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Marketing and e-business in the digital economy


In an economy we find four agents that play an important role, namely, the consumer families of the final goods generated by the organizations, the company that produces primary, intermediate and final goods, the external sector carries out the exports and imports of many goods and finally the government that regulates economic activity. Two very important forces are related to these actors; supply and demand, being these energized by Marketing, a very important activity in the planning, organization and execution in the business world that, through exchanges and negotiations with the target groups to attend to, satisfies the needs and desires of customers and their once the goals of the company allowing the achievement of objectives that it pursues.

We could believe that customer satisfaction is closely related to the popular concept: "The customer is always right", however the concern to seek customer satisfaction will always have its limitations in the Company's policies. For example, the case of the client who requires small amounts of product which is generally sold to people or companies that buy volume happens, however the fact of not providing that type of service can anger the client because he thinks that for the simple fact If you have the product in inventory, you have the “obligation” to fulfill your requirement. It can be worrying because at any time this small client grows, which makes it a potential future client… This gives rise to expanding our Marketing concept,In the sense that this way the exchange of a good is not reached, a satisfaction (even partial) is found in the client when we help him to “solve his problem” by providing him with information about the possible places where he can obtain what he is looking for. (In this case it can be said that I do not lose the client, as this potential client can become an active client of another client of mine)

There is also another important aspect, at the time of negotiation to reach the Exchange, is the quality-price factor, since the needs of the clients in many cases translate into "good, nice and cheap". The job of the seller is not easy when only the first two aspects are met, since you cannot “give away the house”, which means that not always understanding the customer's needs is enough to fulfill the entire marketing process. Here, in this phase, we must have defined the market segment to be conquered, identified by customer groups, with very similar and identifiable characteristics, and thus avoid wasting activities and resources.

Marketing plays a very important role in current life because thanks to all its activities carried out with agents in the economy, people can enjoy the goods necessary to satisfy them and maintain our standard of living.

Marketing is a social and managerial process through which different groups and individuals obtain what they need and want, creating, offering and exchanging products with value for others. Marketing management is a philosophy of the organization to serve the customer to meet their needs and achieve the objectives of the company. The concept of marketing implies action to conquer markets, analysis to understand them, and an ideology for the construction of the consumer society, for this the marketing management must fulfill responsibilities such as the analysis of marketing opportunities, establishment of objectives, organization of marketing, marketing resources for the mix, creation of the offer and evaluation and control of marketing activities.

Marketing has evolved and gone through different stages such as economic self-sufficiency, primitive communism, barter, local markets, the stage of money economy, that of primitive capitalism, that of mass production, the prosperous marketing society, that of the social marketing, one-to-one marketing, in addition, the advances of the large network such as the Internet that has allowed advances and transformations of globalization in the era of electronic business

Historically, man has gone through various stages of competitive advantage, absolute advantage refers to natural monopolies, to making the most of natural resources, coffee, emeralds, coal, chontaduro, etc. Comparative advantage refers to producing a higher volume of goods and services at a lower cost and as quickly as possible compared to competitors. Competitive advantage is the indicator of international business by efficiency, branding, design, packaging, after-sales service, quality, just-in-time, technology, infrastructure, transportation, energy and communications.

During this development he has gone through the ownership stage that led him to hunting, fishing and farming, this fixed ownership lasted until 1800.

In the capital stage, there was construction, the development of oil activity, the construction of the military organization, mass production, scientific management, and capital mobility, during 1800 to 1900.

With the technology stage, the development of electricity resulted in household goods, telephones, airplanes, computers and advances in science and technology.

Currently, the development of the business vision and mission, the structure of the systems, the strategy and the organizational architecture as a great differentiator has made a career.

The old competitive advantages consisted of cheap labor, the current ones by technology, information, knowledge and managerial creativity that are shaped by technological innovation, managerial innovation, the qualification of people, the ability to learn and value added activities.

The nineties brought great promises and uncertainties with great opportunities around, the end of the cold war released forces to recover equipment and infrastructure in Eastern Europe that has become the largest market in the world and promising for Western countries. Asian economies continue to expand their domestic markets and their participation in foreign markets with broad prospects for growth, taking advantage of the economic opening and globalization of markets.

It is very common today for people to talk about the Internet with great familiarity, more and more people in Colombia and in the world have access to this service, the growth of the Internet has modified many habits in their navigators, now they have the information in the house, or office, with making several clicks. The Internet makes the conduct of electronic commerce possible, taking full advantage of the existing network infrastructure and technologies. As business transactions move closer to the web, the world will see the emergence of a truly global network economy.

