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Planning and elaboration of menus in food services

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Within a system of individualized food service or for groups, such as catering, the most important and fundamental part is the menu, since the menu describes the products, foods and preparations that are offered, which can be the determining reason that leads customers to prefer an establishment.

It is important that an individualized menu or for collective or commercial catering, promotes an optimal diet for consumers and responds to nutritional, health and organoleptic criteria; the nutritional criteria are based on age, physiological state and physical activity; the sanitary criteria, so that they obey the regulations regarding food hygiene and organoleptics; in relation to what can be perceived by the senses, such as smell, taste, temperature and texture. For this reason, the good presentation of food on a menu is very important.

For the elaboration of a menu one must have diverse aspects, among these is the type of menu that will be elaborated, to which population it is directed, and the type of service; the norms and policies established by organizations according to the quality of the products and the service, the availability of the products to be offered, the costs and the production capacity, among other aspects; on the other hand, there must be adequate control and evaluation of the menu and its processes.

In this work, the menu concept, the objectives of its preparation and all the aforementioned aspects such as types of menu, influencing factors in its preparation, policies and rules to be followed as well as evaluation and control criteria will be detailed.


Collective catering is the activity that consists of serving meals away from home to groups of diners. As for the menu concept, it refers to the list of preparations that make up a meal, indicating the variety of dishes offered to customers; these are generally presented in primers with their respective prices. According to Dolly Tejada, the menu is considered the starting point and goal of any food service.

Objectives of preparing menus

An adequate preparation will depend on the type of service offered and to whom it is directed. However, the elaboration of any menu should have the following general objective:

  • Pleasing users Meeting the nutritional needs of consumers Staying within budget limits Establishing the basis for activities in other areas of work Enhancing the image of the food service

Rules and policies for preparing menus

Just as the objectives, policies and rules are an important aspect in the elaboration of a menu, they will guide the planning, the realization, the control and the evaluation of these. Among the policies that must be established are:

  • The food budget The standard of meals to be served during the day The length of food service periods The type of menu Special orders

Like the policies, there are basic rules for the elaboration of menus that must be found, among the most important are the following:

  • The nutritional balance: this must be as appropriate as possible to the energy and nutritional needs of consumers The variety: texture, consistency, color, flavor, shape, humidity, preparation method these points influence the preferences and tastes of consumers.

Menu types

Menus can be classified in various ways, some of which include the following:

  • According to the food in which it will be served: this classification refers to the time when the food will be served; that is to say, breakfast, lunch, dinner, lunch or any other denomination. According to the variation: it refers to the variation of the dish preparations per day; In other words, if the dishes are the same throughout the day and every day, or if it changes according to the time and day.According to the possibility of selection: it refers to the menus in which you can choose between the different preparations of all the food groups that make up the menu.According to the menu organization: in this classification a pattern or list of foods that each meal should contain and the number of portions of interchange is taken.

Regarding the nutritional aspect or in places such as doctor's offices or hospitals, the food service and the types of menu vary according to the state of health, it can be for healthy or sick individuals; The modifications are quantitative and qualitative, among which are the following types of menu or diets:

  • Modified in texture: Progressive diets Modified in energy intake Modified in electrolyte and mineral content For digestive pathologies Exploratory diets

Menu elaboration procedure

In order to prepare a menu that fits a specific food service, all of the above must be taken into account and the following procedure must be carried out, which can serve as a guide.

1. Preparation of a repertoire of recipes: within this point menus are planned, carrying out the following actions:

  • Select a group of preparations that is appropriate to the service being offered Elimination of recipes that for various reasons make their inclusion on the menu difficult or impossible.

2. Preparation of the general menu program:

  • Choice of main dishes for each of the meals Choice of side dishes Choice of vegetables and cooked vegetables or salad Choice of soup Choice of desserts and sweets Planning of breakfasts and other meals.

3. General menu program check: at this point the menus should be analyzed considering the following important aspects

  • Is it nutritionally adequate? Are all foods offered seasonal and affordable in price? Can they be prepared with the personnel and equipment available? Do they offer contrast between color, flavor, texture, consistency, shape, methods preparation? Are workloads balanced for both staff and equipment? Is a food, preparation or flavor repeated too much?

From a nutritional and dietary care point of view, the process to develop an individualized diet or menu is carried out starting with the prescription by a specialist, and the following:

  1. Taking a clinical, dietary and nutritional history: an essential document from which the nutritional situation of an individual, eating habits, as well as other essential data to contextualize the diet can be assessed; Among these data, it is essential to know the socioeconomic and cultural situation of the patient, their employment situation and their religious beliefs, among other aspects.Determination of dietary objectives: at this point the objectives of the food plan or the purpose for which the diet or menu. It is worth mentioning that the motivation of individuals is important. Development of dietary guidelines: this point includes the rules under which a menu will be prepared.
  • Definition of the nutritional characteristics of the regimen, determining whether the dietary intervention should be qualitative or quantitative Preparation of the calculation of the nutritional value of the prepared diet Establishment of the rations and hours during the day Preparation of the document for the patient who must include: general recommendations, foods, beverages and condiments of free use, foods advised against, foods that must be consumed in moderation and the suitable forms of cooking.

Control and evaluation of the elaboration of menus

It is important that the menus have a control, between the most used and appropriate tools and techniques for control.

