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Role of land transport in tourism. transtur sa cuba

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The purpose of this article is to address key aspects about the importance of the role of transport within the tourism sector, and to make known what are its main uses, nature and services it provides, which serve to support the different processes within of the tourism sector.


Transport, means of transport, tourist transport.



This article aims to address key aspects about the importance of the role of transport within the tourism sector and make known what are its main uses nature and services it provides, which serve as support to different processes within the tourism sector.


Transport, transportation, tourist transport.


The nomadic activity of men in the early stages of their development to procure food and protect themselves from the climate, perhaps provided elements and artifacts to move from one place to another.

Over time, man domesticated animals and lived with them, making them an integral part of his life and taking advantage of their meat, milk and skin; In a short time, the man began to put loads on the backs of his dogs and taught them to drag things, thus emerging, the rudiments of rustic sleds composed of two long poles possibly from his own tents and a crossbar, in this way, the dogs became the first animals that man took to his cave and domesticated for his benefit; then later, donkeys, horses, camels and elephants among other animals were domesticated and used by men of antiquity as draft animals, for their work.

It is emphasized that in ancient times there was a trade route between Palestine and Egypt, where caravans transported tea, silks, perfumes and spices from the Far East; rugs from Persia; Arabian coffee; Moroccan velvets and Russian hides, all on the backs of the camels that later supplied the markets of Mecca and Baghdad.

Another important element in the evolution of transport was the invention of the wheel that made it possible to transport more weight and at a higher speed, in this way the first and rustic means of transport with wheels appeared, an example of which was a military car of more than 5500 years old discovered in Kish, Mesopotamia. These wheeled vehicles needed better roads to travel, so it is known that the Romans devised roads in ancient times to facilitate long-distance land transportation.

In history we also find origins of aquatic transportation, since man living near the water mirrors; rivers, lakes, seas, etc., began to make use of them as a means of transport through rudimentary natural rafts or rafts made by him until they were transformed into small canoes.


Transportation is the action of transporting people or things from one point to another with vehicles, conveyors or elevators, elevators, hoists, escalators, or other facilities.

Transportation is classified:

By its use:

  • Regular service Special service.

According to nature:

  • Land transport Air transport Water transport

For the service it provides:

  • Passenger transportation 1st class, 2nd class etc. Cargo transportation Cargo and passenger transportation.

The means of transport is the one used by the visitor to move between the place of usual residence and the places visited.

Taking into account the service, the transport is classified into:


Rail service: It is provided through regular service and tourist service, it includes the installations of special mechanisms such as funiculars, cable cars, chair lifts and even the ski lift.

Road service: It is presented through regular service buses, tourist and charter services for tourist routes, rental cars, tourist services, taxis and individuals.

Water transportation:

The Maritime Transportation Service. It is provided through the regular service, cruises, transoceanic, transporters, sports and pleasure boats, chartering, hydrofoil and hydrofivio.

The river transportation service. It is presented through regular service, tourist service, recreational, sports and charter boats.

The lake transportation service. It is presented through regular service, tourist service, sports and recreational boats and chartering.

Air transportation:

Regular air service.

Chartered air service (charter).

Small aircraft rental service (with or without pilot).

Private aircraft and helicopter service.

In the development of any society, transport is one of the fundamental elements. The progressive development achieved year after year makes transport an active and progressive factor in constant organizational and technological improvement.

The use of transport as a public service for the use of any person, has also provided the condition for it to become a tourist service to the point that certain forms of transportation such as charter flights or dimensional bus service are only of a nature. tourist.

Not distinguishing between public and private transportation poses severe difficulties, since on many occasions some governments disregard the control of social transportation and allow the sale of airlines or other companies related to transportation, to large companies that take in their hands financial control and adopting workforce adjustment measures and a new commercial policy, which causes massive layoffs, capital flight and a weakening of the control and sovereignty of these nations; That is why this type of authorization of private investment in means of transportation must be closely controlled by the government sector, always safeguarding the national interests of society; seeking income and benefits that enable more than half of the actions to be in the hands of the national state.

Generally, in all countries, public transport is one of the most important elements of the economy, since in the development of a country it is necessary to have extensive complete, fast, precise and perfectly articulated communication systems, so that the population and the goods can move throughout the territory without any obstacle and at affordable prices. In many countries today the controversy related to the organization, management or ownership of public transport is faced, this controversy defends private or state property, belonging to the national or foreign private initiative or the national government.