Electronic commerce linked to the barcode and electronic document exchange are the fundamental pillar of the entire process that allows companies to be more efficient and flexible in their internal operations, working more closely with their suppliers, to offer greater benefits to Your customers, as can be seen with e-commerce, all win. Thanks to the advantages of electronic commerce, companies turn to it with the aim of being more competitive in a global market that does not wait. Thanks to the Internet, the scenario has changed, now trade is carried out through the network, which allows greater benefits with a better cost-benefit ratio for doing business.

Companies begin doing electronic business by setting up virtual stores on the Internet and creating electronic price catalogs that facilitate the exchange of information on business processes. Virtual stores are points of sale where people are served twenty-four hours a day, regardless of location or distance.


This is a recent concept that has been evolving, therefore there is no unanimous concept, it is an evolving concept that can vary from any of the telepayment procedures through the electronic document exchange protocols to new forms of commerce that are being developed or others that are to come. An ambiguous definition of great consensus is that of commerce carried out over the Internet, however it is imprecise, to define electronic commerce it is necessary to specify the activities that constitute it, the environment in which the commercial relations take place and the mechanisms that make it possible.

The precursor forms of electronic commerce such as money in banknotes or bills of exchange were affected by means of payment such as payment cards in the field of transport or for telephone calls, in the race to make commerce more flexible and provide it with new tools, New forms of payment and exchange appeared up to credit cards that were made possible thanks to the developments of computer media. These enjoy great acceptance and are proliferating throughout the world. Initially they had problems that were resolved with the universality of ATMs, however, they have drawbacks because they require validation and verification, which makes the process slow compared to payment in bills.

The different exchange activities in the trade detected the need to standardize messages and formats for their automatic processing, the so-called EDI electronic data interchange that greatly facilitates commercial operations, initially EDI communications did not have interactivity, which did not allow Negotiations, now with the Internet these limitations have been overcome, by using multimedia technology, web pages that allow the transmission of textual, graphic, sound information, or moving or three-dimensional images, which represents a great competitive advantage over traditional media. The Internet allows interactivity and its advances are faster, its costs are low and it is more advantageous. All kinds of goods and services can be acquired over the Internet

Electronic commerce does not specify the limits that separate it from traditional commerce and on many occasions both are mixed in certain practices, currently electronic commerce does not replace traditional commerce but rather to create a new one, there will also be a hybrid commerce that combines electronic and conventional techniques.

Electronic commerce is not limited to the Internet, video-text and television broadcasting make teleshopping possible, catalogs can be published in electronic media, in reserve as on CD-ROOM and telebanking services are already in place through private networks

Traditional commerce relied on both its traditional aspect and its

Electronic variants, relationships of mutual trust and commitment between buyer and seller, their guarantees are based on mutual knowledge, they have legal and financial support for orders and invoices in their acquisition aspects. Electronic commerce comes to propose an extension of the functions of the network, the network guarantees the rights of the parties without requiring preliminary relationships between the parties

In electronic commerce, the processes of promotion of offers, orders, deliveries and payments take place for each of them, specialized entities such as VISA, CYBERCASH etc. can occur. The new trade is an opportunity for goods and services that by their nature can be provided on the Internet

Suppliers will be able to enjoy a global presence at a low cost, consumers will have greater alternatives within an extensive offer that has no geographical limits. The distribution chain is shortened and with it the deadlines and response times (orders and responses almost instantaneously, having a quick knowledge of availability or prices). The shortening of the purchase cycle implies a decrease in costs, due to a smaller number of intermediaries since it can automate a large number of processes. The shortening of the response cycle allows improving the quality of the service, improving competitiveness by having mechanisms that provide feedback to the merchant directly with information about the acceptance of products or the profile and preferences of their customers.

The new business will have to be organized in a different way given the amount of information that can be focused will be necessary to see how the company operates; work systems must be customer-oriented, eliminating tasks that do not contribute to their satisfaction, the role of administration is to support those who are treating customers.

Among the principles of electronic commerce we have:

Increase in supply capacity

Global competitiveness

Redesign of business processes

Satisfaction of consumer needs

Elimination of trade barriers

Implementation of technology for change

Creation of new markets

Transaction cost reduction

Application in the management of EDI (electronic document interchange) that enables companies to have an agreed format, a model, the same language, is the standard on which electronic commerce is built.

Global trade in Colombia, despite the fact that we find many globalized companies, with globalized multinational businesses, electronic commerce is expanding and it is beginning to be talked about in other types of companies and customers also do it, in the case Of those who offer their services, these are increasing rapidly, in industry, the commercial sector, the health sector, the financial sector and the educational sector, etc. that seek to meet the expectations of those who permanently hope to make their companies highly competitive businesses.