Regarding the menus in a food service, the control techniques are the following:

  • Standardization of recipes and servings served: this specifies the quantity and quality of ingredients and their preparation procedure in order to ensure an adequate product, of uniform quantity and quality Graphics of meals served: this point refers to knowing approximately how much food must be prepared per day, for this it is advisable to record and graph the meals served daily; Possible causes of an increase or decrease in the number of meals served, such as special events, should be specified Popularity indexes of preparations: different means can be carried out to keep track of popularity, such as the following: Food preference surveys:Surveys are applied to consumers who qualify using a scale that ranges from "I like it very much" to "I dislike it very much." Frequency of acceptance: food preference is studied to know how often you want to consume a food or preparation, Sensory evaluation: the reaction of the users towards the food is measured Surplus studies on the plate: consists of weighing the leftover food on the plate in order to measure the excess amount Observation method: observation of the leftovers of the dishes to know If the entire dish was consumed or what portion as well as the food that was left Self-reported consumption: the individual himself uses a scale to measure the amount of food consumed from the dish.Food preference is studied to know how often you want to consume a food or preparation, Sensory evaluation: the reaction of users towards food is measured Studies of leftovers on the plate: consists of weighing the leftover food on the plate with the purpose of measuring the excess quantity Observation method: observation of the leftover dishes to know if the entire dish was consumed or what portion as well as the food that was left Self-reported consumption: the individual himself uses a scale to measure the amount of food that consumption of the dish.Food preference is studied to know how often you want to consume a food or preparation, Sensory evaluation: the reaction of users towards food is measured Studies of leftovers on the plate: consists of weighing the leftover food on the plate with the purpose of measuring the excess quantity Observation method: observation of the leftover dishes to know if the entire dish was consumed or what portion as well as the food that was left Self-reported consumption: the individual himself uses a scale to measure the amount of food that consumption of the dish.consists of weighing the leftover food on the plate in order to measure the leftover quantity Observation method: observation of the leftover dishes to know if the entire plate was consumed or what portion as well as the food that was left Self-reported consumption: the individual himself uses a scale to measure the amount of food I eat from the dish.consists of weighing the leftover food on the plate in order to measure the leftover quantity Observation method: observation of the leftover dishes to know if the entire plate was consumed or what portion as well as the food that was left Self-reported consumption: the individual himself uses a scale to measure the amount of food I eat from the dish.

Cost of food: it is necessary to control the costs of the ingredients or dishes on the menu, in order to know if it is necessary to replace them or increase or decrease the price of these.

Regarding the evaluation of the menus, it is essential to take into account the aforementioned control process to make change decisions. Customer satisfaction can be evaluated through comments, opinions and suggestions from customers, which can be done through surveys or in a suggestion box. It should be mentioned that if the sales of an establishment are high it means that the menus are adequate.

On the other hand, in terms of individualized nutritional menus, the diet must be adapted to new situations that may arise and, at the same time, reinforce and enhance motivation. The evaluation of the result must be verified by means of the analytical evolution and the weight control or other objective parameters that evaluate the nutritional status. Focusing on the elaboration of an individualized menu, to have control over the menus or established diets it is important to carry out the following point:

Explanation and / or education regarding the prescribed diet or menu:

  • Explain to the patient the characteristics of the regimen The advantages of adhering to the diet The reasons for the limitations and the elimination of certain foods or the modification of certain habits Make known the measurements of the portions or the approximate volume of the foods that should be consumed. The equivalences between the various foods that make up each group, in order to facilitate food diversification.

Influential factors in menu development

It is important to analyze the factors that may influence when making the menus, which can be grouped as follows:

Clients: this factor includes aspects

  • Sociocultural factors: within this aspect, the most important are food habits and preferences, eating behavior and motivation. Nutritional needs: the importance of nutrition and its relationship with health and well-being must be taken into account.

Internal: within this aspect is:

  • The production capacity: at this point, the number and availability of personnel for production, the amount and capacity of equipment available, and the time that must elapse between production and being served, must be taken into account. two things can happen from this aspect; that the menu determines the premises and equipment required for the preparation or otherwise; that the existing premises and equipment fit the menu The budget: balance the menus in relation to costs, therefore the amount of money available must be known exactly The type of style of service: influences the type of food and preparations that can be included in the menu as this factor can affect premises and equipment, budgets and the number and skills of staff.

External: among the external factors that influence the menus we find:

  • The climate and the seasons: this aspect refers to the fact that the same is not desired in a cold climate as in a hot one, in summer or winter; It also refers to special events since expectations are different. Food availability: refers to geographical location, since it affects the availability of food, since the same food will not be found in all places or in different types Climate Regulations: include the regulations of different state agencies, on the quality of food that should be used or avoided to ensure the welfare of consumers.


The elaboration of a menu is a process that must be taken with too much importance, since from this different activities are derived within a food service establishment, for this reason it is important to properly plan and prepare the menus.

The menu for customers or consumers is still an important aspect, since if consumers do not like it, it is very likely that the rest of the activities do not have great importance and the establishment does not achieve the desired success, customer satisfaction must be the main objective in planning a menu therefore should be offered what the consumer wants.

To have a successful menu, it is essential that the menu is adjusted to the client and their satisfaction, the type of service offered, the budget, among other aspects, these points can be evaluated in different ways; To do this, a control of the menu must be carried out and food quality and hygiene standards must be carried out in production processes.

The menu can be the cover letter and the promotion of an establishment on which its success depends, for which all the activities and personnel involved in the menu must have the appropriate characteristics and skills for its successful preparation, always with the main objective of pleasing to the client adjusting to the needs of these as well as the possibilities and production budgets of the establishment, always complying with the policies, rules that guide the planning, control and evaluation processes of the menus without forgetting the factors that may affect them.


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Planning and elaboration of menus in food services