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Sales and marketing plan of the graphic workshop of the geocuba agency

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Both in the so-called first world and in the third, efficiency is a condition for survival. Hence the importance that the study and application of new formulas in the search for the market, quality and better functioning of companies, institutions and organizations in general are acquiring. The entry into the marketing scene plays a role that, although many still do not recognize as a protagonist, it presents shades of an essential character.

Through surveys and interviews, it was possible to know the market potential that exists in the tourism sector and the factors that impede the current positioning of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency graphic workshop in this market segment.

In this sense, given the obvious economic problems facing the world and, in fact, Cuba as part of it, the reduction of financial budgets, reduction of investments and, paradoxically, the increase in the sales plan of the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila, we are obliged to apply effective techniques in the search for solutions that allow positioning and fulfill the proposed objective.

If a marketing plan focused on specific actions is applied that allows the recovery of lost customers, attracting new ones and incorporating new products, then sales of the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency will increase.


So much in the so-called first world, like in the third party, efficiency is a condition for survival. From there the importance that matches acquiring the study and application of news formulas in the search of market, quality and better functioning of companies, institutions and organizations in general. The entrance in scene of marketing plays a role what if well still many do not acknowledge to like protagónico, you present essential character's shades.

By means of opinion polls and interviews, the potential of market that exists at the tourist sector and the factors could be known that him they impede the present-day positioning of the graphic workshop of the agency Blind Ávila's GEOCUBA in this market segment.

In such sense, in front of the evident cost-reducing problems that the world confronts and in fact Cuba as part of him, the reduction of financial budgets, reduction of investments and paradoxically, the increment of the sales plan of the Graphic Workshop of the agency Blind Ávila's GEOCUBA, we are in the obligation to apply efficacious techniques in the search of solutions that they enable the positioning and fulfilling the proposed objective.

If a plan of marketing centered in concrete actions that enable lost customers's recovery, perceiving new others is applicable and incorporating new products, the sales of the Graphic Workshop of the agency then will increase Blind Ávila's GEOCUBA


Marketing generates the most controversial passions, from a total rejection to an addicted acceptance without nuances, from considering it the miracle that solves everything, to conceiving it as an alienation from capitalism.

As stated in popular slang, all extremes are bad and in general it is proof of not having entered the essence of what to understand by marketing. There may be many points of view, as many as there are authors on the subject, however, if there is something that everyone agrees on, it is that marketing has the customer as its center.

Starting from that base, then it is possible to discuss whether it is considered as the "science of exchange" or if it is analyzed as "customer relations" or "customer intimacy". The truth is that the purpose of all these conceptualizations point to that organizations work to retain customers by satisfying them through the product or service provided, only that one or other theories reinforce one aspect to the detriment of another.

However, customer loyalty is above all a strategic approach, which integrates the entire organization into a «know-how» that is the predominant culture, which is why marketing is, above all, a business philosophy and, based on this, the practical tools that help analysis for decision making.

Increasingly, the need has been generalized by companies, institutions and organizations to be more competitive every day. Obtaining the funds necessary to function in the case of non-profit organizations and the imperative of obtaining higher profits every day in the case of for-profit organizations, impose maximum levels of efficiency, effectiveness and profitability.

The struggle for efficiency is fought in today's world, in the context of a kind of globalized law of the jungle, which establishes unequal conditions between developed and underdeveloped countries and in which the possibility of survival for the developing countries is increasingly reduced. weaker or less fit. In the underdeveloped world, subjected to historical disadvantages, the struggle assumes critical projections in the context of contemporary neoliberalism, with the exception of exceptional cases such as Cuba, whose companies maintain the social projection that our system supports.

Both in the so-called first world and in the third, efficiency is a condition for survival. Hence the importance that the study and application of new formulas in the search for the market, quality and better functioning of companies, institutions and organizations in general are acquiring. The entry into the marketing scene plays a role that, although many still do not recognize as a protagonist, it presents shades of an essential character.