The chain of benefits that are integrated into electronic commerce is felt by everyone, not only the companies that carry out transactions with others but also the final consumers and in the end everyone wins. The statistics are very promising and despite the million-dollar sales of some Web posts, the user who launches into cyberspace is flooded with a large number of product offers that in many cases do not report much utility. If it is true that commerce between entities and companies via the Internet has developed greatly, it must be taken into account that this is the result of the increasing use of Internet mechanisms for commercial operations that used telephones, faxes, telephone or ordinary mail and now they are being replaced by means such as email and Web pages that are faster,easier and cheaper.

The future of electronic commerce requires the development of three fields:

  • New forms of payment with electronic money and online payments to lower the cost of money, allow more flexibility to use it and increase its security, protection against fraud. Security aspects and protection against fraud with the associated concepts of guarantee of the anonymity and confidentiality, an appropriate legislative framework is required. Development of a supportive government policy infrastructure for these commercial activities.

In the digital economy we see how industries such as banking, publishing, photography, entertainment such as cinema, radio, news, education, meetings in multinational companies, etc. have been transformed with the application of new technologies.


Digital Companies are attractive to investors. The influx of money into the capital market has caused an excess supply of available capital.

The goal is to build new digital businesses, companies whose products and services are based on interactive and networking technologies. The success of companies is in increasing the long-term value of participation for an organization. In the environment, the digital company is new and familiar compared to traditional businesses. Digital startups triumphed because of the speed of bringing new products and services to market.

Customer needs with respect to niche products were not being accurately identified. In the case of XNLT Design, whoever was selling their products, wanted to establish their own brand and sell it to a much larger base of customers as end users, strengthening sales and marketing strategy.

New digital companies cannot grow using the free-form organizational model. To meet market needs, they must intentionally develop a more formal organizational design with characteristics that encourage success based on a "genetic coding" that supports growth. To succeed a company has to cross the abyss of the market. The 3 factors that affect the process of crossing the first chasm:

  • Knowledge as a competitive advantage Organizational agility The pace of change.

Given the intense competition of the demands of time and attention to people in a small business, the big question is: When is the right time to invest? Now investing too late brings problems as it leads to confusion and does not achieve what is expected.

The time for teaching is when the individual is ready, needs and has an open attitude to acquire knowledge or adapt to change. The organization also has a moment for design, the company leader who takes advantage of this moment will have sustained growth.

Among the support points to cross the organizational chasm we have:

  • The company driven by vision and based on value.

The only constant is change, whoever does not have vision will drift away, will not be able to make decisions and set goals

  • Rapid development of a prototype of the organization.

An individual or team is responsible for the architecture of organizational systems to identify redesign needs

  • Structured organizational systems

They are the strategies, programs and tools that the Company uses to create a culture and direction of performance.

  • Knowledge, information and technological infrastructure.

Speed, effective management are the basis for large and complex organizations. The knowledge base is built into your initial production and service offerings. The ability to include knowledge and learning must enter the heart of the organizational strategy.

  • Extended map of the Company

A competitive advantage can be gained through an early delineation of what the new digital enterprise will handle internally, including external relations.


The experts of the new economy say that the internet changes everything and that virtual businesses are different from anything seen, before analyzing the possible differences let's see the characteristics of a virtual company:

A virtual company is one that does most of its business over the internet, interacts with its customers and providers over the internet, its processes are fundamentally automatable on the internet.

A virtual company has little virtual, any virtual or real business will require many hours of equipment, many real hours.

Is a virtual company really different?

The possibilities offered by the intensive use of information systems and the ability to communicate with other market agents, can make two companies in the same sector, one "Traditional" and one "virtual", really different. However, in the same “traditional” sector it would not be difficult to find two companies that are totally different.

A virtual company is one that develops its entire business in that "virtual world" that is the internet, made up of a huge network of computers whose purpose is to communicate to the people who use them. The fundamental element that supports the set of computers are telephones and other electronic elements. Nodes that are connected through a communication system in such a way that from any point it should be possible to reach another point of the network.

The virtual company makes use of computing, which as such is not a problem when looking for personnel, the problem occurs if potential clients have difficulties in using their system.

The purpose of the internet is to communicate with other people and the purpose of their business is to be able to take advantage of these communication possibilities between the different market agents.

One of the new discoveries of the new economy is internet marketing that does not really exist, since marketing is the same as always, but due to the computer network and more flexible communications, new and interesting possibilities for communication and promotion arise with the market and customers that were impossible before.

