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Marketing model for real estate complexes

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In general, companies in the construction industry are usually associated as unprofessional; but in reality what defines them is not their size or their ability to manage themselves, but the simple fact that ownership and management are in the hands of one or more people who start it (family businesses).

This is the history of many companies in this field and mainly those that are dedicated to developing real estate complexes in the form of condominiums; They all have the peculiarity that they are dedicated to urbanizing tracts of land which will be destined for a market, which is more competitive day by day.

The idea that is perceived is to do business in a more orderly way, thus maximizing the benefits for the entrepreneur, helping the population to create orderly spaces in which to live; that is to say, places for housing with high indices of added value.

However, we believe that the success and growth of these businesses largely depend on the knowledge and talent of the people who run them.

What is required to achieve the successful implementation of real estate complexes? This question generates very complex situations and perhaps if there was a methodology that serves as a guide to follow the development process step by step, it would be easier. The purpose of this essay is to present a methodological structure that contributes and / or facilitates the procedures for the implementation of real estate complexes.

The first step that must be taken into account to start a business of this type is taken from the moment the land is selected where the real estate complex is to be developed.

This step includes aspects such as: the geographic location proposed for the project; access to communication routes; neighboring commercial establishments; the places of amusement and recreation; nearby schools and corresponding services.

These considerations cannot be taken lightly, since the land use that at any given moment can be given to the land will depend largely on this; and with particular importance, the unrestricted adherence to the municipal, state and / or federal development plans of the place where the real estate complexes are developed.

Once the land has been chosen, a business projection must be made to determine its viability, in the form of a Business Plan, including a Strategic Marketing Planning that includes: market studies, financial and fiscal projections, budgets (sales, costs, expenses), projected financial statements, investment risk measurement, etc.

Entering the matter, the real estate complexes that are developed in various parts of the national territory are classified based on a set of urban characteristics, as well as an adequate structuring and planning as stated below.

Urban typology:

In this section, the different urban scenarios in which real estate complexes can be focused are indicated.

From this delimitation, the measures applicable to the project to be implemented will be determined, depending on the different types of urban areas. It is highlighted that there are projects that can incorporate more than one scenario.

  • Mixed urban uses of high / medium density: Areas located in urban areas, especially in central or conurbation areas, with medium / high densities and with residential / commercial uses Social interest housing: Those that are carried out mainly through federal support programs low-density residential: Areas with a majority presence of low-density residential uses (especially single-family homes), adjacent to urban centers or forming isolated urbanizations and for a medium / high level.Historic Centers: Central areas of urban centers with characteristics and morphology typical of historical monuments.Rural Area: Rural-type settlements,forming small population centers or with dispersed settlement characteristics. Industrial: Areas of economic activity dedicated exclusively to industrial uses.

Involved personnel:

  • Administration: Area responsible for establishing an ideal framework, especially through urban and financial planning, to favor a sustainable development of urbanization projects. It will be responsible for the application of measures that exceed the specific limit of the area in which the urbanization project is located. Processor: Technical team in charge of developing the project, responding to the specifications of the developer as well as the existing legal requirements. Later the competent authorities will dictate the requirements so that the project can be carried out; Its intervention in the design and planning phase of the urbanization project is a decisive phase that will allow the application and subsequent development of environmental sustainability measures.He will also have direct intervention in the monitoring of the work process, and will be responsible for ensuring that the project is carried out as indicated in its design.Builder / Contractor: It will be responsible for the execution of the project. The possibility of contracting subcontractors must be taken into account, which must be subject to the same requirements as the main contractor. The builder / contractor will be responsible for the execution of the project according to the criteria set out in the project.Service supplier companies: The companies in charge of providing technical and energy services to the sector will play a prominent role in planning the different networks and in its execution.The technical restrictions imposed by these companies should be taken into account when planning the different networks. The sustainability criteria to be incorporated must be agreed upon prior to the execution of the urbanization works. Material manufacturers: will be in charge of supplying materials, products or machinery, and must be adapted to the sustainability criteria required in the project. Urbanization supervisor: Responsible for evaluating and monitoring the adequate adherence to what is authorized by the public agencies in charge of municipal works in the area of ​​which the sector is located.They will be responsible for the supply of materials, products or machinery, and must be adapted to the sustainability criteria required in the project Urbanization supervisor: Responsible for evaluating and monitoring the adequate adherence to what is authorized by the public agencies in charge of municipal works in the scope of which the sector is located.They will be responsible for the supply of materials, products or machinery, and must be adapted to the sustainability criteria required in the project Urbanization supervisor: Responsible for evaluating and monitoring the adequate adherence to what is authorized by the public agencies in charge of municipal works in the scope of which the sector is located.

