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International marketing plan for a Cuban health tourism product

Table of contents:


In the last decade in Cuba, tourist activity has gained vital importance for the development of our country and the recovery of the economy. And in fact, it constitutes an appreciable source of fresh income that enables the revival of other branches of the economy and makes considerable contributions to the sectors prioritized by the state such as Education and Public Health.

There are different types of tourism, among which is Health Tourism, which has achieved great development in Cuba and in our province particularly, which has two institutions that provide these services: the Therapeutic Community ¨Villa Cocal ¨ and the Therapeutic Community ¨Villa Quinqué¨, which offer specialized medical services to drug addicted patients.

This work focuses on the TC ¨Villa Quinqué¨ because it does not have an International Marketing Plan which prevents it from having structured policies and objectives that guide and frame the priorities for action within the framework of the activity of marketing of the villa, with prior knowledge of the organization's situation and the transformations of the environment in which it operates.


The research was developed taking as a starting point the problem that needs to be solved, which was defined as follows: The international commercialization of the specialized medical services product of the TC ¨Villa Quinqué does not reach the necessary levels of effectiveness and competitiveness. The objective of the research is to design and propose an International Marketing Plan for CT ¨Villa Quinqué that allows the expected commercialization levels to be achieved.

For the preparation of the work, information collection, evaluation and processing methods and techniques were used, consultations were made of the most up-to-date information available, as well as study tools for a better preparation of action guides that facilitate decision-making and the preparation and strategic alternatives guaranteeing the successful achievement of the objectives.


The marketing management of the specialized health tourism product offered by La Villa Quinqué does not reach the necessary levels of effectiveness and competitiveness.


Design of a Marketing Plan for the specialized health tourism product offered by Villa Quinqué, based on the introduction of contemporary conceptions of commercial management and that consider our specific conditions.


Although the service companies, and in particular, the facilities of the tourism sector have adopted management techniques later, it is true that the new conditions and demands of the market are implacable and unless they resign themselves to disappearance or marginalization, companies and tourist destinations must decisively incorporate marketing concepts and tools into their management.

Tourism activity in its entirety does not escape from a marketing philosophy, since its end point is, without a doubt, the man and the satisfaction of his needs for recreation, pleasure, recreation, developing very significant, which together with a Strong competition makes it necessary to establish a marketing strategy that leads to the fulfillment of the proposed objectives.

Tourism marketing becomes the main instrument available to stimulate the operation of the tourism system and thus exchange tourist flows to the receptive regions, so that its effectiveness, to a large extent, the success of the plans of tourism development undertaken by countries and destinations.

One of the definitions of Tourism Marketing is that offered by J. Kripendorf, where it is stated that it is the systematic and coordinated adaptation of both public and private tourism companies, at the local, regional and international level, to fully satisfy the needs of certain consumer groups and thereby obtain an appropriate benefit.

Tourism marketing is an instrument that allows:

  • Discover the needs and desires of tourists Select target audiences Decide on market placement Develop products suited to market opportunities Inform them about what is available Specify where they can buy such products in such a way that they perceive a value whose final result will be the price that consumers are willing to pay.

A tourist destination is a set of tourist facilities and services that, any other product or service, is composed of a number of attributes, which can be based on natural, created, or abstract resources.

Tourist destinations are considered tourist products aimed at meeting the needs of potential tourists or consumers.


A marketing plan is, basically, a document prior to an investment, launching a product or starting a business, where, among other things, it details what is expected to be achieved with that project, what it will cost, time and costs. resources you will need and a detailed analysis of all the steps that need to be taken to achieve your proposed goals. It can also address, apart from the economic aspects, the technical, legal and social aspects of the project.

In the Marketing Plan the technical aspect prevails, it is exhaustive, it is not a sketch, an idea, it is a systematic plan to achieve some ends.

The Marketing Plan also has an external mission: it is usually the memorandum that is presented to attract financial resources or before the owners of the company so that they can decide on the activation of a strategic movement or the launch of a product.

A Marketing Plan must meet two fundamental characteristics:

  • Competitiveness: what matters is in the plan Good organization: what matters is easy to find.

What is the purpose of a Marketing Plan.


It allows to know the market, competitors, current legislation, technological situation, expected demand, etc., as well as the resources available by the company.


I anticipate the possible changes and plan the necessary detours to overcome them, allowing to find new ways that lead to the desired objectives.


Project scheduling is extremely important and, therefore, everyone involved needs to understand what their responsibilities are and how their activities fit into the overall strategy.


In fact, it is what the marketing plan is used for most of the time, that is: Obtaining funds, either from the company itself or from the financial market.


The investigations carried out to carry out the marketing plan and analysis of the strategic alternatives stimulate to reflect on the circumstances that influence the project to be developed and on the events that may appear, modifying the previous ideas and objectives.


In any project the time factor is fundamental, there is almost always a completion date that must be respected. It is therefore important to schedule activities in such a way that all foreseeable circumstances can be used to carry out the plan within the set deadlines.


Detailed analysis of what you want to do will reveal problems that were not initially thought of. This allows solutions to be sought prior to the appearance of problems.

Based on the methodology for the development of the internationalization strategy, it was structured as follows:

  • FIRST PHASE: Analysis of the situation: Where it begins with the characterization of the community and the analysis of its environment. SECOND PHASE: Decision-making: Target markets, product lines, and entry forms are selected and delimited up to market objectives. THIRD PHASE: Policies and action plans: The product and price policy is determined and prepared, as an essential part of the marketing mix.


1 / Presentation and characteristics of the company:

The Villa Quinqué Therapeutic Community is located on the central highway Km 778 via Bayamo, Pedernales, Holguín Municipality, just 5 km from the Frank País International Airport and 7 km. of the City of Holguín.

Initially, it was an ANAP visiting house and in 1973 it became a PCC visiting house. Its first remodeling began in the five-year period 1975-1980 in greeting to the First Congress of the PCC and from that moment on it took the name of Villa Quinqué in remembrance of this important date.

In December 1990 it became a clinic for the care of drug addicts, but because not all the legal procedures were carried out with the Chamber of Commerce for its operation in this market, in April 1991 it began to operate as a Transit Village until March 15, 1992 it reopened as a clinic until today and the Villa Quinqué Therapeutic Community was established with a 3-star category.

La Villa is considered a paradigm of comprehensive care in drug dependence and this is based on the experience of mental health care in Cuba since 1980 and is nourished by the experience of Italian, Argentine, Spanish, American, and Colombian schools. among others and of the approaches proposed by PAHO and WHO.

The Therapeutic Community belongs to the Tourism and Health company, one of the 13 companies that represent the Cubanacán Group in the Holguín tourist destination.

Each of these companies specializes in different activities and is subordinate to the Territorial Delegation of the Cubanacán Group located in Holguín and over this, in turn, the presidency of the group has authority.

This group with more than 13 years of experience in the tourist business and whose offer is made up of attractive natural resources and the services of various tourist and para-tourist companies, is destined to satisfy the needs of active and passive leisure, contact with tropical nature, learn about the history, culture and people of Cuba, restore and maintain health, live new experiences, buy souvenirs and specialties, among others, from increasingly demanding customers.