Through surveys and interviews, it was possible to know the market potential that exists in the tourism sector and the factors that impede the current positioning of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency graphic workshop in this market segment.

In this sense, given the obvious economic problems facing the world and, in fact, Cuba as part of it, the reduction of financial budgets, reduction of investments and, paradoxically, the increase in the sales plan of the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila, we are obliged to apply effective techniques in the search for solutions that allow positioning and fulfill the proposed objective.

From what was stated above we define as a problem:

How to contribute to the increase in sales of the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency?

In this sense, the objective is defined as :

Contribute to the increase in sales of the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency through a marketing plan focused on specific actions, which allows the recovery of lost customers, the acquisition of new ones and the incorporation of new products.


If a marketing plan focused on specific actions is applied that allows the recovery of lost customers, attracting new ones and incorporating new products, then sales of the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency will increase.

Investigative Tasks

  • Carry out a market study on the most important sectors, especially the tourism and industrial sectors. Prepare a marketing plan that allows increasing the sale of products from the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency.

Applied methods

Theoretical level methods:

  • Logical history: It allowed to know the background of the investigation. Analysis-Synthesis: It made it possible to summarize the results of the research carried out. Induction- Deduction: Led to a final conclusion. Systematic approach: It allowed to keep the objective of this work in force. Abstraction: It allowed, from the final result of the investigation, to think about the possible solutions to each case.

Empirical level methods:

  • Interviews: Through them, it has been known to know the needs and possibilities of the population involved. Surveys: through them, the level of customer satisfaction, future prospects and intentions of product requests from the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency are known.



Historical analysis

The GEOCUBA Business Group was founded on May 1, 1995, it arises as a result of the merger of the Cuban Institute of Hydrography (ICH) and the Cuban Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (ICGC), both institutions treasured an invaluable heritage from the decades of the 1920s and 1940s respectively, which enabled us to inherit a large accumulation of information, ranging from nautical and terrestrial cartography at different scales, geodetic networks, cadastre, marine and environmental studies

Until now, the graphic activity in GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila, has offered a variety of products that are very limited in volume and quality, fundamentally single-color models, cut and foliated forms with obsolete equipment that limits, among other aspects, quality, lead time and timely delivery to customers. Completing the products with logos, corporate colors, suitable packaging, etc., constitute aspects that would also give new opportunities. Despite current technological limitations, the workshop has maintained a good acceptance of its productions and a sustained but limited demand.

Causal analysis

The study carried out allowed us to know through the empirical level method, that the lack of technological equipment with the possibility of achieving polychromies, A-3 formats or larger, printing on vinyl and the absence of a die-cutter are factors that together with the lack of follow-up of many of current clients and insufficient market work in attracting new clients are the fundamental causes that have affected and are affecting the market of the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency.

When the execution of the investment that is currently in the execution phase concludes, the execution time and delivery times will be reduced, the quality of the products will rise and therefore the possibilities and therefore the offer will significantly increase. There will be opportunities to access other important market segments, which have not been able to be fully penetrated by the products in demand, due to the limited current technological development. In this case, the present market study has been directed towards the Jardines de Rey Tourist Center, specifically at hotel facilities. They demand products that are used for the customer, whose characteristics require technology and assurances that must be anticipated from this study.

Analysis using the SWOT matrix

Weaknesses: Limitations of the current technological equipment.

Threats: Tendency of customers to opt for higher quality prints.

Strengths: The guarantee of raw material at a time when it is in deficit in the national market.

Opportunities: Difficulties with the guarantee of the service by other competitors.

From what has been previously analyzed, the Primary Objective is defined :

Increase sales of the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency.

Secondary objectives:

  • Recover lost customers Recruit new customers Add new products

Strategy to carry out:

The strategy to be put into practice will be that of "ATTACK AND COMPETITIVE DEFENSE" by Al Ries and Jack Trout, which will be based on:

  • Expand market actions in the northern Keys of Ciego de Ávila and Havana City, taking into account that the latter constitutes the main economic pole of the country Expand market actions within the city of Ciego de Ávila Find alternative solutions to respond to requests for print orders that, due to their characteristics, are currently out of our reach. Work on improving technological equipment. Schedule visits to clients for each specialist of the annual and monthly marketing activity. Annexes No. 2 and 3.

