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Market profile of the premium tobacco product in spain

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For the search and collection of information on the selected product, Premium tobacco, the: ERC 2008, the Trade Map and the Product Map were used. The Trade Map is a tool for the analysis of commercial flows with a «web» interface. It allows defining the markets with the highest growth rates in their imports and exports, and drawing up the profile of the world premium tobacco market. The main importing countries in the Premium tobacco product market in 2012 were: the United States, France, the Netherlands (Holland), Spain, among others, where Spain is in the fourth position with a value of 8.1%. On the other hand, the main exporting countries of Premium tobacco are: the Dominican Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands (Holland) and Cuba. The latter, with a 12% stake,which decreased compared to 2011, where it reached values ​​of 13.6%, indicating that Cuba maintained the same position in the two years on the list of exporting countries. Spain was selected, as it is the main market for Cuban cigars of Habanos SA The values ​​of the macroeconomic indicators in Spain, included in the period 2010-2013, showed that the economic situation in Spain is complex, since they have a high level of unemployment and its trade balance remains negative, mainly due to the global crisis.In the period 2010-2013, they demonstrated that the economic situation in Spain is complex, since they have a high level of unemployment and their trade balance remains negative, mainly due to the global crisis.In the period 2010-2013, they showed that the economic situation in Spain is complex, since they have a high level of unemployment and their trade balance remains negative, mainly due to the global crisis.


For search and collecting information about the selected product, cigar Premium was used on: ERC 2008, the Trade Map and Product Map. The Trade Map is a tool for the analysis of trade flows with «web» interface. This allows defining markets with faster growth in imports and exports, and to develop the profile of the global market for Premium cigars. The main importing countries of Premium cigars in 2012 were: United States, France, the Netherlands (Holland), Spain, among others, where Spain is in the fourth position with a value of 8.1%. Moreover, the major exporting countries of Premium cigars are: Dominican Republic, Belgium, Netherlands (Holland) and Cuba. The last one, with a 12% share, which decreased compared to 2011, which reached values ​​of 13.6%, noting that Cuba remained two years the same position in the list of exporting countries.Spain was selected, as the main market for Cuban cigars from Habanos SA. The values ​​of macroeconomic indicators in Spain, within the period 2010-2013, showed that the economic situation in Spain is complex, since they have a high level of unemployment and the trade balance remains negative, mainly due to the global crisis.


The orientation of the company to the market is the crucial point of marketing as an attitude or philosophy. All members of the organization must be aware of the importance of the consumer in the existence, progress and profitability of the company.

In addition, it is a set of tools that help us carry out the exchange, through the Product, the price, the promotion or communication mix and finally the distribution.

Likewise, Cuba has faced great economic challenges in recent years, but not unreal. Within them, the expansion of trade relations associated with the collapse of the economies of Eastern Europe and the former USSR, represented an inevitable challenge for the business economy and, consequently, for the men who work or plan to become involved in the world of business. In order to face these challenges, it is essential, in addition to formulating policies, to have duly prepared and trained managers and workers who can face the increasingly frequent changes in the environment that this new situation brings, and in particular, to achieve a greater and better insertion of Cuba in the world economy, as well as raising the competitiveness of the Cuban state company,its exportable and domestic consumption offer.

The TABACUBA Group mainly concentrates its foreign trade activity in several Mixed Companies, among them, Habanos SA, a Mixed Company, owned 50% by Cubatabaco and by ITI CIGARS (Altadis, SA-Imperial Tobacco). Corporación Habanos SA is a joint venture created in 1994 as the exclusive marketer of all Cuban tobacco brands, denominations of origin and, more specifically, of all Cuban Premium cigars. It markets its products through a network of Exclusive International Distribution or sales contracts, being present in 5 continents and in more than 150 countries in order to satisfy the needs of lovers of the most famous cigars in the world and providing pleasure smoking the best tobacco, unique since 1492.The corporate purpose is the commercialization of all Cuban tobacco products, mainly Habanos and other products related to these, both in Cuba and in the rest of the world. In our work, the chosen product is Premium tobacco and we set the following objectives:

  • Carry out an investigation of the volume of trade of Premium tobacco in the Spanish market, main importing and exporting countries Define the markets with the highest growth rates in their imports Examine the macroeconomic indicators of the selected country Mention tariff and non-tariff barriers.


