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Public relations plan and corporate image for a cooperative


All human activities, even preponderant and extraordinary, need to be projected and need to be publicly recognized, in order to be accepted or rejected by society. So to talk about public relations, it is imperative to talk about people's relationships with each other, since these are the ones that foster cordial relationships, friendly ties, and, fundamentally, the recognition and respect of the human personality.

As has been seen, throughout history, the activities of the great empires were made known to their inhabitants. And after military conflicts or verbal misunderstandings, the countries in conflict met the objective of promoting diplomacy and good relations, that is, being at peace with themselves and with others. It means then, that the word "public relations" which is made up of two words: "relations" and "public"; represents links with the public.

It should be added that public relations originate from the early days of humanity's existence, because in any time and place, there were already public relations to a greater or lesser degree, trying to obtain productive participation and a more effective practice of common interests, in order to create a simpler, simpler and clearer communication policy, taking into account the different recipients, to then design communication actions aimed at achieving the objectives.

However, it is today, when the importance of public relations in companies, companies, institutions and foundations is known, its social influence and its role in the organizational future, as well as its ties with its structure and training, to preserve its image versus the market in which they interact.

This Special Degree Project refers to the proposal of a Strategic Public Relations Plan for the Projection of the Image of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94. This company was chosen because it provides striking parameters for the study with respect to relationships. public, in addition to being useful for the services provided by said cooperative.

To understand the present investigation, the analysis has been divided into the following moments:

Moment I, which consists of a general research on the problem, contextualizing from the macro to the micro and creating an extensive perspective on the context raised, leading the investigation to a viable solution, in addition, the Special Degree Work is justified together with the functionality proposal which will help to frame the use of the Strategic Public Relations Plan for the cooperative.

Through Moment II, the conceptual references are shown which support the research, where the authors' foundation supports this Special Degree Work. Likewise, the actions of the Project are proposed, both the general and the three specific ones, and concluding the presentation of the research objectives, the schedule of specific actions is included, which generated understanding about the resources, responsible parties, times and actions to execute the present study.

Likewise, Moment II contemplates the methodology that was proposed in the research, being classified as a Feasible Project, which allowed the development of data collection techniques and instruments that adjusted to the need raised in the contextualization of the problem, establishing the conclusions more important after the application of said instrument.

Thus, in Moment III, the Strategic Public Relations Plan is proposed, which is part of the feasible contribution to the investigation by providing practical solutions to the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94.

Considering the above, the conclusions are established, closing the plan throughout the Special Degree Project and giving way to the recommendations that will bear as reflections the approaches, theories, results and feasible proposals of the present study.

In the opinion of the researcher, this study will serve to bring the reality of Public Relations closer to the theoretical foundation, considering giving positive and strategic solutions to Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94 in the face of any concern that it presents in the currently changing market, Due to the situation in the country, seeking this project to propose alternatives and resources that can be carried out in short terms.



Strategic Plan of Public Relations for the Projection of the Image in Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94


Katheryn orozco

CI: 17,232,145

Phone: 0412 - 5800015




The direct beneficiary of this project will be the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94. Thus, the indirect beneficiaries of this project will be the partners, contracted personnel, clients and other cooperatives that will benefit from the Strategic Public Relations Plan that will be implemented in the cooperative..


This project is temporarily part of the 2016-1N academic period that runs from January to April of this year. Spatially it is located at Av. 6 Altos de Jalisco, Sector los 3 Caminos, via Santa Rosa de Tierra, Nº F-43, Parroquia Coquivacoa, Maracaibo, Zulia State.


Situational Description

  1. Contextualization of the Problem

Communication is essential for human relations as it seeks mutual understanding, which translates into the ability to match senders and receivers regarding the message. Thus, the relationships that exist between the members of an organization are founded thanks to communication and those processes of mutual exchange where negotiations, contracts, alliances and inter-institutional cooperation agreements are founded.

While it is true, these agreements modify behaviors and, consequently, promote change, developing individual and group goals in a joint effort, generating benefits for the good of all, this is achieved through a motivated, clear and communicational strategy effective that reaches the target audience in order to obtain benefits both in the long, medium and short term.

