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Logistics and procurement process of the ffaa dgsld in argentina



WOOD Objectives: They are oriented to the acquisition processes and the links of the logistics chain used.

  1. Obtain requirements that respond to the needs to be covered. Feed back the future requirements / needs with information from the receiving commissions. Standardize the information and documentation necessary to proceed with the requirements. Establish PONs, directives and technical specifications, to regulate the acquisition processes.. Build a logistics information system.

These Objectives are likely to be: Measurable, Achievable, Challenging, Effective, Realistic and Limited.

2- Qualification in Efficacy and Efficiency:

Graphic No. 1

In graph Nº1, the Objectives (WOOD) and their relation of effectiveness and efficiency are represented according to the approach to the process or its tasks. And the search for the results to be obtained in each one of them.

3- Definition of the Indicators to be used:

The following critical factors must be taken into account when formulating the indicators:

  1. Requirements (EMART) focused on needs. Obtaining opportunity, quality and quantity. Clear and agile processes. Optimizing the assigned credits.

4- Publication and management of indicators:

They are graphed in TABLE A.

5- Guidelines for the generation of the Indicators:

They are graphed in TABLE B.

6- Process evaluation report : The report will cover the following topics:

  1. Compliance on the acquisition process Satisfaction in the evacuation of doubts Processing in time Delivery of Goods and Services on time. Quantity and quality Satisfaction of communication with the interlocutors of the procurement process Clarity of the information required and / or requested.

Which will be used to gather information that improves the acquisition process, from the preparation, delivery and reception of the information and documentation for its treatment. And the interrelation between the actors involved in each of its stages.

This flexible (soft) indicator will serve to complement the information obtained from the rigid (hard) indices. Providing information that comes from human interventions and the abilities to communicate and request information from others. Providing other possible action measures to be taken, which with hard indicators may not be relieved.

7- Command Board: (strategic, tactical and operational)

From the guidelines and definition of the indexes, the following hard indicators were determined to be used in the dashboards according to the corresponding level.

a) Strategic Board:

Indicators were sought that provide the most relevant and general information, which allow Management to analyze the current situation in order to be able to make the most correct decisions, within a theoretical and uncertain framework for the future (Long Term - 6 to 12 months).

b) Tactical Board:

The indicators at this level are less general. And they seek to have an overview of the most relevant deviations to correct (Medium Term - 3 to 6 months).

c) Operating Board:

The indicators at this level are very specific to the problems that must be solved in order to process the requirements. And it seeks to be able to correct the deviations of the same with an interaction with the involved (users) as fluid as possible to streamline the process of its processing (Short Term - 1 to 3 months).

In Graph N ° 2 you can see the horizontal relationships and vertical chaining of all the concepts that support the implementation of quality management.


1- Planning: the Planning Directorate must:

  • Establish in which phase of the process to apply the indicators. Establish in which moments the data obtained from the indicators should be collected. Establish the supervision and control times in the process. Incorporate in the staff the concept of the implementation of self-managed indicators, through of the Technical Instruction Department.

2- Do: Each Head of Direction and Department must:

  • Load the data in the indicator survey sheets. Arming the charts.

Publication and dissemination of figures obtained and corrective measures to correct deviations and improve future performance.

3- Control: The Management Control Department must:

Perform supervision and control according to the plan, to see if the desired results are being achieved, with the measures taken.

Documents to use:

1- Audit questionnaire.

2- Documentation of findings:

  1. What.Who.How.Where.Action to recommend.

3- Control guidelines, Compliance:

  1. The procedure, the execution times, the person in charge of the area involved, and the corrective measures.

4- Report of lessons learned.

4- Act: The Director General through the reports of the Management Control Department will coordinate and order the:

Implementation of the necessary measures to correct deviations and improve performance in the marked processes.

Documents to use:

  1. Preparation of improvement actions. Area involved. ii. Process to improve.

iii. Responsible for carrying out actions. iv. Start date.

  1. Date 1st. Report. Contribution of lessons learned.


1- Quantify Cost-Benefit: (Graph Nº4)

  1. Define the requirements based on the needs and under a budgetary ceiling. Establish a unit that carries out the PONs, Directives and Technical Specifications. Establish a unit that implements and carries out the lessons learned from the procurement processes carried out. Implement a SIL, from the generation of the requirement to obtaining it and its final destination (the entire life cycle).

2- Integral optics:

Interact with the Technical Instruction Department to train people in the skills required to generate useful reports, obtain clear and concise information so that it can be used by all those involved in the process.

The objective is to be able to incorporate in those involved in the logistics process a management philosophy focused on quality.

The implementation of the PDCA methodology in this transformation towards quality management must contemplate the psychological and technical difficulties to be overcome by the staff, planning the incorporation of the implementation of the methodology to be able to use the command board.

The results to be obtained are:

  1. Establish order in the complex acquisition system that is carried out. Be able to analyze its evolution over time. Be able to take easy-to-implement forecasts. Quickly detect the trends of the factors that condition the acquisition process. Facilitate communication and information to all. those involved in decision-making and execution Be a facilitator to work as a team, eliminating watertight structures or factory-type chimneys (each one produces its own column of smoke), and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of management with transparent processes and that they can be subject to traceability.
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Logistics and procurement process of the ffaa dgsld in argentina