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Marketing plan of a graphic company in cuba

Table of contents:


The current situation in the world economy requires a constant effort from all companies and their dependencies in various aspects, among which we can mention the improvement of the organization of negotiation processes, the increase in work and the reduction of costs.

Negotiations, as an aspect of great importance, allow us to enter the market by offering products and services under very favorable conditions to face the competition to which we are subjected.

The real conditions existing in our country, the new demands and transformations that the Cuban economy faces from the agreements of the 6th PCC Congress, placing companies before a necessary process of change. This implies that by changing the way of thinking and doing things, teamwork, communication, dynamism, market orientation and strategic response aimed at customer satisfaction, but without renouncing the principles that during these 55 years of Revolution has identified to our political system. Therefore, it is necessary to orient yourself towards those trends and realities that lie ahead.

The present investigation was carried out in the Integral Graphic Company No.2 located in the Ciego de Ávila municipality. Through this, it is about bringing to all the workers of this entity what is referred to Marketing, taking into account the promotion, advertising, marketing, that is, all the conditions that the products that are marketed in the company must have to have a BETTER IMAGE before your clients.

This Integral Graphic Company No. 2, belonging to the Polygraphic Integration Union of the Ministry of Industry, was created on December 1, 1989 by Resolution No. 64/89 of the IPU, having been approved by Resolution No. 3/2008 of the Ministry of Economy and Planning its Social Purpose, which is defined in graphic printing of all kinds in any medium, book recovery services, binding, napkins, produces and markets products made with scrap and production waste, cleaners graphics, other services such as cargo transportation, among others related to graphic activity.

Since its inception in the commercialization, the company has pursued as its main objective that its customers are satisfied with the products that are offered to them. Providing the best service to customers is not only the responsibility of the company's managers, but also of all workers, mainly those who are part of the team that are directly linked to sales management.

For the present work, internal data was used to know the behavior of the products that are marketed, prices, statistical tables, and results of interviews. The company's corporate identity manual was also analyzed.


The graphic company today does not have a definition of marketing that provides better benefits and greater satisfaction to its customers, so this represents a weakness for the organization.

Scientific problem

  • How to establish a Marketing Development Project in Empresa Gráfica Integral No. 2?


  • Implement a commercial marketing projection through negotiation, commercialization and contracting in Empresa Gráfica Integral No. 2


Theoretical Foundation

In the beginning, Marketing was limited to trying to sell a product that was already manufactured, that is, the Marketing activity was subsequent to the production of the good, it only intended to promote the sales of a final product. Now Marketing has many functions that have to be fulfilled before the production process; These include market research and the design, development and testing of the final product.

When analyzing the concept of Marketing, all those who have studied it should be considered. Each of these authors has a literally different definition, but the purpose is the same: The orientation to satisfy the client, their needs and desires.

Marketing: it is a social and management process, through which groups of individuals obtain what they need and want, creating, offering and exchanging products with value for others. " 4

"Operational Marketing is a voluntary management of conquest of existing markets whose action horizon is situated in the short and medium term. In commercial management, focused on achieving some goal of sales figures and based on tactical means based on the product's pricing and communication policy. Operational Marketing action is specified in market share objectives to be achieved and in authorized marketing budgets to achieve these objectives. " 5

Marketing has gone through different historical stages, associated with the business concept.

Stage 1: Production-oriented.

Stage 2: Orient towards sales.

Stage 3: Orientate the client - Market.

Stage 4: Oriented to satisfy needs in a social setting.

Marketing has developed in four important areas:

  • Industrial Marketing Marketing of consumer products Marketing of services Social and cultural Marketing

Based on the knowledge of market needs and the behavior of potential buyers, the producer must first define the market in which he wants to compete, which we call the reference market. This decision implies the participation of the total market in homogeneous subsets in terms of needs and motivations of companies, susceptible to building a market with different potentials.

This participation is generally carried out in two stages, a stage of Macro - segmentation that calls for identifying the segments within each of the selected products - market -, if we take this total market share as a basis, the company can immediately assess the attractiveness of different products - markets and segments, and measure your own competitiveness. As the growing globalization of markets, the company is increasingly produced to apply segmentation methods in the international arena with the aim of discovering world segments.

