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Marketing plan for a citrus company in cuba

Table of contents:


The evolution of the concept and scope of marketing has been largely determined by the performance of competition in the market, given that as the degree of existing competition increases, the possibility of its application is greater.

This research constitutes a tool for improving managers 'and workers' knowledge of the market, for the creation of wealth that contributes to economic development and to realize that socialist companies can also be efficient and competitive.

In practice, this research proposes a set of actions that arise from the marketing strategies that the Company has historically developed and it has also been shown that there are both subjective and objective factors that have not been used systematically and in a timely manner by the organization.

If the marketing incidents are identified in the marketing plan, then the organization at the Empresa Industrial de Cítricos Ceballos will be improved.

A b s tract:

The evolution of the concept and reach of marketing has been given to a large extent by the performance of the competition on the market, die than insofar as you increase the degree of existing competition, the possibility of its application is major.

This investigation constitutes a tool for the perfecting of the knowledge of the market of the executives and workers, for the creation of riches that contribute the cost-reducing development and materializing that the socialist companies can be also efficient and competitive.

In practice this investigation proposes a set of stocks that appear of the strategies of marketing that historically the Company has developed and besides has been demonstrated that there are factors as much subjective like objectives that have not forgone themselves systematically and in good timing on behalf of organization.

If the incidences of commercialization are identified in the plan of marketing then you will manage to improve him the organization in the Industrial Enterprise of Cítricos Ceballos.


Modern marketing came of age after the First World War, when the words "surplus" and "superproduction" became more and more prevalent in the vocabulary of our economies. Mass production methods, both in industry and in agriculture, had developed in the 19th century; after 1920 the growth of marketing was clearly seen. The importance of marketing has become more and more apparent as the economic level has continued to rise above mere subsistence that was characteristic of the pre-World War I era. Since about 1920, except for the war years and the immediate postwar periods, a market dominated by buyers has existed in this country, that is,the potential supply of goods and services has far exceeded real demand. There has been relatively little difficulty in producing most of these products; the real problem has been selling it.

Generally, there cannot be a high level of economic activity without a corresponding high level of marketing activity. During times of recession or depression, one soon realizes that there is a slowdown in marketing activity that forces production to decrease. It becomes clear that in our economy "nothing happens until someone sells something" and there is an urgent need for more and more marketing rather than more production.

Cuba is a socialist country that has used marketing, to some extent, in its foreign trade, but not in a generalized way, since for more than 40 years it enjoyed a trade agreed with the former Soviet Union and other socialist countries. It is only from the 90s of last century, with the fall of the socialist camp, that the use of marketing begins to be a necessity to enter and seduce foreign markets. At the same time, a change is manifested in the Cuban market as the state-owned monopoly is modified by the entry of foreign capital and self-employment, which establish guidelines for business behavior that the rest of the economy is required to assume.

Marketing generates the most controversial passions, from a total rejection to an addicted acceptance without nuances, from considering it the miracle that solves everything to conceiving it as an alienation from capitalism.

Of the many possible definitions of marketing, one can distinguish between the social definition and the business definition. The social definition reflects the role played by marketing in society, it has been argued that the role of marketing is to achieve a high standard of living. A social definition that meets these objectives is the following:

Marketing is a social process by which groups and individuals achieve what they need and want through the creation, offer and free exchange of products and services that others value.

When it comes to business definition, marketing has often been described as the art of selling products. However, everyone is often surprised when they learn that the most important part of marketing is not about selling products. Selling is just the tip of the iceberg. In the words of Peter Drucker, an authority on business management:

It can be assumed that it will always be necessary to sell. But the goal of marketing is to make the sale superfluous. The goal of marketing is to know and understand the consumer so well that the product or service fits their needs perfectly and therefore sells for itself. In one situation, the marketing must lead to a consumer who is willing to buy. All that would be left to do would be to make the product or service available to you.

On the one hand the production and generation of new products and services, the basis on which marketing is developed and in fact, for those who discover the various phenomena present in the business environment, on the other hand the administrative - economic - financial - accounting apparatus, that exercises the coordinating and controlling role of the different actions to be carried out by the company, including marketing and finally, the marketing itself that serves as the element that connects the internal activity of the company with the external environment where it operates, on the one hand, exploring the existing needs and demands, changes in the consumption structure of potential consumers and the actions of competitors, suppliers and customers, which can become a driving force behind the company's R&D efforts., and on the other,carrying out work of insertion in the market, of the productive results and of technological improvement of the products and services arising internally in the company.