Many authors consider that transport is a socio-economic element since in reality it has not been created for tourist displacement in particular, but is the product of the historical, social and scientific development of society itself, which in the same sense of its economic development has made it possible for the technology to be applied depending on the transport.

In the case of tourism, transport has become the determining factor in its development, since the different divisions and groups of transport, that is, land transport, water transport and air transport, form the basis of geographical distribution that obeys the tourist displacements, either locally in a country or from one nation to another (receptive, emitters or the so-called internal tourist flow).

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and all the organizations dedicated to tourist activity or representativeness emphasize in their projections that Tourism and Transport are an inseparable unit since, in tourism activity, access to places of attraction is of utmost importance, the safety of the movement, the means used to link the transfer of tourists, the schedule, etc.

The transport measurement factors are:

  • ComfortAgilityPenetrationPriceRapiditySecurity

In today's world economy, transport involves a relevant factor from a functional point of view, since where transport does not exist or is minimal, economic activity is reduced to subsistence and self-consumption levels.

Currently the means of transport contribute to the economic development of countries by transporting goods, raw materials, agricultural products, merchandise, as well as people, but transportation must be economical and within the reach of whoever requests it, that is why the State must play an important regulator role in prices.

Transportation is a determining support in the growth of the large cities of each country. A properly communicated city facilitates the population's activities to develop smoothly, promoting safety, well-being and increased economic performance of workers; transportation plays a role in integrating all elements of both people and goods.

This paper aims to establish the role of land transport in the TRANSTUR SA Santiago de Cuba Branch Company and also learn about the efficiency and importance that this entity assumes as a fundamental part of tourist transportation in our province.


Land Transport.

This type of transport developed more slowly, during centuries, traditional means of transport, restricted to riding on animals, carts and sleds pulled by animals, rarely exceeded an average of 16 km / h. It improved little until 1820, when the British engineer George Stephenson adapted a steam engine to a locomotive and started, between Stockton and Darlington, in England, the first steam railway, giving way to the development of the railway.

Land transportation is classified as:

  • Rail transport Road transport

Main means of transportation.

By road:

  • Automobile, bus and coach, mobile homes, rental vehicles.

By rail.

  • Locomotives with their cars. Motor car.


All services include the road network, the communication network and the other elements of the infrastructure.

  • Bus station Rents points Railroad stations Subway stations

The operations activity is the governing subsystem that regulates, plans, organizes, coordinates, executes, controls and summarizes the exploitation of the productive park based on the transportation service, in correspondence with the Corporate Purpose approved by the transport entity; the one characterized by its efficiency, effectiveness, rationality, high level of optimization and clear vision of the strategic projection; prioritizing, in any circumstance, the total satisfaction of customer expectations.

General Principles that govern the Operations subsystem:

  • The Operation will be aimed at increasing its level of efficiency, authority and competitiveness. The measures adopted will keep the necessary integrity with the rest of the subsystems and will be based on the defense of business interests. With the use of the more modern techniques, encourages permanently and increasingly growing active and systematic participation of the leaders, specialists, technicians and workers involved in this activity.Each of the links of the subsystem is responsible for the effective and efficient fulfillment of the service that It is offered by the instance to which it belongs. Operations positions are designed on the basis of the breakdown of functions.

Main functions of the Operations Department.

  • Carry out the Strategic Planning of the Company's Operations Activity Participate together with other subsystems in the preparation of the Company's Business Plan for the year Coordinate the efforts and actions of the subsystems, factors and divisions that make up the Company to strengthen and develop the organization, execution and control of the exploitation of the production park Methodologically organize the exploitation of the Company's production park with the creation of comprehensive Standards and Quality perspectives Direct and execute Research and Development Programs of marked influence on the improvement of the Operations Activity

Functions of a National Operations Center (CNO)

  • Analysis, coordination, supervision and improvement of the National Operation of vehicle rental, passenger and cargo transportation by the different fleets. Coordinate and supervise the participation in the insurance of the transports that generate Events of the first level and / or character National selected countries. Receive, analyze, compile and make available the National Part of the Operation, Propose modifications that must be made to the Information System, as well as guide their implementation in the Operations Centers.

