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Network marketing and mlm multilevel marketing

Table of contents:


In this text you will find everything about Network Marketing (Network Marketing, MLM, Multi-level Marketing or Multi-level Business) why it is convenient to start in it, how to do it, tips and guides so that you have a resounding success in this type of business. It has made many people rich and, rest assured, it will make many more rich.

Currently Network Marketing is the best way to get wealth, anyway there are many ways to get money, but all have many more Cons than Pros. So visionary friend, I invite you to read this book that will surely change the perspective you have on how to get money, in addition to that, here you will be told how to do it so that like many people you also take advantage of the revolutionary opportunity that is presented to you.

Before I start I want to assure you that if you take some of your time to read this book to the end you will discover how to change your financial situation forever.


What is Network marketing and why is it recommended?

Also known as Multilevel Marketing, Network Marketing, Network Marketing or Network Marketing, it can be abbreviated as MLM, which stands for Multi Level Marketing. In most developed countries there is specific legislation that regulates this type of distribution.

When you recommend a product or service to someone, you are practicing MLM Marketing without even knowing it. The organized structures of Marketing MLM offer you the possibility of receiving good commissions for doing what you have always done: recommending what you liked to your acquaintances.

That is why it is important for you to first make sure whether or not you are satisfied with the products or services an MLM company offers to recommend.

Network marketing is one of the best Marketing systems that exist, thanks to that many companies such as AVON, MARY KAY, TUPPERWARE and HERBALIFE among others, have positioned themselves with surprising profits and exponential increases in their sales, coupled with extensive savings in Advertising, which is the key to multilevel, is a system in which companies avoid spending huge amounts of money on advertising to get customers. Instead, they generate a chain of independent distributors; working and paying them to promote a product or service and thus achieve a better distribution of their products, a faster growth in sales and savings in operating expenses.

With network marketing it does not matter when you enter, you will always have the same conditions as all other affiliates, and in this way the person who works the hardest and not who started first than the others earn more money. Also, in this system no matter what Level you are in, you will always have the same rules as everyone else in the organization and depending on your effort, it will be the amount of money you get. Network marketing is the only system that pays you for doing what you have always done all your life, recommending a product or service, it pays you to spread the word to others and it pays them to do the same.

Basically Network Marketing is a promotion system that many companies use and that gives affiliates the opportunity to recommend the service provided and earn money for that, so both the company and the people make a profit, this system is absolutely legal, and it is very different from the so-called "Pyramids" of which I will speak later, although even so there are people who appear to have a Network Marketing business when what they are looking for is to get affiliates to whom they take away their money and then disappear, for such It is important to first inquire for a company with a minimum of several years of experience in the market.

Network Marketing is especially recommended for those people who are in search of fortune and do not have money to invest, generally rich people are the only ones who have the ability to invest in large businesses that make them richer, but the average citizen It has a low capital, that is where Network Marketing is presented, since it is a system that for a minimal investment gives you a possibility of income of thousands of dollars in the medium term.

All the people who have started a Marketing business, and have dedicated themselves responsibly after a few years, become very rich people who achieve their financial freedom, that is, they do not have the need to work and continue to receive income.

The interesting thing about Network Marketing is that you get paid for the work you did a long time ago, I'll give you an example: a singer releases an album, and these people continue to receive money from sales even many years after seeing it released on the market. This is thanks to the fact that the product continues to be sold and the copyright of that album will always be owned by its author unless he sells them. The same happens with Network Marketing, because you have affiliated with a person you have that "copyright" and as in Network Marketing the product continues to be used month after month, you will always receive commissions for the work you did previously.

Another huge advantage that Network Marketing offers is its Multilevel system, which means that you not only receive money for the people you have affiliated with and who use your product directly, but you also receive commissions for the work of those people and many more in several levels below yours, so it is not necessary that you have tens or hundreds of people directly, since with an average of 5 for each affiliate you can obtain excellent income.

Network Marketing is a system that allows you to work at your own pace, a certain level of performance is never required of you, generally you must dedicate a good time to your business in the first months, since that is where the foundations are established For your secure income, after a few months your job is basically to review, although people who want more and more income usually continue with their daily and constant work, but the truth is I tell you that it is not necessary… that is the purpose of This type of business, that after a time of dedication that can be several years, you dedicate yourself to reap what you sowed and enjoy your life with constant income and that even if you do not work anymore they will be increasing month by month,because there are always new people and that means a majority network of affiliates who work to integrate more people who in turn will work for the same purpose as everyone.

Now, you may think that this is a great business opportunity that is within your capabilities, in fact it is, since the only thing you need to build your own income is a computer with Internet access and dedicate a little of your free time To build your new purpose, it is not necessary to be an expert, since Network Marketing is a system in which people are interested in helping you, when you start a Marketing business your sponsored 8 the person who is over you) takes care of train you, instruct their knowledge so that your success is as secure as possible since your success in the medium term represents theirs. For this reason, it is important to find a sponsor who has been in business for some time and who has the capabilities to provide you with what you need,promotional tools, advice, training, a professional website among other aspects.

Chapter 1:

About Network marketing.

What is the objective of Marketing?

Fundamentally, enter the market quickly, based on personal recommendation.

For this, MLM companies offer their clients or supporters the possibility of Earning money for the new clients that they contribute to the company, thus reducing the significant investments in advertising, and allocating a good part of these sums to their relationship marketing expenses. money.

Convinced that the satisfied customer is the best business agent, MLM companies offer attractive commission plans that elevate many of the people who are dedicated to creating the MLM business network to millionaires.