Undoubtedly, together with the amalgam of problematic situations that the company faces, some basic steps are imposed that both the company's commercials and the set of factors that in one way or another tax this activity, among these we have the following:

  • Business identification in the competition sector Analysis of the citrus industry sector Assessment of the market and its sources Determination of competitive advantages Selection and formulation of marketing strategies

Therefore, it is necessary to define this entire group of actions, which is why the following problem is defined:

How to identify in the marketing plan the incidents of the commercialization in the Industrial Company of Cítricos Ceballos?


If the marketing incidents are identified in the marketing plan, then the organization at the Empresa Industrial de Cítricos Ceballos will be improved.

General objective:

Prepare the Marketing Plan based on the marketing incidents at the Empresa Industrial de Cítricos Ceballos.

Research Objective:

  1. Diagnose the main marketing problems of the Ceballos Industrial Citrus Company Design a marketing plan for the Citrus Industrial Company

Ceballos depending on the commercialization.


General Characterization of the Ceballos Citrus Industrial Company.

The Empresa Industrial de Cítricos Ceballos, began to emerge from the socialist relations existing in the 80s, the main objective being the creation of exportable funds. All of the above is related to the levels of citrus production in the Ceballos area and its future growth, based on the increase in hectares planted and the need to industrialize citrus production, as a way to create new sources of income and trade. It emerged as an economic entity in May 1984 obeying the development plans of the former members of the CAME and especially the RDA. It is located within an area of ​​fertile land in the center of Cuba and in an eminently agricultural province with a wide investment program in the field of tourism,that place it among the largest tourist destinations in the country. Its production technology is very diverse and fundamentally from the capitalist area. At present, in response to the very need for the economic reorganization of the country, this entity is entirely part of the Fruit Business Group, subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture, whose main function is the production of industrialized products for export. The industry is located on the road to Ceballos, Km. 12 ½, Ciego de Ávila, approximately at 780 - 440 west longitude and at 210 - 550 north latitude, almost in the center of the province and occupies a total area of ​​187,800m2 with a manufacturing area of ​​27,000 m2.At present, in response to the very need for the economic reorganization of the country, this entity is entirely part of the Fruit Business Group, subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture, whose main function is the production of industrialized products for export. The industry is located on the road to Ceballos, Km. 12 ½, Ciego de Ávila, approximately at 780 - 440 west longitude and at 210 - 550 north latitude, almost in the center of the province and occupies a total area of ​​187,800m2 with a manufacturing area of ​​27,000 m2.At present, in response to the very need for the economic reorganization of the country, this entity is entirely part of the Fruit Business Group, subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture, whose main function is the production of industrialized products for export. The industry is located on the road to Ceballos, Km. 12 ½, Ciego de Ávila, approximately at 780 - 440 west longitude and at 210 - 550 north latitude, almost in the center of the province and occupies a total area of ​​187,800m2 with a manufacturing area of ​​27,000 m2.The industry is located on the road to Ceballos, Km. 12 ½, Ciego de Ávila, approximately at 780 - 440 west longitude and at 210 - 550 north latitude, almost in the center of the province and occupies a total area of ​​187,800m2 with a manufacturing area of ​​27,000 m2.The industry is located on the road to Ceballos, Km. 12 ½, Ciego de Ávila, approximately at 780 - 440 west longitude and at 210 - 550 north latitude, almost in the center of the province and occupies a total area of ​​187,800m2 with a manufacturing area of ​​27,000 m2.

The Empresa Industrial de Cítricos Ceballos, the only one of its kind in the central region of the country, is dedicated to the processing of fruits and vegetables, from which the following products are obtained:

Plain Juices, Concentrated Juices, and Citrus Essential Oils

Tropical fruit purees and nectars

Mashed potatoes

Tomato paste

Fruit sweets in syrup Tropical fruit jam Other agricultural products

These products are destined for export and national consumption, as raw material for the food industry and are also sold in the domestic market in foreign currency, to substitute imports.

Senior management and employees are committed to the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System, in order to always meet customer expectations.

The Company is consolidated as a highly efficient and competitive organization, our products enjoy preference in both the national and foreign markets for their quality, as well as for the benefit they provide to customers, sales levels grow and with it the profits, all based on a modern, diversified and solvent company.

Methodology for the preparation of the Marketing Plan

A marketing plan contains a whole series of elements that are interrelated. Through this plan the final objective must be clearly defined, as well as knowing the resources and the time necessary to do it. It is a plan for the future that should take the Company from its current position to a higher one.

A marketing plan requires for its preparation a large amount of information that must be collected from as many sources as possible, so that this information can be used to take action in each place and to determine the objectives and strategy of the entity.

The fundamental aspects that are analyzed are the following: Demand.

Product. Price. Competition. Commercialization. Advertising. Promotion.

