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Generational marketing

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Let's start from the fact that whoever is born in a certain period of time does not necessarily have the same or the same personality characteristics, they never are nor will be the same.

Within each generation there has been a series of factors, either social, economic or psychological, that differentiate some groups from others.

Within each generation there are sub-segments that, given their social and family life conditions, have very different personality characteristics.

People of the 40's and 50's:

It is necessary to project oneself to the 1950s to remember those people who were 25 or 30 years old at that time, our old people who were in part immigrant peasants in late age to the cities. Today most grandparents.

They had to live the postwar period and its consequences of little social and economic development made these people a fighting people, full of achievements and misadventures, with little or little technological development that would later attack them abruptly.

You have to see how a person who in our days has an average of 80 years or so, is a victim of the audio response functions of a telephone, ATMs, the internet, multimedia kiosks, keys and all that technology that for them it worked better with a simple notebook or paper as it was in its time.

They mostly listened to the radio as a means of communication and read the printed newspapers.

Magazines are not a suitable profile as a means of dissemination, for example, social gossip is not part of their fundamental concerns.

His advertising was conceived as product characteristics of the product, nothing to do with the mental structure of an advertisement today full of hidden communications and somehow superfluous benefits. They still think that way, they understand more a commercial that talks about characteristics than about social or personal functions.

The means of transport included boats, trains, buses and automobiles of low performance and category compared to the current level.

They may be people who now feel stressed by the speed of a car, by the daily life of a big city, but whose values ​​and precepts were plagued with feelings of appreciation and friendship towards their friends and family, with the due exceptions made at the level. political or racial in some social classes.

Highly romantic and followers of boleros and ballads. According to the social segment, the antiquities of each musical genre, tangos, rancheras, Caribbean music among others.

They consume products for price and profit, the brand is not so essential to demonstrate their way of life or external reflection of their personal profile. They are loyal to the brands and not so determined to try, although they easily return to the traditional.

Depending on the social stratum, they are still the holders of the money, and of the majority of savings, cdt's, various investments. But on the other hand, a tough group to crack from marketing because they are rational consumers by nature, not very fond of, methodical and far-sighted in their expenses.

Their fun was mostly concentrated at the family and group level, although the cinema played an important role as a means of transition between this generation and those to come as a means of technology and advertising, as well as role or lifestyle.

They were participants in ideological guerrillas, communism, socialism, right, left, liberal, conservative, thinkers by nature whose pride was finally the social stabilization that allowed the new generations to establish themselves in a social, political and economic order.

People of the 60's and 70's:

Some of them who struggled to make a different image of that generation were called Hippies in their youth, when they were 18 to 25 years old, at the time when there was the generational change developed by the contraceptive pill and abortion. Not all were hippies or smoked marijuana, but they are generationally different from the grandparents of the 40's and 50's. Peace, love, happiness, his main concern, in contrast to the war, power and money of his previous generation.

They are characterized as people who rejected the conventional, and society as it was, especially they are the forerunners of extreme liberalism with clear lifestyle attitudes such as the first typical harley with long hair, scarves, shawls, beards, long hair that changed the way to see man. They were fighters of the then status quo, their generation is characterized by being rebellious, by doing what they wanted, including liquor, sex and drugs, in their time a scandal, but for today the most natural, little harmful form is marijuana..

They consequently changed the format of how to treat their children, they changed the whip for permission, and today they are the spoilers, we would say better bad breeders of grandchildren, for those who already have them.

Its information media were more developed, television, billboards, specialized magazines were part of technological advancement.

Socially good players, for their personal and economic development, participants in golf clubs, tennis clubs, fish clubs, social leftover clubs, clubs of everything. In general they were the trainers of what today social leftovers, clubs around. In general, they were the formators of what the other generations enjoy today from the point of view of social format. Advertising had its best performance in this generation, because it changed from the product to the benefit, and from the benefit to the superfluous benefit, which exploits the most, what they will say, the social self better than the conventional self, in fact, they bought brands for their children or grandchildren to the extent that their economic condition allows it.

With a good income compared to the previous generation, and with a better lifestyle, without a doubt it happened very quickly because some say that today's comforts contrast with their state of health.

They would like to enjoy their money more or at least to have enjoyed it, they are generous in their purchases and expenses, a good market potential for some segments or product category due to their commercial response.

Rock music is their flag of expression, not for all segments, but they learned another language, English in the middle of ballads, rock,. pop and other genres like jaz.

In our Colombian case, they danced the first salsas, the first vallenatos of the new era, the merengues, the walks, tropical music in general is their form of expression, although in their youth the first rock groups in Spanish were developed, but they remember with a lot of affection and melancholy a good bolero, a good tango, and other expressions that they heard from their parents when they were children.

They consume products by brand, not very essential to demonstrate their way of life or external reflection of their personal profile, but it is part of their self and personal feeling, as well as social recognition.

Filmmakers, musicians, dancers, artists, scientists, engineers, mostly professionals, that is, a variety of expression. Teachers in these same struggles of the new generations X and Y's, but with a mental training that makes them not look "old", on the contrary they see themselves enjoying sports, parties, social activities and in general fighting life that they wanted and do not want to abandon.