Why not all companies offer MLM channels?

Only companies that can serve a growing number of customers are able to ask. Rapid success has caused too many companies to disappear simply because they cannot meet exorbitant demand. The organization of the distribution and post-sale service processes are also key factors. Another key to the success of an MLM company is the rotation of its products: if these are bought month after month they produce lasting commissions to the MLM network, as opposed to those that finish their mission with a single sale.

Companies with the ability to successfully develop a good MLM network are divided into three large groups, and in many cases they belong to the first two simultaneously:

1. Those with large advertising campaigns developed and underway. These companies live immersed in the routine of traditional Marketing and it is difficult for them to change, although some have tried and even succeeded.

2. Those that have developed their own traditional or franchised commercial network.

3. Those who enter the new trends of an increasingly unfaithful market due to growing global competition. Some of these companies have realized that only through an independent network of motivated agents and in direct contact with the end customer can they build customer loyalty. They are the great MLM companies.

Who can successfully develop a Network Marketing?

Anyone with a vision of the future and can develop it. The investment is minimal and affordable to all economies, contrary to what happens in the world of franchises. The time required to work on building an MLM network is variable, and only you set the pace.

A constant dedication the first six months is recommended, although just one hour a day is enough. If you want to go faster and get good results in less time, all you have to do is double your dedication.

What do I have to do to be successful in Network Marketing?

The first thing is to make sure that the products or services that you are going to offer have a real utility and that they can be used as a promotional tool, that is, that they will be useful for your Purpose. The second thing is to read and understand all the information that the company will give you in the Starter Kit. That will make the second step easier. The third thing, letting yourself be helped by your coach and your sponsor. The former is usually a person with more experience than his sponsor and who started in the company before him. The second is the person who introduced you to the business, and even if they have been in the business for only a few days, they know more than you. Lean on your sponsor and find in your upline who can best help you to take your first steps, ask for help and lean on that person.

When is the best time to start in Network Marketing?

In my experience, the best time is now. The past no longer exists except in our memories, and the future is yet to be written. If you leave it for tomorrow, you must remember that by a simple rule of three, tomorrow never comes. Live in the moment and enjoy the new opportunity that life gives you. Don't forget that it may be your last… and maybe the best you ever had! The penetration range of Marketing is still less than 1% in the global market, so you could not be at a better time, since the bases are formed and the competition is little, if you have already heard about Network Marketing you will I recommend that you do not wait any longer and start as soon as possible, even if you wait to finish reading this book since there is still a lot of information that you must take into account before starting.

Network Marketing is legal?

Yes, it is totally and absolutely legal. Network Marketing is today an industry that involves millions of independent businesses and constitutes the ONLY VALID ALTERNATIVE today for the creation of multiple businesses at an international level without financial risks.

Marketing is a business in which some type of product is received and constantly paid for it, which makes it a trading system in which you can be a buyer and seller, seeking to be above all a seller than a buyer for make excellent profits.

Can I be successful in Network Marketing working part time?

Absolutely. That is very common. You can start building your Network simply by using your non-productive time, that is, your free time, as a basis and without leaving your main source of income. However, you can continue indefinitely on a part-time job. But in time… what would you do if you were free to do whatever you wanted? This is the reason why I have started this economic project. Freedom, since in the medium or long term there will come a time when you will not have to work anymore and dedicate yourself to receiving money month after month and year after year for the work you have already done.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of time on this, many people who have started dedicate an average of only 1 hour a day or whatever is within their capabilities, I do recommend that a minimum of 1 hour a day or more if possible, since the more time the faster the results will arrive.

Network Marketing is a pyramid?

Definitely not.

In pyramid systems, income is generated by inserting money into the network, or by progressive increase in price without product. Whoever enters first will win based on whoever enters next. In Network Marketing, income comes from the distribution of profits as a result of the sale of products, and the date you start is not decisive for your success. No matter what day you joined, success is up to you. A pyramid tends to collapse after a while, while Network Marketing the more time it spends, the more credited it is and the more confidence it instills in the new affiliates since they are before an experienced company that is more solid every day.

Some people mistake multilevel marketing systems for pyramid schemes simply because of the shape of the organization. This is really absurd. The difference is not in the form, it is in the way they work. ALL ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURES ARE PYRAMIDAL! Any private or public company, educational, the government, any ministry, the armed forces, banks, etc., even our family tree, are pyramidal. EVERYONE! Let's take an example: A large traditional commercial company has a President, 2 or 3 Vice Presidents, 6 to 8 Sectional Directors, 20 to 30 Heads of Departments… and so on until reaching 1,000 or 2,000 employees and workers. A purely pyramidal structure. The same happens with our own Network Marketing organization.

Where is the difference? In the traditional commercial company, the President is the one who earns the most, and simply because he is the one who tells the Vice Presidents what to do, and from then on the positions in each hierarchical level earn less salary than the level above, until reaching the employees and workers who are the ones who earn the least.

In this system, could a worker ever earn the same salary as the President of the company? Of course not. In addition, on average, administrative positions are remunerated with only 25% of what they are really worth, since the rest of the money is needed for other expenses. On the contrary, in the Multilevel systems ANYONE has the same opportunity to achieve the highest income, since this will depend on their personal interest and effort and not on what the Compensation Plan says. In practice, it is often the case that people who joined the company later earn much more than others who joined earlier. Taking all this into consideration, it can be affirmed that Multilevel systems are more ethical than traditional systems,since they "democratize" the profits instead of concentrating them in a few hands.