Main importing and exporting countries of Premium tobacco.

The Trade Map site allows you to find the list of import markets for the product exported by Cuba in 2012, in this case for the Product: 240210 / cigars or cigars (even blunt) and cigarillos that contain tobacco.

Graph 1. shows the top 20 importing countries in the Premium tobacco product market in 2012, the countries with the highest reported values ​​being: United States, France, Netherlands (Holland), Spain, among others, where Spain is in the fourth position with a value of 8.1%. Although according to data reported by Habanos SA for 2012, the main importing countries of cigars (Cuban Premium tobacco) were: Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Caribbean and Canada.

Graph 1: Main Importing Countries in the Premium tobacco market in 2012.

Market profile of the Premium tobacco product in Spain

Source: Prepared by the authors from the information found in the Trade Map.

On the other hand, the following graph represents the participation in world exports during 2012, the main exporting countries of Premium tobacco are: Dominican Republic, Belgium, Netherlands (Holland) and Cuba. The latter, with a 12% participation, which decreased compared to 2011, where it reached values ​​of 13.6%, indicating that Cuba maintained the same position in the two years on the list of exporting countries. This is not the case, in the case of the Dominican Republic, which for 2011 reached values ​​of 15.9%, occupying the third position and for 2012 it is the country that leads the list with an increase of 3% over the previous year. Likewise, Spain had a slight growth of 0.1% compared to Premium tobacco exports for 2011. While Lithuania, Italy,Luxembourg and Mexico present the lowest values ​​with 0.3%.

Graph 2: Main Exporting Countries in the Premium Tobacco market in 2012.

Market profile of the Premium tobacco product in Spain

Source: Prepared by the authors from the information found in the Trade Map.

General data of Spain.

Spain is a member of the European Union. Its form of government is a parliamentary monarchy. It borders France and the Principality of Andorra to the north, Portugal to the west and the British colony of Gibraltar to the south.

In its African territories it shares land and maritime borders with Morocco. It shares with France the island of the Pheasants at the mouth of the Bidasoa river. In terms of territorial extension, Spain occupies the fourth position at the European level, behind Russia, Ukraine and France. It has an area of ​​505,370 km². The Spanish population is estimated to be approximately 46.8 million. By gender, the female population represents 50.9% and the remaining 49.1% is male. The population density is 93.17 hab / km2, lower than most of the countries located in Western Europe. Regarding the distribution of the population by age, it is observed that 15.2% are under 14 years old, 67.4% are between 15 and 64 years old and 17.4% are over 65 years old. The areas with the highest density are located on the coast and around the capital, Madrid.

78% of the population is urban. The capital, Madrid, is one of the most populated cities in the world, with 6.5 million inhabitants. The rapid economic growth that the country had from the seventies influenced the migration of thousands of people. Other important cities are Barcelona (5.5m.), Valencia (2.6m.), Alicante (1.9m.), Seville (1.9m.) And Malaga (1.6m.). Spain has one of the highest immigration rates in the world and is the second country, behind the United States, that receives the highest number of immigrants in absolute numbers (5.8 million approximately). It mainly receives citizens of Ibero-American origin, from other countries of Western and Eastern Europe, as well as from countries such as Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

It has a population growth rate of -0.08%. Life expectancy is 82.6 years. In addition, 94% of the Spanish population professes Catholicism and the remaining 6% are from other religions.

The official language is Spanish. However, certain autonomous regions use their own regional language recognized by the constitution, and even used for doing business. These languages ​​are Basque, Catalan, Galician, Valencian, among others.

Economy. Macroeconomic indicators.

The GDP growth rate has been negative in 2012 and this situation is expected to continue in 2013. According to IMF estimates, it would decrease by 1.6% for this year. The level of unemployment intensified with the crisis and reached 25% in 2012. Thus, the fundamental challenges Spain faces include a reduction in the unemployment rate as well as reforms in labor laws.