In the same sense, a true communication is achieved, when each communicator is interested in the other's language, allowing it to express itself freely, therefore it is necessary to listen carefully, observe consciously, and keep active the ability to place oneself in the place of the other. Only then are the rules of good communication established.

It is clear then, that efficiency and productivity in organizations is of prime importance to build teams and prepare staff with knowledge of human relations. This helps the well-being of the company, both economically and socially, as well as the level of communication of the workers, since in organizations, communication moves by itself using mechanisms that are adjusted in an orderly manner for its success; and one of these mechanisms is public relations.

In this way, it has been seen in increasingly rapid spaces in society and organizations, the need for companies to adapt and transform their techniques and methods to be able to adapt to the changing conditions of the current context, which is why avant-garde companies rely on a roadmap, that is, a strategic plan, where they point out the specific results they intend to achieve and establish a course of action to achieve it.

However, the working tools of public relations are not clearly defined and their functions have been transformed over time, a phenomenon that is shared with other disciplines of communication sciences, such as advertising and communication. Currently, it is not possible to have a divided vision of the concept of communication, since we speak of global communication or integral communication strategies.

Consequently, organizations that want to project a positive image abroad in order to influence public opinion need more extensive communication policies than those commonly known. And these include the different communication sciences, such as advertising, journalism, new areas such as crisis communication, communication through 2.0 media, lobbying, internal communication, corporate communication, communication in the media. without neglecting strategic planning.

While it is true, one way to communicate in a daring way currently used by companies is through the application of strategic public relations plans, since they are in charge of communicating the specific message or messages to a group of people known as "public objective or target ”, with the purpose of presenting the activities of the company in a new way and from a positive point of view.

Indeed, a strategic plan helps the different areas of work within an organization to align with the objectives of the company, using different tools, in order to increase the visibility and credibility of the company, having a management responsibility, in which it is necessary to establish medium and long-term needs through management by objectives.

It means, then, that strategic planning benefits the organizations and the audiences to which they are directed, and their success or failure depends on this, since a well-structured plan is the backbone of all the processes that are carried out within of an organization, since the achievement of organizational objectives depends on it, allowing the message to be transmitted inside and outside of it and in this way interacting with all those institutions of interest to the organization.

In this perspective, if a company or business does not know its north, it will wander aimlessly and will be doomed to failure. So that strategic planning helps to develop and structure in the best possible way, the objectives that help to achieve the organizational goals, since what the population thinks or thinks of a company or institution is always the product of voluntary information or involuntary that this company projects both internally and externally and this is the result of a good or bad strategic public relations plan.

Therefore, it is necessary to communicate what is designed in it and not silence it, informing in a clear and institutional way, that is, through a concrete and rigorous strategic public relations plan, since the institutional and corporate image is in focus. of the constant public eye, and it is only through a strategic public relations plan that organizations can know what is being thought and talked about, then making reports to discover weaknesses as opportunities.

In accordance with the above, the strategic plan must be established as a primary tool in the management and decision-making of the company, since it defines the priorities to be addressed and the way to solve them, in general terms, establish main short, medium and long-term goals in order to analyze and determine the strengths and weaknesses of the company to correct external relationships and project the desired image.

Now, the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, is an organization whose purpose is to offer a service that satisfies the needs of its customers, offering the most modern in the service of celebrations through personalized attention, and with the cordial service of its employees is dedicated to organizing festive events, all kinds of commemorations and formal celebrations; specials and cocktails.

That is why despite the serious situation in the country, the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio, works as a team, efficiently and constantly to be recognized as the celebration agency with the best quality of service, with a dedication to service, careful in satisfying the needs of its clients, working with honesty, being transparent, responsible and with professional ethics.

Likewise, they have a dynamic group for decorations, tablecloths, food service and catering and also have staff for the services of waiters and hostesses, drivers and sometimes they hire a chef to prepare a special menu, their quality policy being in meeting customer requirements, supported by continuous improvement of the effectiveness of its management, in order to ensure that its customers have a positive experience with its services.

In this order of ideas, this cooperative was born through the Vuelvan Caras Mission, where they only received induction for the Food and Beverage (F&B) area and is made up of people who did not receive induction on the subject related to advertising, nor on the importance of taking charge of public relations and the projection of the company for its positioning in the market through advertising and social networks.