The railway

It was the first step in the development of world transportation since the mid-17th century. It currently maintains its importance in medium distances, both for the movement of the freight train and for the passenger train; for example ALQUITAINE, EL PARIS AND BODEAUX at more than 300KM / H.

If the railway is compared with other means of transport, it is seen that it continues in many cases with advantages, since it transports a greater number of people or loads, at speeds equal to and sometimes higher than motor transport.

It is faster than maritime transport, it is an extremely important means of transport. Currently fast trains move speeds of more than 200km / h and some designs already reach 800km / h.

In the urban transport networks of Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America, this transport is widely used. An example of this is constituted by the metro, an underground train that is widely used in the great cities of the world.

Rail transport in Cuba.

Cuba is one of the countries with the highest density of railways per square kilometer and is not the most widely used means of transport today

The first railroad operated in Cuba in 1837, linking Havana with the town of Bejucal. Sixth in the world, the Cuban railroad contributed significantly to the development of the island as a world sugar power, Cuba was one of the first countries to have an electric train, launched at the beginning of centuries and that is still preserved.

Today there are steam locomotives, which have a high economic, museum and ecological value.

Ferro Cuba, a company specialized in the transportation of passengers by rail, develops efforts to exploit the railroad based on tourism, guaranteeing tourism routes such as: Optional tourist packages throughout all provinces, agreed with tour operators and travel agencies in motor car, FIAT, BUS, with air conditioning, cafeteria bar service and reclining seats, from Casa Blanca to Matanzas and from Trinidad-Valle de los ingenios, to Iznaga-Manaca tower, also Guanabo-Boquerón.

In many Cuban provinces there are more than 200 perfectly preserved locomotives that are more than a century old.

Advantages of the rail service.

  • In just a few trips, the train can transport a large number of passengers and cargo, saving time and money. Comfort that it provides especially on long trips. For the construction of tourist facilities, the transportation of construction materials and manufacturing of all kinds with reduced rates Large volumes of merchandise that users entrust to them for transportation can be organized and distributed.

Disadvantages of the rail service.

  • It needs a large and expensive infrastructure, large investments in roads and facilities. Inflexible capital, immobilized in fixed works such as bridges, tunnels, stone blocks for roads, etc… the door-to-door system, so that every day continental transportation by road takes market away from the railroad.


Automobile concept.

The car is a vehicle that moves across a surface, through wheels by transmitting the force generated by its own engine that consumes a certain type of energy. It is made up of the body, chassis, engine and other accessories.

Automobile service.

It can be provided with or without a driver. The service with driver is used for local walks, tours and excursions, or for a longer service to executives. The driverless service is mainly used for car rental.

Taxi Service in Cuba.

When arriving at a Cuban international airport or a cruise terminal, the foreign visitor generally has a transport waiting to take them to the hired hotel. In these same cases, the agency usually takes care of confirming the return ticket in time and transferring the traveler back to the Air Terminal at the end of their vacation.

On the streets of major cities in the country, people can easily access a tourist taxi or request it by phone; both tourist taxis and rented cars can be used in interprovincial and intermunicipal transfers.

Car rental service.

The driverless service offers multiple advantages, since tourists can move around the places they choose at will.

Generalities of the service in the rent.

It works very similarly all over the world, being able to rent directly at the offices of the leasing company, through travel agencies, they can be rented or returned within the same city, or they can be rented in one place and settled in another. Payment rates include liability insurance against death, personal injury and liability for damage to property, loss or damage to the vehicle, the client is protected against loss or damage to the vehicle by fire, theft or collision damage in excess of a certain figure.

The client must additionally cover:

  1. Gasoline, taxes and partial theft. A daily or weekly rate in case you want to enjoy full insurance coverage. Additional payment of surcharge for not complying with the clauses of the contract.

To rent a car, the client must:

  • Have most of Possess a driver's license Show an identification in addition to the driver's license Present a credit card, other payments or cash.

Flexi Fly & Drive

Product tailor-made for visitors who want to freely enjoy a vacation without formalities, schedules, or predetermined itineraries, with their family or friends, driving a standard car with unlimited mileage and the possibility of staying at any of the Chain's hotels throughout the island at a very affordable price, for 6, 7, 13 or 14 nights at the customer's choice.