Located in an eminently natural environment, surrounded by abundant vegetation, and in a peaceful and healthy environment, the Quinqué offers patients the tranquility they need to receive the treatment with the required effectiveness.

It has 14 individual rooms and 5 cabins, equipped with air conditioning, cable TV, refrigeration, single-double beds, hot and cold water. Laundry and dry cleaning services, restaurant, gym, sauna, sports courts, billiard and bowling hall, swimming pool, theater, a pharmacy and a small shop.

The therapeutic area is made up of the Medical Directorate, medical offices, ergotherapy room, group psychotherapy room and acupuncture and relaxation room.

The Villa Quinqué Therapeutic Community has a multidisciplinary team specialized in the care of these conditions with a focus on the link between health and tourism as a binomial of constant interaction, and proposes the use of the natural and cultural resources of the environment: beaches, theaters, museums, cinemas and others, depending on the evolution and regulation capacity acquired by the patient during the treatment process, hence these stimuli are initially directed by the clinic and later are incorporated with self-regulation.

For the admission of patients to the Therapeutic Community, the presence of a family member is required. An evaluation is carried out that extends from 7 to 15 days, which includes clinical, hematological, radiological studies and a psychological evaluation. After concluding the study, the case and the inclusion or not of the patient in the clinic are discussed. In addition, the administrative and therapeutic procedures of the center are explained to the patient and their families.

Patients with a physical illness that makes it impossible for them to function in the Therapeutic Community, as well as patients with diagnoses of organic psychiatric diseases or carriers of communicable diseases such as AIDS and HEPATITIS, are not admitted to the clinic.

The rehabilitation time depends on the individual characteristics of the patient

With a minimum time of 6 months.



The Therapeutic Community operates primarily in the Latin American and Caribbean market.

It began its international operations in 1991 when all legal procedures were carried out with the Chamber of Commerce of Cuba.

All the regulations and provisions proposed by the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization are considered for your dependent drug care.

Cuba maintains commercial relations with all the countries to which it promotes this product, marketing it through Travel Agencies in the issuing countries.

The country participates in international organizations and institutions that regulate, make viable and legislate the international trade of health products and services, as well as in organizations and institutions that combat the consumption and commercialization of drugs. Similarly, laws are in force that prohibit at the national level and sanction the use and trade of drugs, this being a very important factor to achieve the rehabilitation of patients and constitutes an essential element that distinguishes the product in the countries that they constitute the potential market.

Patients from more than 25 countries have been received in the community, highlighting Venezuela, Colombia, Chile and Puerto Rico.


Visitors' concerns can be varied when choosing their tourist destination: the health of the host population, the endemics and epidemics of communicable diseases, the quality of the water and the beaches, hygiene in the handling of food: contamination Atmospheric conditions, their personal and road safety, as well as their access to reliable medical services, appear to be the most important.

Despite the rapid growth of the Cuban tourism industry, these and other factors have been taken into account, as well as the need to guarantee not only the preservation of the visitor's health, but also a healthy and healthy tourism that allows maintaining the elevation the level of health achieved by the population.

Tourists from developed countries find a general mortality structure similar to that of their countries of origin and those who come from developing countries will be in favorable conditions compared to those of their countries of origin.

The incidence of notifiable diseases does not pose a threat to the visitor or the population. The gonorrhea and syphilis rates correspond to world trends and there are no references to be associated with increased tourism activity.

Medical specialists in MGI who provide services in tourist facilities are governed by a normative document of the MINSAP that specifies the actions that should be carried out in the field of health promotion and disease prevention.

The MINSAP has most of the health transport that the country has, it is uniformly distributed throughout the national territory in proportion to the population density and territorial needs. The structure and organization of the Cuban National Health System guarantees the possibility of easily accessing highly qualified services in any region of the country. Urgent care can be received by the tourist in any of the units.

The Cuban Red Cross is responsible for the safety and protection of the beaches whose students meet the pre-established requirements of pre-established physical, psychological and schooling characteristics.

From the educational point of view, Cuba has obtained important achievements that characterize its inhabitants as a cultured and scientific people. The country has a wide network of cultural facilities, 1507 equitably distributed in the country, a literacy rate of 98% and the employment of 10% of GDP in education.

Until 1998 600,000 Cubans had graduated from Higher Education centers, 350,000 teachers, 17,000 university professors, 9,000 scientists and researchers are working in more than 200 research centers throughout the country.


In our country there are still disparities in the levels of inter-branch and intra-branch technological development. On the other hand, the technological offer is basically made up of the production of the companies of the Ministry of the Mechanical Sidero Industry and other entities belonging to the CIMEX Corporation, EMSUNA, IMEXIN SA, MAQUIMPORT, the ITH industry and technology division, among others.. Most of the technological offer is made up of imported technologies.

The evolution of technological changes, through which it is possible to replace maturing or aging technologies with new technologies, has developed slowly, although some companies are in a more advantageous position than others.

The tourism industry has experienced to a greater or lesser extent technological changes, which have been determined by the diversification currently shown by the availability of financial resources, as well as the positioning or life cycle of the tourism company.


In the country there is an entire legal system, expressed through provisions, decrees, laws and regulations that Cuban companies must consider and comply with in the development of their activities.

The Economic Resolution of the V Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, approved in 1997, establishes the objectives and policies for all sectors, prioritizing the need to increase quality, fuel savings, import substitution and management efficiency, such as central objective for the entire company and institutions.

Law No. 81 on Environmental Protection also establishes provisions and regulations that organizations should consider as social responsibility.

Companies are also subject to provisions of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers, as well as resolutions of the Ministry of Economy and Planning, as well as the Ministry of Finance and Prices, in addition to those issued by the Ministry of Tourism and Public Health.


The country's economy continues its process of revival and it is expected that GDP growth in the coming years may reach between 4 and 6% annual average, in correspondence with the levels of efficiency, the increase in exports and access to sources. external financing, which complements internal accumulation efforts.

This economic growth will be determined essentially by tourism, traditional exportable productions (sugar, nickel, tobacco, fishing) that should make the greatest contribution to increasing external income and by the ability to achieve development with their demand for products and services. from other branches of the economy.

The country has an economic and social infrastructure created over more than three decades, as well as human and natural resources and scientific-technical development that it is essential to use efficiently.

The economic policy that governs the economy sets efficiency as the central objective, constituting this the fundamental source to achieve the expected levels of growth.

It is necessary to consider in the same way the continuation and increase of the current restrictions for the country in terms of sources of external financing and an adequate solution to the problem of external debt, due to the restriction laws of the United States against Cuba and the strong competition among underdeveloped countries for financing.

These valued issues will affect to a greater or lesser extent and will be presented as opportunities and threats for all organizations.

The province of Holguín has a population of around 1,024 to 907 inhabitants, with a growth rate of 5.9 / 1000 inhabitants, a population density of 110.2 inhabitants / square km and an enrollment rate of 97.1 %. It is considered a hospitable, happy people and rooted in its traditions.