Necessary resources. Economic evaluation.

For each aspect, the fundamental characteristics are indicated and the points that at least should be analyzed and that will allow the objectives to be clearly defined are indicated.

Once the foreseen aspects have been analyzed, a report must be prepared containing the results of the analyzes carried out and the corresponding conclusions, all related to the information considered of interest and indicating the source of said information.

Fundamental aspects to be analyzed.


Analysis of current and potential clients defining the groups that make up the market (productive and service entities, indicating those that operate in MLC and those that do not).

Analyze which are the markets in which the services are most likely to be sold.

Details of the services required by type or group of clients, how they are satisfied today and to what extent it is demanded or how it is planned to do so, as well as what is expected of the services that are demanded.

Product (services).

A product is anything that is offered in a market capable of satisfying a need.

The product of the Empresa Industrial de Cítricos de Ceballos are all those services that constitute its corporate purpose, standing out among them the production of pulps and processing of fruit and vegetables, but other complementary services such as storage and service should not be ignored in the analysis. Fridge.

Consumers will prefer those services that offer the best quality, performance and characteristics, that is why the entity must dedicate all its energy to introduce constant improvements in its services.

A service can be extremely important for consumers and however, this will not determine the choice of provider if all providers offer the same service at the same level, for this reason all those services that are demanded by customers must be offered, adapting them to their needs..

Aspects of the product (services) that must be analyzed.

Identify the basic needs of the client, what they really need and how they require it.

Analysis of the client's total consumption system (the way in which the client develops his task and what he tries to obtain when he uses the service).

Define all the services that can be provided with existing resources and with additional resources (relate the resources and values ​​required) detailing the fundamental characteristics of the services.

Analysis of the level of quality that can be offered. Mix of services that can be offered.


The pricing strategy is largely determined by the prior decision on perfecting in the market. Also, the clearer the objectives (survival, profits, quality leadership, maximizing market share, etc.), the easier it will be to set prices. A product can be priced well to help sell the other services, for example storage that requires the support of ancillary services.

Determining the price depends fundamentally on whether the company is cost or market oriented. If it is cost-oriented, a markup will be set on cost, this approach does not take into account the competitor's price.

A market-oriented approach would start with consumers' perceptions of the price being offered in order to take it into account in calculating the price with a lower markup; Another approach could be to set the same price as the competitor and thus the firms would fight for the market other than price (quality, diversity of services, efficiency, among others).

The most common pricing mistakes are:

The price is not revised frequently to take advantage of market changes.

The price is established independently of the rest of the factors instead of being an element of the strategy of positioning in the market.

The price is not varied enough for different types of service and market segments.

This company must carefully monitor its costs, if it costs the entity more than the competitors to sell a comparable service, it has to charge a higher price than the competition or have less profit, which will put the company at a competitive disadvantage. Costs establish the minimum level for prices; the market and demand set the maximum price.

Ultimately, the customer will decide if the price of a service is correct. The Company must consider consumer perceptions of price and how these affect purchasing decisions. Effective, customer-focused pricing involves understanding how customers value the benefits they receive from the product. If the consumer perceives that the price is higher than the value of the service, they will certainly not contract it. Effective pricing begins with understanding consumer needs and price perceptions. The entity also needs to constantly know the price and quality of each competitor's offer.

Aspects that must be analyzed in the price:

Indicate the price levels of similar services provided by the competition.

Estimate the cost levels of the different services that are intended to be provided.

Definition of a global profit margin for all services or individual for each type of service.

Survey on the criteria on existing or established prices. Propose a pricing strategy according to different elements such as: Type of customer.

Quality of the service offered.

Differentiation of the status and / or characteristics of the installation. Possibility of discounts for advance payment.


If it is to be successful, the company must be more effective than its competitors in order to satisfy the target consumers. In this way, marketing strategies must adapt to the needs of consumers and the strategies of competitors.

As the leader is the one who has the largest share of the market, he benefits more when the market expands, therefore we must aspire to be leaders in the field that corresponds to us. Competition must be based on a service with higher quality and more profitability, through diversification and appropriate characteristics of the services offered.

Aspects that must be analyzed in the Competition

Determine which entities provide the same or similar services to those of the company.

What are the services of the competition, scope of these services as well as their positive and negative aspects.

What portion of the market does the competition have. What is the financial position of the competition. Image owned by competitors. Competitor development prospects. Objectives and strategies of the competition.


Once the company establishes its objectives and defines its services and their characteristics, it must direct its force towards the commercialization of these services in the market, for which it must:

Find and serve new clients. Inform about the services of the company.

Get closer to the client, offer the service, look for solutions and close the deal. Advise the client to help her solve her problems.