I have no talent to sell. Is Network Marketing For Me?

You don't need to know how to sell. You only have to recommend the product or service and the business. Your network creation will occur due to Duplication (you already do this normally:

Recommend things to friends that you like, even though they usually don't pay you for it.)

In Internet Marketing your success does not depend on sales, but on how much you promote your business, through ads, banners, signatures, links that take people to your website where everything is explained to them is that you get and build your network. Your sponsor will train you and provide you with tools and guides on what you must do, in order to make your success in your new business a reality.

How important is it to affiliate?

No matter how smart, wealthy, energetic or dynamic we are, all our activity is limited to 24 hours / day. By sponsoring, you can overcome this situation. This sponsorship process is the most important act for success. In time you will have dozens or hundreds of people sponsoring on your behalf and with their time. Also the benefits of sponsorship are immense: If you are sick, the effect of Duplication continues. If you are on vacation, the effect of Duplication continues. It will even continue to grow with or without you.

Should I join many people?

NO. You can (if you want) simply sponsor one person, two, or those who are within your reach, every month that number of people will grow and your network will be huge.

Personally, I know the case of a person who decided to start in Network Marketing, although he was not a very intelligent or hard-working person, today he has an excellent income of a few thousand dollars, this is because when registering he He commented to his best friend, who began to investigate better and decided to join under him, this person was not an expert, but like all those who start a Marketing business, little by little, he expanded, starting with a network of no more than 3 people, but he was gaining experience just like the people he affiliated, he constantly affiliated with more… of course his friend who did not work obtained earnings from the work of another. My purpose is not to encourage irresponsibility and to make believe that everyone will have the same fate,the most important thing is to generate income with your own effort and constant work. My purpose is to demonstrate the enormous advantage of Network Marketing since you are not alone and the more affiliates you have, the more people will be working for you.

If Network Marketing is so good, why don't more people get involved?

By a: WRONG CONCEPT. Many people do not know what Marketing is, or they simply have a totally different idea of ​​what it is.

In general, the human being does not stop receiving information and analyzing it later. People do not understand the concept and the full potential for which to partner with the business. Only 0.5% of the population is involved. However, the Specialists predict that it will reach 10% in the next 5 years. This is the time for you to do a good analysis and work from today, from now on.

It is the moment of the Vision, the great trends always go to more.

I was already in a Marketing business and I had no results.

That may happen. Network Marketing is not different from any other project that we have done in life. There are successes and failures. They are consequences that entrepreneurs already know. Success requires knowledge and preparation. Success requires discipline, goal determination, persistence, consistency. In my opinion, DISCIPLINE is the strongest factor for success. Discipline means having thoughts and habits directed toward a clear goal. Thomas Alva Edison failed 1,040 times before inventing the lamp. However, he referred to that fact as a success. Edison said: I discovered 1,040 ways that lamps do not work. And you? You discovered a way that Network Marketing didn't work for you.Will you at least try to experiment again? For this reason, it is important to be clear: affiliate with a solid and recognized company, and do so under a trained person so that he can fully advise and guide you to success.

It goes without saying that to have results it is necessary to be instructed and trained in order to become a great connoisseur of the field that is penetrating.

If I want to sponsor someone from another country, is it possible?

Of course. Network Marketing can be developed anywhere in the world where the internet is, thanks to the fact that the system is worldwide it is possible to have affiliates everywhere, in the case of Global Domains International, you can do it thanks to the fact that the system is in multiple languages. In addition to that, the payment methods to receive and send your money are worldwide.

I don't have time to start Network Marketing

All successful people are very busy. Successful people don't have free time.

Normally all of us have downtime and that time can be spent building your network. That time has one goal: BUILD YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

Specifically, Network Marketing creates this life choice. It is his life. It is your decision. The best part is that we have Auto-responders that basically do the work for us, in addition to a website where people can find out. His daily job is to promote his business and answer people's questions.

Only the former earn money.

Another totally erroneous concept spread by people with mental fragility and a tendency for failure, who believe and take advantage of it as a resource for non-action. We usually regret, we all have OPINIONS (they are like the navel: we all have one). In Network Marketing, anyone who starts today has the opportunity to earn much more money than someone who entered several years ago, this is thanks to the fact that everyone has the same opportunities, even today we have more promotional tools than those that were in the beginning, so this is the perfect time to start building your financial freedom.

It was saturated. Everyone knows it

Another misconception. Only 13 million people took advantage of this opportunity in the world. Is it saturated? Do you think? Why believe in such absurdity? Millions of embryos are in gestation today. Do you think they already heard about Network Marketing? Millions of young people are not coming of age. Do you think everyone heard this concept? Do you think all adults have heard this concept? Well, you are probably getting first acquainted with this concept yourself. Now you know that "saturated" is just a thought, not a reality. Currently the penetration range of Network marketing continues to be an average of 1% worldwide, today there are about 900 million people connected to the internet,How many of those people do you think have heard of Network Marketing? Very few truth. It is also forecast that by 2015 that number will grow to more than 3,000 million people, so you could not be at the best time, since the system is becoming known and it will only begin its great expansion.

I have friends who were in a Marketing business and they didn't get results.