Advantage of the Flexi Fly & Drive offer.

Maximum flexibility, which allows clients to design their own vacation program by choosing the places to visit and the hotels to stay.

Bus and Minibus Service. (Coaches, bus)

The most popular service for being the one with the lowest average cost and the highest capacity of users, a fact that considerably benefits the movement of tourists. The buses and buses operate on regular lines and discretionary services.

The discretionary service lines whose operation is basically tourist allow the elaboration of massive routes established on a frequent or occasional basis, with special vehicles of greater comfort and visibility, such is the case of TRANSTUR in our country that operates modern buses brand VOLVO, MERCEDES, YOUTONG and others of recognized brands.


Tourist Land Transport Companies .

There are several car rental agencies in the world; some cover practically the five continents, such as AVIS. HERTZ, EUROCAR or BUDGET.

Main companies in tourist road transport in Cuba.

The growing importance that in the advancement of the Cuban tourism industry has been gaining tourist transport by road testifies to a modern fleet composed of about eight thousand vehicles, more than 300 agencies, rental points, taxi stands and the volume of operations which in the course of 2005 far exceeded 100 million dollars.

At the end of the eighties, only three carriers operated directly based on the incipient tourist movement: TRANSTUR, HAVANAUTOS, and VERACUBA, today there is a greater number of carriers with facilities to acquire packages that include car rental with a house, or with hotel accommodation, renting a vehicle in a specific pole and making its return in another, on the other hand, the transfer in modern buses of up to 40 seats with a five-star category and the roadside assistance service, repair workshops continues or replacement of vehicles due to breakdowns, while the main fuel supply is assumed by two chains of service centers: CIMEX-CUPET, from the CIMEX corporation, and Oro Negro, from the CUBALSE holding company.

Tourist transport by road is operated by the entity TRANSTUR SA, belonging to MINTUR, an entity that we will refer to in this paper below.

General Characteristics of TRANSTUR Santiago.

Transtur SA, Business Group of tourist transport, makes available to the client throughout the country the services of renting buses and minibuses, as well as car rental with and without drivers, also provides automotive technical services, communication and technical assistance on the road, with national coverage.

Arisen on October 13, 1980, as a tourist transport company, this entity gave way to a new organization as a tourism transporter in Cuba, in this same year it began to offer the car rental service through a partnership with the CIMEX corporation.. In 1994 TRANSTUR was consolidated and established as a Public Limited Company and on November 1, 2004, it was the result of the merger of the old Transtur and Veracuba companies, responding to the name of Grupo Empresarial Transtur.

On May 1, 2007, by decisions of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers, the reunification and reorganization of the Car Rental Activity within the Ministry of Tourism was decided and the actions carried out in this regard were transferred to this Entity, in the Havanautos Rentadoras, belonging to the CIMEX and MICAR group of the CUBALSE Group, with which a new restructuring of the Transtur Group arises.

On May 1, 2008, the Taxis activity was transferred to the Ministry of Transportation, which, by decisions of the country's Directorate, would assume all the services that would be provided to all clients, both national and foreign in this For this reason, the Transtur Group once again undergoes a restructuring of its services and at the present time, it only offers the services of the Rental of Light Cars and the Rental of Bus Services.

This company has been consolidating its position in the tourist transportation market in Cuba, basing its leadership on the quality of its services and the professionalism of all its members, achieving excellent results in the different modalities of services that they offer to their clients. which has motivated TRANSTUR SA to be the official transport company of the main events that take place in the country, offering means of transport with excellent comfort and technical condition, guided by professional drivers with extensive knowledge of Cuba and its roads.

The Transtur Sucursal Santiago de Cuba Company is located on Avenida de los Desfiles, S / N in the La Risueña district, with the following coordinates:

To the north ® Cargo Agency Base Camiones del Oriente and the town of Camino de la Ceiba.
To the south ® Avenue of the Parades and Convention Center "Heredia".
To the East ® Local bus station “Las Américas”.
To West ® Avenida de Las Américas and Plaza de la Revolución General Antonio Maceo.

This entity has as a corporate purpose.

