beings interest him; By Closed the page that only has links to itself; Selfish the page of the yoyo and only me (Juan Palomo, I cook it and I eat it), and Open the page that allows me to navigate and go to other pages, even to your competition.

Of course, you have to go back to Closed and Selfish pages like many portals, because you are going to look for information or through the search engine (or because you are captive, as with Microsoft's); but voluntarily one returns to the Open and Generous pages.

This Quadrant Method allows you to make innumerable classifications, according to the concepts that come to mind. You can even give them a rating of +10 to -10 from top to bottom and -10 to +10 from left to right. If several representative people of the target are asked to give an assessment, it can be a method with a certain degree of objectivity that allows two or several pages to be compared.

The Cartesian Quadrant Method allows an infinity of variables, as many as imagination or classification needs require.

As an example, some of the most usable antonym binomials can be:

a) For loading speed: SLOW / FAST
b) For the contents: SPECIFIC / GENERIC
d) For navigation within the page: SIMPLE / COMPLICATED
e) For idem: FREE / DIRECTED (or GUIDED)
f) For your understanding: EASY / Difficult
g) Due to its theme: AMATEUR / PROFESSIONAL
h) For its presentation: RECHARGED / DIÁFANA

Etcetera and etcetera and everything you can think of.

Quadrant method for classifying web pages