Therefore, one of the differences of virtual companies is in the methods and techniques they use to contact, negotiate and relate in general with their clients (product offer, communication, promotion and prices from anywhere in the world)

Internationalizing a company is positive as long as this is part of its strategy, in the face of the new virtual company, the potential market is huge compared to the local market. However, it presents complications derived from the regulations and laws of the different countries or the ability to operate in different languages ​​or currencies.

Regarding logistics, the ability to sell virtually implies that the company must be prepared to transport its products to their customers, they expect them to take them home.

Another aspect is teleworking, employees of this type of company can work in places other than their office, which implies a lower cost derived from the maintenance of a traditional office, but employees are needed on time, well communicated and coordinated such as if they were in the same office.


banking had not presented such drastic changes since 1689, in 1694 it was used to finance the war, when England reached its industrial age, no nation could compete with it at this stage of industrial civilization or industrial revolution (according to Alvin Toffler, humanity has gone through three waves; the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution and the information revolution) banking is transforming at a rate that has no precedent in history, banks that refuse and do not adapt to changes will succumb. Traditional banks must reinvent themselves and orient their businesses to cyberspace. (make them reengineer processes to make radical changes in costs, incorporate new technologies, rethink their strategy and be more competitive)

During the 90s, banks had been doing what they had always done with greater degrees of complexity, receiving deposits, paying checks, making loans, keeping money safe, earning interest, however the changes in the economic world, the expectations of Customers presented new facts such as competition in a customer market, the global market and competition for customers and their money, which in the new borderless banking represents a loss or loss of competitiveness, banks continue to handle money, Customers go to the entity or not, but the new culture requires the bank to add value to the customer relationship by providing benefits to each customer, now the changes do not imply daytime hours or a channel; electronic teller machine, telephone, personal computer,and even the television.

In the digital age, banking faces threats such as lower costs of a virtual bank compared to traditional ones, today a website allows millions of people access to the bank and now many of the young people are wealthier, more educated and maintain a balance in your account that results in increased demand for financial services

Another aspect that occurs in the banking market is that clients, in addition to electronic equipment, like to go to the traditional office and ask questions, they like friendly treatment and personal advice

Nowadays we see new participants with non-bank companies that offer credit cards to their clients for purchases in their own establishments or that have their own financial corporation, making it easier for clients to purchase high-cost goods such as vehicles, leaving access to the banks with a low participation in financial assets. Mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances have allowed the expansion of the financial activities of banks with other banks or with IT service providers, allowing them to process millions of commercial transactions at low cost.

The growing number of non-bank companies without legislation raises serious questions about the impact of technology on the legislation and regulation of these activities, it would be good to extend the model used in the European Union in which financial legislation applies to banks. credit unions, commercial finance companies, financial corporations and other financial and non-financial organizations that are in the payments industry.

Electronic banking is attractive, customers like to make transactions at an electronic teller machine, telephone banking has been very successful, purchases with a debit or credit card are very popular and smart cards have become popular, in general they are low cost for the user and on the Internet the costs are very small, however it is expected that more developments in personal computers and NCs (network computers) that are easier to use than PCs.

As for the future of cards, few bankers are expecting a cashless society, although some customers prefer their electronic wallets, the cards are widely accepted, the smart card is equipped with a chip or a minicomputer with all memory functions and of processing, offering greater security in the transaction, these circulate by millions in the USA and Europe where their advantages over other cards have been demonstrated.

As we can see all the roads lead to the customer, banks are directing all their people and financial and technological resources to attract and keep their customers, some offer Internet banking services for a growing number of people go to it, others offer the personalized service in the branch because there are clients who prefer human interaction with bank employees. Others combine the previous two to offer a package to serve different clients of different generations.


With the appearance of the Internet, a new form of business was born, the ease of accessing information and communications, translated into "zero borders", has the ability to constantly attract new customers and suppliers that take advantage of "this value" at low cost, denominated "Community of Electronic Businesses" (e-bussines comunita).

The EBC for being a "multi-company effort" creates new rules so that there is control over their objectives and strategies, moving away from traditional companies, without forgetting the importance of customer service. What distinguishes the new environment is the deployment of knowledge - something inherent to the Internet - and the coordination of business practices, offering new advantages:

  • Greater market penetration Network interconnection that allows quick responses to customer requirements, achieving efficiency in their business processes. Allowing "transparent" relationships between a set of suppliers that share interests and the customer. The customer by mastering information, can dominate the scale of "value", becoming a constructor of it by having a more direct interaction with the producer.

As change is recognized as the constant phenomenon that affects both internal and external factors, it is required that the strategies be dynamic and flexible that allow adapting and always getting the purpose = satisfied customer, The how depends on the CBE and the structure of leadership that permanently sustains the expected level by inserting the EBC, everything that is required to dynamite the alliance and respond effectively to the client's requirements.