Los principales recursos naturales están representados por playas, bahías, zonas de buceo, paisajes naturales, cayos, ríos, aguas fango medicinales y embalses. El 66 % de estos recursos se encuentran en buen estado de conservación y solo el 15, 7 % presenta afectaciones que disminuyen su calidad. Actualmente el 37 % de estos recursos tienen algún tipo de uso recreativo, concentrándose en los municipios de Rafael freyre, gibara, Banes y Mayarí. Existe un amplio potencial para el desarrollo del turismo en el territorio.

Socio / cultural resources are represented by archaeological, historical sites, and cultural traditions associated with the rural way of life, with potential for tourism being museums, cultural houses, art galleries, cinemas, theaters, amphitheaters, buildings, of monumental value. and architectural, historical and archaeological sites, as well as regular events and local traditions, among others.

Tourism only takes advantage of 10 5 of this potential, mainly in the cities of Holguín, Banes and Gibara.


This analysis will allow us to assess the things in which the community is excellent, advantageous, powerful or beneficial and those in which it is weak and lazy.

3 a) / need and use of financial data. The information reflected below was obtained from interviews with community managers and economic and accounting information.

Due to the tensions that are forecast for the economy, the leaders of the organizations should focus their efforts on the situation and management of their financial resources, so that the fluidity and opportunities of income should be tasks of the first order. Efficiency in the use of money, particularly in collection and payment operations, will be of particular importance.

The introduction of discounted payment instruments, incentives and penalties for debtors through discounts or interest charges for the mere improvement of commercial and financial management and other formulas to accelerate money turnover will be implemented, achieving a functioning of the entities financial, banking and non-banking, in accordance with those purposes.

Economic policy also promotes foreign investment, negotiating with priority those projects that contribute more to the achievement of the plans of the national economy, the operation of the Free and industrial zones will be promoted and consolidated in order to diversify exports, obtain technologies advanced and create jobs.

Similarly, progress is being made in determining a more adequate exchange rate, the establishment of new forms of payment and stimulation schemes, as well as the government's control system over economic management is perfected and consolidated through government controls, Central Foreign Exchange Commission and the Central Commission of State Charts, the work of the National Tax Administration Office and the National Audit Office, among others. It is necessary to consider in the same way, the continuation and increase

The Mission of the Therapeutic Community «Villa Quinqué» is the following:

Located in an eminently natural environment, surrounded by abundant vegetation, and in a peaceful and healthy environment, the Quinqué offers quality Specialized Medical Services to patients dependent on drugs, pharmaceuticals and alcohol, in the Latin American and Caribbean area. It has an excellent program and a team of professionals characterized by their sensitivity and their experience in this type of treatment. Directed its efforts towards achieving the full recovery of patients and their social reintegration.

Its goal is to consolidate its image as a Therapeutic Community of excellence and to position itself in one of the first places within the International Medical Services, attract the largest number of patients in the market segments in which it operates and penetrate new markets.

The Vision of the Villa is as follows:

We are a Therapeutic Community of Attention to Drug Dependence, leader in Latin America and the Caribbean, characterized by maximum Satisfaction and

Total Rehabilitation of our Patients.


Product Analysis :

The Villa Quinqué Therapeutic Community is an international clinic dedicated exclusively to the specialized treatment of addiction to the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs that cause dependencies such as: opiates, cambáis, hallucinogens, volatile solvents and other psychoactive substances and combinations of different classes of drugs, therefore, it has only one market product: medical services specialized in the treatment of drug dependence.

Product: Specialized medical services.

Clients: Addicted to the consumption of drugs, drugs and alcohol.

Needs: Eliminate addiction to the consumption of drugs, drugs and alcohol, and achieve the reintegration of patients into society.

Technology: Therapeutic program with a high percentage of effectiveness.

The product offered by the Villa (Specialized Medical Services) is based on the medical services themselves and on the complementary services (11).

Medical services.

Medical services are based on a treatment program which consists of two phases:

  • Week of evaluation, adaptation and performance of clinical studies where the patient joins the activities of the rehabilitation program depending on their individual operating characteristics, which continues with a treatment phase, complying with the programmed objectives, in which the They insert different variants, allowing them at the precise moment therapeutic social insertion outings in a limited schedule.

The return of the patient from the clinic may consist of remaining outside the institution, but participating in educational and / or work activities and maintaining the link with the TC according to individual needs. Never less than two work sessions or departure to your country of origin for a period of 3 to 6 months, after which you are directed to return to the CT for recycling, during which time you spend 15 days in individual psychotherapy activities and group, the particularities of the stay in their country and family interaction are analyzed. Subsequently, a recycling program is established that reduces visits to the center and prolongs their stay in the country of origin.

Both variants of discharge allow to continue individual and family work with total reintegration in the social environment based on the new life skills that have been incorporated during treatment and that are of vital importance to overcome drug dependence.

In some countries with which the TC maintains a therapeutic scientific relationship, visits are made in order to maintain the follow-up of patients, as well as to interact with the therapists who have continued the treatment.

Complementary services.

The rest of the services provided in the facility are complementary services since they revolve around the fundamental service:

Restoration Service: It is offered in a beautiful open-air restaurant, with a capacity for 24 people, in a pleasant atmosphere that allows you to enjoy the delicious Creole and international food that is served there.

The service offered is à la carte and a very close relationship is established between the shop assistants, the cooks, and the customer; to know their opinions, tastes and interests and to be able to offer a service that satisfies their needs.

Folder: In this area the clients are received and offers information about the therapeutic community and its different areas, disappoints complaints and suggestions, offers morning services, messaging, telephone calls and reservations to other hotels.

It has a blackboard which guarantees the internal, inter-area and room communication service, as well as external (local calls) and international communication. Safe to store valuables and a box in which charges are made for telephone, laundry, medical consultations that do not correspond to rehabilitation treatment, university courses, etc.

Accommodation: The hotel floor has 14 individual rooms and 5 cabins, equipped with air conditioning, telephone, milling, cable TV, single-double beds, hot and cold water, which guarantees high comfort.

Store and pharmacy: There is a small store where very useful products are offered such as: clothing, footwear, perfumery, prepaid phone cards, souvenirs, cigarettes and jams. Pharmaceuticals are offered in the pharmacy.

Gym: It is equipped with apparatus for the progressive somatic development of patients and a sauna service. There is an investment project for the purchase of more sophisticated equipment because what it currently owns is old equipment. In addition, the Villa has sports fields, billiards room, bowling alley and swimming pool.

Others: The Villa coordinates trips to tourist facilities inside and outside the province. (In stimulus outputs). In addition, patients have the possibility of receiving improvement courses at the University of Holguín, the School of Art, Faculty of Medical Sciences, cultural institutions such as the Engraving Workshop, among others.


For the development of its activity, the town has an approved staff of 57 places, which are covered and are distributed as follows:

  • Workers 17 Technicians 12 Services 21 Managers 7

The workforce is provided by the employing agency and is approved by the Representative Commission chaired by the administrative leader designated for this purpose and made up of all the organizations of the company and a worker of recognized prestige and authority previously approved in the workers' assembly.

