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Effective sales management method

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From our own experience we know that for every objective we wish to achieve, it is always necessary to have a series of decisions and correct actions that must be carried out efficiently and in a timely manner, since this will lead us to achieve it and even exceed it.

Having to access an address that we do not know and that we have never visited before, we surely resort to the help of a city map to locate its position and then, we establish the most convenient means to arrive at that destination with total safety.

In fact, every aeronautical pilot has a flight plan before taking off, having planned alternatives to contingencies that may occur during the crossing.

Due to the fact that each company has its own products or services, philosophy, trajectory, business image to transmit to the market, rules and procedures, management styles, and many other aspects, it makes it impossible to apply a “generic effective method” and not that that could have been successful in other companies, even when they have similar characteristics.

When a few achieve their sales goals…

If 20% of the members of your team achieve 80% of the monthly results to be achieved, it is the best sign that you do not have your own effective sales management method. This is because when it does not exist or, having one, it is outdated or imperfect.

When this happens, each representative develops their own management methodology according to “their best knowledge and understanding”, which in many cases can be the opposite of what that organization really requires to manage the sales of its products or services.

Saving the distant comparisons, imagine what would happen if a captain leads his soldiers into combat without prior military instruction and is left to his own skills and experiences, and to "his best knowledge and understanding", how to act on the battlefield. facing the enemy.

Another sign that shows the absence of an effective method of management is seen when the direction or management must incorporate new members to their team and recruits for selection exclusively vendors "with a lot of experience" or "with their own portfolio" of clients.

In this way, it is clearly stated that you will be delegating the manner and style in which they should generate the sales results that are required periodically, disregarding the productivity in which they will be obtained and thus neglecting the quality of each of those results, This being understood as the satisfaction that the management must provide to each of its interviewees.

This lack explains the skepticism of the executives and sales managers when deciding the training program for their sales team, since if they logically expect it to result in their best investment by providing the fastest return in terms of greater and better results of management, not having an effective management methodology of their own, they only notice the titles of the Courses or Seminars, choosing among the shortest (since there is no time to waste) and without delving into the contents and the strengths that they provide.

For what and why?

In professional sales management, I have called "the effective management method itself" the description that each organization must have in order to make the action that leads its salespeople towards the systematic and periodic achievement of the expected results highly efficient and productive. on your goals.

As indicated in a specialized e-report, it must be designed and configured "tailored" to the organization itself, based on successful experiences or design and testing, to constantly improve over time.

Developing it requires dedication, analysis, operational decision-making and field testing and making the corresponding preliminary adjustments, before putting it in writing.

The importance of it is that, since it is configured in the image and likeness of what it transmits through the actions described, it is the essence to provide each representative of the team through in-company training actions so that they can learn and be applied effectively.

Only in this way, the representatives will be able to execute with excellence a management that will correspond homogeneously to the entire team thus formed, which will provide consistent results for as long as said method is effective.


In every aspect of our lives we must choose. In relation to the topic that we have developed here, you must opt ​​for the two clearly differentiated ways of selling: through improvised actions and decisions, on the one hand, or develop a professional management.

This appreciation arises as a synthesis of the results obtained in many investigations of customer satisfaction in different companies.

When a potential buyer or client is dissatisfied after an interview with a seller, as well as when the expected sales results are not obtained in each period, we must assume that the responsibility does not lie with them but with those who lead them.

Being clear about this aspect of responsibility is the right first step towards effective evolutionary improvement for a sales team in any organization.

The next step is to accept that the strengths to provide to the team members lie in providing them with the effective keys to their management that, by teaching them to apply them, will produce the productivity and quality of management expected of them.

However, knowing that you must have your own effective sales management method will not be enough until the precise moment when it is in execution through the effective performance of each of the representatives that make up the team.

© Copyright 2005, by Martín E. Heller

Effective sales management method