Of course. The statistics exist. How many young people have started university studies and how many of them finish them? When the other young people verify these results, do they allow themselves to be influenced? "Impossible" and "give up": these words are not part of the WINNERS 'vocabulary. Are they part of your vocabulary? I can assure you that those people who once tried to start a Marketing business without success were not well educated or did not have the purpose of getting ahead, because if you think that you should just sit and wait for the money you are in error, In this type of business, you should at least dedicate some of your free time to making financial freedom a reality, in which case you can sit back and receive money for the work done.

Is there literature on the subject?

YES. Network Marketing is today an economical option with credibility. There are countless books on the subject. Many magazines mention it: Sucess, Forbes, Marketeer, Value, Exame, Network Marketing, etc. The prestigious Wall Street Journal in a recent article predicted that in about 5 years 60% of the products in the United States will be marketed under Network Marketing systems. The magazine "CECU", edited by the Confederation of Consumers and users from Spain, in its No. 73 (March-April 2000) published an interesting demarcation between multilevel and pyramids. Network Marketing is today a subject in the Faculties of Economics of several Universities (Harvard, Yale and Chicago among others).

Do I need prior knowledge?

No. The only thing you have to do is let yourself be instructed, when starting a Marketing business you will have a sponsor (Sponsor) in which you will be in charge of your training in order for your Success to be as safe as possible, in addition to that you very You will surely investigate and inform yourself before starting, so you will already have previous knowledge about the operation of the business.




Let's talk now about the system which represents a huge advantage in Network Marketing, the reasons are:

- Work: This is done for a while and income is obtained forever… that's right, in Network Marketing you can work for a certain time, and depending on what you did, even if it was little, you will receive commissions for that work, I'll give you an example so that you can understand it better: a singer for example Michael Jackson releases a new musical album, it took him 1 year from its inception to its publication, for that year of work he will receive money for life… do you know why? Very simple, it is thanks to the system, because your product continues to sell even many years later, it continues to receive commissions for copyright, exactly the same happens in Network Marketing, you build your network of affiliates who constantly pay for a product that you sold,And thanks to the fact that you have that copyright for having been the one who referred that person, you receive money forever and this in turn receives money from other people who bought your product that has been expanding. In a current job you receive 1 month's salary if you work 1 month, in Marketing you work 1 month and you earn forever, so this is a great method of electronic commerce which is within your reach.

- THE product: This is another enormous advantage of Network marketing, since if your product is delivered immediately via the Internet you can generate many sales, in addition to that you pay instantly for purchase through credit cards or intermediaries, but perhaps you are thinking, what could I sell online? Just imagine the enormous commerce that exists on the internet, there are websites that sell music, premiere videos, electronic books (E-Books), software, in general anything you have on your computer can be bought and sold online, but something very important is to find a good product, I do not recommend selling software or any of the aforementioned, firstly because many of these things can be obtained for free if you search well, secondly the product must be something that you can use to implement it in your business,Later in chapter 9 you will learn about a good product of excellent marketing, which can help you start your own Network Marketing on the internet.

- Help: Network Marketing is a system of much mutual help, unlike for example a company in which your boss tells you: "If you don't produce sales I will be forced to fire you" in Network Marketing you have people from your same Network as your sponsor and Upline (sponsor of your sponsor etc.) which are also willing to help you, they will tell you something totally different from what the head of your company would tell you, they will tell you: “if you are not capable of producing Results come and I will teach you to produce them ”… You see the improvement.

This is because in this system the success of these people depends on your success, so that if you fail they will be more likely to fail as well, for that reason Network Marketing is called a system for people who like it. help other people, if you help a person to train and become well informed and provide tools and support material in addition to your experience, that person could represent thousands of dollars for you in the long run, now that you will not be in this system Only, in addition to your Upline, a serious Network Marketing company has an advisory area, where you can request help or information as many times as necessary and you will never get buts for it, on the contrary,In my personal case, I am happy when a person asks me about their concerns because there they are showing their true interest in starting their new business.

The circumstances:

I imagine you are wondering what those circumstances are…

- Expansion: you might think that Network Marketing is infested or that everyone already knows it, until this question, how long ago did you first hear about Network Marketing? Most likely, very recently, currently the penetration point of Network Marketing on the internet is an average of 1%, which indicates that there are millions of people who do not know about this revolutionary business, of around 900 million people who There are currently in the world with Internet access, it is estimated that only 13 million know about this system, and that for the next few years the figure will increase to 3000 million, so it is a market of potential clients, but this has already been discussed in the chapter 1 and my purpose is not to repeat the same, just to clarify the advantages

- The opportunity: maybe you are not aware of it but you have a great opportunity to improve your income and change your financial situation forever, think about how many of your friends know about this type of business, I imagine that very few or maybe none In my personal experience, when I started in Network Marketing, I told my friends and family first of all, and thanks to the fact that these people trust me because they decide to start too, and they also have friends to whom to comment, remember that you know to your friends, but not to all the friends of your friends, what I try to show you is that your market is not limited only to the internet, it can also be expanded by word of mouth. Now the great opportunity you have is to start in your community as many people have done,as you are the first to implement this method, all the people who enter with you will generate income for you, which indicates an even greater range of success.

- Accreditation: a few years ago talking about Network Marketing was something totally new, nobody knew about it. But we could not be at a better time, just when Marketing has been expanding and has been recognized as a business system that is even taught in universities to students of finance, marketing, etc. On the other hand, there are too many people who do not know it and there is a lot of space in which to develop a business of this type without competencies, thanks to the fact that the system is accredited, now people can find a lot of information about Network Marketing and become better informed, by Like this book, there are many more that make it known, so this is another huge advantage that is presented.