The village has a multidisciplinary team of specialists in drug addiction care, supported by 10 years of experience in the activity and excellent results in the care of this disease (45% total rehabilitation and 15% have relapsed once and have not used drugs again). The rest of the center's workers are qualified and trained for their jobs.

The administration of the village cares about the attention to its Human Resources: food, transportation and working conditions are very good. Furthermore, the union encourages outstanding workers and cadres, and each worker on their birthday. All these factors have a positive impact on staff who feel motivated to perform their work with the highest quality, and imply that there is great stability in the workforce and cadres of the center.

Price Analysis:

The product offered by the "Villa Quinqué" TC is marketed in a package, which is 3 months and the evaluation week. The payment of the program is made in advance and the prices are as follows:

First payment: Evaluation week 1 985.00 USD

First month of treatment 4 500.00 USD

Total 6 485.00 USD

Payment is continued at the rate of USD 4,500.00 for each month of treatment. From the fourth month of treatment a discount of 10% is made.

The forms of payment are the following:

  • Through the issuing agency by bank transfer. Direct payment at the facility by credit card or in cash.

The patient must be accompanied by a family member who will remain during the evaluation period and the first week of treatment, and will provide the necessary data to define the behavior to be followed. This companion is admitted totally exempt from payment for this period and has the right to accommodation, food plan AP (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and clinical airport transfer.

Second and third companions will pay 54.00 USD Daily from the beginning of the program, as will the first companion who wishes to extend their stay beyond the first two weeks with the right to the same services mentioned above.

Patients who have left the clinic who return for recycling must pay USD 120.00 per day and are entitled to receive the same services as in their first stay in the village.

The following services are not included in the package so their use will be paid for independently in all cases.

  • Consultations and / or emergency or outpatient medical-surgical procedures attended in specialized centers Pharmaceutical services that do not correspond to rehabilitation treatment for drug use Laundry and dry cleaning services Tourist excursions Studies of improvement in the University Telephone calls and Use of fax. Immigration procedures. Transfer from Sundays. Additional time after three months of treatment.

Clients with gratuities:

They are patients exempt from payment, the Villa assumes all their expenses and offers them the treatment and all the services that the rest of the patients of the facility receive. They are exceptional patients who come to the country through government agreements that are established between the diplomatic headquarters of the issuing countries and our country.

These patients must pay for the additional services listed above which are not included in the package.

Quality / Price ratio.

There is an adequate quality / price ratio, because although the service is expensive, this is due to the requirements of the specialized treatment that is offered, which demands it, and customers state that they are satisfied with the services they receive and consider that the price corresponds to the quality of the product. In addition, the services are backed by the prestige and quality of the medical team and the workers of the complementary services.

Analysis of Sales, income and profits:

During the period between December 1990 and November 2000, 530 patients from 26 countries were treated. (Annexes 1). The effectiveness of the treatment strategy has been linked to numerous large-scale follow-up studies. These studies have shown positive reintegrations in the social and psychological area of ​​the patients, with 45% effectiveness of the treatment, which is considered a high% taking into account the rates established for this type of treatment.

The following is the behavior of the income and profits that the clinic has obtained in the last 4 years:


2001 1,250,000 1 405 434 821 958 905 668
2002 1,400,000 1 413 677 488038 923 552
2003 1,600,000 1375 533 4000139 732 709
2004 1,450,000 1284 693 934 800 803 793

* Information for 2004 is up to November.


As evidenced in 2003 and 2004, the clinic obtained very good financial results, surpassing the income and profit plans foreseen for this stage. In 2003, there was a notable decrease in expected income and the profit plan was only fulfilled in 53.45% of what was planned.

The year 2001 is the year with the highest number of patients entering the clinic, with a total of 90, surpassing the year 2000, which was the year with the highest influx of patients, with 95, and in which the income and profit plans were over-fulfilled.

On the other hand, in the current year to move from the large influx of clients, the planned has not been achieved until November.

This is largely due to the decrease in the length of stay of patients in the clinic, which is between 80.5 days on average.

When performing the analysis of the stay and the following result was obtained:

Length of stay Number of patients

1 to 44 days 18

45 to 74 days 8

74 to 104 days 14

More than 105 days 12

  • Note: these time intervals were taken because they mark the access of patients to the different levels of rehabilitation.

1-44 First Level of Rehabilitation

45-74 Second Level of Rehabilitation

75-104 Third Level of Rehabilitation

  • Fourth Level of Rehabilitation

The minimum time to guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment is 97 days.

In the analysis of the stay, it is evident that 18 of the patients seen left before concluding the first stage of treatment or at the end of it, and 8 only remained in the center until they started the second stage or at the end of it.

The decrease in the time of stay of patients has negative consequences for the clinic because it affects the percentage of rehabilitation and deteriorates its image in the market. In addition, it does not allow reaching the planned levels of income and profits.


For the design of the International Marketing Plan it is necessary to know in depth both the community and the environment in which it operates.


In this case, and based on the results of group work sessions, the growth matrix was formed. Participation (BCG)

It is based on what, according to data collected from the market and from the participation of the Community, the market experiences a growing trend and in the country there are two therapeutic communities, which are located in Holguín, with Villa Quinqué being the one with the highest income level, for which when located in the corresponding quadrant is classified as a Star product.

In star products or businesses it is advisable to prioritize investments and develop an aggressive and creative policy.

The attractiveness-competitive portion matrix (general electric) was also used, prepared in a work session with a group of experts, who established the factors to be considered to evaluate the attractiveness of the markets and the competitive position of the product or business, defining equally forms the weighting and rating.






1- Bargaining power of suppliers 7 3 twenty-one
2- Clients' bargaining power 7 3 twenty-one
3-Threat of new competitors.

4-Threat of substitute products

5-Rivalry between competitors.

6-Market size

7-Market growth rate.

8-Currency fluctuation

9-Image of the destination

10-Access roads

11-Stability of demand

12-Environmental impact

13-Legal aspects

14- Consumer behavior.

15- Availability of resources.








































100 346








1- Product quality eleven 4 44
2- Customer satisfaction level 10 5 fifty
3- Differentiation 6 4 24
4-Variety of the offer 7 4 28
5-Price 6 4 24
6-Effectiveness of the promotion 4 3 12
7-Marketing database 3 3 9
8-Breadth of distribution 6 4 24
9-Qualification and professionalism 8 4 32
10-Profitability 8 5 40
11- Technological changes 3 4 12
2- Relative market share 4 4 16
13-Provision of raw materials 3 4 12
14-Age of the facilities 3 3 9
15-Business Orientation two 3 6
16- Efficacy of treatments 4 5 twenty
17-Experience in the activity 5 4 twenty
18-Value for money 4 4 16
19- Labor fluctuation 3 4 12


According to the location of this product-market, it can be stated that it has a strong competitive position due to the quality of the product, its profitability, the level of customer satisfaction that presents an attractive market environment where consumer behavior predominates, the image of the destination and market size, among other factors.

In these cases, it is advisable to build selectively by investing in attractive segments, strengthen the position against the competition and seek profitability by improving productivity.

Analysis of the company's environment.