The Spanish economy suffered its second recession in the last five years during the last months of 2012. According to figures from the Bank of Spain, private consumption fell by 2.2% during the last year. Added to this is the weakness of domestic demand and the impact of budget cuts, which already in the third quarter resulted in a sharp decline in public consumption and investment in civil works.

Table 1: Evolution of macroeconomic indicators in Spain.

Market profile of the Premium tobacco product in Spain

Source: Own elaboration according to data from the World Economic Outlook, IMF.

* According to projections estimated by the IMF.

Exchange rate

Since January 1, 2002, the currency unit is the Euro (EUR). The monetary equivalences in terms of the US dollar USD (United States Monetary Unit).

Trading Date: 2013-05-10 19:58 UTC

1.00 USD = 0.770283 EUR

US Dollar ↔ Euro

1 USD = 0.770283 EUR 1 EUR = 1.29822 USD

The eurozone crisis has caused the exchange rate to trend downward. During the last five years, the euro reached its lowest point in mid-2010 when one euro was equal to US $ 1.1875.


According to figures from the National Institute of Statistics of Spain, the 0.8% decrease in the inflation rate was mainly due to the decrease in telephone service rates. Additionally, the food, non-alcoholic beverages, transportation and housing segments contributed positively to the country's inflation. Over the next five years, the inflation rate is expected to begin to decline at a controlled rate. According to data from the Bank of Spain, in the first months of 2013, the price index remained down.

Foreign direct investment.

For the year 2011, the total stock of direct foreign investment in Spain amounted to 634.5 billion USD. Although the economy is in recession, prospects appear to have improved, thanks to labor market reform (lower firing costs and more flexibility in wage negotiations and collective bargaining). At the end of 2012, foreign companies provided work for about 7% of the employed Spanish population, representing about 40% of GDP.

Employment level.

According to figures obtained by the IES in the Labor Force Survey (EPA), during the first quarter of 2013, the unemployment rate rose to 27.2%, which for the first time in the history of the country, more than six million people they are unemployed. The construction sector was the one that showed the least amount of unemployed, while the services sector, which employs 75% of Spaniards, had the highest volume of unemployed people. The unemployment rate is expected to average 27.5% this year, due to the reforms that the government has implemented and the end of the GDP contraction.

Evolution of the main economic sectors.

Traditionally Spain has been an agricultural country, this sector contributes 2.7% of the country's GDP. It is worth noting that the main crops are wheat, sugar beets, barley, tomatoes, olives, citrus fruits, grapes and pork. On the other hand, it should be noted that it is the first producer of olive oil and the third producer of wine worldwide (13% of total wine production). It is also the leading citrus producer in Europe.

The manufacturing sector has developed mainly in sectors such as textiles, food processing, steel and iron, machinery and naval engineering. New sectors such as information technology and telecommunications also show high potential growth. Since 2005, industry and construction are the sectors that lose the most percentage in GDP. The manufacturing sector industry went from representing 18.4% in 2005 to only 16.9% in 2012, and construction from 11.6% in 2005 to 9.1% in 2012.

On the other hand, tourism is a booming sector and is an important source of income for the Spanish market. Spain ranks second as a tourist destination in the world, behind France, which stimulates the export of goods and services.

According to the IES, the services sector is the most dynamic in recent years and contributed about 71.3% of the Spanish GDP during 2012. To this is added that a good part of Spanish investment abroad is in the sectors banking, distribution, engineering, management and construction of infrastructures (airports, highways, etc.), water and waste management, hotels, energy production and distribution, renewable energy, insurance, telephony, etc.

Foreign Trade of Goods and Services.

Much of the international trade that Spain carries out is with the countries of the European Community, especially Germany and France. The geographical proximity and the commercial agreements in the block explain this. China and the United States appear less representative.

Commercial exchange of goods: Spain with the World.

In 2012, Spanish exports of goods totaled 254,476 million USD, 4% less than the previous year. Imports reached 327,097 million USD, this amount represented a decrease of 10.9% compared to 2011.