The tools

A good Marketing company provides its affiliates with tools that they can use to promote their business, depending on the product these may vary, although all are based on internet promotion tools, guides, methodologies, training, direct advice, also software, auto responders, videos and presentations that they can use for other people to see, among others. In addition, some more specialized users provide tools designed by themselves in order to expand more and help their affiliates, in my case I have designed tools that are very useful for all my affiliates and that other people do not provide because they have not proposed design them, or their sponsors have not facilitated much.

The purpose of the tools is to make the person's job easier and more comfortable, so that it is safer to attract new prospects who may be interested and informed through all this. Many people who start their Marketing business do not know very well what they should do, thanks to the guides and advice, these people can be very clear about their daily work, how to do it in the best way and the most important thing is to achieve the success.

Financial Freedom

This is the greatest advantage that Network Marketing offers us, the opportunity to achieve our financial freedom in the medium or long term, which can be represented in a few years.

Thanks to the Marketing system, as surely you have already understood, we can work for a period of time and rest for the rest of our lives, so that this is a complete reality, the most important thing is to build a large affiliate network and be part of a company with at least 5 years of experience, solid and fully accredited, in this way you will have your income assured for life, since this company is never going to end. This is due to the fact that in the first years of initiation, marketing companies have to face great challenges and only between 1% and 2% of this survive, now if you affiliate with a new company in the market, it is possible that not results, it ends and you lose your effort… in this way you will never obtain a permanent income when not even the company is permanent.

You may think that it is necessary to work too much to build a potential income, but in reality the secret is to know how to promote, even when you enter only one new affiliate per month, and this one is in charge of doing the same is more than enough for your purpose. is achieved, think How difficult is it to enroll one person per month? Thanks to the existing promotion systems, even if you work an average of 1 to 2 or 3 hours a day, you will get a lot of prospects, which you must attend and advise entirely, do you think that that way you will not be able to enter at least 1? I can bet you that yes, personally I have seen people who even they did not think they could do it, but thanks to their education they have not only joined a new affiliate per month, but 3, 4, 5 and more.

Now you know the system, and the way in which you can achieve your financial freedom, all the people who have started a Network Marketing business with dedication and perseverance, after 5 - 10 years have become very rich people, who can dedicate yourself to enjoying life and receiving income month after month, year after year, thanks to the fact that people buy and sell the product in the same way… Let me advise you, start your own business, be an independent person, give yourself a chance to achieve your dreams and get your financial freedom.



Now I am going to specify how money is obtained through this system.

You acquire a product, which you have to distribute, and at the same time more people can become distributors through you, you acquire the product that you sell them and they in turn sell it to other people who also sell it, you being A distributor has the great advantage of making money not only for your sales, but also for those of your affiliates and those of the affiliates of your affiliates and so on for a certain number of levels.

All well-established companies have a compensation plan, which they implement.

For you to get money you must go through a process of stages:

1- Get informed, get advice and have knowledge about the business you want to start, looking for a useful product that can serve the purpose you want to achieve.

2- After knowing the opportunity and investigating a little more in this, the beginning stage begins, where you affiliate with a qualified sponsor who can advise you and provide you with everything you need to achieve your success.

3- now begins the training stage, in which you receive valuable information that generally is provided to unaffiliated people, at this time you will learn the most important tips, promotion methodologies, work guides, in general you will find your business system, in this stage is where you define the method you will use to build your income for life, this perhaps one of the most important stages, as you go from your ideas and points of view, to the systems recommended by all the greatest experts, you will discover in which your daily work consists, so that you do not have to improvise because you are told what to do and you do it your way.

4- the next stage is construction, this is where you design your business strategy and something very important… Your website is known by everyone that to gain insight what you need is a page where you publicize the business and where people can find out, basically the page does the work for you, since it is the one that does the work of the presentation, usually a marketing company or your sponsor gives you that page, also with the possibility of creating one your taste with the tools they provide, although this is only necessary in case you want something totally different, although it is only necessary to make small changes guided by your advisor that may already be included.

5- stage 4 will not give results without this stage, which is definitely the most important, in this stage is where you are responsible for implementing what you have learned and what you do is promote your business, currently there are a great diversity of methods, which can go From your Messenger to professional promotion systems which attract hundreds of new prospects, remember that your territory is not only on the Internet, with your friends, family and acquaintances you can promote enormously, all this is taught to you in the training stage after going through these 5 stages your daily work will focus on stage 5, since you must constantly promote and serve your prospects, you can use various tools that make your work easier, basically you must solve people's doubts, clarify their concerns,Since after informing people they always want to clarify some aspects, for all that it is important to have at their disposal various methods through which people can contact you, you must have emails, Messenger, Skype, leave your phones available, you will realize that many people contact you looking for more information.

Now you know how to make money through Network Marketing, it is not something that is out of your reach, anyone can do it, this type of system is designed so that ordinary people with minimal knowledge obtain extra income and even obtain their financial freedom, all with dedicating some of your free time, this is the only system in the world that allows people without a large amount of money to invest, make excellent profits.



Now I am going to explain you a little better how this system works.

Network Marketing is a network system, that is, it has people above and below you, those who are above you are your sponsors and are people who started before you, those who are below are the people you affiliated, for each People that you enter your Network you will get a certain commission, this person will do the same as you, add more people to your Network and these in turn will seek to add more people to their Networks, the interesting thing is that you not only earn commissions for affiliating people directly, also earn for the people that your affiliates affiliate and those that they affiliate and thus for a certain number of descending levels.