To make decisions about the export of the product, it is important to consider and determine potential markets and international competition among other factors.

Market characterization :

The Villa Quinqué Therapeutic Community operates in the Latin American and Caribbean market mainly, although it has treated patients from Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, although with a small representation.

In Latin America, as expressed by the Pan American Health Organization, the consumption of drugs that cause dependence, although it is lower than in the United States and Canada, in the 1990s showed a tendency to increase steadily, with some peculiarities as is the case of Marijuana in Brazil and those derived from Coca in the Andean countries. It is estimated that between 10-30% of adolescents in Latin America have had experience in drug use.

It is recognized by public health experts that among the first so-called modern epidemics is drug dependence, which endangers human development on the planet. In the American continent, 10% of the population abuses the consumption of alcoholic beverages and between 4% and 9% consume drugs that cause dependence, with their dire consequences for the health of our peoples.

Studies carried out in some Latin American countries reveal significant facts for a comprehensive approach to this universal scourge. These studies show that in urban areas, 26.1% of the population had the first experience of drug use between the ages of 10 and 14.

The following table shows the situation of drug dependence in some countries of our continent.

Original text


SERVIMED, today Cubanacan Turismo y Salud, emerged in Cuba in 1987 as an agency of the Cubanacan Tourist Group, S> A, a company oriented to the commercialization of health services through the Aira García Central Clinic.

At the beginning of the 90s, Cubanacan Turismo Y Salud established a collaboration agreement between MINSAP and the Cubanacan Corporation, which has allowed the expansion of international medical care services to about 60 service institutions throughout of all country. This expansion is combined with the accelerated development that the tourism industry has had during these years, as a strategic development sector.

Cubanacan Turismo y Salud is the company responsible for the promotion and dissemination of medical services, however, the institutions of greater complexity and specialization enjoy autonomy in terms of their commercial management. This company and some other health care service institutions have partnered with travel agencies and operators abroad for the promotion and delivery of health services, associated or not with leisure tourism.

Among these institutions are:

  • International Center for Retinitis Pigmentosa, International Center for Neurological Rehabilitation (CIREN), Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical Surgical Hospital, Center for Placental Histotherapy, Center for Clinical-Surgical Research, Center for topes of Collantes and El Saltón, Latin American Center for the Third Age (CITED), Therapeutic Communities Villa Caniche and Villa Cocal.

As well as others dedicated to the treatment with mineral and earthly waters and alternative and traditional or natural medicine, including treatment with acupuncture.

As can be seen in Cuba, there are only 2 centers dedicated to the treatment of drug addiction, the Villa Caniche and Villa Cocal therapeutic communities.


In the own country in particular in Holguín, a few steps from Villa Caniche is located another Therapeutic community with similar characteristics.

The Villa Cocal International Therapeutic Community is located on the central highway via Bayazo Km 781, in the neighborhood of Providencia Municipality Holguín, just 1 km from the Frank País International Airport and 11 km from the city of Holguín, occupying an area of ​​10,000 square meters. It was inaugurated on October 10, 1990 by the Corporación Cubanacán as a transit town.

On December 17, 1997, responding to a strategy for the growth of capacities for the treatment of drug addiction, due to its high demand in its main clinic, the Villa Caniche Therapeutic Community and for resorting to structural and personnel conditions, it was given the task going into business. This is how this community belonging to the Cubanacan Tourism and Health Company with a 2-star category was built.

In a tropical environment there are 8 2-storey housing blocks for patients and companions, with 32 rooms, 2 blocks with rooms suitable for the medical program and an administration, economy and reception area.

It has a building that includes restaurants, kitchen, warehouses, material technical assurance, freezing refrigerators and ergotherapy room, in the pool area there is the pharmacy store and the rectangular 25-meter pool. In the ranches there is a gym with a sauna.

It maintains a staff of 66 workers, 41 of them direct, the Villa has the comfort and security necessary for the treatment of drug dependence, supported by a specialized multidisciplinary team with a focus on the link between health and tourism as a binomial of constant interaction and the use of the cultural resources of the environment is proposed: museums, theaters, cinemas, and others in which it is enjoyed depending on the evolution and self-regulation capacity acquired during the treatment.

The treatment is based on a comprehensive care model consisting of 4 stages, like that of Villa Caniche.

This product that is offered by the town is in the primary phase of its life cycle, in the introduction, since sales are still low and growth is slow, the creation of demand is fraught with uncertainty and risk, due to the not long after entering this type of business, so your product is still little known. They are working hard to increase their income and grow their market share to move to the next higher phase, supported by their human potential.

Taking into account the position in which clients place it, the product offered by the Villa Poodle Therapeutic Community can be defined as an expected product, since it meets the minimum expectations of patients in terms of comfort in catering and accommodation services. achieving better results in medical services seeing their expectations exceeded with treatment.

This evaluation was obtained through interviews with patients and as a result of the information obtained in the Community Meetings, an activity that takes place every Friday at 11:15 am and in which an exchange of patients with the administration is established. and the medical team, to express all the difficulties that arose during the week.

In the region of North, Central America and the Caribbean, the existence of other professional institutions dedicated to the rehabilitation and social reintegration of drug addicts is recorded, but their number is limited. There are institutions dedicated to this service in Venezuela, Chile, Mexico, Colombia and the United States among other countries.

In the town there is no information related to competing entities, because the commercial activity is carried out by the CUBANACAN Tourism and Health Company at its headquarters in Havana City.

The Villa Quinqué Therapeutic Community has distinctive characteristics in its treatment and in the structure of the facility that differentiate it from other similar institutions in Latin America and the world, despite the fact that the objective of the treatment and the patients it serves are the same. Three differentiating attributes of the clinic are explained below.

  1. Medical treatment at El Quinqué is different from other clinics. Recovery does not occur through the development of skills outside your life habits. In the Quinqué, patients try to reestablish themselves as they were before entering the center, capable of doing the same activities that they did so that when they feel cured they are once again useful people in their own strata of social and economic life. activities outside the treatment such as: visits to historical and cultural places, sports centers and other tourist facilities. In addition, the patient has the option of receiving improvement courses at the University of Holguín, School of Art, Faculty of Medical Sciences, etc. depending on the interests of the patients The clinic has specialized medical staff,full-time in the facility, which allows that if the patient needs therapeutic help, they can access it at any time.

Following is information on two institutions dedicated to offering this service in Mexico:


The clinic was born in 1980. Its founders, aware of the enormous problem of alcoholism, decided to found an institution to rehabilitate people who suffered from this disease. Later, the treatment was extended to people addicted to other drugs.

Located south of Mexico City, in an area of ​​more than 5000 square meters. It has a Medical Unit in which the first phase of treatment is carried out (detoxification, diagnosis and assessment) with the supervision of specialized doctors and the assistance of a qualified group of nurses. Patients are placed in separate modules for women and men, with green areas, dining room, lounges and auditorium.

The Secretariat of Public Education and the Secretariat of Health of Mexico jointly approved that Monte Fénix would be the House of Studies of the Mexican Republic that would teach a Specialty in Addictions, so in 1994 the Monte Fénix Center for Higher Studies was created, which also teaches Diplomas in Addictions in the Federal District and in other cities of the Republic.