Means to use:

  • Printing machines ……………………… 4 Means of transport ………………………… 4Phones …………………. ……………….…..1Email …………..………………..one

Target audiences

Management, Marketing Department and other workers of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency.


Operational print services.


  • Visit clients with the required frequency, established in the annual and monthly schedule (annexes No. 1 and 2 of this work). Whose visits will be planned in correspondence to the cycle of historical requests of each one Thoroughly analyze the needs of each client visited and prepare offers and service proposals that will be delivered directly through visits or via email Organize meetings with current and potential clients of the territory, as established in the Quality Management System, where new products and services are exhibited and at the same time allows feedback on their needs and satisfaction.

Sales force management

The sales force takes great importance in the fulfillment of the established objectives, it is important not only the fulfillment of the planned action plan. It will be essential to communicate to customers, in addition to supply guarantees, quality, affordable prices and the possibility of providing the distribution service at no additional cost.

Distribution mechanism

The distribution of all productions resulting from contractual commitments with customers will be made to the place provided between both parties, in three of the four means of transport at the service of the graphic workshop and at no additional cost over the agreed value.

Command definition

There are several people involved in the process of accomplishing this task, from the administrative, technical and productive personnel. In this sense we define the team:

  • General Director of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency: who will be in charge of supporting the development and overseeing compliance with all actions. Head of the Marketing Department of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency: he will be in charge of preparing visit schedules, preparing surveys, coordinating actions, guiding specialists, verifying the development and effectiveness of the action plan, compiling the information, will prepare commercial offers and proposals and will support specialists in meeting the objectives. Head of the Graphic Workshop: will support and monitor the fulfillment of the objectives set. You will contribute your experiences and stay in close relationship with the marketing staff. Commercial management specialists: they will visit customers, apply surveys,They will prepare and / or deliver commercial proposals and offers. They will develop the contracting process and check compliance with the contractual commitments.

Overall assessment of the plan

The plan will be put into practice immediately, for which work is being done on the development of an investment worth $ 300,000 CUC that will open the spectrum of services to the aforementioned entity. No less important will be to comply with the schedule of visits to the Jardines del Rey and Ciudad de la Habana poles, with the aim of proposing new services and guaranteeing the maintenance and development of those currently provided (our star products and the dairy vaquita).

Specific action plan

Not. ACTIONS AND TASKS Responsable Participants DEADLINES
one Increase business control, planning and monitoring, by using the documents established for this purpose in the SGC (P-11). Head of Dept. Head of Department and Head of Market Group and Specialists x

Assess the relationship of clients that are served by each specialist in the Workshop's market group. Taking into account your importance as a client and geographical location, define possible adjustments. Head of Dept. Head of Market Group and TG specialists x
3 Prepare a schedule of monthly and annual visits to clients, where all the aspects foreseen in this strategy are taken into account. Annexes No. 2 and 3 Head of Dept. Head of Market Group and TG specialists x x x x x x x x x x x x
4 Systematically evaluate compliance with the provisions of this plan.

Head of Dept.