In addition to the aforementioned, it should be noted that in Venezuela cooperatives have a different legal and political framework from other organizations, and the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, currently provides celebration agency services and has not been able to emerge beyond that for lack of corporate knowledge.

Hence, the need arises to create a strategic public relations plan for the Projection of the Image of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, since at this time the proper use of communication is necessary, especially in this case, and it is intended to be obtained through one of its aspects, public relations.

It should be noted that the image of a company that enters a new market is very important, because success or failure largely depends on it, since no matter its size, the image that is projected communicates more than that is believed and can impact positively or negatively on their growth and permanence in the market that is currently so competitive.

For example, companies are not enough to offer only services and / or products, the need to achieve a position is imperative, therefore, rather than "offering" they try to "position themselves" in the minds of their public, so that they feel the need to use the company, and this can only be achieved by projecting a solid and representative image of what they do, differentiating themselves from the competition by their work philosophy and values ​​for which they will be recognized.

In view of the above, there is evidence of a significant lack on the part of the imaging cooperative, which prevents it from being recognized in the market and from positioning itself to increase the demand for services and increase its profits. Due to this and in view of the boom in public relations, the need arises to propose a strategic public relations plan to project the image of the cooperative, it was chosen for this tool because it allows developing impact strategies that serve as a competitive advantage allowing to position the services of the cooperative in the Maracaibo Municipality of the Zulia State.


While it is true, man needs to communicate, establish links, recognize himself in the other. Life in society is structured on the basis of links that allow adaptation and integration. In this way, the relationships between each of the parts that make up said system are not only a necessity, they are a guarantee for the balance and cooperation of the processes.

Society is a product of the solidarity action of men. This solidarity supposes the basis of social relations, referring to a multitude of interactions between two or more individuals, regulated by social norms, and in which each one has a position and performs a social role. That is why the concept of relationship, seen from the field of communication studies in companies, includes all possible kinds of contacts or experiences that take place between the institution and its audiences.

In a context marked by competition from brands, it is increasingly urgent for companies to establish lasting and profitable relationships with their audiences and gain a space in the various scenarios. Which has led experts to accelerate the pace, to a new era in the institutional world: the so-called Era of Public Relations.

Seen in this way, this research aimed to demonstrate the influence that a Strategic Public Relations Plan can have to Project the Image of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, since the theoretical bases handled will be of great help to future research, being this I study a reference reference for students and professionals in the area of ​​Public Relations.

From the methodological point of view, it allows other companies that provide the same services as this one, to have the possibility of implementing this plan, it will serve as a reference by having at their disposal an investigation related to strategic public relations plans, which has as an objective to project the image of the cooperative.

Consequently, a Strategic Public Relations Plan will be designed for the Projection of the Image of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, through the application of a Feasible Project, where the deep nature of the reality studied will be basically identified, observing it as dynamic structure and the reason for its behavior and manifestations.

From a theoretical perspective, the research was supported by well-known authors in the Advertising area such as Chiavenato, Celis, Stanton, Etzel and Walker, Fernández, Cooper and Scott, Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, among others, who in addition to establishing their theories Based on the situations studied, they express their correct explanations based on what has been achieved.

Consequently, a strategic public relations plan is proposed that will allow Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94 to be recognized by its audiences and increase its client portfolio. It should be noted that it will benefit economically, since by increasing its client portfolio, income will increase from the greater amount of services provided.

Socially, the research motivates the fact of obtaining intellectual benefits, due to the need to know the target audience, know their perceptions, verify experiences, understand their emotions and compare the knowledge of strategic public relations plans acquired throughout the university career with professional practice.

Finally, the design of a strategic public relations plan will create theoretical contributions regarding the material that is investigated regarding the subject, in the same way it will bring with it new advances in social and cultural matters since by improving certain aspects, it will be easier to position both the company and the services it offers based on the relevance of current theories of the matter.





Chiavenato (2006) states that communication is the exchange of information between people. It means to make a message or information common. It constitutes one of the fundamental processes of human experience and social organization.