Application stage:

This classification is categorized according to the stage of the project life cycle to which it refers. For this purpose we have considered the following stages:

  • Urban planning: Although this stage is usually prior to the urbanization project process, the zoning of the land must be carried out (soil density H1, H2, H3 and H4) and the planning of the infrastructure layout. So it supposes the general framework in which the urbanization project will be developed. For this reason, it is important, as far as possible, to foresee the sustainability measures that will be incorporated from this stage.Planning and preliminary work: In this stage, preliminary studies and analysis of the terrain will be carried out that will allow a characterization of the same. and they will determine the possibility or not of applying various measures, such as security, services, etc.This phase is key to obtaining an adequate knowledge of the starting situation of the land where the urbanization project will be located. Project Design / Drafting: In this phase, the descriptive and executive technical documentation of all the urbanization works is prepared, and therefore it will be the decisive phase for the integration of the different sustainability measures.Construction: It will constitute the execution of the project. The correct performance of this process and its adaptation to the guidelines set forth in the project will be key to the functionality of the planned sustainability measures. In this phase, various measures related to the work phase will be applied which, if they adhere to the specifications, will increase the degree of sustainability of the entire urbanization project. Maintenance and end of life:Throughout the life cycle of the project, various maintenance and management tasks will be necessary, which will have a special relevance in the durability of the effectiveness of the implemented sustainability measures.General considerations: Measures that affect everything in a global and transversal way the urbanization project Preliminary work: They refer to the actions and previous analysis to be carried out in order to characterize the land on which the urbanization project will be carried out.Preparation of the land: Preliminary actions to the actual construction in which they are carried out tasks of preparation and adaptation of the land on which the urbanization project will be developed.Vality and public space:This chapter includes all those measures that refer to the design of all public space or common areas, both at the level of roads and mobility, as well as at the level of green area design.Water: Measures related to the entire hydrological cycle of the project, and that encompass everything related to water management, from supply and sanitation networks, the management of drainage and rainwater capture and recycling for use in green areas and for washing paved areas. Chapter that includes the measures that affect the energy model, and that therefore, given the objective pursued with the improvement of the environment, will take special care in incorporating measures related to renewable energies,therefore we must think about replacing electrical energy with new energy, especially in public lighting within real estate complexes. This replacement would bring great benefits for the developer and consequently contribute to improving the environment.Telecommunications: Measures related to the telecommunications networks provided for in the project (telephony, internet, wi-fi, etc.) Green areas and ecosystems: Se This chapter considers those measures that refer to the design of green areas, as well as those related to the maintenance and conservation of certain ecosystems, including drip irrigation or other irrigation systems that allow the efficient use of water.:Chapter related to the urbanization project and the waste collection and treatment systems. All this aimed at improving the habitat of the environment, thus complying with the corresponding social responsibility.Execution of the works: Set of measures that refer to the environmental sustainability actions to be carried out in the execution phase of the urbanization works and its correct application, based on the scheduling of each stage of urbanization of the project.Management and maintenance of the sector: Measures that refer to the maintenance tasks and subsequent management before and after the delivery of the real estate complex. In this case it will be of great help that the time in which said development will be delivered can be estimated,Since the vast majority of developers do not contemplate this period and therefore it is burdensome to extend the delivery time, since the longer this period the maintenance costs of the real estate complexes will increase, reducing the profitability of the project.

The points mentioned above cover the vast majority of the possible scenarios of any urbanization project; These being of an enunciative but non-limiting nature, since without a doubt there may be variants not considered that warrant adjustments in any of their stages.

The real estate complexes at present have been the triggers in urban matters; That is why the vast majority of developers try to innovate this market, but the vast majority do not consider key elements that can represent mutual benefits, without this representing the detriment of the financial performance that each project in particular could have.

Knowledge in the field is a valuable tool to achieve success and to implement a successful planning of marketing strategies for the sale of housing units.

Developers of real estate complexes should consider these elements that in the future will represent the success of their projects.

On the other hand, it is desired to emphasize the unrestricted compliance with the legislation applicable to this branch; since the success of the urban project depends to a great extent on it. Failure to comply with such measures could be the cause of useless investments, lawsuits and loss of market.

Marketing model for real estate complexes