Monte Fénix is ​​part of recognized international organizations such as: the National Association Of. Addiction Treatment Providers, the American College of Addiction Treatment Administrators, the National Adolescent Treatment Consortium and the UN, as a Non-Governmental Agency.

In 1994, he began a strategic alliance with SCRIPPSHEALTH, an institution dedicated to health, established in La Jolla in San Diego, California, with the purpose of exchanging technology and knowledge and disseminating them throughout Latin America.

The treatment program is divided into three phases:


When patients are admitted to Monte Fénix, the emotional needs of the patient are assessed to develop their individual treatment plan. During this phase, the medical team carries out their detoxification and monitors their physical stability, while the therapeutic team detects the areas that both the patient and their families need to work on. The patient integrates as quickly as possible to the activity program with his companions and the family participates in the group dynamics. Its approximate duration is 7 to 10 days.


During the Rehabilitation program, the patient participates in individual and group therapy, therapeutic and dynamic activities with his family. He also attends educational discussions and self-help groups that promote his interaction with others and help him raise his self-esteem. At the same time, the family receives therapeutic support and it is suggested that they participate in Family Week, to achieve a better understanding of the healthy dynamics that help prevent relapse and promote recovery.

During this phase, treatment is intensive in nature; its approximate duration is 4 to 6 weeks.


Upon successful completion of PHASE II, the patient participates for one year in group and relapse prevention sessions once a week and their family for six months.


Program for Families during treatment.

The objective of this program is to provide support and guidance to the family to begin their own recovery because this disease affects both patients and their families.

Family week.

It is a site on the INTERNET (http: /chat.montefenix operation of people close to the addicted patient, it takes place over five days of intensive conversations, dynamics and group therapies.

Virtual Meeting. (com. mx), every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Virtual meetings are offered with the support of a therapist with topics of interest to the recovery of addicted patients.

Annual meeting.

It takes place in the month of December of each year in which species of several generations meet.


This center is located on the beaches of the Pacific Ocean, north of the port of Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Treatment includes a medical evaluation, detoxification under specialized medical supervision, as well as a complete psychological evaluation. The patient's daily routine consists of an addiction education program, group and individual therapy, supervised exercise, nutritional counseling, and spiritual support.

The purpose of treatment is to help the person and their loved ones understand and cope with chemical dependency and that they can repair the damage that this disease has caused in their life.

Treatment for patients and families is carried out by a group of experts made up of certified addiction therapists, doctors, nurses, psychologists, spiritual counselors, specialists in nutrition and physical education.

The Family Program is a concept where counseling is a relevant component that allows us to understand the many facets of addiction. By interacting with other family members in group therapy, family members have the opportunity to identify and process emotions that are common to them in the painful progression of this disease.

Post-treatment care is essential to the success of your recovery. For this reason, Oceánica has designed a Continuous Care Program, both for patients and their families.

At Oceánica, all patients and Spaniards are students of a life program. The alumnado is the name that takes the congregation of spacienles. Ongoing care is planned to continue to grow in sobriety. Recovery occurs gradually and requires careful attention and drive. Oceánica has a student care and support office designed to support students and foster unity. Continuous care lasts for 6 months. Membership of the student body is a supported right for life.

Oceánica has a treatment team that works with each patient to develop and continue this ongoing care plan, which includes weeks of reinforcement and external contact.

Comparative Analysis of Clinics.

Both Oceánica and Montefenix are prestigious institutions dedicated to drug addiction treatment, backed by years of experience in this service, and have a good image in Mexico and other Latin American countries.

Both centers are supported by strong publicity using the mass media, flyers and brochures; and through an INTERNET site (the information available was obtained through an INTERNET search). While the Quinqué is not distinguished by strong commercial communication in its source markets.

The characteristics of the treatment are similar to those of the Quinqué treatment, although each one has its own peculiarities. But none of them offers activities outside of medical treatment such as those envisaged by the Quinqué for the purpose of their patients to reinsert themselves into society and reestablish themselves physically, mentally and cognitively (they acquire new knowledge that strengthens them spiritually and as social beings).

The "Villa Quinqué" Therapeutic Community has a weakness in the program, which is that the follow-up of patients who are discharged and their families depends on the commercial missions that are carried out, and in those countries where visits are not foreseen within the plan, there is no the possibility of direct contact with patients.

On the other hand, Monte Fenix ​​and Oceánica have planned a follow-up program for former patients and their families, which enables them to remain in the program and increases the chances of successful treatment.

It is also important to consider that in the country and in particular in the province, the consumption and commercialization of drugs is prohibited, with the possibilities of having access to them being minimal

Once the general context has been analyzed, the five potential countries will be:






To select the country or countries, the Kepner Tregoe method will be applied.








1 / Distance 3 4 12 4 12 4 12 5 fifteen 4 12
2 / Local competition two 3 6 3 6 two 4 two 4 two 4
3 / Market growth 3 4 12 4 12 4 12 5 fifteen 5 fifteen
4 / Existence of distribution channels


two two 4 two 4 two 4 3 6 3 6
5 / Relations with the country. 3 3 9 3 9 4 12 one 3 3 9
6 / Access to destination 3 3 9 3 9 3 9 one two 5 fifteen
7 / Cooperative agreements


two two 4 two 4 3 6 one 8 3 6
8 / Stabili-

political dad

two 4 8 3 6 3 6 one 8 3 8
9 / Cultural aspects two 4 8 4 8 3 6 two 4 4 two
10 /

Socio-Economic Environment :

Visitors' concerns may be varied when choosing their tourist destination: the health of the host population, the endemics and epidemics of communicable diseases, the quality of the water and the beaches, the hygiene in the handling of food: contamination atmospheric conditions, their personal and road safety, as well as their access to reliable medical services, appear to be the most important.

Despite the rapid growth of the Cuban tourism industry, these and other factors have been taken into account, as well as the need to guarantee not only the preservation of the visitor's health, but also a healthy and healthy tourism that allows maintaining the elevation of the level of health achieved by the population.

Tourists from developed countries find a general mortality structure similar to that of their countries of origin, and those who come from developing countries will be in favorable conditions compared to those of their countries of origin.

The incidence of notifiable diseases does not pose a threat to the visitor or the population. The gonorrhea and syphilis rates correspond to world trends and there are no references to be associated with increased tourism activity.

Medical specialists in MGI who provide their services in tourist facilities are governed by a normative document of the MINSAP that specifies the actions in the field of health promotion and disease prevention.

The MINSAP has most of the medical transport that the country has; it is uniformly distributed throughout the national territory in proportion to population density and territorial needs. The structure and organization of the Cuban National Health System guarantees the possibility of easily accessing highly qualified services in any region of the country. Urgent care can be received by the tourist in any of the units.

The Cuban Red Cross is responsible for the safety and protection of the beaches whose students meet pre-established requirements of pre-established physical, psychological and schooling characteristics.