For the last year, Spain's trade balance remained negative with a balance of USD 40,995 million, however, the gap between exports and imports was reduced by nearly USD 29 billion. The commercial exchange of Spain with the world totaled 581,573 million USD in 2012, which represented a decrease of 7.8% compared to the previous year, showing the effects of the economic crisis.

Table 2: Commercial Exchange of Goods: Spain (Millions USD).

Commercial Exchange of Goods

Source: Own elaboration from the Global Trade Atlas.

In 2012, the top five destinations for Spanish exports were France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom. These five markets represented 48% of the total exported by Spain.

The following table shows the most imported products in Spain, which correspond to industrial, chemical, metallurgical, mineral products, and also clothing. According to the Trade Map, at the end of 2012, the five main supplying countries to Spain are Germany (11.7%), France (11.4%), Italy (6.6%), China (5.6%) and the Netherlands (5.3%). As with exports, there is a drop in the amount imported for the last year. However, this situation is expected to be reversed due to the reforms implemented by the Spanish government.

Table 3: Main products imported by Spain (Millions USD).

Main products imported by Spain

Source: Own elaboration based on data from the Trade Map.

Taking into account the information provided in the Trade Map, the list of supplying markets for a product imported by Spain is reported, specifically the product described above, in which a total of 34 countries that export Premium tobacco to Spain are represented, that add up to an import value of USD 169,914 thousand in 2012 for the Spanish country. The most representative countries are shown below.

Graph 3: Supply markets for a product imported by Spain.

Supply markets for a product imported by Spain.

Source: Prepared by the authors from the information found in the Trade Map.

Graph 3. shows the 9 countries that export the most Premium tobacco to the Spanish market, in the period 2008-2012. Being Germany in 2012 the largest supplier of Premium tobacco with 61,013 thousand USD and in second place is Cuba with a total of 41,147 thousand USD. In the third position is Belgium with 23,798 thousand USD, followed by the Netherlands with 21,743 USD, which reflected better results in previous years than those obtained by Belgium.

However, according to the values ​​represented in the previous graph, the Cuban market obtained higher values ​​as a supplier of the aforementioned product to Spain until 2011. Hence the importance of carrying out this study, to define the causes that have caused such decrease and propose actions to reverse the current situation in the market for our luxury product, the cigar.

Below in graph 4, the bilateral trade between Spain and Cuba is shown in the years between 2010-2012 in thousands of USD, according to the Trade Map, bilateral trade and imports for Spain were reported by Spain.

Graph 4: Bilateral trade between Spain and Cuba

Bilateral trade between Spain and Cuba

Source: Prepared by the authors from the information found in the Trade Map.

In the previous graph, for 2010, the Cuban market represented 31.35% of the imports made by Spain of Premium tobacco, in 2011 it was 28.98% and in 2012 it was 24.11%. Verifying the above, the existence of a decrease in exports of Cuban Premium tobacco.

Market trends. Apparent consumption.

According to Euromonitor, total consumer spending in Spain fell by 3.4% in real terms since 2006. On the other hand, the fastest growing category in this period in terms of real consumer spending was housing, which is it expanded by 16.4%, followed by alcoholic beverages and tobacco (7.8%) and communications (6.6%).

The Community of Madrid and Catalonia are the two urban centers that concentrate the largest amount of commerce and expenses. The social class composed of high-level professionals and successful entrepreneurs has been the one with the highest growth since 2006 (21.2%). Furthermore, another important aspect is that inequality in income distribution has increased considerably as a result of the crisis.

Regarding trends in the use of technology, a study carried out by Mobile Life in 2011 revealed that 99% of Spaniards between 16 and 60 years old own a cell phone. Additionally, of the total number of people in this age range who have a mobile phone, 15% have an advanced technology, 36% a basic one and 48% a smartphone. According to this study, the most used functions of mobile phones are: sending messages (84%), taking pictures (80%), listening to music (62%), playing games (55%), chatting (53%) and connecting to internet (53%). In addition, 23% of users read the press and 21% watch live television, while 4% say that they hardly ever make calls.

Private consumption was distributed in the following categories in the last five years:

Table 4: Consumption in Spain (Millions USD).

