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Marketing plans for small businesses


Historically, Marketing has been considered a luxury within the reach of a few companies, generally large companies.

Strategic marketing, as the great unknown that it is for most of the small business, has been and is usually confused with advertising.

Therefore, through this article, we are going to explain how to improve the sales of urban commerce by opening its doors wide to marketing, making you see that the market needs retail, but adapted to the new demands of society.

Our experience has made us know small businesses that have not been able to see how the competition was eating their ground, how large chains were going to land in their market, how their sales were gradually decreasing or how their sellers did not sell what they owed,… They have realized it was undoubtedly too late!

For this reason, new on-demand marketing solutions are beginning to appear, services adapted for urban commerce and unknown to most, which allow them to remain competitive, analyzing the situation in which they find themselves and knowing their possible areas for improvement.

Through the Marketing Audit, we will carry out an X-ray of the company's situation that will allow us to know the areas for improvement and carry out a Viability Plan that will indicate the present and future of the business.

We are referring to tools available to everyone! which, in our experience, has allowed us to see sales increase almost immediately. If not, let's ask ourselves the following reflection, why can the franchise sector compete successfully with large stores?… Without a doubt because franchises have a Franchisor who supports them and transfers their know-how. Why not then replace the franchise with a marketing outsourcing?

It should not be forgotten that, as in large companies, the business model of small businesses requires a permanent reorientation, focusing on the customer, "focus costumer", and on new market situations. Therefore, going hand in hand with Marketing, it is much easier for commerce to evolve in parallel with new trends.

Expense or Investment?

This question is very easy to give you an answer because for the interest of the entrepreneur himself and for the simple fact of not wanting to lose more money or simply wanting to sell more, marketing is an investment. It is true that it does not have the magic crystal ball that knows everything, but rather observes, studies and analyzes the market, eliminating or minimizing existing uncertainties in order to be prepared to make thoughtful, quick decisions and, most importantly, correct.

Our experience tells us that by carrying out an Audit and a Business Viability Plan it can offer us the solutions that we have been looking for for a long time and that made us think that Globalization was going to eradicate small businesses from the commercial fabric, when the reality is already quite different. that the urban store has a great future, as long as it is professionally managed.

Therefore, it is necessary to ask ourselves why small companies and businesses do not resort more to Marketing? The answer is simple, because there is neither a market culture nor do we really want to evolve.

However, I am aware that more and more small entrepreneurs want to see that their businesses are filled with customers again, so I am going to indicate the methodology that we follow in our work, when we want to position in the mind of the buyer that a certain business will will fully satisfy; enhancing the values ​​they have compared to large surfaces: closeness, specialization, attention paid, flexibility, adaptability,… Here are the steps necessary to successfully develop a Commercial Viability Plan.

Point. At this stage, the real situation of the company is analyzed by comparing the history of previous years in order to realistically define the evolution of the point of sale and its trend.

Strategic analysis. At this stage, all commercial activity must be checked, through the use of a series of strategic tools we will know our areas of improvement and differential points against the competition. SWOT, RMG Matrix, Mystery Shopping…

Field work. Study of the competition, management of personnel and service received, products and prices, closing the sale… We will also control the level of knowledge that we have in the area of ​​our store, the number of visits and purchases that are made versus the competition.

Study of the demand for product and customer visits. Analysis of the Target Public, product portfolio, prices, conversion ratios of visits / sales,…

Executive work shop. The field work carried out will give us an answer to the degree of notoriety and knowledge of our point of sale, assessment of our market, our competition, identification of our products, differential values,… For this reason it is necessary to have work meetings where mark the first guidelines to follow.

Improvement areas. The report must conclude with a summary and final analysis in which the areas for improvement that we need to be able to compete successfully are clearly dictated. In this regard, it is essential that each of the variables and actions to be carried out are prioritized under the names of Necessary, Urgent and Recommended.

Six simple steps that can make the difference between opting for a growth strategy or a decline strategy. Now we have to answer each of us the way forward, what I do assure you is that strategic Marketing is the only tool that knows how to lead you on the path of success.

Marketing plans for small businesses