From the educational point of view, Cuba has obtained important achievements that characterize its inhabitants as a cultured and scientific people. The country has a wide network of cultural facilities, 1507 equitably distributed in the country; a literacy rate of 98% and employment of 10% of GDP in Education. Until 1998, 600,000 Cubans, 350,000 teachers, had graduated from Higher Education centers; 17 thousand university professors; 9 thousand scientists and researchers are working in more than 200 research centers throughout the country.

Company Commercial Communication:

The Commercial Communication of the «villa Quinqué» Therapeutic Community is developed by the Compañía Cubanacán Turismo y Salud SA, which is a company oriented to the commercialization of medical services and products, whose objective is to maximize the contributions in foreign currency to the country's economy and the system national health system, through direct income made to MINSAP.

The characteristics of the product that the Quinqué offers, require a constant permanence of communication since it is not a product that moves seasonally, its behavior is linear and requires a stable level of communication.

It is a product that is acquired by the confidence that manages to motivate the client, which is achieved with the image codes of conventional tourism products, that is, a widely descriptive, well-founded language is needed, based on experiences, statistics, prestigious opinions and it varies depending on the means of dissemination to be used, whether specialized or conventional.

Commercial communication is carried out through: printed, audiovisual and promotional materials, participation in trade fairs, events and missions.

Printed media:

  • Thematic folders.

Objective: To provide specialized information on the medical program, institutional characteristics, etc.

Target audience: Specialized agencies, medical institutions, specialists, associations, foundations and organizations on drugs, specialized events.

  • Thematic loose:

Objective: To provide thematic and institutional information in a light format.

Target audience: General public.

Audiovisual supports:

  • Video programs about addiction.

Promotional media:

  • Large public Personalities

Trade Missions:

They are visits to the issuing markets by a representative of the company and a doctor of the institution, in the countries visited they contact the representatives of the Travel Agencies (in the agencies there is a permanent Cuban doctor).

The Travel Agency has developed a work plan that involves visits to patients and relatives who have graduated from the institution, they are followed up to find out their current situation, whether they have been fully rehabilitated or have relapsed. Despite the fact that commercial communication is structurally very well conceived, patients report that there is no strong communication in their countries of origin (in most cases they learned about the clinic through friends or relatives who had graduated from it). In addition, on many occasions, attributes that the product does not have are promoted or services that the clinic does not offer are disclosed. (Two patients received information that the clinic was on the beach and were shown photos and videos with this erroneous information,Others argue that the information received lacked photos or detailed data about the clinic.

These deficiencies in communication cause the client to have little information to decide or not to travel to the clinic, and in some cases there is no correspondence between the expected product (that the client bought) and the actual product that he receives.

Distributor Analysis:

The specialized medical services product is distributed through Travel Agencies in the issuing countries or patients travel directly to the country on their own, and in these cases it is called Embacuba.

The Travel Agencies and the% of the total number of patients who came to the clinic through them in 2004 are listed below:

SERMEDINT (Venezuela) 22.22
SERVICUBA (Chile) 15.87
BIOPHARMA (Colombia) 4.76
HAVANATOURS (Brazil and Argentina) 4.76
KALIPSO (Honduras) 1.58
Dr. La Fontaine (Puerto Rico) 1.58
EMBACUBA (Direct) 46.02

The largest number of clients come to the clinic directly.

From the analysis of sales it is evident that the; 2004 was the year with the highest influx of patients during the ten years of operation of the facility, but due to the limited period of stay of a significant number of patients, the expected income has not been achieved.

This situation largely depends on the Travel Agencies, which sell the package for 37 days when the client must stay in the clinic for at least 97 days to obtain the expected results in the treatment.

FOURTH STAGE. SWOT Matrix and Analysis. The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are identified and listed and the Matrix is ​​prepared.


  1. Quality Of the medical and complementary services Client satisfaction Professionalism of human resources Geographical location and favorable environment Value for money Image situation Level of rehabilitation


  1. Level of occupation Level of income Equipment Staying of patients Scarce communication with the commercial apparatus of the company Commercial Communication Capacity


  1. Potential Market Economic-social Stability Availability of Human Resources Political-Legal Conditions Existence of educational, cultural and historical centers that are attractive.


  1. Competition Economic Blockade Company Commercial Communication Efficiencies of Travel Agencies International Marketing

Analysis of the causes and consequences of each internal and external factor.


1. Quality of medical and complementary services. Trained staff Customer satisfaction.

High degree of rehabilitation.

2. Customer satisfaction. Installation comfort.

Professionalism of the staff.

Good quality of services.

Increase in income.

Image enhancement.

Multiplying effect on other clients.

3. Professionalism of HR Qualified and trained personnel. Quality of services.

Customer satisfaction.

4. Geographical location and favorable environment. Close to the Airport and the City of Holguín.

Quiet and pleasant environment, conducive to treatment.

Access facilities.

Favorable environment for patient recovery.

5. Value for money. The price, although it is expensive, is in correspondence with the quality of the service offered. Customers are willing to pay for the service and are satisfied with it.
6.Situation of the image. Years of experience.

Quality of services

Favorable impact on customers.
7. Level of rehabilitation of patients. Quality of medical services.

Professionalism of the staff.

Recycling of patients.

Multiplier effect.

Image enhancement


1. Occupancy level. Bad marketing management. Low income
2. Income level. Little retention of patient retention. Bad economic financial situation.
3. Equipment Lack of financial resources. Negative impact on the service (diversity and quality)
4. Stay or retention of patients. Bad marketing management. Travel agencies often sell the treatment for only 37 days. Economic difficulties of the patients (the product is not directed towards the market niche for which it is designed). Certain patients due to the characteristics of their disease do not adapt to the treatment system. Low income.

Bad economic financial situation.

5. Little communication with the commercial group of the company. The product is marketed by the Cuban Tourism and Health Company, which is based in the City of Havana (the first visit by the representatives of the Travel Agencies took place in November after 10 years of operation). The facility does not have a marketing plan.

Deficiencies in commercial communication.

Deficiencies in General Business Management.

6. Commercial Communication Capacity. Little promotion and advertising management.

Lack of updated folding in the installation. Commercial communication is carried out by the chain and many times attributes that the product does not have are promoted.

Incongruence between the expected product and the actual product.

Customers arrive at the facility with little knowledge of the product.


1. Potential Market. Drug trafficking and consumption is a massive social problem in Latin America and the Caribbean. There is a high percentage of dependent drugs that need to receive the medical attention provided by the center.
2. Economic and social stability. Socialist socio-economic system. Security for the physical integrity of customers.
3. Availability of Human resources. Cuba is a medical power and has specialists of high international prestige.

Holguín has the School for the Training of Tourism Workers, with a large number of graduates.

High qualification of the staff.

Higher quality in the personnel selection process.

Quality tourist services.

4. Political Legal Conditions There are rigorous laws that prohibit drug trafficking and use. Drug dependence is not a massive social problem.

Safety for tourists.

5. Existence of education, culture and others. Socioeconomic and cultural development achieved by the province. Diversity of attractions to increase the services offered.


1. Competition. Existence of other clinics in Latin America and the Caribbean aimed at the same market sector. Obligation to maintain and raise service quality standards.

