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Why do people buy?


Marketing specialists and Advertising professionals who permanently study the "stimulus-response" of consumers, as well as sociologists and social psychologists who carry out market research to establish response values ​​in market samples, would be the most indicated to answer this important question in sales generally or statistically.

From the point of view of the sale, that is to say what happens in the reality of each particular case, is a mystery that is not reproduced in the same way in all cases by the essence of each individual. You can show interest in what they are offering or selling you, but what you are thinking and the final reason that drove you to your final decision to buy (or not buy), only you know.

The professional salesperson, with his experience, is learning to read behaviors, attitudes, gestures, signals, etc. that you broadcast even if you don't want to and act with your sales techniques (questions, arguments, demonstrations, etc.) to establish if you are walking on solid ground or if you are burying yourself in a bog.

Anyway, it will try to carry it until you figure it out and decide on it. For this reason, it is impossible to give an answer that is objective and valid for all the cases that exist. However, all of us who at any given time must make a decision to buy a specific product or service always arrive, at some point in the interview or after it, to a basic and fundamental reflection: should I buy it, or not? ? (that is, Shakespeare's "to be or not to be" applied to every sales interview).

Such questioning is not necessarily done out loud, but involves making what I have termed a "value judgment" on the circumstances that are exposed in front of each of us during any sales interview. If we wanted to graph it to understand it better, it would be something like having in our mind a balance with two plates.

In one of them, the one on the left for example, we place all the benefits corresponding to each of the characteristics of the product or service that we will receive when we become owners and users of it. In the other plate, the one on the right, we will put all the money that is required (sale price) to become the owner of that product or service.

Now, if during this value judgment we feel that the plate on the left (profits) weighs more than the money plate, the conclusion is obvious: "I should buy it." The greater the weight of this dish, we will feel the desire to acquire it in an intensity proportional to it and consequently the less will be, in our mind, the weight of the money that must be paid for it.

But when the weight of the plate on the right (money) is predominant, the conclusion is: "I should not buy it." This is because: we have not perceived as important the benefits that arise from the product or service to cover a certain need that we have; We don't have such an immediate need that it demands that we decide right now; or else the price is so absurdly expensive that even when we have the need and the urgency, it makes no sense to pay nonsense for it.

We are now in a position to understand the meaning of the following answer to our question: " people do not buy a product or service, but only the certain promise to enjoy all the benefits that arise from its characteristics when becoming its owner "

Now that you know this fundamental concept in selling, when you ask about the aspects of a product and the seller answers you only in terms of characteristics, they will be informing you but they will not be selling you anything.

It will depend exclusively on your intelligence to adapt these characteristics to the measure of your needs regarding the product (benefits). On the other hand, if the seller responds to your concern by adapting these characteristics to your previously expressed needs, you will be selling the benefits of it.

In other words, you are professionally selling the product to you.

If, after that professional attention you received, you decide to buy, after having made your "value judgment" and having the necessary money available, you will become a Satisfied Customer.

This is because he was able to make an objective purchase, despite how emotional his needs may be within his scale of priorities, with the collaboration and advice of a professional salesperson.

Finally, you now have new elements that allow you to answer the question at the head of this article with fundamentals.

Copyright © 1995 by La Nación

Why do people buy?