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Technical sales processes and loyalty networks

Table of contents:


“Two friends had the same type of business, but one of them complained that his business did not present the same movement as the other. One day the two met, and the concerned friend asked the second about why if he had the same supplier, had the same products, had the same quality, had the same prices and even had the same name, why the business Didn't it move the same way as this one? To which the second replied: I only know that in my business "I do not have what is not sold" and "I never lack what is sold."

There is no use having the best technology, the best products, the best quality, and the most sophisticated processes if the cash register does not ring. Today, strategies to generate high-quality products at the lowest cost are not enough. In addition, it must have a high knowledge of all processes, which allows organizations to reinvent themselves periodically (every year), eliminating or modifying what does not add value, and maintaining and improving what does contribute.

One of the most important processes in this quest to make the cash register ring is the sales process, which in our case corresponds to sales of a technical nature.

The process or processes to be dealt with in this document correspond to the different processes of technical sales.

2. The four types of customers:

With absolute certainty, there are a large number of classifications of different kinds for different types of customers, however, for the purposes of this document, we will define only four types of customers under the frameworks of "supplier assistance" and "customer loyalty". (See graphic # 1)

i) Market-taker customers (outsiders): These are those customers who receive low assistance - collaboration, and have low loyalty.

ii) Opportunity customers (those at the moment): These are those customers who are given high assistance - collaboration, and are of low loyalty.

iii) loyal customers (the good ones): They are those customers who receive low assistance - collaboration, and are highly loyal.

iv) clients of the loyalty network (the strategic ones): They are those clients to whom a high assistance - collaboration is offered, and they are of high loyalty.

Chart # 1 - customer ranking.

3. Description of the different technical sales processes:

“A main aspect of Eastern philosophy is the idea that the universe is constantly changing. Human beings, if they want to survive, must be flexible and adaptable to be able to react to these… "

For each of the defined clients, there is a sales process that presents the same general structure, but with a differentiation between each one, due to the different habits and behaviors of both the supplier and the client.

Next, the general process of a technical sale will be briefly described, to later define and classify the processes presented by each type of client.

This process is a continuous and repetitive cycle, due to the continuous changes of the environment, the company, the competition and the needs of the client. The process consists of the following 5 stages.

Graphic # 2 - general sales process

  • Stage # 1: recognition of needs:

In this stage 3 fundamental steps are integrated, which allow us to identify the needs and previously evaluate the real possibilities of the business.

The first step refers to knowledge, where it is about obtaining the best knowledge of the product-service, the environment, the Offering Company, the Competition and the client. For this, it is necessary to delve into the product-service to offer, the business opportunities and possibilities, the different specifications, the reality of the environment (environment or industry), the possible improvements and innovations to be implemented, the SWOT (Weaknesses, Opportunities, Strengths and Threats) of the Offering Company and the competition, and an approach to the client's needs.

The second step refers to the planning of the visit, where it is about responding in advance to the 7 basic questions (what? Who? How much? When? Where? How? And why?), And based on this, pre-establish behavior, needs and possibilities, scope (long term or short term), product-service options, and price estimate.

The third step refers to the interview with the client, where what is sought is to fully identify the real needs of the client (they may or may not be pre-established), and the real opportunities of the Offering Company. Based on this, options must be generated and built together with the client (Brainstorming).

  • Stage # 2: evaluating options:

This stage consists of 2 steps, which allow evaluating both the technical and economic feasibility of the business. For this, a framework for evaluating them must be outlined together with the client, where there is always a parameter or reference.

The first step corresponds to the technical evaluation of the products - services, following a logical order (laboratory, pilot plant, plant). This logical evaluation allows us to analyze the real behavior of the product-service, make the necessary adjustments and gradually reduce the influence of many of the variables outside the test. It is ideal to generate a multidisciplinary team with the participation of both the Offering Company and the client.

The second step corresponds to the economic evaluation of the products-services, based on the results obtained in the technical evaluation. This is where the analysis of the results obtained takes part, the economic proposal is made and the impact calculation is made for each option. This economic proposal will be strongly oriented to the strategies and policies defined by the Offering Company, and must take into account the SWOT of the competition under the same situation.

  • Stage # 3: resolving concerns:

This stage consists of 2 steps, where what is sought is to share the arguments of the two parties, and to Synergize the possible differences.

The first step corresponds to the presentation of the results and proposals, where the proposals are presented and their arguments are supported.

The second step corresponds to the solution of objections, where an agreement is made on the different proposals and some specific situations are clarified and that are generally not considered initially, and that could become critical if they occur.

It is worth noting, that it must be agreed in the clearest way (understandable by all), complete (covering everything) and well defined (defining exactly), the scope of responsibilities and guarantees offered both for the supplier and for the client.

After this stage, the decision is made by the client, and it is here where it is really defined whether there is a definitive agreement or not.

  • Stage # 4: implementation.

This stage corresponds to the use or application of the product-service offered, for which the assembly must be carried out, there must be an accompaniment, a solution must be given to the different problems that arise, a performance evaluation must be carried out, and if applicable, adjustments must be made to the product-service agreed upon in the negotiation.

