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I am not selling or they are not buying me


Being clear about the conceptual difference between selling and being bought can in many cases determine the success or failure of a current or new venture, even when it is an excellent product or service.

It is commonly understood by selling everything that is invoiced (or tickets that are issued) and is charged against the delivery of a merchandise or the provision of a service.

But this interpretation does not reflect the risky situation that the sale may be taking place by the exclusive will of the potential client (prospect).

If we wanted to be more precise, we should define this attitude of the company as a "purchasing facilitator" and not as a sale, for reasons that we will see later.

In these cases, the purchase will be made only if the prospect is completely convinced of the product he needs, the urgency of said need or the level of desire to acquire it (obviously, counting on the availability of money or credit to do so.).

Advertising through its different media, the advice of friends or family, a professional, etc., may have collaborated in prompting the decision to seek a certain product or service, but not by a sales action of a representative of the company. Selling, on the other hand, «It is the process by which one person (seller) induces another (prospect) to go through each and every one of the following stages:

1. Arouse their interest in dealing with the subject related to the product or service being offered;

2. Analyze your needs until you get a statement or confirmation from you;

3. Accept that the benefits that arise from the characteristics of the product or service satisfy the previously expressed needs;

4. Awakening and increasing the desire to make that product or service your own; and

5. Make and execute the decision to buy. » (Copyright © by Martín E. Heller). The professional sale, and the professional retail sale,

This concept applies to all types of sales: products and services, either in retail businesses as well as in the prospect's home or office.

Even if it is the best of products or services, no one can sell it if they fundamentally do not know or cannot induce another potential buyer to modify their behavior (reflect, study, analyze, test, respond, decide, etc.) in a natural way, through professional sales techniques, without exerting pressure of any kind.

Possess the ability to "know how to listen and interpret" the messages that the prospect emits to really understand their meaning and determine the true need together with the manifest vocation of service, kindness, good treatment and a little seduction (why not ?), are the ideal complements to achieve it.

Knowing in terms of characteristics and benefits each one of the products it sells, as well as those of its competition in the market "niche" in which it operates, constitutes another of the unavoidable requirements to be able to sell professionally. (Although in many companies it does not apply).

You don't have to be a college graduate to be able to sell professionally. It is only required to have the desire to do it well, learn the concepts and skills required for it, and meet the minimum requirements of the defined profile to sell each product or service that is desired (Age, sex, level of education, intelligence, etc.).

At this point in the article, using the appropriate terms according to what we have seen, we can affirm that when there is a recessionary period and potential customers do not buy: it is logical that this is the case.

The logic indicates that they did not buy because there was no action to sell on the part of the representatives of the company.

All things being equal, on the other hand, those who really sell will only feel a decline due to the effect of abstaining from consumption by potential customers, as a result of the recession.

In this case, those who did not buy at least were induced to analyze the product or service and if they did not do so it was because it was not the appropriate time, or the need was not so urgent as to do it at that time or simply, they did not have money or credit to buy.

But it also happens that many others do have it and, only as a result of said action of selling, they make their purchase decision.

Finally, selling is service, verb, action. The other is passive, vegetative. It is hoping that things happen out of the simple conviction that you have the best and at some point you will be attracted to buy.

But it happens that not everyone can interpret these messages in the same way and many require the assistance of a salesperson, who knows how to advise you based on their knowledge and experience, before deciding what to do.

When you now hear an entrepreneur comment that his sales have been down lately, just remember what we have discussed here and ponder whether this is because he "didn't sell," or simply because "they didn't buy."

Copyright © 1995 by La Nación

I am not selling or they are not buying me