While Fonseca (2000) says that communicating is getting to share something of ourselves. It is a specific rational and emotional quality of man that arises from the need to get in touch with others, exchanging ideas that acquire meaning or significance according to common previous experiences.

In other words, as expressed by Chiavenato (2006) and Fonseca (2000), communication is the act of exchanging or sharing meaningful information, which allows establishing contact with others through ideas, facts and thoughts seeking a reaction to the statement. that has been sent.

Applying these concepts to public relations, what is wanted is to strengthen the bond with the public through a message or information, ensuring that it is the fundamental process of the human experience, in addition to sharing and giving a message or a information, in the same way it is possible to share something and make feedback with the public.

Public relations

For Lamb, Hair and McDaniel (2006) argue that public relations is the element of the promotional mix that assesses public attitudes, identifies problems that can cause public concern and executes programs to gain public understanding and acceptance.

Whereas for Stanton, Etzely Walker (2004), public relations is a management tool designed to favorably influence attitudes towards the organization, its products and its policies.

Thus, as mentioned by Lamb, Hair and McDaniel (2006) and Stanton, Etzel and Walker (2004), public relations are defined in various ways, but they are clearly linked to marketing, since they seek to build good relationships with customers. consumers using this management tool for the sole purpose of favorably influencing attitudes towards the organization, its products, and its policies.


For Fernández (2007)

In other words, Cooper and Scott (2003) specify that:

Now, according to the aforementioned theories, Fernández (2007) and Cooper and Scott W. (2003) consider that strategies are actions that must be aimed at achieving an objective and their realization must consist of stages that allow their subsequent evaluation. However, Cooper and Scott (2003) also indicate that there are different types of strategies according to the stage in which the product is in the market.

According to the theories that both authors offer, the simple and efficient methodology that allows the drafting and planning of strategies that adapt to the needs of the research, this allows creating a strategic plan that also has a design that covers the stages of the strategies and that at the same time leads to determine what type of strategy will be developed.

Strategic plan

According to Fred (2003), strategic planning is defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating multifunctional decisions that allow an organization to achieve its objectives.

On the other hand, De Vicuña (2012) indicates that

Now, according to both authors, Fred (2003) and Steiner (2012), the strategic plan designs in a detailed way, the strategies that will allow solving the problems that may arise, assigning resources, time and responsibility to each one of them.


Celis (2003) defines the cooperative as a social economic enterprise of consumers or products that intentionally join their efforts for their mutual benefit, establishing that it is a society of people, not capital, which is based on the equal rights of its members in terms of social management.

While according to the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) (1996), the cooperative is an autonomous association of people voluntarily united to satisfy their common economic, social and cultural aspirations and needs through a company whose ownership is collectively and in which the power is exercised democratically.

According to both conceptions, the cooperative is a company of the social economy, characterized by the voluntary union of people who actually want to work in community contributing their knowledge and strength in order to seek the integral well-being of all its members. That is why these companies present a typology that has been discussed by different authors.

Corporate image

According to Chávez (2015)

While Capriotti (2013) indicates that the corporate image is that which the public has about an organization as an entity as a social subject. The overall idea they have about your products, their activities and their behavior.

Now, according to the theories provided by Chávez (2015) and Capriotti (2013), the corporate image in addition to being related to institutional communication is the one that the public of the company or organization has and allows a relationship between the products, services and the consumer.


General Action

Design a Strategic Public Relations Plan to Project the Image of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94

Specific Actions

Diagnose the current public relations situation of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94.

Determine the communicative elements for the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94

Use a public relations plan to project the image of Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94.

Specific Actions Activities Means Responsible Weather
1. Diagnose the current public relations situation of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94. Through the SWOT matrix, make the situational analysis of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94 applying an observation guide as an instrument.







1 month

2. Determine the communicative elements for the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94.

Through an observation guide that will be applied by the thesis Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94




Observation Guide






1 month

3. Use a public relations plan to project the image of Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94. 1. Design business cards.

2. Proposal of content for social networks.

3. Through a public relations plan.








2 months


Source: Orozco, 2016


In this part of the investigation the procedure that allowed to carry out the Special Degree Work is presented; which describes qualities and important aspects of the investigation for its execution and development.