At this stage, some modifications to the initial negotiation may be presented, according to the results of the Product-Service Implementation and / or the negotiation may be canceled.

  • Stage # 5: evolution.

This stage is also known as follow-up and verification. It seeks to continue with the permanent accompaniment of the client by the supplier, verifying compliance with the established conditions. It is about strengthening the ties of the commercial relationship by providing an excellent After-sales service; confirming that all our work is effectively focused on serving the client.

At this stage, work is carried out very focused on logistics, on the continuous improvement of the Service or Customer Service, and on the full fulfillment of the commitments acquired.

Subsequently, the technical sale process returns and is repeated, where from the great knowledge obtained from the product-service, the environment, the Offering Company, the Competition and the client; new needs (improvements and innovation) can be recognized, identified and / or generated for the benefit of the parties involved in the business.

Considering the above, we can define the sales process for each of the customer types according to the defined structure, like this:

A) loyalty network (strategic ones):

B) loyal customers (the good ones):

C) opportunity customers (those at the moment)

D) market-taking clients (outsiders)

The objective of this document, in addition to identifying some of the different existing technical sales processes; It is also to provide some information about how to build a loyalty network with customers, which is achieved through the implementation of Continuous Differentiation, and not only with the traditional Point of Differentiation.

Continuous Differentiation is achieved through the integration of strategies, initiatives and operations that allow the provider to better understand the specific needs of different clients, being able to adapt their assistance (provider assistance) more quickly, in the best way and as economical as possible, to those needs; achieving maximum Loyalty from the client.

We can fit this continuous differentiation into the classification of the four (4) types of defined clients, where its implementation allows to lead the different types of clients to become strategic clients (loyalty network).

Some of the actions of Continuous Differentiation, which allow to increase Loyalty by clients, are the following:

  • Product innovation. New products or improvements in existing ones, which benefit the client (if possible, they are tangible or seeking in some way the perception of these by the client). Integration of customer information service. The idea is to generate an information system that allows the supplier to anticipate some basic needs of the client (products, price, quantities, dates, etc.), and in which the client always knows what is happening? And is supplied with the information relevant so that you can make the decisions of the case. Customer possibilities portal. Analyze together with the client what are the options (products-services of my Company) and alternatives (products-services of the competition) that it has in the market. This generates an increase in the trust of the supplier. Administration of promotions and agreements with clients. Work together with the client in the planning, elaboration and management of promotions and agreements (as far as possible that the initiatives arise from the supplier). Joint planning and forecasting with clients. Help the client in the development of real plans and strategies that lead him to meet his objectives. Market Segmentation. Sale of specific products-services for each client (There are no Universal products-services).

"Three chemical product customers, buying the same product and the same volume, may have completely different needs in terms of delivery time, pre- and post-sales service, collaboration and assistance in product development, payment method, etc."

In the same way, some of the actions of the continuous Differentiation that increase the assistance by the provider, are the following:

  • Collaboration, planning, forecasting and correction of the entire supply chain. It is about involving the entire production chain in the generation of real plans and strategies that allow the supplier to achieve its objectives. Information management of products-services. It is about having the greatest possible knowledge of the specifications for the use of products-services, and providing it in an appropriate way (not sharing confidential information of customers). Provider possibilities portal. Completely clarify the different options for products-services, markets and clients in which there is interest and real possibilities as a supplier, knowing and analyzing as much information as possible about the competition.Management of the assistant-salesperson ingenuity. It is about training the sales and assistance force as much as possible, to enhance the identification of needs and the collaboration required by the client. Strategic sources. It seeks to locate different people, actions, situations and / or events, in which strategic information about products-services, the environment, the Company, the competition and the clients is collected. Sellers Segmentation. It is a specialization of the sales force and assistance by application sectors (change the figure of multifunctional assistants for specialist assistants).

The loyalty network must be generated very carefully and selectively, since not all products, customers, markets, geographic regions and others have the capacity to have and sustain continuous differentiation.


“A client stays with a supplier for several reasons: Because he trusts the service he provides, because he feels well cared for, because the compensation he receives for what he pays seems fair, because his expectations are exceeded by giving him more than what are you waiting for, and because the total quality of the experience with the Company is phenomenal… "


Meter Koudal & John Mcconnell (Deloitte Consoulting), Chemical Market Reporter, July 14 / 2003.

Greenderg Paul; CRM, Customer Relations Management.

Rogelio Carrillo Penso, The processes and the sales process, Product, August 2002.

Ivan Dario Saldarriaga, Workshop Seminar "Development of Negotiation Skills", August 9 - 10 / 2002.

The 7 Secrets of Successful SMEs.

Dave Marcum, Steve Smith, Mahan Khalsa; Bussines Think.

Peter Hingston; Effective Marketing.

Bob Nelson, 1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work.

Donald G. Krause, The Art of War for Executives.

Jean Paul Sallenave, The Integral Management.

Technical sales processes and loyalty networks