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Steps to identify and get your ideal client


The "target" or target audience is essential in any online business. It is the "ideal" consumer, the one you have in your mind. He is someone who needs you and wants what you have to offer him.

You are going to allocate every action, product or service you offer to him. But how to recognize it? And, once you identify it, how do you get to it? These are the steps to follow:

1. Stop generalizing. A common mistake is to put a very general website and wait for interested parties to come closer. It is what you should avoid. Take some time to recognize and focus on your ideal customer.

2. Put yourself in their shoes. A common problem is separating the ideal customer from the real world. We associate it with statistics and trends, but not with ordinary people. To avoid this, put yourself "in her shoes" and remember that she is a person of flesh and blood.

3. Ask questions and answers. Write everything down, as it will guide you to create the profile of your ideal client. For example:

• How old are you?

• Are you male or female?

• What is your marital status? She has children?

• Where do you live?

• What is your educational level?

• What is your hobby? Do you play sports?

• Do you belong to a professional association or social group?

• Do you have a business? In what industry? Do you work at home? How big is your business?

• What problems have you got? How can they be solved?

• Have you already worked with someone like you? If so, why did you stop?

4. Let's not forget money. Is this ideal client one of those who invest to solve their problems? Would I pay for what you offer? If the answer is "no," remove it from the list. Remember that this is a business and what you are looking for is to make money. Be honest on this point.

5. Research your market. If you have already answered the questions, created your client's profile and you think you would be the last of his shoe, now, find out more about him. Visit their websites and social media profiles. What questions are you asking yourself? What are your needs? Are they the ones you can satisfy? How can you help him?

6. You will notice that they have a lot in common… Once you have found your ideal client, you will see that you have a close relationship with him. There will be synergy: your company and your ideal client are the perfect partners, united as by destiny.

7.… but you have the answers. Although there is a relationship between you, you are not on an equal footing. You are the "owner" of the answers. Remember that you came to solve his problems, that he needs you and will pay for what you offer. The idea is not that you gain pride, but that you lose shyness…

8. You already defined it; now, dedicate yourself to creating. Once you have identified your ideal customer, it will be much easier for you to design a marketing plan around their identity and needs.

9. Talk to your ideal client. It is important that you address him on your website, on your blog, your marketing and communication materials. Show him that you are dedicating yourself to him, that you are the person he needs and that you came "to the market" to solve his problems.

10. Focus only on him. Don't waste time looking for clients who don't fit the profile of your ideal. Put all your strength in someone who really needs you. When that person discovers you, they will be much more likely to hire you.

Remember that today specialization is very important. If you have a small market, you will become a benchmark. And, in addition, you can apply what you learn from one client to all the others, since they will have similar needs.

Steps to identify and get your ideal client