In the pursuit of customer satisfaction, EBCs are created, collecting this sum of elements that allow the interaction under an objective to be successful.
















  • Eliminate intermediation Reduce costs Reduce time Eliminate possibilities of error Quality Information

For that, rules are formulated and they are established depending on the characteristics of the CBE, but the essence does not change since they will always be aimed at fulfilling the objectives set and the responsibilities of this specific group who share interests and who, together they seek to dominate the market within the industry environment.

The so-called Electronic Business Communities are creating a new model that allows to fully satisfy their customers or users, in this tough confrontation where that added and expected value must go according to the current changing and demanding world that not only needs a product but an added service. You have to compete among the best and stand out by being number one.


There are many engines of change, if you verify with organizations, they all have similar engines and few differentials, the world tells you how to move and at what speed, depending on your capabilities and skills, it can be continuous or discontinuous. Adapting to economic, political, social, cultural, environmental, technological and other trends depends on the ability to adapt, now being proactive is not enough, it includes reactivity but with such agility that what I had planned to solve it quickly or it remains.

The “make and sell” type that is based on economies of scale and that works strictly based on production scheduling vs. low cost offers, works well within standard and easily predictable data systems.

The "perceive and respond" type, a system adapted to respond to unpredictable requests, based on an economy of scope, allows the decentralization of decisions, improving the response to changes and stimulating creativity within its participants.

Strategic thinking, in comparison with traditional planning, shows how both alternatives complement each other, so that a hybrid model could be the optimal one, to face and overcome the various alternatives of changing cases in the environment of new industries.

The future is uncertain and with this characteristic, success lies in our ability to adapt systematically and quickly to make decisions that reduce the level of risk and increase the probability of choosing the best alternative.

The ability to foresee the future as a support tool in the decision-making process depends on capacities such as:


Everything counts when we want to give ground to a long-term decision (uncertain future) and that is why the scenarios are aimed at minimizing those errors in decision making.

Our leaders can foresee and use planning, prediction, forecasting, and foresight as systemic information processes to detect the pros and cons of a decision and support (support) their decisions in order to carry out the path that leads them to carry them out. step by step the work of fulfilling the company's raison d'être, which is to satisfy the customer's need.


This new era of economics (the era of networks), requires companies to review their basic premises, applying reengineering, to make way for new management methods, which include:

  • Managing Intellectual Capital: Knowledge Speed: Responding to the Customer

Previously, information flowed centrally and vertically within the organization, new technology has contributed to the breakdown of these hierarchies, allowing business processes to move horizontally. The challenge for knowledge managers is to implement systems that allow the sharing of experiences and “refined” knowledge so that it can be used effectively.

Given the value of online knowledge, organizations must re-evaluate their learning capacity. The "perceive and respond" business allows organizations to constantly learn from their customers, continually improving their strategic decisions. (Rather than investing in long, tedious marketing studies that are often out of date when completed. It is important to also include the combined use of partner and employee knowledge.

But how to gather all that knowledge? There are traditional historical databases and the so-called Knowledge Banks can also be created, which store the “tacit knowledge” that, in addition to including a record of employee experiences, has information in transcripts or audio tapes of training sessions. strategic planning, consultant reports, etc.

Another source of knowledge is "collaboration technologies", that is, the effective use of communication "on line" to take advantage of the dispersed knowledge resources of organizations so that they focus their collective intellectual capacity towards a problem or opportunity. to develop more solid proposals or management of relationships with a client, reducing response times, thanks to the leverage of the knowledge of their colleagues.

An environment that combines speed with knowledge still requires structure: systems and processes that guide people to translate better knowledge into smarter actions.

However, implementing all this change in organizational culture with their respective tools is not an easy task, people must want it and prepare to take advantage of it, for which the following aspects are reviewed:

  • Leadership Need: What part of Management Process Need: The organization must define a process that integrates technology with daily work activity Need for Operational Standards: For effective communication, everyone must speak the same language. Quality: It means providing technologies that are easy to navigate and resources that add real value Need for indices: Measuring the effectiveness of a knowledge management program gives confidence to users Need for incentives: Recognition programs constitute another income, it demands that the winners demonstrate leadership conditions in the management of individual capital.

Speed ​​and knowledge, working in balance, achieve smarter and more agile processes that can reduce costs and increase profits, thus granting the competitive advantage that guarantees the survival and success of the Companies.