To better show you how it is look at the following graph:

Pretend that you are the person at the head of the graph, and you affiliated a small group of people, these in turn affiliated more and these more, in a few levels down that number will multiply and each time the number of people in your network will get bigger and bigger.

That does not mean that the person above you has a number of levels greater than yours.

In general, Marketing companies handle a range of 4 - 5 levels in which you receive nightgowns, because if you received commissions towards infinity, the system would support us to distribute nightgowns among other people.

I'll give you an example: someone built a Network with a certain number of affiliates in its 5 descending levels, of course it can have a sixth level, a seventh and many more, but this person only receives commissions for 5 levels. For each direct or indirect affiliate this person receives a certain percentage, say 10%, if a person in himself 5 descending level acquires the product for 10 dollars, each person in the 5 levels higher than the one from whom he purchased the product They will receive a 10% commission, that is, of the 10 dollars that this person paid, 5 dollars (50%) went to a person in their superior level in equal parts of 10% to each, the other 50% is destined for the company for things like: bonus payments (if you have a bonus program),payment to company employees (a Marketing company may have many employees, consulting areas, customer service, administration, accounting, in general everything that makes the proper functioning of the company possible), payment of taxes, extra investments etc.

If you find a Marketing company that offers more than 50% or 60% in commissions, you may be facing a fraudulent company that tries to get people and then disappear.

Network Marketing is a business system that, as you can see, is very well established and is absolutely legal.

It is not necessary that you have dozens of people in your first descending level, with a few people who are in charge of having a few each and gowns to do the same, in the medium or long term your network will grow exuberantly, a single person could represent for you thousands of dollars at a given time, for this reason it is very important that when you obtain an affiliate you dedicate yourself to informing, advising, training him in the best way in order to make this person's success as secure as possible, since in his success there is yours.

Now look at this graph, here it is shown how few people in an affiliate network can multiply in a matter of a few levels, they will also have their range of 5 descending levels, but the fifth level of an affiliate that is in your third level to say so It would be your eighth level, but you do not receive commissions since you have up to 5 levels down after you, all this due to the reasons already explained in the previous paragraphs.

You might think, how can a Marketing company have control of so many people and allocate the exact commission to each one?

This is the enormous advantage of the internet, thanks to that you can use a fully automated system that places you in a certain place and maintains control over all your affiliates and the affiliates of your affiliates in order to allocate the correct payment to each one, upon entering to a marketing company you will have a control panel in which you can have a record of everything, see your affiliates, their data, and those of their affiliates, see your commissions, see the balances and be aware of everything without losing any data, you can also make all the adjustments you need to your account.



Starting your Network Marketing business with a fully accredited and recognized company is crucial for your success, from experience I can tell you that what people are looking for most is security and guarantees, starting your business in a company that is just in its infancy does not promise you many results, since you have no way to endorse what is offered since the company does not have a history that can attest to it.

It is like when a person seeks employment in a company, if this person does not have a resume showing their experience and knowledge that proves their potential efficiency, you can be sure that the company will choose another option, that is the problem today nowadays, all types of work require experience. Network Marketing is one of the few businesses that I can list that does not require experience, although we as potential clients do demand that the company have it.

That is why you should look at a series of data about the company that can give you security, such as: its history, its statistics, its potential customers (if it has them) and something very important and as I have already mentioned is that this company has a minimum of several years of market penetration. People who seek information about a company always resort to looking for more information about it on the internet, but what do you think they would think if they did not really find much?

At the beginning of any type of business on the internet, not necessarily Network Marketing, people are very careful and distrustful, since there are many types of businesses of which caution must be exercised, because you can get scammed, some people are dedicated to create false "Network Marketing" where they present everything very well, show experience, years of accreditation, clients that are certainly not real, and all in order to attract the unwary who believe in this type of proposal, that is where you have the possibility of investigating, but if in fact it is so accredited there should be a lot of information on the subject, which jumps everywhere. Other people do not necessarily have bad intentions, they think to venture being pioneers and starting a new business from scratch,but in reality the probability that it will expand is 1%, starting a business from its roots requires not only desire, it takes great knowledge and experience, as well as a large investment, since many things are necessary, in addition to the issues legal so that everything is in order, starting in this type of new companies only leaves you 2 options, the first is to become a successful and wealthy person, and the second is to waste your time and money… Which of the 2 options do you think It is more likely?the first is to become a successful and wealthy person, and the second is to waste your time and money… Which of the 2 options do you think is more likely?the first is to become a successful and wealthy person, and the second is to waste your time and money… Which of the 2 options do you think is more likely?

I tell you that option 2 is 99% more likely to occur, people who start the foundations of a company require a lot of dedication, investment and hard work, in an accredited company the hard work is already done, the methods, the tools already exist, the guides, the experience and a recognized market, in which your work can be much easier thanks to its enormous potential for accreditation.

So let me tell you 3 things.

1- do not try to start a Network Marketing business from scratch, currently you do not have the possibility to compete, unless your product is something revolutionary, but this would require a huge economic investment, studies and experience, in addition to that you must hire many people, dedicate yourself full time, and I assure you… it is not to discourage you, but I highly doubt that you can achieve it.

2- Take a good look when looking for your Marketing business, never start in a company that cannot fulfill what it offers, accreditation and market penetration is the most important thing that ensures your progress 3- If you really want to build your financial freedom Your best option is to start a Marketing business, making sure that everything is safe, legal, reliable and that the product is adequate, so do a lot of research and take your time to make the best choice.