In this way, the research that served as a guide and that allowed to reach the raised perspectives was that of the feasible project, which consists of the elaboration of a proposal that provides a possible solution to a practical problem and that satisfies the needs of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, with the objective of studying public relations.

Some authors refer to this methodology, in this sense, UPEL (1998) defines the feasible project as a study that consists of the development of a research project that can be applicable to solve problems or requirements of organizations. The proposal that defines it refers to the formulation of technologies, methods or processes, which only make sense in the field of their needs.

In the same way, Sabino and Reyes (2002) state that it is a practical and simple proposal that allows solving problems, so that the organization where the project is developed is practicable and has the support of possibility according to the knowledge and strategies mentioned by each of the methodological authors.

From the previous definitions it is concluded that a feasible project is the set of activities that are linked to each other, where the execution allows the previously defined objectives to be achieved in response to the needs that an institution or a social group may have in a certain moment. That is, the purpose of the feasible project lies in the design of the proposal that is aimed at solving a problem or need that has been previously detected in the environment.

From the above, it can be said that to carry out the feasible project, a diagnosis of the proposed context must first be carried out; then the proposal to be elaborated must be outlined and established with theoretical bases and with this the methodological procedures, actions and resources that are required to carry out the execution are established.

Finally, a feasibility study of the project will be carried out that will allow executing the proposal that aims to design a Strategic Public Relations Plan for the Projection of the Image of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, this with its respective evaluation and in accordance with The actions and methodology proposed in this research are classified as Feasible Project, since they seek solutions to the problems that have been affecting the organization in which the planned strategies will be applied.


For research it is important not to forget the importance of the techniques and instruments used in the survey. On many occasions a job is started and the type of information needed or the sources from which it can be obtained is not identified; this leads to a time factor disadvantage, and sometimes even the initiation of a new investigation. For this reason, it is essential to define the techniques to be used in collecting the information, as well as the sources from which you can acquire such information.

Now, in order to obtain the necessary information, it is very important to clearly define the collection techniques and instruments that will be used, as they must be aimed at knowing the needs, collecting the reality data applied to the situation to be studied, for further analysis; in order to determine the needs of the object studied.

The technique used was the observation that according to Tamayo and Tamayo (1997) the observation is defined as: that in which the researcher can observe and collect data through his own observation. This observation technique was used in Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, in order to know what services it offers and thus be able to check the interaction of the cooperative with customers.

Now, this technique requires the participation of the researcher, because the central idea is the sagacity that one has towards all the activities of the community group or institution with the least possible distance, allowing experiences to be lived and visualizing the different modes of behavior and even physical appearance values ​​and attitudes. In conclusion, observation allows us to know reality through direct perception of objects and phenomena, in such a way that it will allow to measure competition through the use of social networks.

Public Relations and Corporate Image Plan for a Cooperative

Public Relations and Corporate Image Plan for a Cooperative


After applying the instrument, where a general observation was made of the management of public relations in the El Placer del Servicio Cooperative, the following was concluded:

  • Los socios de la cooperativa mantienen armonía en cuanto a la imagen corporativa y la proyectan al personal que tienen.El público es bastante amplio, ya que básicamente quien tiene para pagar los servicios que presta la cooperativa es a quien se dirige la misma.La relación que mantiene con sus clientes es buena, ya que se posee una data con números telefónicos de clientes fieles con los cuales se mantiene comunicación constante, se envía información de promociones y descuentos a través de este medio (telefonía móvil).Al cliente se le invita a visitar la cooperativa para que conozca quien le presta el servicio, de igual manera se le asesora en cuanto a las necesidades que tenga.Las quejas que llegan a la organización son pocas, debido que los servicios prestados cuentan con supervisión constante, sin embargo no se observa buzón de sugerencias o dirección de correo para canalizar esto.La gran mayoría conoce la cooperativa a través de la referencia de alguna persona que haya disfrutado del servicio y los recomienda.No poseen cuentas en redes sociales para hacer mayor el alcance y llegar aún más lejos.La oficina labora en horario de oficina (de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm), sin embargo los socios se encargan de monitorear los eventos para que el cliente quede satisfecho con el servicio prestado.Los precios son variados, dependiendo de lo que se desee, van desde el alquiler de un plato de vidrio que se encuentra en 50 Bsf. Hasta el alquiler la fuente de chocolate que se encuentra en 12.000 Bsf. Desde el momento de emitir el presupuesto se tiene un lapso valido de 72 horas, luego de eso puede estar sujeto a cambio.Hasta la fecha solo se mantienen las referencias y recomendaciones de otros clientes. No tienen otra vía de llegar al cliente.