Head of Department and Head of Market Group x x x x x x x x x x x x
5 Make an analysis to update the main clients taking into account the values ​​in foreign currency contributed, punctuality in payments and permanence in the service. Head of Dept. Head of Department and Head of Market Group x
6 Increase visits with biweekly or monthly frequency as possible, to clients defined as main.
Head of Dept. Head of Market Group and TG specialists x x x x x x x x x x x
7 Make an analysis of the clients of the Workshop in previous years and define the most important ones that have been lost for different reasons. Head of Dept. Head of Department and Head of Market Group x
8 Visit all lost clients, define current situation and possible reincorporation to our business portfolio.
Head of Dept. Head of Market Group and TG specialists x x
9 Analyze the list of all potential customers that exist in our immediate environment (Ciego de Ávila province). Include it in the visit schedule. Head of Dept. Head of Department and Head of Market Group x
10 Assess the new market potential within and outside the province, discarding clients that due to their characteristics are not of interest to the Agency. Head of Dept. Head of Department and Head of Market Group x
eleven Visit all clients that are considered of interest to the Agency. Head of Dept. Head of market group and specialists of the T. G x x x x x x
12 Do market research to assess other potentials such as label printing or other similar ones. Head of Dept. Head of Department and Head of Market Group x
13 Establish contracting with the entities that demand these productions. Head of Dept. Head of market group and specialists of the T. G x x
14 Define the productions of this type that can be assumed in the Workshop with current technology. Head of Dept. Head of Department and Head of Market Group x x


  • The study carried out showed that the current technological equipment that the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency has, is not in correspondence with the characteristics of the forms that are in greatest demand, especially in the tourism and industrial sectors. The current market is insufficient to meet the sales plans, given the decreasing demand for operational printing of each organization. The proposed marketing plan could be a determining factor in solving the problem.


Immediately and systematically implement this marketing plan.


  • Lovelock, Christopher Marketing Services- Havana: Ed. People and Education, 203-6 1P. Kotler, Phillip. Social Marketing.- Havana: Ed. People and Education, 2003.- 467P.Hernández, Sampier, Roberto. Research Methodology.- Havana: Ed. Félix Varela, 2003.- 1T. Research Methodology.- Havana: Ed. Félix Varela, 2003.- 2T.Calviño, Manuel. Marketing in Cuba.- Havana: CUJAE Conference, 2008.- 1-15P. General bases of business improvement: Annex to Decree Law 187 dated August 18, 1998 published in the Official Gazette Ordinary Edition No.45. (August 25, 1998). In Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba, September 14, 1998. Kotler, P and E. Roberto. (1992). Social Marketing. Strategies to change public behavior. Díaz de Santos Madrid. Martín Dávila, M. (1988).Analytical Methods in Marketing. Theory and Applications. Madrid, Editorial Tormes.Marx, K. (1975). Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Havana: Social Sciences.

Annex No.1


The GEOCUBA Business Group, and specifically, the Ciego de Ávila Agency is engaged in an investment process aimed at modernizing and expanding technological equipment, which has the ultimate objective of expanding the capabilities and spectrum of services to the activity's clients. graph. In this sense, we are working on a study that allows us to know your impressions about:

  • Are you aware of the existence of the graphic workshop of the GEOCUBA Ciego de Ávila Agency? Yes___ No ___ Have you ever requested the services that this workshop provides? Yes ___ No ___ How do you rate the quality of the services received? Good ___

Fair ____ poor ____

Please argue: _____________________________________________________


  • Where do you consider future work should be projected?: ______________________________________________
  • Do you intend to work with GEOCUBA in the future? The volumes that you demand (in thousands of physical units) annually are in the order of:


One thousand to ten thousand ____

Eleven thousand to twenty thousand ____

Twenty one thousand to thirty thousand ____

Thirty-one thousand to fifty thousand ___

Fifty-one thousand and one hundred thousand ___

More than one hundred thousand

Market research for commercial forms in the tourism sector

Hotel: __________________________________________________________________

Do you intend to request printing services from the Graphic Workshop of the GEOCUBA C. de Ávila Agency Yes___ No ___

If your answer is positive, relate the forms to the data specified:


in manual

Denomination Um

Quantity demand


(by UM)

Dimensions in (mm) Material Colors quantity Finish

(varnish or laminate

Sample or design I observed. The manual Proposals of the executor Proposed technology Qty Material (TM)
Annual By order Total Badge Long Width Thickness or grammage

Annex No.2


Year: _________________

January February March April may June July August Sept. October Nov. Dec.
1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd

Annex No.3


Specialist: ___________________________ Month: ___________________ Year: _________________

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Sales and marketing plan of the graphic workshop of the geocuba agency