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Collaborative Workplace Wellness Program

Table of contents:


Source: self made


This evaluation will consist of a simple process of self-evaluation, co-evaluation and evaluation of the experience.

  1. Self- evaluation : Each person will receive a self-evaluation sheet, in which, each collaborator or collaborator, must assign a grade from 1.0 to 7.0 in relation to their participation, both in their work group and in the activities of the others groups. Co-evaluation: Each person will evaluate their group in a general way, highlighting positive aspects and aspects to improve. Comments on the experience: Each person will express their experience and what it meant to them.

For all of the above, you can use a format like the following:

Collaborative evaluation of the PCBL
Self appraisal
If I had to put a note in relation to my participation in my working group in the PCBL, my note would be ___________

If I had to put a note in relation to my participation and commitment in the activities of the other groups, my note would be ___________

In relation to my work group, I can say the following:
Positive aspects Aspects to improve

Feedback on the experience
Did this experience contribute to your job well-being? how?

Source: self made

The PCBL commission will be in charge of synthesizing the evaluations and drawing up a conclusion, which will be presented to all the people who are part of the organization.


From the conclusion of the collaborative evaluation presented by the PCBL commission, the activity Phillips 6-6 will be carried out again, to reflect on the aspects to improve, based on the experience lived. Groups of 6 people must be made up of people who have belonged to groups of different projects.

Each group, in 6 minutes, will generate an idea for improvement, which they will then share through one or more representatives to the rest of those present. A list will be made containing ideas for improvement.


The same cycle starts from the beginning. A collaborative diagnosis is performed to see if there are changes in relation to the initial diagnosis. When starting participatory planning, improvement ideas must be integrated in an innovative way, so that the activities are more meaningful, creative, interesting and efficient.


Work well-being is a fundamental aspect of concern in organizations. This requires concrete actions that allow to take advantage of the creativity and talent of each of the collaborators of the company. The logic of collaboration, in the design, implementation and evaluation, increases motivation, favors personal commitment and contributes to the horizontality of relationships in the organization.

The proposal that I have presented is just a small example, simple and lacking in many fundamental elements that a program must have, which contains several projects, however, it is a small approach to understand the path of intervention in the field of labor welfare.


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Collaborative Workplace Wellness Program