Provide tourist transportation services through the following trademarks:

Ómnibus Transtur: Massive transportation services of passengers with driver, in large and medium buses and minibuses in the execution of Transfer In / Out, requests for services linked to these categories of vehicles through contracts.

Rent Cubacar, Havanautos and Rex: Transtur car rental branches that provide Car and Jeep rental services, with or without a driver subject to different modalities, such as:

  • Rents to the Bureau Reservations through International Tour Operators (TTOO) Linear Rents

They offer a personal rental service, with cars of different brands and models, have complementary services such as: car repairs, technical assistance to customers in the event of breakages, accidents or other mishaps, car services with experienced drivers, reservations prior to arrival in the country, general tourist orientation, etc. Participate with your vehicles in the modalities and programs of the Free Way & Fly and Drive products that belong to the travel agency Cubanacán Viajes Tours and other Mintur companies.

The largest number of reservations are made through clients that come from approximately 15 tour operators, mainly from France and Spain. The rest of the operations are carried out through the Internet since it has developed a reservation system in this way and the Travel Agency mainly, in addition to direct or counter sales, the latter with the lowest volume of operations. In addition, it provides Roadside Aid and Mobile Repair Services to tourist means of transport, as well as transportation services to national passengers in the return of empty buses to the Pole of Origin.


Its mission is to satisfy the needs of its clients, guaranteeing tourist transport throughout Cuba in modern and comfortable buses and rented cars, as well as other general services, with the professionalism that ensures more than 20 years of leadership in the sector in the country.

Transtur Santiago: "The best and largest company of bus services and vehicle rental that with the highest professionalism, quality, safety and comfort helps you to know the roads of Cuba."


We are leaders in the Tourist Transport service with modern cars, jeep, buses, in the modalities of Transfer, Optional and Rental.

The organizational structure responds to the economic activity of the organization, it has a flat structure, created with the aim of guaranteeing its proper functioning, in which 60% of its workers are directly linked to services, in the productive areas and support staff in technical and operational areas, which ensure the good technical condition of the equipment park for the provision of fundamental services.

Quality Policy of the Grupo Empresarial de Transporte Turístico Transtur SA

The Grupo Empresarial de Transporte Turístico Transtur SA, belonging to the Ministry of Tourism, distinguishes itself from its competitors by satisfying the needs and expectations of customers, by its personalized treatment, by the professionalism and quality of the services it provides and markets, achieving, With the participation and professionalism of its workers, Continuous Improvement to become the Transport Agency preferred by customers.

This Entity has among its shared values:

Final Values:

  • Efficiency
  • HonestyPatriotismSimplicityMoral RevolutionaryModesty

Instrumental Values

  • QualityEthicsCreativityHigh professionalismHospitalitySolidarity

The company transports clients mostly from Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Canada and Cuban-Americans.

For the analysis of the External Customer, the Travel Agencies, together with the Branch, conduct customer satisfaction surveys on a monthly basis, in which different parameters are evaluated such as: vehicle cleanliness, air conditioning, comfort, personal appearance and courtesy the driver, among others; These surveys are applied by the bus drivers to each customer who is provided the service.

For the distribution of its products, the Transtur SA Santiago Company uses the following channels:

Travel agency:

Bus Rent

Cubanacán Company sales point

Cubatur Internet

Havanatur National Central Reserve




Colibri Villa

Council of State

The Council of State is taken into account, since at this time, due to the Battle of Ideas in which the country is immersed, services are provided in the operations of Medical Collaboration and in Attention to Missions.

The main supplier of the Branch is the Headquarters, which provides it with spare parts, tires, fuels and lubricants, tools and technological equipment, but also provides other entities:

  • CUPET - CIMEX (Fuel) DIVEP (Parts) ENSUNA (Other supplies) SERVISA (Food)

The Opportunities and Threats that the Company has identified within the Bank of External Forces are listed below:


  • Customer loyalty. Presence of other Branches of the Business Group throughout the country. High demand for Services. Acquisition of new vehicles for services.


  • Dependency of the Headquarters Bad state of the Roads and Highways Decommercialized Santiago de Cuba Tourist Pole Little Material Stimulation to Staff and Workers.