Product differentiation.

2. Economic Blockade. Inflexibility of US policy towards Cuba.

Creation of anti-Cuban commercial laws.

Existence of counterrevolutionary organizations in the US

Costs go up.

Difficulties in acquiring resources.

Anti-marketing campaigns to limit the visit of foreign tourists to Cuba.

3. Centralized Commercial Communication Lack of communication between the company's marketing department and the Villa.

Lack of information about the product.

Attributes that the product does not have are promoted.

Lack of knowledge of the product in its potential market.

Differences between the expected product and the actual product.

4. Efficiency of Travel Agencies. The product is often sold for only 37 days (the week of evaluation and the first month of treatment).

Attributes of the service are offered that do not really correspond to it.

Decrease in the stay or permanence of patients in the clinic.

The percentage of rehabilitation of patients is affected.

The center image is affected.

5. International Marketing It is developed centrally by the company's marketing departments. Low income level.

Low occupancy level.

Lack of Marketing Plan.

Starting from the list of the factors that have the greatest impact on the development of the activity of the CT ¨Villa Quinqué¨ activity and the causes that originate them and their consequences, the process of preparing the SWOT Matrix

The result of the SWOT matrix indicates that the Villa has to direct its efforts towards all its strengths to make the most of its main Opportunities (large potential market, availability of human resources and the existence of cultural and historical educational centers that are attractive), to eliminate or reduce the intensity of the Weaknesses (level of occupation, income level and stay of the patients) and mitigate the impact of the Threats (competition, deficiencies in Commercial Communication and International Marketing).


  1. Reach income of USD 1,050,000 Obtain a profit of 45.12% in order to comply with the planned plan and reach USD 473,840.00 Increase the degree of knowledge of the Therapeutic Community from 20 to 30% in the source markets Manage a level linear occupancy to 90% Raise the average stay of clients to 97 days Satisfy customer expectations while maintaining competitive quality.



  • Product improvement. Product differentiation.


  • Establish the sale price of the package only for three months and the evaluation week. Price policy based on the price of stay.

Commercial communication

  • Increase communication between the Villa and the Company's Commercial Group, to acquire information about the characteristics and variations of the market and the competition


  • Establish alliances with Travel Agencies to increase control over marketing and acquire fast and reliable market information.


The objectives of the managers and workers of the village are expressed through their mission and vision general objectives.

The objectives projected until 2006 by the town are:

  • Achieve revenues of USD 2,000 in 2004 and grow by 3% each year Make a 46% profit by meeting budget contribution as planned Increase market share by 5% Achieve a Comprehensive improvement of product quality, backed by the certification of a quality system Consolidate management by objectives and values ​​Guarantee the training of human resources that allow the requirements for the current and projected product Based on dynamism and competitiveness imposed by the sector, creating an environment of constant innovation, stimulating and generalizing the main results of the solutions.Continue consolidating the links with cultural and educational institutions that are expressed in the 3% increase in the offers of this type that are added to the product.


The control of compliance with the programmed actions will be carried out during the meetings of the Board of Directors, evaluating their performance, analyzing the causes of their deviations with the person responsible for their compliance and taking corrective decisions to achieve the proposed objectives with the minimum of the affectations.

For the review of the effectiveness of the application of the Marketing Plan, a complete study on marketing actions must be carried out. This operation is called Marketing Audit and must be carried out once a year; it meets the four characteristics that a successful control system must have:

  • Comprehensive: it covers all the main activities and business areas. Systematic: it involves an orderly sequence of stages. Independent: it must be carried out by consultants external to the organization. Periodic: it is carried out constantly every certain period of time.

The components of the Marketing Audit are:

Marketing environment audit: analyzes the main forces and trends of the microenvironment (markets, customers, competition, distributors and other cranes of interest).

Marketing strategy audit: reviews the company's Marketing objectives and strategies, to assess its level of adaptation to the current environment.

Marketing organization audit: assesses the ability of the Marketing organization to carry out the necessary strategies given the intended environment.

Marketing System Audit: assesses the quality of the company's analysis, planning and control systems.

Marketing Functions Audit: this performs in-depth assessments of the main components of the company's Marketing Mix (products, price, distribution, sales forces, advertising and promotion).


The development of this work allowed to reach the following conclusions:

  1. The Villa has a favorable situation with a predominance of its Strengths and Opportunities, so it has to concentrate its efforts on its potential to eliminate or reduce the intensity of the Weaknesses (level of occupation, level of income and stay of patients) and mitigate the impact of Threats (competition, deficiencies in Commercial Communication and International Marketing), which are the factors that most affect the Facility There is little communication between the Village, the Travel Agencies and the Company's Marketing Group The Villa does not have a Marketing specialist who manages, sends and receives information for the Marketing activity. There is no updated information on the main characteristics of the market and the differentiating attributes of the competition.Promotion and advertising are scarce and are not supported by reliable information from the clinic. With the implementation of the proposed Marketing Plan, it will contribute to achieve greater effectiveness and competitiveness in Marketing Management.


  1. Present the Marketing Plan proposal to the Company's Commercial Group Implement the Marketing Plan proposal until 2006 for the Therapeutic Community ¨Villa Quinqué¨ Appoint a Marketing specialist who checks, coordinates and manages the Marketing activities of the Company. Design a Marketing information system to keep managers informed of changes in the market and competition and thus be prepared to react in the shortest time. Periodically update and perfect the Marketing Plan.


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  1. Dolan, Robert J. The Essence of Marketing. Strategy. Selection of articles by great contemporary thinkers. NORMA Editorial Group: Barcelona, ​​1997 Kerin, Roger. Perspectives on strategic planning. Allyn & Bacon, 1990 Rodríguez, Joaquín. How to apply strategic planning to small and medium businesses? Ediciones contables administrativas y fiscal, SA de CV, 1999 Millier, Paul. Strategic marketing of high-tech products. Analysis instrument. Ediciones Gestión 2000, SA: Barcelona, ​​1995 Rivero, Magda. Basic Marketing Course. Havana, 1997 Moreno, José María. International marketing. Content and strategies to achieve excellence. Machi Editions: Buenos Aires, 1995 Sainz de Vizcuña, José María. The Marketing Plan in practice. EditoriaL ESCIC: Madrid, 1995 Kotler Philip. Marketing direction. IT and II.Edition of the MONTH Spain. Higher School of Marketing Studies. Master in Marketing. ESEM: Madrid, 2000 Documentation of the Master in Marketng and Communication of the International ESEM 2000 Program Steiner, George. Strategic planning. What every director should know. Editorial continental, SA, 1996 Antelo, Jorge and others. Cuba, the natural path to health. Comprehensive drug dependency care. Therapeutic Community. Pulicitaria Coral: La Habana, 1998 Ibídem. 13. Ibid.Comprehensive drug dependency care. Therapeutic Community. Pulicitaria Coral: La Habana, 1998 Ibídem. 13. Ibid.Comprehensive drug dependency care. Therapeutic Community. Pulicitaria Coral: La Habana, 1998 Ibídem. 13. Ibid.
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International marketing plan for a Cuban health tourism product