Constantly research the market.

Analyze the sales data made, measure the market potential and have constant information about it.

The mission of this entity is to always seek how to satisfy the needs of the client and achieve profits for itself.

Aspects that must be analyzed in marketing:

Determination of the organization that will be available to carry out the marketing management, from the search for the client and the hiring to the execution of the contract.

Proposal to contact and locate clients (direct contract and by correspondence) with commercial clients offering them the entity's services.

Know the opinions that clients have about the services provided (through interviews or questionnaires).

Estimate the expected service delivery levels (total and by stages). Advertising.

Marketing plan of the Cítricos Ceballos Industrial Company.

The Citrus Industrial Company has defined as main clients: Fruti flora

Citrus Caribbean ASEMAG Cimex

Ceiba citrus


  1. Lack of trained personnel for Marketing Management. Little promotion and advertising of the products that are marketed in the country. Deficiencies in the presentation of the product.


  1. Young staff willing to be trained Availability of products for presentation and promotion Existence of a product of high nutritional and economical quality in its preparation for consumption and Certified with ISO Standards


  1. Relationship with other marketing companies Increase in the hotel and tourist infrastructure in the province Possibility of increasing the sale of products in the national market


  1. Stocks of other national companies with aspirations to the primacy in the market Existence of other products with better presentation and greater acceptance in the market Existence of sales and marketing managers with more experience and greater professionalism.


  • Gradual penetration into the domestic foreign exchange market and the tourist network through the exploration of each specific pole. Systematic improvements in the presentation of the product and in turn, promoting it in areas, primarily, with little access to the most experienced competitors.Relation as far as possible with companies already experienced in the business. Begin planning the instruction of the entity's personnel in postgraduate courses and other specific ones in marketing matters.

The Industry annually defines its objectives and projects and specifically in the commercialization actions they give a characterization that directs the forces in a very special way towards commercialization. This company generates visionary actions that, in the form of anadamiaje, develop the following strategies:

1 Search and prioritized attention to new national and international clients

2. Systematic information on the proposed actions for the presentation of new products, including mango nectar, aceptic tomato puree, concentrated frozen pineapple juice and or

  1. Advice to current and potential clients to more effectively use the products that the company offers Constantly research the market (this research is carried out annually in the marketing plan) Analyze the sales data, measure the market potential and have constant information about it.

There is a maxim of marketing for the company and it is the following: "always seek how to satisfy customer needs and achieve profits for the industry."

This industrial organization periodically determines what structure must be carried out for marketing management, among the responsibility factors of this gear, this from the search for the client and the hiring to the execution of the contract.

Marketing management does not lack the proposals to contact and locate clients (direct contacts and by email), these actions are issues where work has been done and there is experience and the image of the organization and the efficiency and effectiveness in marketing management.

When the Company conducts market research, it takes into account the opinions that customers have about the products offered, therefore the diversification of production and services essentially comes from tools of this process such as interviews and surveys that have caused the systematization and improvement of actions based on trade. At the levels of analysis of the surveys and interviews carried out, the forms and contents that the products and the provision of planned services must have in terms of quality are rigorously assessed, the analysis does not lack the total analysis and by stages that are developed the process.

For these reasons, the organization plans to increase market dominance based on scientific-practical bases, guiding the work by the following elements.

  • Determination of current consumers and potential or future consumers Distribution of consumers Trends, needs and wishes of consumers Preferences of concurrent types or brands and of certain forms of presentation of products Distribution channels Reasonable prices of products Ability to acquire Actual and potential buyers Short-term forecasts of sales possibilities Reasons for preferences or aversion for certain items or for certain brands Elements that influence consumer decisions Determination of the amount of consumptions Outlook on the launch of new products Forms of more effective advertising Calculation of advertising performance. Product promotion

In this aspect, work will be carried out mainly on the following aspects:

  • Improvement of the quality and presentation of containers and packaging Introduction of new products in the domestic market Acquisition of specialized means of transport for commercialization Correct identification of demands

Ways to promote

  1. Participation in fairs and stand presentations Participation in national and international events Exchanges with current and potential clients (direct feedback) Official client visits to the center


  1. Examining a document of this nature that contains a complex exercise in the systematization of commercialization helps to better identify opportunities and develop the appropriate services and products for each target market of the organization. For the Empresa Industrial de Cítricos de Ceballos the taxable market It is the set of consumers who have interest, income and access to each of the offers of the company's products. The marketing strategies developed by the Company are determined by previous decisions about the positioning of this organization in the market. Market-oriented approach to commercialization of this research requires a study of all the products that are possible to provide with existing and additional resources.


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Marketing plan for a citrus company in cuba