To comply with the last specific action, which proposes to use a public relations plan to project the image of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94 and given the importance that a good public relations plan currently has for companies and their competitiveness in the market, the structure of proposals that promote the achievement of organizational objectives and that guarantee sustainability over time and promote responsible development is considered necessary.

In response to the above, the following strategies are proposed:

  1. Design business cards for the dissemination of information about the cooperative. Develop communication strategies through social networks. Prepare a strategic public relations plan.

It must be taken into account that public relations are necessary to create or improve communication between the organization and its audiences, and for them to promote understanding between the two and their participation in reciprocal and community development. This discipline through which the opinion and attitude of the public of an organization is analyzed and is based on the interest of the community and is intended to create or maintain the solidarity of the public with the organization to promote reciprocal development.

Within the generalities of the proposal, it is proposed to develop communication strategies through social networks, this in view of the fact that it is a new communication technology and the qualitative growth of social networks presents an emerging online scenario that opens possibilities, opportunities and important challenges.

Due to this change and accelerated evolution of the networks, a conceptualization of Web 2.0 is urgently needed, an interpretation of the web as a platform where people take advantage of applications to create, collaborate and share content and services and forces to explore creative alternatives and draw new maps to develop communication strategies and programs.

Now, once the proposal is presented, the need to implement strategies that help solve the image projection problems that are currently affecting the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, which are the lack of communication and motivation of the employees, is shown. and corporate identity.

On the other hand, the proposal involves a SWOT analysis, which indicates the areas to improve and on which to work, in order to achieve growth in the cooperative. This will be done taking into account the mission and vision of the same as a reason for being.

First Phase: Diagnosis

The diagnostic stage was based on field and documentary research, the approach as well as the theoretical foundation of the proposal; the methodological procedure, the activities indicating the necessary resources for its execution with the feasibility or feasibility analysis of the project, where a study was carried out to give a better implementation of the project and how the idea will be executed.

During this phase, it is considered feasible to carry out a systematic compilation and analysis of the information in order to then structure all these elements and form the proposal of the strategic public relations plan, which will serve as a reference for the adequate execution within the cooperative.

The diagnosis also allows visualizing the descriptive status of the project, in which a study was carried out to identify priorities, investigate and review the possibilities that the proposal may have, monitor the true needs and in general diagnose the current situation of the company with respect to to the idea you have to give an outline of how the proposal will work in the future.

For this research, an observation guide was developed to be able to specifically define the weakest aspects of the cooperative in order to reinforce them with the design and elaboration of the proposal for this research.

When applying the observation guide at Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, the following was noted:

  • The members of the cooperative are the only ones who make use of the corporate image. They have a fairly wide audience. They maintain good relationships with their clients. The client is advised according to their needs. They do not have a suggestion box to improve the quality of service. Most of the cooperative is known through third-party references. They do not have social media accounts. They work during office hours (from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). They have varied prices and fit the budget of the They do not have defined advertising strategies.

Likewise, at this stage a SWOT analysis was carried out to visualize the current public relations situation of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94 to discover the opportunities that are in a position to exploit, and by understanding the weaknesses of the cooperative to be able to manage and neutralize threats that in one way or another could take you by surprise.

On the other hand, this analysis allowed us to glimpse factors that potentially have the greatest impact on the company to help make the best possible decisions and actions. This helps to have a better focus, as well as to be competitive and relevant in the market niches to which the cooperative is directed, which seeks and seeks better development and growth so that decisions can be made in accordance with the objectives and policies Of the same.