Consumption in Spain

Source: Own elaboration from Euromonitor data.

The apparent consumption of cigars is impossible to quantify, since on the one hand there is an appreciable quantity of cigars (cigars), whether authentic or fake, enter through the unofficial circuit: internet sales, individuals who buy in more attractive markets as for the price (Cuba, Andorra, Gibraltar, Middle East, among others) or people who carry cigars from Cuba and sell them directly. On the other hand, there are also quantities bought in the Spanish market by foreigners that are not considered as domestic consumption. In any case, between what is sold on the one hand and what comes in on the other, according to the experts, the current figures are a true reflection of what real consumption could be.

The trend in the Spanish market is aimed at a slight drop in volumes, a trend in the preference for cheaper products or, as it is called in tobacco, lower royalty products, which leads to a drop in the average price and concentration.

Tariff and non-tariff barriers.

Customs barriers.

Spain is governed by the rules of the European Union (EU), so trade with members of the community is exempt from tariffs. However, when goods are entered into Spain, exporters must fill out an "Intrastat Declaration". If the exporting country is not a member of the EU, the tariff rates are calculated on an Ad valorem basis on the CIF value of the goods, according to the general tariff rates, which is equivalent to 30%. The cigars classify in the tariff section (specific): 240210 / cigars or cigars (even blunt) and cigarillos that contain tobacco. On the other hand, it should be noted that until December 2013 Cuba will belong to the General System of Preferences (GSP) where a tax of 9.1% is charged for the entry of the product to Spain.

No duty barriers.

Regarding genetically modified products, sanitary controls for their entry into the European market are very rigorous. If these types of products are allowed, it must be specified on the packaging. Non-tariff barriers include packaging specifications, phytosanitary regulations, and labeling standards that regulate the entry of the product. These rules and regulations are developed in the section corresponding to each description.

Sanitary measures.

These measures in Spain are in total harmony with the actions foreseen in the European Strategy for Tobacco Control 2002 of the European Region and with the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, made in Geneva on May 21, 2003 and ratified by Spain on December 30, 2004.

The Spanish Constitution recognizes in its article 43 the right to the protection of health, and entrusts in its section 2 to the public powers the organization and protection of public health through preventive measures. To contribute to the effectiveness of this right, Law 14/1986, of April 25, General Health, established the obligation of public health administrations to direct their actions primarily to the promotion of health and the prevention of diseases, avoid activities and products that, directly or indirectly, may have negative consequences for health and regulate their advertising and commercial propaganda.

On the other hand, health warnings are mandatory, as in all EU countries, they must appear both on the front and on the back of the package.

Likewise, the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, ratified by Spain on December 30, 2004, contemplates in its article 11.1 the health warnings on the labeling of tobacco products, in the form of images or pictograms, as a adequate instrument to reduce the demand for tobacco.

Hence, this Decree establishes that all packaging units for tobacco products must carry a general warning that says:

  • Smoking kills.Smoking seriously harms your health and that of those around you.

These warnings must be printed on the most visible side of the packaging unit, as well as on all the outer packaging used in the retail sale of the product, with the exception of transparent wrappers used in the retail sale of the product. On the other hand, they must also carry an additional warning according to Annex 12 consisting of photographs or illustrations and a text (combined warnings), called pictograms.

Container, Packaging and Labeling.

All products imported into Spain must respect the quality and labeling standards established by the Byrne Directives.

  • The containers of natural materials and fibers must be accompanied by official certificates indicating that the material has been fumigated. The language allowed on the packaging and the labeling is Spanish. The metric system is used as a unit of measurement. Marking of origin «Done in"

The labeling of tobacco products in Spain is included in Royal Decree 1079/2002, of October 18, which regulates the maximum contents of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide in cigarettes, the labeling of tobacco products. tobacco, as well as measures relating to ingredients and names of tobacco products.

The labeling regulations in Spain specify that you must have the following information:

  • Name, trade name or description Name and full address of the manufacturer / packer, importer, country of origin of the imported product Net weight, number or volume of content Serial number, batch number or distinctive code Month and year of manufacture and packaging Month and year of product expiration

Anti-smoking laws and advertising regulations.