From the Bank of Internal Forces, the Company has identified the following Strengths and Weaknesses:


  • High Professionalism in the provision of services. 24-hour service. Existence of a Quality Management System in some areas of the Entity. Be one of the strongest carriers in the Pole. Be the carrier of the two largest receptors in the MINTUR.


  • Poor management of Technical - Material Assurance Excessive delay in the repair and replacement of rented vehicles Excessive delay in vehicle maintenance.

At the Empresa Transtur Sucursal Santiago de Cuba, the transportation parks are made up of the following:


Category Brand Capacity Quantity
Big Mercedes Benz 49 places eleven
Yutong 44 seats eleven
Yutong 34 places 6
Yutong 16 places 8
Medium Yutong 29 places 6
Yutong 24 seats two
Kinglong 24 seats 12
Kinglong 10 seats two
Little ones Mercedes benz vito two
Hyunday H1TQ 4


Category Brand Model
Medium Samsumg SM3
Medium high Samsumg SM5


Category Brand Model
Medium Seat Ibiza
Standard Seat Altea XL
High Standard Audi A4 T / MEC
Vw Passat
Premium Audi A4 T / AUTOM
Luxury Audi A6
Minivan Hyundai TQ H1


Category Brand Model
Economic Hyundai Atos
Hyundai I 10 T / MEC
Geely CK
Economy Jeep Suzuki Jimmy
Medium Kia River
Geely MK
Geely FC
Hyundai Accent
Medium high Hyundai Sonata except 2010-2011
Emgrand EC 820
Jeep High Standard Kia Sportage
Premium Hyundai Sonata 2010-2011
Go Hyundai H1TQ

Below we will briefly expose some of the data related to the efficiency of the TRANSTUR Santiago de Cuba Branch Company.


INDICATOR 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Average Existing Vehicle 36 36 37 55 57 60
Average Vehicle Working twenty twenty twenty 26 27 28
Average Vehicle WORKSHOP 10 eleven 13 10 36 36
CDT 84 77.6 82 83 62 60
CAR 67 62 60 65 64 65
CHAP 60 60 55 51 46 Four. Five
Income CUC 1028.80 1049.90 1140.40 1,345.30 1,463.70 1584.80
Avg. Day Revenue x Existing Vehicle 78.30 79.90 84.44 67.01 70.35 71.00
Income Avg. Day x Vehicle Working 140.93 143.82 149.14 141.76 150.00 157.00
CONSUMPTION INDEX (Km / Liters) 3.3 3.33 3.31 3.57 3.74 3.96
INCOME PER LITER OF FUEL 1.8 1.8 1.74 1.90 1.99 2.20


INDICATOR 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Average Existing Vehicle 265 231 265 294 258 256
Average Vehicles Available 212 185 183 203 204 215
Average Vehicle Working 89 106 120 147 145 153
Average Vehicle Inactive 30 38 40 53 41 30
Average Workshop Vehicle fifty 87 105 94 71 73
CDT 80 80 69 81 73 72
CHAP 51 53 Four. Five 51 57 60
Rent Income CUC 1880.50 1901.60 2402.30 2,945.10 2,850.30 2997.50
Income without fuel sales 1761.50 1729.50 2258.70 2796.30 2,656.90 2831.80
Income Avg. Day x Existing Vehicle 19.44 22.55 24.84 27.44 28.32 30.31
Income Avg. Day x Vehicle Working 57.89 49.15 54.85 54.89 50.20 50.71


Carrier U / M 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Electricity Kw 266667 219249 235800 254604 191146 234302
Diesel L 907873 752220 829600 834230 795016 831530
Special Gasoline L 258349 300083 208300 283266 230172 279360
Water M3 2333 1174 1945 1868 4903 4578
Lubricants L 28661 15582 16100 12060 15222 13545

Economic Efficiency Indicators. Um. M / P



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Trend


Total revenue 4233.60 4400.50 5419.70 5783.30 5762.10 6784.80 9.89
Currency Income 3613.00 3703.90 4257.30 4658.30 4329.30 4595.70 4.92
Bus 1028.80 1049.90 1140.40 1345.30 1463.70 1584.80 9.02
Cab 699.10 700.00 673.10 263.10 (27.80)
Rent 1880.50 1901.60 2402.30 2945.10 2850.30 2997.50 9.77
Costs and Expenses Currency 2843.20 2694.30 1880.60 1779.47 1855.50 1793.50 9.11
Total profit -259.30 -398.70 8.00 533.40 236.50 916.00 228.71
Currency Utility 769.80 1009.60 2376.70 2880.60 2473.90 2802.10 29.48
Cost per Total Weight 1.06 1.09 0.9990 0.9080 0.9590 0.8650 (3.98)
Cost per Peso Currency 0.79 0.73 0.44 0.3820 0.4290 0.3900 (13.16)

Source: Taken from the entity's economic report.