SWOT Analysis Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94


1. High demand market.

2. Variety of services.

3. Accessible prices.


1. Unique in the Altos de Jalisco sector.

2. Clients close to the cooperative.

3. Demand for services.


1. They depend on suppliers.

2. Political-economic situation little prosperous.

3. Due to the corporate name "cooperative" some clients think they are irresponsible.


1. Little staff.

2. Outdated logo.

3. Little experience in some areas.

Second Phase: Guidelines of the Strategic Public Relations Plan

During this phase, strategies were developed to generate a proactive result within the development of the proposal and that may be useful to solve the objectives set within its initial structure. This phase will consist of establishing the appropriate means, resources and elements to project the proposal communicationally, having the following:

  • Basic Corporate Stationery:

The design of the stationery of the company and its logo will be present on the business cards.

Basic Corporate Stationery

  • Content for Social Networks:

The creation of proposals for social networks includes the strategies and actions that must be carried out in order to project the image of the cooperative through social networks in order to measure the impact through the web and has 3 objectives:




If the objective of the brand is to generate branding in social networks, these would be some of the actions necessary to achieve the objective

· Visual branding of the brand in social networks.

· Define the keywords of the brand and from there determine the hashtag to use in FB, IG and TW.

· Create advertising campaigns to increase brand awareness.

· Generate viral promotions that help publicize the brand and at the same time reward followers.

· Achieve brand presence in related events even as collaborators.

· Carry out joint actions with other brands.

· Use brand influencers to help promote the brand.




If the objective of the brand is to increase the community of followers or increase their engagement, these would be some of the necessary actions.

· Create advertising campaigns to increase followers on social networks.

· Generate viral promotions that encourage sharing.

· Create contests to attract new followers.

· Carry out joint actions with other brands.

Use brand influencers to help promote specific contests and campaigns




If the objective of the brand is to promote products or services, these would be the actions and necessary to achieve the objective.

· Create advertising campaigns to promote the brand's products or services.

· Generate viral promotions that encourage sharing.

· Create contests to raffle the product or service and thus promote it.

· Carry out joint actions with other brands.

· Generate promotional content.

· Create email-marketing campaigns with the database to promote.

Content planning through the web will help to better organize time and the different tasks that are carried out daily. You can make a weekly agenda in which all the publications are organized within some work blocks that must be fulfilled as planned, but with the flexibility that allows the blocks to be changed if something unforeseen has arisen (something unplanned but important).

With it, the target audience will be clear and well defined, since each post will be directed to a specific audience, saving time, always having clear the objective of each post: to retain, teach, create a brand or increase customers, this with the purpose to know what type of content works best on each platform and to analyze the needs of the followers in order to know what they expect from the company on social networks.

Thus, the development of content for the networks can be very useful since it will allow better management of the content and, in addition, considerable time savings will be obtained.

  • Public Relations Plan:


Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94


We are a cooperative that has the purpose of offering a service that satisfies its Marabino clients, offering the most modern in the service of celebrations with the interest of satisfying the needs through personalized attention, with the cordial service of its employees.


We work as a team, efficiently and constantly to improve day by day to "Be recognized as the celebration agency with the best quality of service" Values: our members have a vocation for service, we strive to happily satisfy our customers in your needs, our service is honest, transparent, responsible and with professional ethics.


The cooperative, care and service has fundamental principles, which are focused on meeting the requirements of customers and users, based on the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of our quality management, in order to achieve a positive experience to all clients.


  • Establish constant communication links between current clients and potential clients, by presenting information on the actions carried out in the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio Encourage employees to maintain a good work environment Develop alliances with companies and suppliers to that make use of The Pleasure of Service 94.


The Action Plan seeks to keep clients permanently informed in addition to highlighting the quality and reliability of the services and informing them about the policies and programs used in the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94









Establish constant communication links between existing clients and potential clients, by presenting information on the actions carried out in Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94

Carry out a reopening of the premises inviting potential clients, allies and relatives.

Activity within the premises

Staff, pop material, furniture rental, food and drinks.

1in the month of reopening

Time arrangement of the guests.

Hold presentations on the different types of services offered by the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94

Exhibitions through stands, and flyers.

POP material, Brochures and awards.

Once a month

Clients' time arrangement

Encourage employees to maintain a good work environment.

Make coffee break for interaction between employees. Offer afternoons to share with food and drinks to employees. Staff, furniture rental, sound rental, food and drinks.

