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Marketing plan of a homemade chocolate company

Table of contents:


Our work consists in the implementation of the sale of HOMEMADE CHOCOLATES, made with the traditional recipe for milk chocolate which is owned by GRANDMA. For which we present our Marketing Plan below.

1. Consumer satisfaction

Our product aims to satisfy the end consumer the need to feel a soft and sweet taste on their palate, which will give them pleasure and, through its innovative designs, remember memorable dates.

2. Analysis of the environment

2.1. The demand

The demand is made up of all the people who consume chocolate on

a regular basis.

This product will not have age, gender or income level limitations, as it is an accessible product due to its price and design.

We identify as a threat all those brands positioned in the formal market, having products inserted within the retail trade.

Among the opportunities we highlight the absence of chocolates with innovative shapes and figures

2.2 The competition

The competition is represented by all the brands already positioned and established in the market.

We identified as a latent threat the preference to buy chocolate from well-known brands, before buying an artisan product.

Our opportunity is focused on penetrating a handmade product, with 100% manual production processes and with a flavor characterized by its homemade essence.

2.3 Economic Aspects

Within the economic aspects we can say that it is a completely handmade product, so its production has minimal and accessible financial resources.

Economic threats are not foreseeable in the short term, having a small, but exclusive client portfolio

2.4 Legal aspects

A Patent will be processed before the Municipality together with the Initiation of activities and the corresponding permits before public organizations such as Llanchipal (Health) and to associate with minor trade unions established in the City.

2.5 Sociocultural aspects

We describe the population as a culture with little purchasing power over our product (only occasional), this being our threat.

We have an opportunity to reach a niche market such as getting a handmade gift with a new and imaginative design.

2.6 Technological aspects

We point out that within our product there is an absence of technology, as it is a 100% handmade product.

Among the opportunities there is the option to buy for all those people who prefer handcrafted products with minimal processing, so as not to lose their naturalness.

3. Market research

3.1 Current market

It is constituted) by all people without distinction of age, sex or social origin. It is a product consumed with medium frequency, that is, on special occasions. It can also be consumed anywhere and at any time, without climatic or seasonal impediments, etc.

3.2 Potential market

It is that market stigmatized by traditional chocolates, accustomed to common packaging and with a high value. That is, with the lack of a design that identifies the consumer with feelings or emotions.

3.3 Provider market

We will get our supplies from the wholesalers present in the region, as they are accessible products at any authorized food distributor.

3.4 Distributor market

Within this market we can point out that the distribution will be on behalf of the producers, without intermediaries or authorized agents.

The product to be offered, "Artisan Chocolate", has always been classified as a homemade product that is part of the traditions of many families, which historically speaking has an intact presence within each home.

3.5 Consumer Market

The projection in terms of demand we mention that this will be sustained throughout the year, with its strongest period being the summer season of April (Easter).

4. Market segmentation

4.1 Characteristics of / consumer

Our potential consumers are families and tourists who come to our City.

4.2 Segmentation variables

Within the variables we can say that they do not influence much on our expected results. For example, the level of income of our consumers or age will not produce major «variations.

4.3 Segmentation and definition of / target market

Our Target Market is in the Passenger Tourists and citizens who visit places of tourism in the city of Puerto Montt.

5. Business strategy

5.1 Product

Our product is in an already exploited life cycle, but it never loses its validity. By designing new forms of chocolate, we will boost the introduction of a product with original figures and components with minimal processing, thus associating it with a fundamental aspect for the consumer: quality.

  • Place in the value chain

We are located in the third stage of the chocolate value chain.

They are preceded by the cocoa producers and the distributors of the chocolate ingredients, to then come to us and execute their elaboration and distribution of our final product.

  • Differentiation

The distinguishing characteristic of our chocolates with respect to the competitors is the shape of the packaging, these will be with shapes such as animals or flowers. They will have the coloring that they naturally possess.

  • Basic benefit

Satisfy the pleasure of tourists

  • Potential Product

Other types of chocolates and designs according to customer requests


Homemade chocolates «La Abuela»

Cost studies

Preparation of 600 popsicles of chocolates

5.3 Promotion

Quantitatively, the objectives of our campaign is that at the end of a year 100% of the target population knows the taste of one of our chocolates. That at least 60% of said target population has ever purchased our product. The last of our goal, but perhaps the most important, is that at least 10% of the target population regularly consume our chocolate.

5.4 Distribution

5.4.1 Determination of the distribution channel Our products will be distributed by commercial premises established in tourist places of Puerto Montt 5.4.2 Price and ownership control The price will be established for sale to the public by the tenants, our price will be the same for all merchants.

6. Market share

6.1 Market Share

Our initial participation will be 150 of the sales of Casero chocolate, with a one-year projection of 25% of the Puerto Montino market.

6.2 Expected sales

Our sales are directly associated with a seasonality, and with specific dates such as Easter, Christmas, and the summer season.

Marketing plan of a homemade chocolate company