The creation of virtual classrooms with different degrees of immersion from the simple transmission of data to virtual reality and the verification of their validity by applying them to a remote teaching process, taking advantage of computer networks, is useful for any type of courses and different types of applications that can be used by educational institutions given the demands of large companies with respect to professionalization, people with or without higher education, have become professionalized and / or specialized by adjusting their profiles or needs to the requirements and skills demanded by the world of work in the actuality. The Internet is tuned to meet learning needs by enabling a digital infrastructure for learning, providing new tools: Multimedia modules,online performance assessments and interaction between students and teachers, facilitating feedback for continuous improvement.

A global, student-centered learning infrastructure extends beyond the virtual university to include the new digital marketplace site. The potential to meet the educational needs of the next century is impressive. This infrastructure is a challenge to the education system due to changes in learning requirements, trends and challenges. The demand is increasing with all students who graduate annually from high school, given the need to continue with university studies.

Distance education in Colombia has not taken advantage of all the opportunities of the new information technologies, most of the information is exchanged through written material between the tutor and the students and the interaction is limited to a few tutorials with which the process loses dynamism and enrichment of interaction with other people from other universities and other countries. There is very little interaction between young people and children from different educational establishments

There are students who enter the university full time, but the vast majority are part-time since they have their jobs, attending to study and their obligations at the same time. Year after year the study calendars are more flexible. The communication vehicles at present are given by the computer, the presentation software, the electronic mail, the websites on the internet and the CD - ROM. Among the universities that have this teaching system, we have the UNAD, which is the one with the most time and experience and is the leader in this process in the country, the Antonio Nariño has distance courses, other face-to-face and other blended. The same happens with the Católica de Manizales and the San Martín.Most of the postgraduate courses are being carried out in a blended manner without the support of modern computing resources.

Educating yourself is a long-term, ongoing task. The forecast is that the worker will have 6 to 7 careers, updating this is an essential element. However, it is necessary to use another language and computer knowledge, this education must strengthen: the skills and competencies, to know how to find information, work in a team and manage projects. Learning applications are constantly improving in search tools, Web presentation software, CD - ROMs, Real-time audio, Interactive databases, spreadsheets, Suite applications, Impulse technologies. These tools allow a large number of teaching activities.

The growing demand for students makes education more expensive, governments have made budget cuts in education and other items for official institutions, therefore financial aid is required since students have less and less money to pay for their studies. Access to distance education is becoming easy and economical due to the low costs of a career in this modality, the global learning infrastructure transforms educational methods and institutional roles in terms of educational services, it covers millions of students who interact and learn under a new educational paradigm.

As the age of the population increases, the needs of the learner become more complex. students will become more analytical in evaluating educational alternatives. The challenge of those who formulate public policy face challenges such as creating a climate for change, facilitating the creation and administration of new market labor forces, facilitating the establishment of technical standards, targeting student funding and outcomes. and develop appropriate social and economic policies.

The challenge is how to meet the current learning requirements with technology. Of all the students who enter higher education, a low percentage successfully complete their degree, the rest drop out, due to a shortage of money or due to time constraints due to their rigid work schedule that does not allow them to satisfy their technical education needs, professional or graduate. The Internet makes it possible to offer tutorials to anyone, anytime, anywhere, students can access software for their courses or get information 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Most of the universities are guaranteeing more and more, that a student can have access to a computer and the Internet 24 hours a day. Students are the groups most likely to use the Internet.

As market responsiveness, the education sector will drive some of the internet innovation and will also be able to take advantage of innovation driven by larger publishing applications. In Colombia, the antecedents of virtual classrooms refer to a project supported by COLCIENCIAS, FUNDACIÓN CORONA, UNIVERSIDAD PONTIFICIA BOLIVARIANA. UNIVERSIDAD EAFIT de Medellín has been developing research for the use of computer networks in higher education.

At the international level we find universities such as COMPLUTENSE DE Madrid, SALAMANCA, the MONTERREY technological institute, which in agreement with universities from different countries carry out distance specialization, master or doctorate studies with the use of new communication technologies and information.

The global learning infrastructure poses challenges for educational institutions such as determining the roles of content and processes in terms of content areas to be taught, working with new partners because no organization has the ability to compete alone in the digital economy, manage the changing roles of teachers, physical plant and technology as a result of less need for lectures and materials over time to orient and direct students, research of new technology so that electronic education is still in its infancy, lacking much to learn from it, gain new skills for the business in addition to new pedagogies for skill development


Empowerment means letting people act responsibly, it is a tool that goes hand in hand with technology. When it comes to empowerment, it is not just a term to describe the kind of power that management grants to the worker; both individual and business, in the digital economy the consumer is the one who is gaining a new sense of power, giving their customers the ability to direct transactions on their own terms, technology passes the balance of power from the seller to the buyer. If a company needs to change, it must take on the challenge of walking at the same pace as systematization, or it changes or innovates, we adjust to the rhythm of the time or the organization disappears.