Once a month

The working hours of the employees.

Develop alliances with companies so that they hire the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94.

Forge alliance relationships and mutual collaboration with companies.

Activities to achieve interactions between companies. As memberships.

Promotional material on the services provided by the company.


Little Personal







Activity within the premises.


Exhibitions through stands, flyers.


Offer afternoons to share with food and drinks to employees.


Activities to achieve interactions between companies.



Certainly the development of research provides knowledge, however it is the process of development that is much more important. Although it is true, the ability to identify a problem, develop an investigation around it and present the results obtained is what represents a challenge when preparing a Special Degree Project.

The development of the investigation constituted the scope of the proposed objectives and represented an exercise of reflection on the subject focusing it on a particular situation. This is how a space for observation was created, identifying the relevant aspects for the subsequent preparation of the proposal to design the strategic public relations plan that best suits the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94.

It should be noted that this research not only seeks to offer practical and updated solutions for the projection of the image of the cooperative, but also seeks to be the beginning of the path that still needs to be traveled for that cooperative. With this, it is intended that technological innovations become a bridge between the client and the company, in such a way that the development of strategies is promoted where clients are the precursors of said ideas.

In conclusion, the cooperative was directed to make use of technological and advertising tools, guiding them towards a range of options that will also allow it to achieve recognition among the public since the development of content for social networks becomes a competitive advantage of the the rest promoting the cooperative.

Finally, this proposal breaks paradigms especially in the change of attitude and in the form and management of public relations for a cooperative. The use of these tools now becomes essential to achieve the objectives that the partners set themselves, whether it is to promote, grow the community of followers or increase the demand for services, everything will now depend on the strategic use that they give to planning strategic public relations.


According to the analysis made to the public relations of the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, the following conclusions were reached:

  1. They do not have projection through the company's social networks since Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94 does not have communication strategies that allow them to transmit information to their clients and keep them up to date with the services they provide.

Despite the fact that Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94 is a cooperative dedicated to the field of event organization, this does not prevent it from being recognized on social networks, on the contrary, it is a market that is at the top and It allows in a very economic way the recognition and projection of the image in the market of companies dedicated to the same area that have a presence on web 2.0.

  1. The public does not recognize the Cooperativa El Placer del Servicio 94, since it does not have a defined corporate image, either with uniforms for the staff, since the uniform used for the events is the traditional suit of white shirt and black pants. no business cards on even avatars on social media.

The advantage of recognition by customers through the corporate image is the ease and memorization of this identity, which results in customers identifying themselves and with the brand, both by color and what this transmits to them and by the logo and the association of this image with the cooperative.

  1. Currently there are no strategies for established social networks, without forgetting that they do not have promotional elements that attract potential customers, which makes the cooperative one of those that already exists and therefore people are not interested in know her.

Undoubtedly, the lack of public relations strategies make effective communication with your audience and potential clients almost impossible, since currently the contributions that the client may have for the company are taken into account and contribute to a better operation of the business, seeking thus create communicational ties with the environment.


  1. Cooperativa el Placer del Servicio 94 has a fairly competitive business concept, and the content that can be transmitted through social networks allows the public to feel identified and thereby achieves brand loyalty. Designing strategies that attract the public will become a competitive advantage, since this market is generally forgotten, so rescuing it and giving it the importance it deserves will generate more trust and loyalty in the public. the company, are quite scarce, this being an opportunity to improve them and project themselves in the public, so that they recognize it and identify it with the good service it provides, resulting in an increase in followers.Apply the use of the corporate image in all the graphic elements that represent it, social networks, business cards, letterhead, pendo, backing, uniforms and all those pieces that can serve as a constant reminder of this identity. Social is currently a tool that allows generating web traffic and as this traffic is generated, the advertising and promotion that can be given to the cooperative is virilized. The advantage of this is the scope it has and the minimal investment costs that can generate large returns in the long run. Propose the figure of the community manager for the strategic management of social networks,It will allow the quality and quantity of content to be adapted to the needs of the cooperative and will direct the company to create constant communication ties with its public, which will be helpful for improvements, according to the recommendations that customers have.



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Public relations plan and corporate image for a cooperative