I clarify something, you may wonder why I talk about starting a Marketing business from scratch, I do this because I have seen people who believe that this is the simplest thing in the world and that that way they will become rich, they are ignorant people who do not give themselves Given the enormous effort required to do so, the best option is to start at the best of all, and take advantage of the fact that the penetration of this type of business worldwide is minimal, since there are many of us and we are more and more, for every 40 A thousand people born 2 start in this type of business, so your opportunity could not present itself at a better time where the internet reaches more and more parts of the world and begins to become a service as common and indispensable as having water and electricity.



To start a Marketing business it is not necessary to be an expert, actually people with minimal knowledge do it and generate positive results, the key is to be well informed.

We go in parts and from the beginning:

1- Somehow you find out about a Marketing business (either because you looked for it on the internet, you found it by chance, or other people told you, etc.)

2- You must have an open mind to the proposals that may arise and not draw conclusions or ideas that may give you a wrong perspective of what it really is

3- Now what you do is inform yourself, very surely they present the business to you, in a document with graphics, videos, examples etc… You must analyze well the information that is presented to you until you can understand well and handle a concept of what is about.

4- You must make sure that the company's product is adequate and useful, since you may find products that have no real importance and it would be a mistake to acquire it because you would waste your time.

5- Once you are informed and see that the proposal is pleasant for you, it is very important to investigate, I always advise to be sure about what you are trying to do, due to scams, illegal pyramids and confusion that exists around business You have to be well informed online, since not all of them are illegal and can represent an excellent income opportunity. One way to investigate the company is to use search engines (Google, Yahoo, Altavista, etc.) if the business opportunity is real you will find much more information, pages and web pages of people who have already started there, usually the pages They are different, so you can enter others where you can find more information, you must search well, since if it is a scam you will find stories of people who have been scammed,the aspects to take into account are:

- the company must be recognized and find abundant information about it

- this must have at least 5 years of market penetration since new companies usually disappear or go bankrupt in the first years

- You must find information that demonstrates the legality, effectiveness and safety of this company. You can search for the compensation plan or any data that indicates that everything is correct

NOTE: A trusted business usually presents a Web page where everything is specified: history of the company, legal issues, frequently asked questions, compensation plan, how the company works, the product, forms of payments and collections, complete data and information about the person behind that website, testimonials, etc.

Personally I have come across many pages that are not clear, it has a simple presentation that does not reveal much and does not even have any of the topics I have just listed, this type of "unspecified" product is just one empty offer.

6- After you have investigated and corroborated the security of the company, you proceed to contact a person who can advise you (in case of joining this person would be your sponsor, for this reason you must find a person who has good knowledge and this in the ability to guide you properly, since if he gives you a simple instruction, you will not know what to do and your success will not be very close to what we say), You should tell this person about any doubts you may have, so that you may or may not be sure of the business, product, system and company.

7- After knowing the product, inquiring about the company, investigating legal and security matters is the moment in which you analyze and think if there is really a potential profit, in this way there is nothing left but to join and put into practice the stages of how to get money through Network Marketing.



In this chapter I will place special emphasis on what you should do after starting a Network Marketing Business so that you implement it and your success is on the right track

1- Get trained: First of all, you must inform yourself absolutely about the business, the system, clarify any possible doubts that you still have, in general you must have extensive knowledge that you can use to attract new customers, since if you do not introduce people The business in a good way is very likely to be customers that you lose, personally I know a wide variety of businesses that could have a potential market, but due to poor presentation, poor advice from the people involved and other factors these are not come progress.

In general, the first thing you should do after starting a Network Marketing business is to complement the knowledge you acquired in the information and research stage, so that when it comes to serving a prospect you do not lose it for lack of providing a adequate advice.

2- Adequacy of a Website: It is vitally important to have a professional website or one that is at least well designed with everything necessary for an adequate presentation of the business, usually a company and / or responsible sponsor gives you a page Fully made website, to which you only have to modify your data or make the edits you want, it is very easy to edit a website and practically no type of experience is required to do it, it can be done from Word to specialized programs in Web design Although the company or sponsor will be in charge of helping you with that depending on the page they provide you.

In case they do not provide you with a web page, as there are many ways to make a web page without the need to be an expert, actually making a page is very easy, to show you how easy it is to create one do the following: Open Word, then write something and attach an image to it, then give it save, before hitting "Save" in the "Type" tab select "Web Page (*.htm *.html)" now if you save it and name it "index" (in this way it will be your main page) after that you can edit it as many times as you want and add links to hours sections which you create with Word but you give them another name. Look, you've already made your first web page.

Another method is to download free templates, you can write in google "Download free web templates" I'm sure you will find a great variety, then you can edit them and add the information that is necessary.

You can also make a more professional website through web designers like mlmcomposer in which you can design your website using very professional templates and easily without experiences, although it could cost you a few dollars, I only advise this option if you definitely did not get any of the above.

It is important that you have an autoresponder that attends to prospects for you, this is responsible for automatically sending information to an email account once it is requested. My recommendation is GetResponse, which offers an efficient and free service since what many of us are looking for is to save and not have to invest in extras.

3- Promotion: this step is important NOT to do it before the previous ones, since you do not have to have something to promote and if you are not trained it is likely that you will not do a good promotion, as in the previous steps in this your sponsor and The company also plays a very important role, since they guide you in your promotion process, they must provide you with advertising material, presentation videos, instructional documents among other materials, in addition to the promotion method. The promotion method is the one on which you will be based on guiding yourself in your promotion, in a responsible company they would never leave you to your fate since you do what you can, the correct thing is to tell you how to do it, by placing ads, with web traffic systems, with viral systems,with tips and advice that make your level of prospects the right one to get a good level of clients, best of all, most of the methods that I know and that I can provide are free, so you don't have to invest money on them unless you want to highlight them more as is the case with ads.