The most used segmentation criteria are.

  • The geographical ones: Where the groups are formed taking into account characteristics such as region, size of the city, density, climate, etc. The psychographics: Where you can use elements such as social class, lifestyle, personality, etc. The behavioral: It is the one that according to the behavior of the individual can be defined, occasion is purchased, benefits sought, client status, percentage of use, level of loyalty, position stage. Demographics: Age, Sex, Family Size, Family Life Cycle, Income, Occupation, Education, Religion, Race, Nationality.

“One of the most important elements of this philosophy is the knowledge of the so-called marketing mix. This mix is ​​made up of four variables defined by Jerone Mc Carty in 1968, in which for mnemonic purposes by the four p, referring to the variables in English language and they are. " 7

  • Product……………. ProductPrice ……………..… PricePromotion ………… PromotionDistribution ……….. Place

The third variable promotion has evolved and is defined in the activity as communication.

The product is the most important variable of the marketing strategy, since its situation of the company with the remaining variables.

Product is everything that can be offered to the attention of a market for its acquisition, use or consumption and that can also satisfy a desire or need.

Of the Marketing variables, "price is the only one that provokes an immediate reaction on income, while the rest involve expenses and price decisions are considered a highly complex factor." 8

Price is defined as the amount of money a customer is willing to pay to meet their needs.

About the price we can say that:

  • It is a powerful competitive instrument. It produces important psychological repercussions on the customer. In many purchasing decisions it is the only information available.

In the promotion, a general communication system is present in reality and can be defined as follows.

Promotion in the broadest sense is the channel through which the company has the opportunity to communicate with its current and / or potential customers, in order to present the products it produces and encourage them to purchase them.

The promotion variable is made up of four proportional elements or proportional mixing. They are:

  • Advertising Personal selling Sales promotion Public relations

Advertising is any paid form of impersonal presentation of ideas, goods or services, carried out by an identified sponsor for strictly commercial purposes and generally through mass media, and its objectives can be: Informative, persuasive and reminders.

Public relations is the last element and not for that reason the least important of the promotion variable. They can be defined as the set of actions, or efforts planned by the company to influence the opinion and attitude of certain groups or public in favor of the organization.

Distribution is defined as the set of tasks and operations necessary to bring the finished products from the places of production to the places of sale.

It is the means of establishing the producer - product - consumer relationship, the relationship that does not end there, therefore a feedback process begins that will influence the subsequent productive actions of the manufacturer and the distribution systems that are used.

An annual Marketing plan fulfills several functions:

  • It summarizes the Marketing strategies and tactics that will be applied to achieve the specific objectives during the following year. It is a recipe that guides executives and the rest of the employees involved in Marketing. The plan also indicates what must be done in relation to other steps of the administrative process, namely: Instrumentation, evaluation of the Marketing program. It will be in charge of carrying out certain activities, when it will take place and how much time and money will be invested.

One of the oldest and most notable writers who gave importance to Marketing was Peter Drucker, who wrote in his classic book The Practice of the Leader:

“If we want to know what a business is, we must start with its purpose and its purpose must be outside of itself. Indeed, this must be located in society, since a commercial company is an organ of society. There is only one valid definition of the purpose of a business: to create a customer. " 9

Essentially for a Graphic Company "creating" a client means identifying needs in the market, establishing which of these deficiencies can profitably serve the organization and developing an offer to convert potential buyers into clients of the organization.

Marketing workers are responsible for most of the activities necessary to create customers that the organization wants; these activities include:

  • Identifying customer needs Designing products and services to meet those needs Information that communicates about those products and services to prospective buyers Making products and services available when and where they meet customer needs Customers Set prices for products in such a way that they reflect costs, competition, and customer availability to buy them Provide the service and follow-up necessary to ensure customer satisfaction after purchases.