Spanish provisions include the prohibition of tobacco advertising in the press and other printed publications, on radio, television, the Internet, advertising on public transport and in public buildings, as well as the free distribution of tobacco products, which which restricts the promotion of points of sale in all Member States and also prohibits showing and sponsorships. As a member of the European Union, Spain is obliged to apply the EU directives on advertising. The directive approved by the European Parliament in June 1998 proposed a ban on tobacco advertising in member countries in July 2001. Spain has been a fairly liberal market, until the second half of the 1980s, the industry had remained free of major restrictions. Usually,smoking is not allowed in hospitals, educational institutions, government offices, theaters and cinemas. However, these rules vary from region to region. Smoking is prohibited on all national and international flights, including the airline Iberia and Spanair, on intercity buses and trains.

Smoking is prohibited in public and private workplaces, health, educational and sports centers, closed public transport areas and places where food is produced or sold and only allow smoking in designated areas and strictly physically separated from airports, shopping centers, theaters, cinemas, and bars and restaurants over 100 square feet.

The sale of tobacco products to children under 16 years of age was banned in 1988, although it was legally banned on January 1, 2006.

The sponsorship of tobacco products, as well as all kinds of advertising, and promotion of said products in all media and supports, including vending machines and information society services, with the following exceptions:

  1. Publications aimed exclusively at professionals involved in the tobacco trade. Presentations of tobacco products to professionals in the sector within the framework of Law 13/1998, of May 4, on the management of the tobacco market and tax regulations, as well as the promotion of said products in state tobacco and stamp stores, provided that it is not intended for minors or involves the free distribution of tobacco or goods and services related exclusively to tobacco products or the habit. smoking or bearing names, trademarks, symbols or any other distinctive signs that are used for tobacco products. In any case,the value or price of the aforementioned goods or services may not exceed five percent of the price of the tobacco products to be promoted. In no case, these activities may be carried out in the shop windows or extended outside said establishments, or directed abroad. Publications that contain advertising of tobacco products, edited or printed in countries that are not part of the European Union, provided that said publications are not primarily intended for the community market, unless they are primarily aimed at minors.edited or printed in countries that are not part of the European Union, provided that such publications are not primarily intended for the community market, unless they are primarily aimed at minors.edited or printed in countries that are not part of the European Union, provided that such publications are not primarily intended for the community market, unless they are primarily aimed at minors.

It is also prohibited outside the network of tobacco and stamp stores of the State, the free or promotional distribution of products, goods or services or any other action, whose objective or direct or indirect, main or secondary effect, is the promotion of a product tobacco.


  • The main exporting countries of Premium tobacco are the Dominican Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands (Holland) and Cuba, while the main importers are the United States, France, the Netherlands (Holland) and Spain.The economic situation in Spain is complex, since have a high level of unemployment and their trade balance remains negative, mainly due to the global crisis. The sales of cigars have had several obstacles in their development such as: the global economic crisis, the resurgence of anti-smoking laws and the tendency to the implementation of the plain package. The trends of the Spanish market in the coming years indicate a slight drop in sales volumes, a tendency to buy cheaper products, a drop in the average price and concentration.


  • Anonymous, “Market Guide of Spain. Services Sector, 2013 ”. Available at: http://www.siicex.gob.pe/siicex/documentosportal, (accessed November 22, 2013). Anonymous. "Customs barriers". Available at: http://www.taric.es/services/links/links.asp, (accessed October 15, 2013).Stanton; Etzel; Walker, "Fundamentals of Marketing", McGraw-Hill, 11th Edition, 2001. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, "Synthesis of Economic Indicators, October 2013". Economic and Commercial Office of Spain. "Analysis of foreign trade between Cuba and Spain 2012" Available at:, (consulted on November 20, 2013).Oteo Ochoa, Luis Ángel; Repullo Labrador, José Ramón. "Europe and Spain: Economic Crisis and Projections". Available at: http://www.medicosypacientes.com, (consulted on October 16, 2013).
Market profile of the premium tobacco product in spain