A generation in love with life.


This generation is recognized as the generation of young executives worldwide, in fact the name of young urban professional people, describes an educated person, with good or minimal income levels that allow him to make sumptuous expenses in each social class as well as invest in themselves on a large scale.

With an interesting standard of living comparatively speaking with previous generations. But also full of prejudices and social discrimination where the self predominates, and the self compared to my social or group role.

It is a person who easily approves or disapproves of a place because of the type of people who frequent it, because likewise the place has a profile that fits or does not fit with their level of self-esteem.

They are or were 25 to 30 years old in the 90's, consequently they are viewers, high-tech filmmakers and special effects, contrary to the silent or thematic cinema as their previous generation lived.

Magazines are your means of receiving printed information just like newspapers, television your main entertainment scheme, and the internet, but especially video games are somewhat distant companions in your daily life.

Technologically more empowered and developed than the people of the 70's, cars, trains, airplanes are technological schemes that have nothing to do with those used by the people of the 60's, they are makers of their own future in economic terms, although scientific development and technical is still supported by its previous generation.

They are brand and reference consumers, they are knowledgeable about their differentiating details, consequently it is a profile that responds perfectly to classist communication schemes, emulators, and positive individuality.

They contribute to society by being holders of the assets of modern knowledge, of paradigm shifts, they are creative, they judge and they have a critical profile from the point of view of what is good or bad for them, both predecessor and subsequent generations. That is why they play an especially strong role in the buying processes of family or group assets. They consume price, quality, brand and novel systems and services previously not exploited, such as the home.

They live alone and in some cases they currently reach ages over 35 years being the spoiled ones of the home, they do not have the home as a fundamental thought scheme, or to marry, or to have children, on the contrary they are expecting better levels of income or status work or social to launch that adventure.

Technologically enabled are high users of cell phones, Internet, multimedia, videos, PCs, laptops, palmtops, palms, beepers, the n developed devices, but far away good players of Nintendo, Gameboy, Play station and all those other generations Y and Z's who are his younger brothers or his own children.

They have tried, although not as a habit or way of life, sex, drugs and alcohol, comparatively speaking of the people of the 70's. But if they lived a different scheme in music than ballads and boleros, rock and roll is their musical standard. Rock groups and their ramifications in pop, dance, trance, hip hop and others were the differentiating factor in the parties towards their parents.

At the family level, they are high promoters of divorce as a way of life, perhaps due to their immense desire to personalize their own desires, less than to share and give in to the partner, passive and submissive attitude that their parents had.

The X's:

Generation X is the result of a world that goes by the hour, a time full of discoveries and possibilities. They are those who are 20 to 27 years old today. They got to know the cell phone, satellite television, and the internet is already more common and related for them as a means of entertainment, communication, etc.

They are not surprised by anything new, because they have seen technology before their eyes, they are users of fashion, and of fashion items, consequently they are consumers of disposable things, of what is temporary, of what comes and goes, but of what should not be missed as part of your daily experience.

They have played music that they have already heard, retouched, old songs rewritten in another rhythm or artist, music without style, stuck to the fashion style already invented and criticized, they go faster in order to discover new things that make their life unique. existence.

This is why they have mostly been wrong, for adults of the 40's and 50's and some of the 60's, it is understood as if they did physical damage with tattoos, piercing, but they do not know why or for that, social damage is done because the majority of single mothers correspond to this generational profile. For them it is simply an expression of their way of life.

They are highly perceptive to promotion schemes, 2 × 3, Monday to Thursday, movie Tuesday, etc., they respond to discounts but judge them according to their social or group scheme, that is, they do not consume discounts that are not in line with their self-esteem and condition, on the contrary, they are savers to buy brands that emulate a lifestyle to which they do not fully belong.

Something superfluous, admirers of a good car, a good look, good shoes, a very pretty girl, a good boy, generally worshipers of everything that is "in", they also judge a site by the profile of people who frequent him, but do not give in to the curiosity of entering to train as human beings, in a condition to know more things, more people, more details of life, things to know and to know are lacking in this generation.

In the 70's the first X's were born, they have been criticized by other generations for not having demonstrated leadership, for not having or generating new ideas, on the contrary they are passive and in some cases lazy, shallow, indifferent and unmotivated. They are called X for being an unknown factor, a generation number 13 of the American generation, possibly their attitude is a form of rejection of these denominations.

His social and economic condition has made it easier for him to develop his activities, and consequently less challenging and interesting with respect to the yuppies or the people of the 60's.

They represent for others an avant-garde generation, representatives of new and incredible ideas, for society, the church and the family. It is the case of wanting to live together as a life scheme without marrying, or preferably having sex, relationships but not having obligations nor are projected then as a society that wants to go alone, but in reality behind any X, you can find a true treasure full of surprises, dreams, fantasies and gifts.

A treasure that some do not see because they are hidden behind piercings, tattoos, colored hairstyles, earrings, and somewhat quirky garments.

Tranx, pop, heavy rock or heavy metal have been their musical standards, like their other things, misunderstood by their parents and society.