The considerations made about what is the commercialization of a printing company and what is its place within organizations have undergone substantial changes in recent years with the updating of the economic model after the VI Congress of the PCC, where it is being giving more autonomy to companies, expanding their corporate purpose.

It is important to consider that the concept of marketing translates into a philosophy that does not imply that other functions of the company are secondary, nor does it suggest that satisfying customer needs through large volumes of sales is the sole objective of the company. The marketing concept requires the integration and coordination of various market activities, such as product development, pricing, sales forecasting, and market research. On the other hand, marketing decisions must also be closely integrated and coordinated with the other functional areas.

Because the marketing concept requires a customer-buyer orientation, management activities focus on the needs of the specific and most important customers and also on the adaptation of products, prices, promotional effort and other business needs to meet those needs. But the concept of Marketing is also a philosophy that provides guidelines and long-term purposes to the organization, and we reiterate marketing must be coordinated with the other functional activities. Therefore, marketing decision making also takes place at the top management level.

They also have implications for other functional areas as they influence future financial needs for research and development, production planning, and staff development.

The basic purposes of the decisions of the Board of Directors of a graphic company with a marketing vision should be the following.

  • Establish bases for resolving conflicts between marketing, finance, production, and research and development by establishing general objectives for the company as a whole Provide bases for allocating limited human and financial resources among major products Identify the specific role each is expected to play product in achieving the company's sales and profitability goals.

Although the company's marketing staff takes care of different decisions, their activities are related in two important ways. First, workers in the commercial area must provide the Board of Directors with information on trends in sales and profits, on the problems and opportunities that each product has in the market. This information is useful for the development of the general strategy of the company. Second, the decisions made by management influence the degree of difficulty of the tasks faced by commercial personnel.

When the Board of Directors selects a market where the company has a good chance of success, establishes the set of objectives to be achieved and allocates the appropriate resources, the salespeople make decisions that are much more accepted and with more scientific rigor.

Analysis of the results

About the Company

The Integral Graphic Company No. 2 Evelio Rodríguez Curbelo, belonging to the Polygraphic Integration Union of the Ministry of Light Industry, was created on the 1st. December 1989 by Resolution No. 64/89 of the Polygraphic Integration Union, having its Social Purpose approved by Resolution No. 3/2008 of the Ministry of Economy and Planning, which is defined as:

  • Produce and wholesale books, blocks, notebooks, notebooks, agendas, posters, folders, labels, brochures, magazines, models and other productions of the graphic industry in national currency and foreign currency. Provide graphic printing services on any type of support; binding, laminating, die-cutting, conversion, leafing, design, color selection, photocopying, screen printing, pad printing, transfer and labeling to entities in national currency and foreign currency. Produce and wholesale paper napkins to entities in national currency and foreign currency. Provide book recovery services to entities in national currency and foreign currency Produce and wholesale products made with scrap and production waste, such as notepads, calendars,and greeting cards in national currency and foreign currency Produce and wholesale graphic cleaners in national currency and foreign currency Provide printing services, binding of folders, photo albums and various cards to entities in national currency and foreign currency. wholesale, cutting and waste from the production process of the Polygraphic Industry to the system of the Union of Companies for the Recovery of Raw Materials and entities of the Ministry of Light Industry in national currency Provide cargo transportation services in national currency and currency. To wholesale idle and slow-moving products of the Polygraphic Industry, in national currency.Provide email and Internet transmission services to entities of the Light Industry system in the territory, using the infrastructure available to authorized public suppliers in national currency Perform the transmission of data electronically to entities of the Ministry of The Light Industry in national currency Provide training services, non-tourist accommodation and food in national currency Wholesale materials and materials to the companies of the Union Polygraphic Integration in national currency, in specific cases and with prior authorization from the Union.Carry out the transmission of data electronically to entities of the Ministry of Light Industry system in national currency Provide training services, non-tourist accommodation and food in national currency Wholesale to market materials and materials to companies in the Union Polygraphic integration in national currency, in specific cases and with prior authorization from the Union.Carry out the transmission of data electronically to entities of the Ministry of Light Industry system in national currency Provide training services, non-tourist accommodation and food in national currency Wholesale to market materials and materials to companies in the Union Polygraphic integration in national currency, in specific cases and with prior authorization from the Union.