Many customers are used to placing their orders by mail or by phone, Internet purchases are made in real time, the customer orders and pays through the same means that they use to see the real offer of their product, for large or small sellers the Internet is a unique means of distribution and beyond the marketing opportunities many companies are trying to see how new technologies can give them a competitive side.

Today's company is based on creativity, self-motivation, commitment and responsibility to make decisions, which means empowerment that is imperative in today's companies, the delegation of functions allows making responsible decisions without consulting senior managers personalized management, is where staff create an electronic space for themselves. An organization cannot introduce empowerment if it does not start by applying it to its systems division, we cannot speak of change if we still use technology from the past, technology is now in the first place and enables organizations to build high performance structures and quality. This type of management will turn the traditional world of buying and selling upside down.

The notion of personalized management recognizes that an individual can adopt a different character at different times, people can establish an electronic space to make their life easier, the consumer has complete control of their communications, which means that no one You can communicate with him if he does not consent. This concept recognizes and allows variables of geographic independence with this we can work from anywhere if we have a networked information access devices. The independence of the means of communication is also recognized, be it a telephone, a PC, etc. Remaining always active 24 hours a day, with which technology adapts to the needs of the individual

In traditional media, the consumer cannot defend himself against the bombardment of commercial messages, sellers will have to adapt, another threat is constituted by intermediaries with databases in networks that can eliminate traditional business facilitators such as retailers and wholesalers. For product manufacturers, the elimination of intermediaries creates significant challenges, which may be relegated to the role of supplier of goods.

Opportunities abound for software developers to facilitate empowerment for clients. The same is true for hardware vendors. This holds great promise for everything from the development of agent systems, to payments and e-commerce, life protection and trading systems. The big opportunity is to create devices that are simple to use and have a personal power factor. For empowerment to grow requires a large mass of customers and this will happen when more consumer-friendly devices appear.


The classic case of logistics; The Roman Empire was great not only in military expertise but also in logistics. Logistics was key, mobilizing and transferring information, resources, troops, administrators and money. The logistics consisted of replacing the inventory with information, inventory of troops and materials with information on where they were located and how they could be mobilized.

Within logistics, they had a network of roads planned and built through Europe, Great Britain, the Middle East and North Africa directing and transmitting information, troops, goods and money.

Advances in telecommunications and computer technologies have enabled the integration of different logistics functions ranging from supply chain, customer service, transportation, warehousing, inventory management, order processing, information systems, production planning.

Logistics has become the foundation of the business enterprise, successful today. The benefits of logistics are inventory cost reduction and companies become more productive and competitive from the global market site. Organizations will be more and more in business design, packaging and promotion. The Internet has made work easier by providing a standard communication platform.

The success of Fedex is the product of the growth of the information technology and the computer industry. In 1973 Fred started the advanced technology company, when computers became an integral part of company operations, fast and reliable parts dispatch became essential so companies did not experience system disruption. No company could avoid maintaining a parts inventory for urgent maintenance calls. Higher-value, high-speed forms of shipping and distribution justified

Fred Smith founded Federal Express as a transportation company, supported by airplanes and not traditional ships and trains, fast and reliable deliveries were the company's competitive advantages. Information management and telecommunications were essential to achieve reliability, building a physical network of aircraft and distribution centers to allow customers to better manage their inventories and supply chains.

At the beginning of 1980, Fedex advanced a very important step in the reading of bar codes, the biggest leap was to connect an automated program of shipping programs, which allowed customers to prepare their own shipments, print their bar codes and follow the status of your packages and prepare your own invoices. This was before the networked world. Connecting customers online means supplying them with hardware, software, printers, and network connections. By connecting customers through Fedex powership, he transformed his customer base into a network to interact with, turning his office into a true post office.

By 1941 PCs were very indispensable, networking had advanced so far that Fedex was able to connect even the smallest customers online. Later, the wide use of the Internet allowed the provision of interactive services, boosting customer access by reducing costs. The Internet facilitates the consolidation of information from automated users, allows to control who is sending something, where, how often, it allows establishing trends and identifying customer trends. Also handle daily operations more efficiently.

With the development of physical and information networks, FEDEX has become a great force, collecting more than three million packages a day in 212 countries, with a fleet of 600 aircraft and 40,000 trucks, managing 140,000 employees. The Fedex method is to remember that we are in the integrated logistics business, we are not in competition with our clients, success depends on sharing the benefits, the Roman Empire shared its implosion because it shared the economic benefits with the colonies.