To calculate the trend, the following formula was applied, below it is shown for the Total Income indicator.

n-1 Ö (IT 2010 / IT 2005) -1 * 100 = 5 Ö (6784.80 / 4233.60) -1 * 100

= (1.0989 - 1) * 100

= 0.989 * 100

= 9.89%


IT: Total Income

n: Number of years

Below we will analyze some of the indicators previously shown, in order to analyze their level of activity (See Annex 1). The company analyzed generally measures its results in total currency, but in the following analysis the activity that generates currency will be broken down by its importance in the economic management of the entity, although it is recognized that the use of double currency generates distortion in the analysis of some indicators.

Currency Income: In the above table it can be seen that the income item analyzed has maintained an upward behavior in the course of the years analyzed, since if compared with 2010 (base year) they all show an increase, although it should be noted that 2013 was the year with the best result achieved by the entity, having a slight decrease in 2014 that is already exceeded in 2015, so the company maintains an influence to obtain positive results in this item.

Currency Costs and Expenses: Based on the results shown in the previous table, it can be seen that the company presents a good situation in terms of its costs and expenses in currency, since these tend to decrease from one period to another, a situation that results very favorable for the entity as it allows it to obtain higher profits in the periods analyzed. Similarly, in this heading, 2013 is the one with the best results, although in 2014 there was a slight increase in costs, and in 2015 they resumed their course of decline.

Currency Profit: In the years analyzed, it can be seen that the company has obtained positive profit levels, this is given by the direct relationship between income and costs in those periods, which maintain favorable results, allowing the company to meet its objective fundamental that is the obtaining of benefits (gains). The year 2013 is the one with the highest level of profit due to the fact that in this year there is a greater increase in income and a considerable decrease in costs, not being the case in 2014 where the company suffers a deterioration in its profits which it is surpassed in the next period, maintaining the tendency of this item to increase.


After carrying out the following investigative work at the TRANSTUR SA Santiago de Cuba Branch, both in its organizational and economic aspects, the following conclusions are reached:

  1. The entity under analysis has an organizational structure that allows it to comply with its corporate purpose, as well as with all the economic-financial procedures established in the country. In the period evaluated, the decisions made by management based on the results achieved in The periods analyzed have been in accordance with the corporate purpose for which it was created.The entity presents good quality in the provision of services to its customers, so they show loyalty to it, allowing it to occupy an advantageous position before the competition from other entities with the same corporate purpose The Branch in the years analyzed shows favorable results in terms of its fundamental economic indicators influenced by the increase in its income and the decrease in its costs,which has allowed it to achieve positive levels of utility in all the years analyzed


  • Study materials in digital format, provided by the professor of the Transportation Management subject. Information provided by the Company TRANSTUR SA Santiago de Cuba Branch.


Horizontal Comparative Analysis

Indicators 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Total revenue 3.94 23.16 6.71 -0.37 17.75
Currency Income 2.52 14.94 9.42 -7.06 6.15
Bus 2.05 8.62 17.97 8.80 8.27
Cab 0.13 -3.84 -60.91 -100.00
Rent 1.12 26.33 22.60 -3.22 5.16
Costs and Expenses Currency -5.24 -30.20 -5.38 4.27 -3.34
Total profit 53.76 -102.01 6567.50 -55.66 287.32
Currency Utility 31.15 135.41 21.20 -14.12 13.27
Cost per Total Weight 2.83 -8.35 -9.11 5.62 -9.80
Cost per Peso Currency -7.59 -39.73 -13.18 12.30 -9.09

Source: Taken from the entity's economic report. Own elaboration of the author.

Note: In this analysis, positive results represent increases in the item being analyzed in relation to the previous period, and negative results represent decreases.

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Role of land transport in tourism. transtur sa cuba