To carry out the production, it has specialized and trained personnel to carry out the different printing technologies (offset, digital and screen printing), in addition, it has a napkin factory, the most modern in the country to assume the Plan of Business and meet the needs of national and international customers through export.

Currently the company has achieved various achievements that make it one of the best companies in the Polygraphic Union, these are:

  • The productions have been consolidated and the technical-productive infrastructure developed steadily. Progress has been made in the quality of the productions and the services provided to customers since the NC-based Quality Management System was implemented and certified ISO 9001: 2008. An improvement in the attention to the working and living conditions of the workers is achieved. There is a group of managers, technicians and workers with great experience, well trained, motivated and committed to the mission of the It is appreciated that they are distinguished by satisfying the demands, needs and desires of all customers with competitive prices, high quality and professionalism. The condition of National Vanguard and the Quality Award for Business Management of the Polygraphic Union were achieved.

Structure and Organization of the Integral Graphic Company No. 2

The Integral Graphic Company No. 2 of Ciego de Ávila to fulfill its objectives, functions and attributions is structured and organized in a system, which includes the company and two Base Business Units, in correspondence with the provisions of the current legislation of national subordination.

The company is structured as follows

  • A General Directorate of Production and Sales UEB Technical UEB Accounting and Finance Directorate Capital Directorate

With this organizational structure, the entity has the following tasks:


Produce and market tangible goods based on the provision of specialized printing services. In addition, commercialize productions of other companies of the Polygraphic Integration Union, provide services that satisfy the expectations and needs of customers through a process of continuous improvements based on education and permanent training of workers, in the context of a Management System of Effective and efficient Quality in compliance with the provisions on Safety and Environment, based on the seriousness, commitment to duty and professionalism of all workers.


The experience in the Graphic Industry, the high professionalism of the cadres and workers, motivated and with a high sense of belonging to quality, organizational capacity, advanced technology, seriousness and teamwork are the pillars that support the management business, these aspects that influence to be the best among companies of its kind.

Marketing plan

Main customers

Current market:

  1. Tourism in the Cayería Norte de Ciego de Ávila, Varadero, adjacent and eastern provinces (Hotels and tourism providers)


  • They are dedicated to providing national and foreign tourism service, which need napkins for their excellence in the service they offer.They present unsatisfied needs in personalized napkins.For the service they provide, they need their needs to be satisfied and even to exceed their Expectations Not stabilized with a single provider Generally delinquent even though credit is allowed for 60 days.
  1. Other companies and organizations in the province and in general in the country for sale in stores: CIMEX, MINCIN, TRD and Caracol.
  • They need the napkins for sales in currency collection stores. They generally pay in both currencies (CUC and MN). They are not very demanding with the quality of raw materials as long as this provides a reduction in prices.

For the Company to take a correct direction regarding the Marketing Strategy it is necessary to carry out the strategic analysis and for this different instruments are needed; the best known is the SWOT MATRIX, it has a direct link with the key success factors.

Diagnosis and Analysis of the SWOT Matrix


  1. Lack of trained personnel for Marketing Management Little promotion and advertising of products It does not have an established marketing project that allows it to position itself in the market as the best company of its kind.


  1. Company with Business Improvement and a Quality Management System implemented and certified by ISO 9000: 2008 standards Reliable accounting Personnel with experiences and other young people willing to train Availability of the product for presentation and promotion Existence of a high quality product quality, economical in its production.


  1. Relationship with other trading companies. Possibility of increasing the sale of products in the national market in the tourist center of Cayería Norte de Ciego de Ávila, Varadero, adjacent provinces and eastern provinces. Emergence of international market niches, mainly in Latin American and Caribbean countries, with demand for the napkin product.


  1. Stocks of other national companies with aspirations to the primacy in the market Existence of other products with greater acceptance in the market Existence of Marketing managers with more experience and greater professionalism Delay in the conclusion of acquisition contracts abroad raw materials, materials and spare parts by the Supply Company, Publicigraf, and the Importing Company ILECO.