If you are a person who has some money to invest, I recommend using Google Adwords, This system allows you to make yourself known in google searches, highlight your website in the first places and pay an average of 30 to 60 cents per visit to your website, so that you would be paying a relatively low price for a potential client.

With regard to the traffic exchange system, I could recommend you especially to SellerOnline and Supervisitas with this system you can promote your website by visiting that of other people who handle Internet businesses and who possibly do not know about yours, so if you You visit other people's websites for a few seconds, the system will direct visits to your website, this is similar to pay-per-click systems.

You can also create a free Blog where you can put information about your business, if you know people who have a forum, website, blog, spaces, etc. You can contact them and offer to put a banner or link to their site in order that they also do the same, in this way you will get visits and possible prospects.

Another great method that is widely used is the widely used Messenger, I personally tell you that I have found people for my business in this way, you can use a striking Sub-Nick that encourages people to ask you about the business opportunity, in addition to attaching a sign in your emails, so that when you send one people see your information at the end.

The probable thing that you know a forum, currently there are thousands of discussion forums in which a topic is discussed, if you are a member of one you can edit your user profile to include a signature at the end of each of your messages, this way when If you participate, other people can see the information you include there.

Your market is not limited only to the internet, you can promote it by word of mouth, with your friends, family, you can comment on them, you can also put ads in newspapers, flyers, enterprising people who really seek their financial freedom carry out many promotional methods You don't need to do them all, many people have succeeded with just one or two, the key is to be consistent and persistent.

A really important advice, if you do not invest, you do not earn, in Network Marketing it is essential to invest, and it should not necessarily be money, investing time and dedication in promotion in training you and in everything that makes your business prosper is essential.

Your daily job in a Marketing business is to promote your business, I advise you to keep a schedule on routine activities, so you can keep everything more organized and be consistent with your promotional methods.



You already know everything about Network Marketing, now it is in your hands to take advantage or not of this magnificent business opportunity, but it is very unlikely that you know a company with the necessary requirements to join, but I recommend one, Global Domains International. I am an Independent representative of this company, that is, I am a person who decided to join thanks to the excellent system of this company, if you decide to affiliate with me, you will not only have what the company can provide you but also with the additional resources that I have I have been designing, I will also give you a fully made website just like mine (www.dinerosite.ws) and adequate with your data, so that you can start generating income immediately.

Global Domains International, Inc. (GDI) It is the company that I recommend the most, it complies with everything necessary that I advise in this book, we can highlight that:

1. It has experience: the company has existed since 1999 so we can highlight many years of experience and penetration, the company is totally solid, safe and reliable. GDI is a fully accredited company, you can find a lot of information about the company so that your potential clients can see a reliable market.

2. It has an excellent product: GDI It is a company that has the exclusive right to commercialize.WS domains so that its product is a domain name accompanied by additional emails associated with this domains (for example [email protected]). 100Mb of space, 10Gb of traffic, design tools, etc. This is a perfect product, since it can be delivered via the Internet immediately to any part of the world and the most important thing is that it can be used for the same purpose, you can use the web page that is given to you to promote this same business, so that It is a product that can be used for the purpose of promoting it.

3. GDI is an absolutely responsible company par excellence, it has an advisory area in which they collaborate with any problem that arises in the shortest possible time via email. In addition to that, as your sponsor, I fulfill the task of advising you with my knowledge entirely, so that here you will never be alone and your chance of success is very great.

Now, you are going to begin the information process in which you will know everything about GDI, obviously I will accompany you in this process, at the end you will find my information so that you can contact me and be able to provide advice personally and without any kind of commitment.

To begin your information process, the first thing you should do is download this document in which you are explained step by step about Global Domains International, Inc. This document is an adaptation of what you can find on my website (www.dinerosite.ws) download it ACA.

Once you have read that document, which includes links to explanatory videos, audio conferences and direct links to www.dinerosite.ws, you will have a clear idea about GDI, and you will be ready to begin the research stage (in the document you will find very important information about GDI which is part of your investigation and information verification process).

After you inform yourself you can register directly through www.dinerosite.ws in the registration section, after your affiliation your information process will begin in which I will teach you everything about GDI and basically you will be an expert and will have access to the Same knowledge that I handle, which I will pass on to you (you will not have to create a web page since I provide you with a totally professional design, of course you can make the edits you want to give it your own touch).

After you get informed, join, get trained and put your website into operation (adjusting and setting up your website is done in one day even when you have absolutely no experience) you start promoting your business, I provide you with many promotional tools, guides etc. That make your work more comfortable.

As you can see, I offer you the knowledge, the advice, the opportunity, the means and everything you need to implement what you have learned in this book and start in the best Network Marketing business, you will have permanent support from me and I will do everything possible. so that your success is as secure as possible.

I thank you for having accompanied me throughout this text, and I really hope that you have decided to invest some of your free time to build your financial freedom thanks to this business system, I have shown you the method, the information, I have given you the opportunity and the media, now the decision is in your hands and depends only on you and your effort to build your economic freedom, since here no previous studies or knowledge are required, only a computer with internet is required and your wishes to get ahead. I send you an affectionate greeting.

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