The Y's:

To talk about generation Y, it is essential to have analyzed generation X's, since those of us who have investigated them consider that it is not possible to form a specific profile of them, in fact they inherit part of the behavior and thinking of the X's.

In fact the letter Y mathematically speaking is the second unknown factor, generation Y starts with the norms established by generation X. It has important economic elements such as its high consumption in its generational profile, due to its high technological component such as Nintendo, play station, internet, machine games, third dimension, etc., which mean that not all of the same generation per se have access to them.

It is a generation of ultra-heavy consumerism, but with great capacity for brand differentiation, brand properties, brand recognition, and excellent response to promotion and marketing variables. They are generally brothers of the X's and in some cases children of the yuppies. Economically determined and consequently mentally more mature than the X's, as they are advised by their parents to plan their life from a young age… in savings, for example, in what they are going to do when they grow up, in cultivating artistic activities, etc. In other words, they come better equipped for the greater competition they will face among themselves.

Although it is a generation that has lived through the errors and consequences of corruption and social violence, it is a generation that is in turn more protected than the X's, and in this way there is on average a closer family bond. But she also suffers for her life and for her future because her childhood has been over-informed and over-spectacularized by the media, they have a conception of life and the world, of the social earlier than just as mature as the X's.

On the contrary, the X's are not lonely, human company prevails above all, in the family, with their friends as a second instance.

When it comes to your decisions and advice, you would more readily and confidently ask a friend for help than your mother or father. Perhaps it is because your parents have been full of good advice and recommendations that at some point they are faced with their actions.

They have tried drugs and alcohol in some social segments, but are more aware of the consequences of mishandling them.

In sex, they have received many recommendations from their parents, friends, tutors and the media, consequently they are less overwhelming and excessive in this area.

They are high users of technology, of developments and are self-taught by nature, in fact their value and self-esteem, the latter measure largely in their ability and knowledge with respect to the other members of the part in their ability and knowledge with respect to others group members.

It is a generation that has matured very quickly, and in general, without concealment or lies, an X's I hear say that the children were brought by the stork, a Y I hear that it was from the union of sperm and ovules, as it is. But they have also been the victims of fashionable sexual abuse, of the spread of drug and alcohol use.

They are young people who come from good families (without referring merely to economics), they also maintain an accelerated pace of life, demanding in some cases due to the innumerable skills they must develop, but they are well informed by the media, in some cases without the guidance of parents, who normally teach them as their own lifestyle.

They are athletes, consumers of many categories of products that the yuppies or the X's consumed, cereals, light products, technology, etc. They already develop a high interest in money, and consequently rational when listening and choosing offers, products and services.

The Z's:

Due to their young age and the difficulty in conducting shopping behavior studies, they are still a generation to discover. But not inconsiderable to observe carefully from the point of view of consumption.

They are fundamental decision makers for the purchase of the category of products they consume and of their preference, you have to sell them the brand and the reference, because whoever denies something to a child these days.

Somewhat selfish at first before a toy or gift before their friends, but they give in and easily negotiate friendship, toys, time, priorities because they understand that it is better to have a friend than a gift.

On the contrary, it is a father's pride that his son has levels of demand that can border on arrogance and lack of decency in some cases.

They are born viewers, because due to the social role of their parents they have had to educate themselves, (not physically because most have had an adult who takes care of them), but without the warmth of a mother and often father for their occupations, circumstances of which the X's and in some cases the Y's did.

In the color tests carried out, it has been shown that they are liberal in terms of their choice and perception, strong colors, purple, black, gray, blue, green, are colors accepted in food, a paradigm that must be changed in the producers' mind.

They are intelligent and competitive, socially and familiarly expressive, more social and open with respect to the Y's themselves. They are open to communication before their previous generations, a Z speaks to a person of the 40's, 70's, or even Yuppie as if he were talking to another child, consequently commercial communication should be simple, full of reasons, explanatory, this is more than enough.

Brand consumers, but little or no reminders of them, are highly unfaithful, and therefore open to promotion, character, fashion, color or season.

They are graphic, left-brained, creative, in a good mood, although in the lower segments of society they are highly unhappy and mistreated, even sexually abused.

They are aware of social problems, violence, poverty, but they are highly sensitive to the same problems, they meet, express opinions, express, give to poor children without anyone suggesting them, and contribute on their scale to society.

They are sensitive to issues related to long-term life planning, such as ecology, health prevention, non-chemically contaminated products, recycling.

All of the above because education, society, the producers themselves, although on a smaller scale, are working on the issue and consequently it is part of the training.

They know or knew more quickly than their previous generation the national and international geographies, and they understand or assimilate social problems more easily, they know that the guerrillas exist and that it hurts, and they do not yet understand the problems that exist around them, they only know how to express that violence must stop and they express it openly, more explicit than the X's inclusive.

Highly sporting, from their school education, to their social role, easily establishing relationships with friends and friends, I hope we adults would learn from them to be more positive, more friends, simpler but more thinkers, more helpful and less critical of problems. and today's society.

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Generational marketing