The vertical integration in which the production and assembly process was controlled until marketing, allowed a competitive advantage based on economies of scale. It is being replaced by virtual integration. Where leading value-for-value companies focus on a limited set of distinctive skills and get almost every other feature out, they can manage components and services anywhere in the world and market their products where there is demand. Benetton the Italian fashion retailer operates in 100 nations. Peugeot Citroen assembles two million inventories with 60% of parts from external suppliers reduced its inventory figures to five days. GE Aircraft Engines reduced its purchase order cycle from 30 to 15 days, lowered purchase order costs from $ 100 to $ 5.

The logistics function is the foundation of outsourcing, activities that are carried out outside the company, much of the physical distribution is carried out with external elements. As physical distribution is outsourced, more and more companies are using this method as part of their strategy. The management of logistics by outsourcing is in evolution, its growth potential is enormous due to savings and marketing advances.

E-commerce and its impact on retailers, the supply chain has been a function of the acceleration of the cycle of the different links, in some cases when it does not add value between the manufacturer and the marketing company and between the latter and the retailer. Direct marketing over the Internet, integrated with logistics along with more mature forms of direct marketing such as catalog sales that operate by mail and telephone. With integrated logistics, direct marketers can obtain their products directly from manufacturers and send them in the same way to customers through a distribution point that allows the customized assembly of products according to each customer, the basis of the massive customization of the clients.


People have needs and desires that generate a purchasing behavior which generates a demand for goods and services that is attended by farmers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, professionals, technicians, people who provide personal services, government agencies and other non-governmental that make up the different business organizations.

To detect and analyze the needs of individuals and organizations, the providers of various goods and services, analyze the environment in which their activities revolve, make an evaluation of their internal activities, they must segment, investigate the market and define the level of positioning they want for their offer and with these elements, they can make decisions as to what type of products with their respective level of service to offer, how they are going to distribute it, how they are going to advertise it and finally at what price they are going to offer it, as the basis for establishing a marketing plan.

Marketing at present is not an isolated activity, it integrates all the others in the organization, so that there is a vision from the point of view of total quality and complete customer service, where teamwork is encouraged, the continuous improvement of business processes, to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the company.

In the culture of the organization, the values ​​of customer service, quality, collaboration and education should be promoted as bases to establish a mission from the point of total quality, with a social marketing approach in which interests are harmonized. from customers, organization, employees, investors, community and government.

Openness and globalization have allowed the expansion of markets in all countries and especially the third world and former socialist economies that lagged behind and lost competitiveness due to the corruption of their administrative political system, cultural and racial differences, the wrong approach of its leaders, the lack of research and development in the face of the great changes and advances of the Western world led by the group of 7 and other industrialized countries, this has allowed countries such as China, India, Pakistan, Poland and others in Europe to Eastern, and Latin America become an attractive market for the large Gringo, European and Japanese multinationals for the expansion of their businesses with the great profits that are generated in these economic activities.

The growth of the economy no longer occurs only around services but around the computer, software and telecommunications industry, using information technology, businesses are redesigned to make them more competitive. Organizational changes take great strides through information technology, this implies many layoffs, but at the same time, the possibility of creating other companies and new more agile and flexible businesses that adapt to the needs of their clients.

High technology is an important and strategic tool to manage the company, therefore it is important to learn how to use it because it has positively invaded many aspects of our environments and daily lives. Large industry could not operate today without technology and communications, the small business if it does not implement it is exposed to be lagged by strong competition. Today in the 21st century, it is impossible to compete without the support of information for decision-making, daily control of the company and analysis of the environment.

Today's company is based on creativity, self-motivation, commitment and responsibility to make decisions, that is, the empowerment that allows the total delegation of functions, make decisions without consulting senior management, act and generate quality individually. and as a team. Empowerment brings technology that must begin with the division of systems as a requirement to implement any change

Technology plays an important role in the competition for more customers by making the sales processes more agile with the installation of more modern cash registers, the barcode, electronic payments, self-payment systems through which the customer registers the products you buy. New technologies through databases allow you to know detailed information about each customer you seek, make more effective sales by making targeted promotions that reach your main customers in a personalized way.

A virtual company differs from another in that it implies knowledge of the characteristics of technology and its application to business, in addition, it must know the characteristics of the basic business, it must change the way of promoting and offering its products regardless of the geographical location of your customers and suppliers, you can carry out tasks through telework and use the electronic exchange of documents. if the company is physically successful it must grow and generate cash flow.


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Marketing and e-business in the digital economy