Having the SWOT MATRIX, we establish the STRATEGIC, TACTICAL and OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES (they are all actions to fulfill the strategic and tactical objectives)


  1. Take full possession of the national market Enter the international market through the export of napkins to Latin American and Caribbean countries Take advantage of the installed capacity for the production of napkins by increasing production levels Increase the production of napkins in demand by current customers in order to substitute imports. Satisfy the needs of other organizations that demand napkins for their own consumption.

Actions to meet strategic objectives

Conduct market research

  • Characterize clients depending on their economic possibilities and apply strategies to maintain, ignore or pursue them. Analyze the needs of clients' clients and propose actions that lead to minimizing them. Apply actions derived from market study.

Promotion and publicity

  • Transmit our Image to the consumer with the participation in Fairs and other events carrying out promotional actions of our products to insert ourselves in the tourist centers and achieve a position in this market. These actions would be: Advertising print. Radio, TV and Provincial Newspaper programs. Customer events. Promotion on the Internet through the Invasive Newspaper. Prepare an institutional advertising campaign primarily aimed at our main clients.

Promote the AZAHAR napkin brand in the national and international market.

  • Strengthening and defense of the brand as a differentiating element from the competition, taking it as the basis of all communication that is carried out. Consolidate the use of the different elements of the brand. Brand: Napkin AZAHARSlogan: The fragrance on your skin Image: Flor Azahar (orange blossom) Colors: Green, orange Strengthen the role of Promotion as a pillar of Communication

Guarantee the quality of the products we offer to satisfy the needs of our clients in the most effective and efficient way.

  • Maintain the certification of the Quality Management System. Certify the napkin product with the Cuban quality mark.

Introduce new products (Danny napkins, Venezuelan brand)

Carry out a feasibility study of the prices of the products to be sold and their influence on the market that is presented to us.

Apply customer satisfaction measurements to carry out a comparative study between our market possibilities and that of the rest of the competitors and allow us to take actions in order to surpass them.

Establish a methodology to select distinguished clients and declare the benefits that will be applied to them.


  • Train the staff of the Marketing Team in marketing and sales strategies. Train the production staff in order to achieve the quality of the productions to satisfy the client's needs, taking advantage of the installed capacity.

Set the inventory stop for raw materials and materials for production.


  1. Defense and protection of our market from competitors' strategies Maximization of the return on the investment made in our Company Continue working on the introduction of the Azahar napkin product in the foreign market Maintain a well-studied and planned communication policy with customers.Maintain a rigid Corporate Image in all markets that we direct the napkin product.

At the Company, we work so that our current clients feel their needs and expectations satisfied and depending on the degree of satisfaction achieved, they are able to disclose the strength of our product and in this way attract new clients.

This would make our Vision of becoming a leading company in the production and commercialization of AZAHAR napkin at a national and international level come true .


The Company needs to evolve because success more often depends on our ability to capture market shares that are already in the hands of the competition.

The problem to solve every day is:

  • Classify and take care of the clients we have:
  1. Customer with high potential: the e strategia - chase (Try to capture a larger share of purchases from this group) customer high value: the strategy - to honor him (Invert to hold him) client with limited potential: strateg ia - keep. (You have to meet their needs, but without investing too much) Low value customer: the strategy - ignore it. (Allocate fewer resources, to use them in more attractive segments)
  • Try to attract customers who are based on our competitors, attract those who use equivalent products, make a place for ourselves in other markets that are accessible to us.


  • Train the workers and managers of the company in the fundamentals of marketing, in order to achieve greater professionalism, motivation and unity towards the proposed objectives, mainly those of the production and sales area, where the producer-product-relationship is established. client. Develop the promotion and advertising of products, mainly those that compete in the international market, for example; the production of AZAHAR napkins, through communication via intranet and internet.Project the marketing plan in such a way that it allows it to position itself in the market as the best company of its kind in the country and gain a desired image in the international market, mainly in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Marketing plan of a graphic company in cuba