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Network marketing. Who is jim rohn?


If you want to know who Jim Rohn is, or you are a follower of this great leader and you want to know a little more about him and how he can help you through his books and audio programs, in this article you will find the information you are looking for.

His teachings such as the law of sowing and reaping, as well as Jim Rohn's law of averages, has influenced the lives of thousands of Network Marketing entrepreneurs, appearing in front of more than 6000 audiences and taking his message to more than 5 millions of people through their live performances, books and audio programs.

Who is Jim Rohn?

One of the leaders who most influenced my beginnings in Network Marketing was the famous entrepreneur, writer and motivational speaker, Jim Rohn. His simple way of explaining things is in my opinion one of his "secrets" to reach his audience. For example, to explain the subject of Responsibility, Jim says: “the same wind blows for all”, you are the one who drives the sailboat and decides its direction.

Jim Rohn has influenced the lives of many entrepreneurs willing to do whatever it takes to apply his teachings. Jim spoke to more than 6,000 audiences and carried his message to more than 5 million people through his live performances, books, and audio programs1.

His main audience was distributors of multilevel companies, highlighting those of Herbalife, a company that even pays a special tribute to Jim Rohn on its official site. Jim has also been instrumental in the careers of other motivational speakers, including Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, and Anthony Robbins2.

How can Jim Rohn and his teachings help you?

Jim passed away a couple of years ago, yet his teachings are still more alive than ever through his books and audio programs. Here are some of the most famous teachings, tips and philosophies that you can find in their programs:

- The law of averages:

If you do things often enough, you will get a number, a measure that may increase as you learn from your mistakes.

For example, if out of 10 presentations you only sponsor 1, you can become better than an expert who gives 10 presentations a month and sponsors 9. All you have to do is give 100 presentations in the same month and sponsor 10 people. you beat the expert!

- The law of sowing and reaping:

This is a story of the sower from the Bible adapted to the multilevel, Jim says that if you sow abundantly, you will reap abundantly. It also says that when you're sowing, not all the seeds are going to land on fertile ground, and that's okay, just as many of your prospects just aren't going to be interested.

Another part of the seeds will be eaten by the birds, as well as some of your prospects will be discouraged by negative comments from other people, but you should not waste time scaring birds, you must continue sowing, and in greater quantity than you these could be eaten… And so the story of the sower continues.

- Personal Philosophy:

Jim stresses that you work on your personal beliefs and philosophy. For example, he relates how he has always had a philosophy of eating well to stay healthy, this philosophy helped him by promoting his health products.

Another example that Mr. Rohn gives is that when you are just starting out in MLM and you are making about $ 1000 a month, don't quit your job to dedicate yourself fully to this. Because that way you have an EXTRA $ 1000 dollars that you earn at Part Time and that can make a big difference in your lifestyle.

Jim says quit your job when your income from your business is at least double what you earn from your job.

So now you know, Jim Rohn was a great leader who helped and continues to help thousands of distributors from different multilevel companies through his audio programs and books, and you can have the confidence that by following his advice you can take your business to fruition. destination.




Network marketing. Who is jim rohn?